Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 15


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Nancy and I exchanged high five's and the two Ladies of State, sporting their vintage, ripped Daisy Dukes entered the Tri Delt house to a chorus of cat-calls and wolf whistles by the dates of the Tri Delts—making those suzie sorority Tea Sips somewhat envious and jealous!

Nancy giggled, "Mrs. Long is the Tri Delt's house mother. Yvonne was my home room teacher from pre-school through the third grade. She's a lot cooler than Ol' Lady Little!"

Nancy knocked on the Tri Delt's house mother's door, "Yo Yvonne... Wake up! You've got a visitor in the lobby!"

The door quickly opened and an elderly woman spoke, "Land sakes, if it's not Nancy Dobbier! Goodness gracious child, what are you doing here?"

Nancy smiled, "Hello Yvonne. I'd like for you to meet my roomie, Sue Andrews. We just decided to take a road trip this Sunday afternoon. After a brief stop in Northwest so I could pick up some allowance cash, we decided to buzz down to University to see Sticky. Is Sticky in her room?"

Mrs. Long replied, "Pleased to meet you Miss Andrews. I believe Brenda's in her room, but let me check. Nancy did you pledge a sisterhood at State?"

Nancy giggled, "Yes Yvonne, the best sorority on State's campus."

Yvonne answered, "Thank goodness! Being part of the sisterhood is so, so important. What sorority have you pledged?"

Nancy giggled, "The LAS, Ladies Athletic Sorority, it's more or less a 'closed knit' sorority with a rather unique and unusual initiation. My roommate, Sue Andrews has already been initiated. I suspect my initiation will be forthcoming in the not too distant future."

Mrs. Long, with a puzzled look on her face, said, "Yes, I see Brenda has signed back in and is in her room. I'm not familiar with the Ladies Athletic Sorority. Is this sorority properly chartered?"

Nancy giggled, "I doubt it, Yvonne. Let me page Sticky for you. I want to surprise her!"

Mrs. Long gave Nancy the intercom microphone, "Nancy, now behave yourself! Several of our girls are entertaining young gentlemen in the parlor."

Nancy took the mike, smiled, then gave a shrill whistle into the microphone, and yelled, "YO... STICKY... YOUR SHIT-KICKING LITTLE SIS IS IN THE LOBBY! HUSTLE THAT TEA SIP BOOTY OF YOURS DOWN HERE


Yvonne just shook her head, "Heavens to Betsy child, you haven't changed at bit! Now please hand me the microphone."

Nancy smiled, "Roomie, you want to page Debbie?"

I asked, "Mrs. Long, my sis, Debbie Ferguson, is a Tri Delt, and I'd like to surprise her too. But trust me—I won't page her like my roommate just paged Brenda."

Yvonne shook her head, "Oh well, go ahead and page Debra, there's really nothing anyone can do about Nancy. She's been like this ever since I taught her pre-school, kindergarten, and through the third grade! Poor Karen and Phillip had their hands full trying to keep their daughter under control."

I spoke into the microphone, "Debbie... Abelie... Ferguson, you have a visitor in the lobby... Debbie Abelie..."

But before I could finish my page, Nancy grabbed the microphone and yelled, "HOT TAMALE, YOUR SHIT-KICKING SIS IS WAITIN' FOR YOU IN THE LOBBY... GET YOUR TEA SIP BUTT DOWN HERE ON THE DOUBLE!"

Nancy was giggling and laughing, holding the microphone in her hand, while Mrs. Long stood dead-still, slowly shaking her head side to side, while reaching out to take the microphone from Nancy.

Suddenly a shout was heard above all the laughter in the Tri Delt lobby, "Gummy what are you doing here?"

I turned and approaching Nancy and me was definitely one knock-out—every bit the nine of my Roomie and my smokin' hot Sis! Brenda had the most beautiful classic chestnut hair I'd ever laid eyes on—her long, luxurious waves were absolutely breath taking as she approached us wearing a pair of tight fittin' jeans, a sleeveless half-tank top along with a pair of sexy summer sandals.

Nancy smiled in Brenda's direction, "Yo Sticky! Roomie and me decided to break away from State this afternoon and take a little road trip!

Sticky, you remember my roomie, Sue Andrews, don't you?"

Brenda grinned at me, "How I could I ever forget her! The semis was absolutely the greatest game I'd ever seen—I mean, you both laid it all on the line, it was pretty incredible! I'll be willing to bet, before you two graduate from State, not only will y'all be sporting more championship rings than you've got fingers, but you both will re-write the record books!

Nancy and I grinned at each other while giving Brenda a couple high five's!

