Tongue Tied


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"How do you want it?" I asked planting a kiss on her my dick pressing up against her leg.

Taby slid away from me and spread herself out on the couch, before lifting one leg up over the back of the couch, her fingers sliding between her thighs and gently prising her pussy lips apart. "Give it to me Cam and don't stop until you've emptied your balls inside me."

I positioned myself in between her thighs and pressed the tip of my dick against her opening. "Is this what you want?" I asked rubbing gently against her clit. "Do you want me to fill up your tight little pussy like I did your mouth? Pump you full of my sticky cum until it overflows?"

"Holy shit yes." Taby moaned twisting her hips forwards in an attempt to push my cock inside. "Fuck that was sexy as hell Cam, give it to me already."

I plunged into her in one powerful stroke, my cock parted her lips and pushed its way inside of her fast and without mercy, I felt the head of my cock scrape against her deepest part and her already tight pussy clamped down on my member, her whole body shaking.

"Taby did you just-"

"Yes. Fuck. Don't you dare stop."

I could have cum just from entering her, she was hot, moist and tight. Her hot flesh constricting so tightly around my member that just pulling out again would be a challenge, but I wasn't ready to finish just yet. I wanted to make Taby cum again and again, only when she couldn't go on any more would I blow my load. I pulled back slowly, letting her feel every inch of flesh slide free of her pussy little by little, once I was out I immediately began to slide back in at the same pace. Little by little, then when I was about half in I jolted forward and buried myself inside her once again. Taby let out a mild shriek and I felt her tighten up again, I don't think it was another orgasm but I could tell she was probably close.

Her pussy primed for orgasm I continued fast and furious, it didn't take long before her whole body shook as she came again. I continued thrusting through her orgasm, she unexpectedly shifted, swinging her leg down off my shoulder and pressing herself against my chest. Her hands raking across my back.


"Fuck Cam I can feel a big one coming. If you're going to blow your load I'd do it soon cos I don't know if I'll still be standing after this one-ahuhhhh." She moaned as I pushed up into her, her new position forcing me a few centimetres deeper than I had been before, forcing a little more of my member into her than she could take.

I could feel her breathing getting heavier and her pussy was twitching and squeezing my cock like never before. Alright. Time to paint her insides. Taby was moaning louder and louder with every stroke and I had relaxed my control slightly and could feel my orgasm building.

I practically roared as I fired into her, even though it was my second orgasm not only was it equally as intense but I unleashed just as much cum, if not more. For a moment as I emptied my balls into her moist cunt I was worried that I'd stopped short of her orgasm, only for Taby's back to arch and her lips to fly open. An ear shattering howl erupted from her mouth and her fingers clawed bloody trenches across my back as she shook, before falling limp into my shoulders.

I deposited her gently onto the couch, glancing round I knew I couldn't leave things as they were. I managed to gather up our clothes and deposit them in the laundry basket then carry Taby's naked form upstairs, I didn't make it as far as my room however and simply collapsed next to Taby on her bed. Completely spent.


"Yo Tabitha you seen Cam? He's not in his-" THUD. I was awoken by the sound of Rio dropping the piles of cleans clothes he had been carrying.

"No. Fucking. Way." Rio sounded horrified.

Why was he being so obnoxious? I wondered for a moment, then two and two came together. I wasn't in my room, I wasn't Taby, I wasn't wearing any clothes. "Rio..."

"I cannot believe it." Shit. This was not the reaction I'd been hoping for.


"You made Tabitha wear that stupid beanie in bed?" he yelled his tone changing from angry to a fit of laughter. "That's unbelievable!"

"You're a mother-fucker Rio." I scowled.

"Better than a sister fucker bro" he replied grinning.

"Don't be an asshole Rio, it's not like that."

"Seriously?" I looked up at Rio, for a moment it almost looked like he was genuinely concerned. Then Taby started to wake up beside me.

"Morning Sleeping Booty." He retorted.


"Yes Blow White?"

"What the fuck did you just call me and why the hell are you in my room?"

"That would be laundry duty. Cinder... Dammit I can't think of anything else." He complained making for the door. "Well I'll leave the two of you alone. Don't worry I'll keep quiet. For now."

"Two of us..." Taby trailed off and rolled over to face me, finally realising I was lying next to her. "Well shit. That wasn't how I imagined people finding out about us."

I sighed and cracked a weak smile. "Well, that's one down at least. I guess we should break the news to dad and Casey."


