Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 24


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"Jamie replied to the Doorman, 'Thanks for the tip' and the three of us ventured down to the Main bar.

"We entered the bar area, approached the bar, and ordered three Hurricanes. The bartender never asked any questions, and just smiled an evil grin as he looked at my fake ID. The bartender took our order and as we were standing at the bar waiting for the barkeep to bring us our Hurricanes, suddenly I heard a familiar voice shout out, 'ANGIE... ANGELA KAY SMALLY... OVER HERE ANGIE! OVER HERE!'

"I looked in the direction of the voice, and smiled as I saw Billy standing and waving his arms at a round table suited for six with two other guys. I smiled a naughty girl smile and said, 'Y'all, I think we just hit the jackpot! That's Billy and just guessing those two other guys are either his frat rat brothers, members of State's band, or maybe both, and from a distance those two are just like Billy... pretty dang cute!'

"Jamie smiled and said, 'Well from a distance I agree with you Angie. I'm guessing from this distance the three of them are every bit solid high sevens, maybe even pushing average good looking eights, but there's no question about it... they're absolutely fuck-able-and if those other two are packing anything like what you've told me Billy is packing... yeah they're definitely what I'm looking for! How about you Cindy? What's your take on screwing these dudes?'

"Cindy was straddling the fence, laughed, and replied, 'I don't know! The only cock I've ever had has been Barry's, and I've really never desired to have another cock, but at least we'll have a table.'

"The barkeep delivered our Hurricanes and as I pointed toward Billy's table, I asked, 'Do those three guys have an open tab?'

"The barkeep replied, 'Well, I guess they sorta do. They wandered in here about an hour-an-a-half ago before things got busy, found that table, and ordered three 'Canes. Afterwards, they've just sippin' on those 'Canes, and I guess rehashing the Sugar Bowl 'cause they damn sure ain't ordered anythin' else! I'm guessin' just from lookin' at the beads hangin' around y'all's necks... well, y'all on the prowl tonight and want me to add the three 'Canes to their tab-don't cha?'

"I replied, 'Sure do! I know one of them pretty darn well, and since we all go to State, I seriously doubt the other two will mind one bit!'

"We took our drinks and ventured toward Billy's table. I smiled and gave Billy a great big hug and said, 'Hey Best Guy Friend... long time no see.'

"Billy smiled and replied, 'Guys I want y'all to meet the hottie of Heritage High... none other than THE Angie Smally. And while I've never mentioned it guys, me and Angie were Best Friends ever since our grade school days. I was her Best Guy Friend, and she was my Best Girl Friend, and we dated all throughout high school. Angie could have gone out with other guys a million times, but she never did, and even though she was the hottie of Heritage High and I was just a Band Nerd, it was me who was Angie's date for our senior prom ... wasn't I Angie?'

"I smiled a devilish grin in Billy's direction and replied, 'Yes you were Billy.'

"Billy had an ear to ear grin and asked, 'Angie even though we all know who these other two hotties are, how about personally introducing your teammates to me and my PIKE brothers and roommates, Peter and Elliot. By the way, Pete and Elliot are also members of State's band, and the three of us are best buds.'

"I laughed at Billy and answered back, 'Billy, Elliot, and Peter, meet our low post player junior, Cindy Curio, and my Big Sis, our leader and team captain, the queen of the hardwoods, none other than our power forward, senior Jamie Thomas.'

"Elliot smiled a shit eating grin and said, 'Ain't no doubt about it, the three of y'all are every bit smokin ' hot eights when watchin' y'all on the court from the stands, but up close and personal, the three of y'all are damn sure pushin' nines! Now I ain't heard too much about Miss Cindy, but Miss Jamie and Miss Angie's reputations of being a couple of hot pieces of ass precedes them!'

"I just giggled and with a naughty girl voice answered my accuser, 'Its Elliot isn't it?'

"Elliot replied in a cocky voice, 'Yes Miss Angie, I'm Elliot.'

"I looked Elliot right in the eyes and said, 'Well Mr. Elliot it's like this, I always strive to give a-hundred-and-ten-percent whether I'm on the court or in the sack! Now let's change the subject just a bit, what'd all think about the game today?'

'"Billy let out a deep sigh and said, 'Well it ain't no secret, Tom Sanders damn sure ain't one of my favorite people, but I have to give it the son-of-a-bitch, that was one unbelievable catch he made to win the game for us today.'

"Elliot laughed and said, 'Come on Lowsome you're just crying over spilled milk since Sanders beat your time, and while you were fuckin' around being Best Friends with Smally, Sanders stopped beating around the bush and popped her cherry-ain't that what happened Smally?'