"I'm glad to finally meet you Sue. Debbie has told me so much about how inseparable the two of you were back in Dragon. I guess in way, you and Debbie are a lot me and Gummy.

"So Gummy, how are things at State?"

Before Nancy could answer, I was giggling, "Brenda, she never mentioned her nickname was Gummy! Fill me in on it!"

Brenda smiled, "I guess I started calling her Gummy when she was maybe nine years old. Gummy was always bouncing a basketball, eating Gummy Bear candy with her blonde hair in pig tails..."

Nancy butted in, "Hush up, Sticky!"

Brenda smiled, "Okay. So, Gummy how is life treating you at State?"

Nancy replied, "School is going great and basketball is hell on earth, so to say, but..."

Brenda interrupted Nancy, "Gummy, that's not what I was referring to! I watched State's game yesterday at the Maroon & White after we beat the Falcons. I knew exactly what Eddie Simmons was doing running off the field after that long touchdown run, holding that football above his head, and pointing toward the crowd! So, I guess you and Eddie are back together?"

Nancy smiled, "Not quite yet, although we have broken the ice a bit."

I giggled, "Roommate, I'd say you've more than broken the ice a bit! Especially after this morning in the dorm's lobby when he brought you the football he scored 'your' touchdown with!"

Brenda sighed, "Okay Gummy, what'd you do?"

Nancy let out a deep breath, "I lost it and before he left we locked lips for the first time since prom night! But I did tell him I may have tentative plans for Homecoming on Thursday in the Union when he asked me to Homecoming."

Brenda snapped at Nancy, "Gummy, didn't I tell you not to give in the first time Eddie comes crawling back? Do Eddie just like I did Tim! Make him squirm, pour salt in the wound, make him think he's lost the best thing he ever had, and when it's time to take him back, do it on your terms—just like I did! Trust me, Gummy—once you do it the right way, his skirt chasing days will come to an abrupt halt!"

Nancy replied, "Sticky, I just lost it momentarily. I'm still following your sisterly advice. Trust me Sticky, I'll be pouring more than just a little salt in the wound before I kiss and make up with Eddie. Homecoming night I intend for Eddie to meet his competition face to face, and when Eddie realizes I'll be shack'n up with Terry, it'll make him squirm, wondering if he lost the best thing he ever had when he jumped ship and ditched me for that titty shakin', suzie sorority cheerleader Beth Beaver. I'll make my move to reclaim Eddie when I'm good and ready. And, when I do, it'll be like taking candy from a baby!

Nancy quickly changed the subject, looking Brenda in the eyes, "Okay Sticky, enough about me, how about you and Tim. Are you two still hot to trot or on the outs again?"

Brenda with a bigger-than-Texas grin, held up her left hand, and on her ring finger was what looked to be a one-carat marquise diamond center stone with smaller diamonds on the sides of the yellow gold band engagement ring!

Brenda smiled at Nancy, "Does this answer your question Gummy?"

Nancy went ballistic and immediately threw her arms around her 'big sis', giving Brenda a big sisterly hug, "Oh My Gosh! Sticky like when did this happen? Why didn't you tell me? I can't believe it..."

Brenda interrupted Nancy, "Gummy, give me a chance and I'll tell you! Tim and I got engaged last night..."

It was Nancy's turn to interrupt, "Sticky you came to State and didn't even call me to tell me or..."

Brenda was laughing, "No Gummy, we met at my house and that's where Tim proposed. Now, don't interrupt me and I'll tell you all about it...

"Tim called me Wednesday night and after about thirty minutes or so he told me, 'the team would be boarding the bus for the airport around four something tomorrow for the flight to Irish Stadium.' I called Tim around two-ish on Thursday to wish him and State 'good luck.' It was during our conversation Tim suggested we meet Saturday night at my house for a late night dinner and perhaps a trip to Grandpa's barn.

"I giggled at Tim, 'Baby let's just forget dinner and meet at Grandpa's barn!'

'Tim replied, 'Naw, let's go out to dinner first and bring your folks along.'

"Like I said, after our game ended, Debbie, Mary Ann, and I showed up at the Maroon & White still wearing our cheerleading uniforms to watch State play the Irish. Debbie's older sister, Sally, joined us.

"During our game Sally was like a private tutor to the cheerleading squad on the field, consistently showing us moves to improve and spice up our routines.

"The Maroon & White was packed to the rafters with football fans watching the five big screens, drinking, partying, most cheering wildly for the Irish, with only a handful rooting for State. Mom and Dad along with your parents—and several of their Northwest, University alumni friends—all rooting for the two former Titans, Tim and Eddie, but sometimes Tea Sip blood is thicker than water.