"Could you repeat that please?"

I did, dad blinked in disbelief. He was sat at the kitchen table and had been eating breakfast content, Casey had left an hour or so before and the day had been peaceful, until Taby and I had entered hand in hand and blurted out a jumbled confession at him, now he was just staring mournfully at his cornflakes and occasionally mumbling.

"So you and Tabitha?"


"Tabitha and you?"


"My Son and my Step Daughter."

"DAD!" My father finally stopped mumbling and looked up at me.

I looked at him pleadingly. "I really love her dad."

My dad looked at me long and hard, it was one of those fatherly looks, the kind that indicated he was making one of those important parental decisions. Then with an anguished sigh he pressed one hand against his temple and removed an old key from his pocket, handing it to me alongside the keys to his truck. I feared the worst.

"In about ten minutes I am going to leave and go to work, then after work I am going to pick Casey up from work, we are going to drive back here, I am going to sit her down and have a very long and likely unpleasant talk. That key will get you into a log cabin about twenty minutes away in the Earnshaw Woods, type Casey's Cabin into the GPS and it'll show you where to go, you are going to be there and not here when I get home with Casey and stay in the cabin until we come and get you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Completely dad. And thanks."

"Don't thank me yet." He muttered grabbing his coat and heading out. "The worst is yet to come."


The cabin was not what we were expecting, instead of a shack in the woods what we stumbled across was a thousand times more grandiose. On the outside it was a humble one bedroom cabin, on the inside however it was furnished like a mansion. Incredibly expensive couches and gold laces curtains, pristine new crockery and a huge elaborate and likely expensive rug. Not to mention an enormous ornamental fireplace complete with shining silver basket filled to the brim with firewood, the place looked expensive and interestingly enough well used. I wondered if this was where our parents had been last night.

"Well now we know why they could only afford a small wedding." Taby muttered as we wandered around the cabin taking everything in.

"This...this is not what I was expecting." Was all I could offer in reply.

We started by getting the fire going, as soon as that was done we set about attempting to make some lunch. Three tries later we were able to enjoy fairly edible omelettes in front of the fire, no longer having to restrain myself I enjoyed being openly affectionate towards Taby and she loved it. We spent the afternoon cuddling, making out, teasing each other, watching TV and just genuinely wasting time together. The day passed quickly and with no sign of either dad or Casey, as it started getting to the point where I wondered if we should consider what to do if we had to stay the night Taby erupted from the bathroom in a fit of excitement.

"Oh my god Cam you'll never guess what I just found in the bathroom cabinet!" She proclaimed thrusting forward a bottle of lube, expensive stuff as well.

My jaw dropped and I cringed. "You don't think dad and Casey have been trying..." I didn't want to say it out loud.

"Anal?" asked Taby bluntly. "Huh. Maybe. What about you? You ever thought about trying it?"

I had a feeling I knew where she was going with this. "Is that something you're into? Anal?"

She looked indecisive. "I've never tried it before, but..."

"You're curious?"

"Yeah." She replied looking at the bottle thoughtfully. "But only with you." She insisted. "I wouldn't trust any of the other guys I've dated to do that kinda stuff, I mean some of them I didn't even trust enough to have regular sex."

I laughed and walked over to her. "Well if you want to try it I'm up for it. Couldn't hurt."

"Maybe not you" Taby muttered.

"I'll be gentle." I told her kissing her on the cheek. "So how do you wanna do this?"

"Umm... I guess I'll go clean out my asshole." She said as bluntly as ever. "Then we'll go from there I guess."

I laughed again. "You're so wonderfully crude Taby."

She giggled and skipped into the bathroom, there was a silence for a while and then I started to hear quiet whimpers and moans from the bathroom. I knocked lightly on the door. "Taby? You okay in there?"

"It feels weird." She chimed from inside. "But I guess I'm almost done."

She emerged from the bathroom naked, pouting and walking with a slight hobble, thrusting the bottle of lube into my hands. "You better lube that thing of yours up before you come anywhere near my asshole Cam, it's big enough in my pussy."

"You're so cute. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Lube up." She insisted.

"Alright" I quickly stripped off my clothes before squirting some of the lube into my hand and beginning to rub myself hard, with Taby stood butt naked in front of me it didn't take much. Pretty soon my cock was as lubricated as it could get, however while I'd been lubing myself I'd noticed that the nozzle for the bottle was funnel shaped, with smooth edges at the top, which had given me an idea.