"I looked in Billy's direction and when he never said a word, I shot back at Elliot, 'Well it seems Band Nerd you just stuck your foot in your mouth because you're all wet when it comes to WHO popped my cherry!

"'Billy and me may have shared a Best Friends relationship though out our high school days, but the truth of the matter is just because the magic wasn't there between us, well, two months or so before our senior prom, me and Billy's relationship switched gears just a bit and became a Best Friends with Benefits relationship.

"'So Mr. Elliot, even though Tom Sanders was my first, and only true love to this point in my life, it wasn't Tom-boy, but My Best Guy Friend who was the first to play with titties, suck my nipples, get inside my panties, and use his fingers in a magical sort of up and down my slit while he played with my clit until I had one of those bone chilling clitty orgasms! And just to set the record straight, prom night it wasn't Tom Sanders who popped my cherry, but my Best Guy Friend, Billy Lowsome!

"'And to put icing on the cake Band Nerd, two months or so later after summer league and all the band camps had ended, me and Billy finally got around to celebrating our graduation, and after drinking a couple bottles of wine, my Best Guy Friend was the first guy to eat me out! After Billy finished eating me out, I was primed, and my pussy was his for the taking, but Billy had too much to drink, and I'm sad to say... he couldn't get it up! So Mr. Elliot now that you know the rest of the story, quit trying to humiliate and make a fool out of my Best Guy Friend!'

"Elliot with a puzzled look on his face asked, 'HOLY SHIT! Lowsome, why didn't you ever tell us it was YOU who got Smally's cherry?'

"Billy smiled and said, 'Guys we may be best buds, but there are some things that are just aren't any of y'all's business.'

"I looked at Billy smiled and said, 'Great seeing you again Best Guy Friend, and meeting your best buds, but I guess it's time for me and my teammates to mosey along, and find us a table.'

"Billy quickly replied, 'Angie, ain't no reason to leave, we've got plenty of room at our table, and we'd be tickled pink if y'all would join us. How about it Angela Kay?'

"Before I could reply Jamie spoke us and said, 'Well Angie, I'm for taking them up on the offer... that is... if no strings are attached. How about you Cindy?'

"Cindy replied, 'Jamie, the same goes for me too' and held up her ring finger showing off her rock.

"Peter hadn't been very talkative, but he finally spoke up, and said, 'Miss Cindy whoever your fiance is... he is the luckiest guy on State's campus. And just to let you know...well, you're everything that dreams are made of... I mean you're the girl of my dreams...'

"Cindy smiled, interrupted Peter and said, 'Thank you for the compliment Peter, but flattery will get you nowhere... I'm off the market!'

"Billy quickly butted in and said, 'Y'all, there ain't gonna be no strings come on, have a seat, and join us.'

"Afterwards the three of us joined Billy and his two PIKE brothers at their table, and of course, Jamie and me were just putting on a show by playing hard to get.

"We were sipping on our Hurricanes and for the next ten, maybe fifteen minutes we sat across from each other chatting away about our high school days, our years at State, and since it was out in the open about Billy and me, well I wasn't bashful and briefly mentioned what it was like to be fucked by seven different shaped cocks.

"After I'd finished, Jamie joined in and told everyone about giving up her cherry to Mickey Lucas their freshman year, and how their romantic relationship lasted a year and a half before Mickey jumped ship behind her back, and became seriously involved with a hot freshman State cheerleader-none other than Jenny Powllers! After being dumped by Mickey, Jamie filled us all in about how she did a flip-flop, and became this happy-go-lucky kinda of girl-playing basketball, partying, and along the way not only enjoying the tingling sensations of four different shaped cocks, but all the pleasures of four different tongues making out with her whole pussy, and after giving her clit a good tongue bath each of the guy's cocks flooded her body with this sense of euphoria until her pussy was overflowing with semen!

"Afterwards the guys, especially Peter, wanted to hear all about Cindy and Barry's relationship, and as Cindy took center stage to tell the story about her and Barry's relationship from A-Z, Peter was making googly eyes in her direction from across the table.

"Peter and Elliot were next up and let everyone in about giving up their virginity to a couple street walkers back in their hometowns just before their high school graduation. Eventually, we got around to this past football season, and what a thrill it was to not only win the Sugar Bowl, but to beat University on the gridiron for the first time in twenty years! And of course the guys were thrilled that the Ladies of State were undefeated, but were curious about what the prospects were for not only a seventh consecutive conference championship, but perhaps a berth in the Sweet Sixteen-something no other Ladies of State team had ever accomplished.