"The game came to an end, and I left the Maroon & White telling Mom, 'I'll be home around 7:30, Tim will show up somewhere around 8:30-ish, and we'll all go out for a late night dinner.' I went back to the Tri Delt house, packed an overnight bag and signed out until Sunday at noon.

"I arrived home around a quarter till eight. Mom and I were in the kitchen while Dad was watching the scoreboard show on ESPN when I heard Tim's 4x4 diesel Ford truck pulling into the drive. I yelled, 'Dad, Tim's here, can you show him in?'

"Dad answered the door, and said, 'Come on in Tim, Brenda's in the kitchen with Prissy. She'll be right out.

"'By the way, I thought you and State played a heck of game today, just too darn many mistakes at critical times to beat a team the caliber of the Irish. Of course, I don't have to tell you who Prissy and I were rooting for—we only come to the University games to watch Brenda cheer for the Maroon and White.

"Tim answered with a deep sigh, 'I know Henry. We gave it away today. I guess there is truth to the old saying, 'the luck of the Irish' because we beat them up and down the field, but gave it away with mental breakdowns at critical times on both sides of the ball.

"'We can't worry about today, it's in the past. We have to move on and get ready to host the second-ranked Trojans on Saturday. We're a banged up football team. It was the type of physical game you'd expect to play in the NFL.'"

Brenda continued, "I heard Dad and Tim talking about how physical the game was and upon entering the living room I asked Tim, 'Baby, you're okay aren't you?'

"Tim replied, 'I'm fine, darling—just bruised up quite a bit, but we've got several key players that are either out or questionable for Saturday.'

"Brenda said, 'I asked Tim, 'Who's hurt, Baby?'

"Tim replied, 'It looks like JT will be moving back to defense since Josh tore up his knee, most likely his ACL, and will be out for the rest of the season. Our starting right offensive tackle, Anthony Smithwater, suffered an Achilles tendon injury and is out indefinitely. The offensive right guard and right tackle will have to be replaced for Saturday's game against the Trojans with two highly-touted freshmen Coach Lewis wanted to red shirt. We'll be going the rest of the season with three true freshmen on the offensive line.'

"'And, if that isn't enough, Eddie is questionable with shoulder and wrist injuries along with Sanders having some badly bruised ribs...'"

Nancy immediately interrupted Brenda, "Sticky, that isn't what Eddie told me this morning! Sure, his right arm was in a sling and an air cast on his right wrist, but he told me, 'Princess just a couple of minor sprains, my shoulder and wrist. I'll be okay for Saturday's game'—didn't he say that Roomie?"

I answered Nancy, "Yes, that's what Eddie told both of us, but I never knew until today Tom played most of last season with bruised ribs. I doubt either one of them will tell the truth because it'll take an Act of Congress to keep them off the field—even if they're not physically fit to play..."

Brenda interrupted me, "Calm down both of you! I'm only telling you what Tim told me. Now where was I before Gummy got all excited about Eddie's injuries?

I sighed, "I think you were to about to tell us how Tim proposed to you."

Brenda smiled, "After Tim finished telling me who was hurt, Dad asked, 'Isn't it about time we decided on dinner? I'm getting hungry, any idea where we're going to dinner? Why don't we go to Charlie's Grill or maybe El Rancho Cortez for some of that home-cooked Mexican food?'

"Tim replied, 'Not tonight Henry, I was kinda of thinking... the Ol' Francisco...'

"Dad interrupted Tim, 'The Ol' Francisco? We only go there for special occasions like weddings, anniversary, Christmas, and family reunions. What's the occasion tonight? It surely isn't the outcome of today's football game.'

"Tim smiled, 'Henry, unless I miss my guess, tonight will be one of those a once in a lifetime occasions, none of us will ever forget.'

Brenda smiled at us, "I didn't expect it! Sure, Tim and I had talked a bit about getting engaged sometime before school ended in May, but we hadn't even been window shopping for rings. To say I was stunned beyond belief when he dropped down to a knee is definitely an understatement!

"Tim held my hand in his, smiled up at me, 'Brenda, last year when I was a dumbass jock, chasing a skirt, I was afraid for the first time in my life—I was afraid I had lost the best thing that had ever happened to me, I thought you were gone from my life forever!'

"Tim was hanging his head low when he mumbled, 'Brenda, with a bruised heart, deflated ego, and a sad soul I apologize to you unconditionally from the bottom of my heart for what I did. I did things I'll always regret. I love you and never want to lose you again. I've always loved you and well... I'm the luckiest guy on the face of the earth to be given a second chance to spend the rest of my life with the only girl my heart has ever loved. I want to marry you and the sooner the better... Will you marry me?'