As Taby battled with herself about whether or not she really wanted to do this I slipped behind her and dropped to my knees. "What are you-woah-ah!" She exclaimed as I slipped the bottle into her puckered (and pristinely clean) asshole and squeezed hard, injecting some of the lube straight up into her intestines.

"Cam-uhhh." She yelled suddenly wobbling slightly, her legs crossing. "It feels soooo weird." She moaned.

"Shall we?"

I let Taby lead, she hobbled awkwardly to the couch and I followed, I lay down on the couch and she clambered on top of me and began the painfully long process of lowering herself onto my cock. My rod was pressed up against her waiting rosebud, I could feel tiny drops of lube dripping out of her asshole and sliding down my member. Taby was clearly nervous, her breasts heaving against her chest as she took long deep breaths, every once in a while I would feel her opening press against my cock briefly before she would pull away again. Eventually she stopped staring down at where our bodies met and looked me straight in the eye.

"Cam do it for me." She said her gaze never flinching.


"I need you to do it for me, just spear me in one, don't even think about it. Just do it."

"You sure?" She nodded and took a deep breath. I did the same. "3... 2... 1..." I placed my hands on her hips, tensed my muscles and "0." Plunged straight up and into her.

A loud shriek erupted from Taby and I quickly shifted forward, embracing her and cradling her shaking form. "Taby are you okay?" I asked concerned when I saw tears forming in her eyes. "Should I take it out?

"No." She managed, her voice clearly strained. "Just don't move and don't let go of me okay?"

Even though I'd been the one who had offered to take it out I was glad when she said no, this felt different, but good. Unlike Taby's pussy, which was full of differing sensations and textures her ass had only two overriding sensations. It was tight, and hot. Very tight and very hot, it would probably be even hotter and tighter if my cock wasn't drowning in lubricant.

I remained deathly still, Taby shaking in my arms for what seemed like an eternity until I felt her move against me. "I think I'm okay now." She said weakly. "Try moving a bit."

Slowly, painfully so, I slid back out of her, and then back in. I could hear her panting heavily as I did. "Are you ok?" I asked concerned as I began to push back in.

"It feels so weird." She moaned. "It hurts but in a weirdly good way. I don't really get it but I think I like it. Try going faster."

I knew what she meant, this level of tightness was more than my dick was used to, it felt like there was a vice gripping my cock every time I thrust into her and it hurt slightly. That pain however, seemed to mix with the new sensations to create something that wasn't quite pleasure or pain, weird was the right word to describe it. I started to thrust harder and harder, and Taby started to moan underneath me, her ass tightened up even more and the lube started to spill out, her asshole getting hotter and hotter.

I was starting to feel it too, this unbearable heat was starting to spread throughout my body, I felt something hot rising up inside me. I wanted to cum, but this felt different to normal, again there was that strange mixture of pleasure and pain.

"I'm gonna cum Taby!" I yelled.

"Fuck me too. Maybe. Uhh. I don't even know. I need something in my pussy Cam." She yelled, she had started to pull away from me and was adding her own movement to my clumsy upward thrusts twisting and writhing on my pole.

I took one of my hands off her thighs and slid two digits into her drooling pussy, pumping them in and out and tweaking her clit with my thumb as I did. Her moans redoubled and I could see she was enjoy that. "Oh fuck I am coming!" she yelled leaning back. "Oh Fuck yeah Cam. Finger fuck my pussy while you ram my tight little asshole! Cum in my ass Cam, pump your jizz into my asshole while you finger fuck my pussy. OH FUCK!"

Taby howled and her asshole tightened as she orgasmed, and I followed shortly after, pumping a huge load into her awaiting asshole. It was an orgasm unlike any other, it felt as if I was coming magma and I felt an intense rush of heat erupt from me as I jizzed.

I don't think dad and Casey could have walk in at a worse time if they'd tried.


"He was violating my daughter Richard!"

"Honey it was completely consensual. If it's okay for us to do it why not them?"

"That's not... I mean. ARGH!"

"Look I know you're a little shocked but we talked about this, what we caught them doing doesn't change anything."

Casey let out a loud huff and stormed into the bedroom where we'd been waiting for them, stopping only to scowl at me she stomped up to Taby and glared at her. "Do you love him Taby?" she demanded.