"We continued chatting away and the guys began telling us stories about all the things that go on in the Pike House, especially after a frat party! Jamie, Cindy, and me were laughing and giggling as the guys filled us in on how easy it was to con some Suzie Sorority into spending the night in PIKE House. The guys were LOL about how after getting all the pussy they wanted off of a Suzie Sorority they'd slip out the door, clue in all their PIKE brothers, and the brotherhood would gather down in the lobby, form a tunnel, and cheer as the lucky PIKE, or PIKES in some cases, would escort the Suzie Sorority down the PIKE House 'Walk of Shame'!

"And of course my Best Guy Friend couldn't resist the opportunity to pat himself on the back, and clue us all in a bit on how he escorted two of my Heritage High Lady Buffs teammates down the PIKE House's Walk of Shame!

"Billy was smiling shit eating grin, and in a cocky, devilish voice said, 'Angela Kay, it was right after we got back from Christmas break our freshman year that I finally got the opportunity to escort a Suzie Sorority down the PIKE House Walk of Shame. The brotherhood invited the DG's over for a frat party, and the rumors floating around the PIKE House centered around the DG sisters making Walks of Shame out of the ATO, Kappa Sig, and FIJI frat houses during the first semester. So, all the brotherhood was pumped up to no end, and was expectin' to get lots action.

"'I'd just bought a new twelve pack of Trojan Magnum Thins before I left Heritage after Christmas break since I'd used the remaining ten of the original twelve pack I bought for prom night on one of our ol' Heritage High classmates! Angela Kay, you do remember why there were only ten... doncha?'

"I never answered Billy, but smiled a naughty girl smile, and nodded my head in his direction. Billy smiled back, and with that shit eating grin written all over his face, he continued, 'Anyway, the DG sisters not only accepted our invitation, but also a repeat performance with the FIJI's, and only about a couple dozen of the DG sisters showed up right on time for our frat party. Now it just so happened that Betsy was one of the DG's, and while Bess wasn't in the same class of hottest as some of her DG sisters, or anyone of the Three Musketeers back in Heritage, but at the same time with her good looks, bubble butt, thick muscular thighs, and BIG bamboos, well, all the guys back in Heritage always referred to Bess as "a very fuck-able mid-seven." And the way Bess was dressed for our frat party would have made a preacher look twice! Bess was a down right knockout dressed in a deep blue, snug fittin', and shoulder baring Cut Out Seamless top. A pale blue ripped denim mini skirt with a sexy hot pink drawstring waist, and wearin' a pair of black ankle boots. So once the party got rollin', I made a beeline for Bess and started comin' on to her-hopin' it'd work out before one of my upper class PIKE brothers horned in and made a move on her.

"'Bess and I were just chit-chattin', dancin' like a brother and sister, and sharin' stories about our days at Heritage High. It was after a couple dances, and a second Jungle Juice that Bess opened up. We were dancin', chit-chattin' away, when Bess mentioned out of the clear blue sky that this was her first ever frat party, and with a naughty girl smile just happened to casually hint that she hadn't experienced ANY sexual relations with a guy since prom night. I put two-and-two together PDQ and pulled Bess in close up against me. Once Bess was nestled skintight against me, she never hesitated one bit, wrapped her arms around my neck, laid her head on my shoulder, and started rubbin' those bamboos up against my chest! I damn sure didn't dilly-dally around, and started kissin' Bess with teasin' kisses up and down her neck, all around her earlobes, and after a dozen or so of teasin' kisses, Bess slowly lifted her head off my shoulder, looked me in the eyes with one of those "I want you now looks", and before the band finished playin' "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You", we locked lips with one doozy of a red hot Frenchie! Afterwards, I took Bess by the hand, and started escortin' her up to my room.

"'Once I had Bess up in my room we started makin' out hot and heavy, and it wasn't no time at all before I'd peeled off every stitch of that sexy outfit, unhooked her hot pink push-up bra, and went to town lickin' and kissin' all over those fabulous bamboos. Bess was moanin' her head off, and before long, I was gettin' a mouth full of those bamboos. I was nibblin' on those plump rose-tipped peaks, suckin' on them like a wet/dry vac, and after a few of minutes of suckin' her on her nips, I added a bit of fuel to the fire, moved my hand southward, slipped it inside her red cheeky bikini panties, and when Bess didn't balk, I startin' rubbin' her pussy in all the right ways. Betsy's pussy was nice and wet, and its horny smell, was a damn good sign, it wouldn't be too much longer before I'd be gettin' my third piece of ass off one of my ol' Heritage High classmates.