Brenda was grinning ear to ear, "I took Tim's head between my hands and smiled down at him, 'Baby, last year was a difficult, trying seven months for me too. What happened, well, yes it should have never happened, but it did. My heart was filled with anger and there was no room for love. I wanted revenge, and just like you, I regret doing the things I did. We've been able to piece our relationship back together because it's not that we forgot what happened but we forgave each other for what happened.

"'Baby, sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together again. The feelings we once shared for each other came back because those feelings never really left either of our hearts. Our fire was rekindled, our love surfaced again—stronger than ever, breathing a new life. And, sometimes Baby, second chances work out even better than the first because we've learned from our mistakes.'

"'YES BABY, I'LL MARRY YOU! I'll be by your side, supporting you whether you're in the NFL or managing Grandpa's ranch operations. I've always loved you too, and I never want to lose you again!"

Brenda continued, "I held out my hand and Tim placed the engagement ring on my finger, quickly got up and we locked lips like we had never done before.

"Mom and Dad were jumping for joy! Both my parents always thought Tim hung the moon and Dad laughed, 'I always knew this day would eventually come around, especially after last year's football game between State and University. Poor old Kip got an ass kickin' that day he'll never forget.' Tim and I just smiled at each other before we locked lips once again!

"Dad was on a roll, 'Now, let's go eat! I'm hungry! Prissy, after dinner, maybe we should take in a late night movie? Who knows after all this excitement today, I could just be in a frisky mood tonight!'

"Tim and I got in his 4x4, Mom and Dad in the GMC Denali, and we drove to the Ol' Francisco for our engagement dinner.

"During dinner proposed wedding dates were discussed. Tim and I finally agreed we'd get married during the summer before school started, sometime in mid- to late-July.

"I mentioned, 'Our senior year will be a hectic one to say the least with us being married, me, the head cheerleader for the Maroon and White while my hubby is playing for State. Not to mention, Tim graduating in December with his bachelor of science in agriculture, and me following suit in May with my accounting degree. And, to top it off, after the curtain falls on Tim's football career at State, he'll be going through vigorous training schedule for the NFL combine in February. But, we've come this far together and there is no doubt, we'll make it work!'

"After dinner, Mom and Dad decided to take in a late movie, leaving the house to Tim and me for a couple hours or so. But once in my driveway, I asked Tim, 'Baby, for old time's sake, let's spend the night in Grandpa's barn!'

"Tim smiled, 'Sounds like a plan. Remember when I said those exact words, the first time we made love in Grandpa's barn?'

"I smiled at Tim, 'Yes, Baby it was our senior prom night, but tonight I hope Mr. Winky is in a more cooperating mood, it's been two weeks now, and Miss Kitty is primed and raring to go.'

"I got my overnight bag, left Mom and Dad a note and followed Tim's 4x4 Ford to Grandpa's barn. I pulled my Camaro in behind Tim's truck and we made love for the first time as fiancé and fiancée until the roosters were crowing at dawn's early light! "

Nancy was beside herself, "Like when Sticky, like when in July? I can't miss the big day but I'll be playing summer league..."

Brenda smiled, "Gummy, there can't be a wedding without my little sis, who by the way, will be my maid of honor!"

Nancy, with a big smile on her face, hugged Brenda, "Sticky, like how are you and Tim going to make it work? Tim living in the athletic dorm at State and you at University in the Tri Delt house?"

Brenda replied, "Tim and I covered that issue between our love-making sessions last night. Since I'm a senior I'll have to move out of the House anyway, and the money I was using from my Presidential Scholars Award for room and board in the House can be used elsewhere. Once we're married, Tim can move out of the athletic dorm and receive the equivalent of room and board in cash toward off-campus living quarters. Of course, during the season, Tim can still get his meals at the training table.

Tim has already got the green light from Grandpa for us to set up housekeeping on his ranch in the one-bedroom guest house. It's perfect too, since Northwest is halfway between State and University, and the rent will be dirt cheap. We'll be together every night, well except for the nights before the games during football season..."

Suddenly Brenda was interrupted by louds screams, "OH MY GOSH—SIS YOU'RE HERE! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! YOU'RE HERE! OH MY GOSH!"

Everyone looked toward the spiral staircase, and coming down the stairs like a whirlwind, was Debbie, dressed in a pair of gym shorts, a pair of flip flops, a University Cheerleader T-shirt without a bra. Her bare 36D's underneath flopped side to side.

Debbie and I hugged each other like two long-lost sisters even though it'd only been two weeks since we parted ways for the first time in our lives.