"'I guess it was only a couple minutes of runnin' my fingers up and down Bess' pussy's lips, and rubbin' her clit with my thumb, that Bess spread her legs nice and wide, givin' me the green light that she was ready to be fingered. I pushed my middle and index fingers knuckle deep in her pussy, and started finger-bangin' her. I was finger-fuckin' our ol' classmate, rubbin' her clit with my thumb, and suckin' on her nips... and it wasn't long before Bess went to losin' it.

"'Bess started thrashin' her hips side to side, breathin' short sharp gasps, and tossin' her head back and forth. Milliseconds later she breathed in a loud gasp and let out a couple loud groans, "OH... OH GAWD", and her whole body started jerkin', quiverin', and shakin', like she was havin' some sort of convulsive attack, and it lasted for at least fifteen seconds before she finally calmed down.

"'Afterwards, I rose up, pulled off those soaked cheeky bikini panties and pitched them somewhere on the floor. Bess was gaspin' for air, lyin' flat on her back, and as I smiled a shit eatin' grin, I gazed down at her dark brown bush, and for a split-second I thought about eatin' her out before I fucked her. However for some weird reason I suddenly remembered all the tales Oliver had told in the locker room about givin' Bess facials, pearl necklaces, and drenchin' her bush with cum-shots, so I thought otherwise, and rolled on my first Trojan of the night.

"'I got into the missionary position and Bess spread her legs a bit wider. I was pushin' my cock's head against her pussy's openin', and when it slipped right through, well, instead of followin' my PIKE brothers and Band Camp mentors advice of give 'er the bone an inch at a time, I gave Bess the bone with one hard, fast stroke right to the hilt. Bess flinched, dug her finger nails into the middle of my back like a railroad spikes, and let out a loud squeal, "OHHHHH", and within a heartbeat, I pulled my cock all the way out, rammed it all the way back in again, and just like moments earlier, Bess flinched, dug her nails even deeper into my back, and let out another loud, "OHHHHH". I pulled all the way again, and give 'er a third hard, fast thrust right to the hilt, but this time I held my cock motionless, and started churnin' my hips, grindin' my pubic bone against her clit. It wasn't even a minute later that Bess let loose, and got in sync with me. She started thrustin' her hips upward, grindin' her clit all over my pubic bone, rockin' back and forth, and within an eye lash... we were knockin' boots like a couple of porn stars!

"'I went to givin' it to Bess with six hard fast stokes right to the hilt before stoppin' to churn my hips, and grind my pubic bone all over her clit, and unlike prom night with Oliver, Bess' pussy was lovin' my cock. We were really gettin' it on for around fifteen minutes when Bess screamed to the top of her lungs, "GAWD Billy... BILLY... OH GAWD... DON'T STOP... OH SWEET BABY JESUS... I'M GOING TO ORGASM", and not even a millisecond later Bess went to experiencin' her first ever peel-me-off the ceiling orgasm from PIV sex!

"'Bess' whole body seemed to spasm violently all at once, and it was like she was havin' a convulsive attack all over again, but this time she shook and trembled for a good half-minute, maybe closer to forty-five seconds before she finally calmed down, which was about the same time my cockhead's tip was fillin' my first Trojan Magnum Thin of the night full to the brim. And to make the story short and sweet, before Bess made her Walk of Shame out of the PIKE House, I'd used half of the new package of Trojan Magnum Thins on your ol' teammate! And by the way, Bess was lovin' every minute of it too, and when she made her first Walk of Shame, there was that unmistakable afterglow written all over her face... somethin' neither Bess nor any of y'all experienced prom night... Remember Angela Kay?'

"I ignored Billy's remark, and he just right on telling the story about his frat party experience with Betsy. 'Bess started to get dressed and when she found her bra and panties, I smiled into her brown eyes, and said, "It's a PIKE House tradition for me to keep these, and hang 'em on the to souvenir board". Bess just grinned and handed me her bra and panties. Once we finished dressing, we kissed a rather sexy Frenchie, and as we left my room laying on the floor next to my bed was the evidence of Bess' first ever frat party-six very well used Trojan Magnum Thins!

"'Once downstairs I had a big ol' Texas grin on my face as I was escortin' Bess down the PIKE House's Walk of Shame to the cheers and high fives of the brotherhood, and I'm sure Bess had not only one very sore pussy, but very happy pussy since my cock, and magical fingers had sent your Lady Buffs teammate reeling into the Big O galaxy like a non-stop cumfest until she finally threw in the towel!'