"More than anyone in the world mum." Taby replied trying her best to withstand her mother's gaze, I couldn't help but smile at this. Only to receive another enraged glare from Casey.

"What about you Cam? Do you love my daughter?" Jesus she looked scary as hell.

"So much it hurts."

Casey's expression softened and she loud out a bereaved sigh. "Well then I guess there's nothing we can do. Neither of us will get in your way."

Our faces lit up and I leant over and kissed Taby, only to be wrenched apart by Casey. "However." She exclaimed fiercely. "There are going to be a LOT of ground rules, and you and I are going to be having words about some of the things I heard coming out of your mouth young lady." She gave Taby a slightly less intense glare and Taby blushed in response.

For a moment I looked between Casey and Taby nervously. "Oh go on then" Casey said, guessing immediately what I wanted.

I grinned happily and leant forward, pulling Taby's beanie off and letting her crimson locks flow freely down her shoulders. "Cam?" I heard Taby ask questioningly, but I didn't need to speak for what I was about to do. I kissed her as passionately as I could, a sense of intense relief flooding through me. We'd gotten our parents approval! Even Rio seemed okay with our relationship.

Compared to that, a little red hair wasn't a big deal.


Despite not being incest I think this is my favourite thing I've written so far, Taby is certainly my favourite female character. It certainly had the most revised endings, originally stopping just after the rape scene (you can imagine what different choice Cam made) and then just after the first sex scene (but that ending felt kind of sudden and since I didn't and still don't have any plans to write a sequel I wanted a better ending.) and thus the whole thing ended up being a lot longer than I expected. Oh and fans of real incest will be happy to know that I'm already around half way through the true sequel (as opposed to An Older Brother's Job which was kinda a spin off) of It started With His Bass. And after that I'm going to be writing either an older sister or mother story. I have several thousand or so word beginnings lying around I plan to finish. Hope you enjoyed my story and as always your criticism or opinions are welcome and encourage, I love to hear what people think about my stories!

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The parents gave in way too easily but I loved it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A nice story

Till he started on her ass hole stopped reading then

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A very nice story till ?

The ass hole he stard on her ass hole stopped reading then

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Good Story Great Characters

Really liked this story. Liked the characters of Taby and Cam but think they could have been developed more into a longer story. Hope that there will be a sequel at some point.

Time4astoryTime4astoryabout 8 years ago
Great story

I really enjoyed this story. The characters were warm and likeable and there were some nice touches of humour. Incest has no appeal for me, in fact it's a complete turn off, but I enjoyed the slightly fucked-up situation here as they weren't actually related.

I only have one minor issue. Why set this in the UK? Based on the language you use I assume your American. e.g. "Goddamn" nobody in Britain says that and In Britain an ass is an old word for a donkey (which makes fucking someone's ass a completely different thing!). We'd use words like arse, bum, bottom, posterior, backside, derriere, etc. Nor do we have cabins in the woods (you probably wouldn't get planning permission). The nearest equivalent would be a rich Londoner having a cottage in Cornwall, Wales or the south of France. Or alternatively someone in the country having a commuter flat in the city.

I hope you don't mind me nit picking, it's still a great story, I'm just curious as why you set it in Britain and then use loads of Americanisms? Why not just set it somewhere in the US?

FeyGranddad95FeyGranddad95almost 9 years ago
As You Said -

not really incest but very good. I don't care for anal but the rest of the story was kind and loving. Kind and loving is what I think erotica is, as opposed to the porn that so many of the current authors are pumping out. I'm just an opinionated old man but that's my privilege. I'll give your other stories a read. Thanks for sharing.

wuz2bluwuz2blualmost 9 years ago
This is an awesome, AWESOME story!

Five stars is far too few, but that's all I have to offer.

I love that it's a real, well written story that's very erotic instead of an erotic tale that has a few story elements to hold it together like many (dare I say, most?) of the offerings on this site. (Not to knock Literotica, it's the best erotic story site I've found on the net in years of actively searching!)

In any case, thank you for sharing your gift with us, SatanJD. I look forward eagerly to reading much more of your writings.



AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Can't deal with redheads, huh...

So Cam is a perfectly normal Brit?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

at one point you said the four of them were living home what about RIO that makes FIVE not FOUR. it was ok a bit strange but ok, the end was really strange WHY would he suddenly be able to see her red hair without freaking? we need an explaination on that, and why didn't the father ever get him psychiatric help for his red hair problem? even his schools would be pushing for that kind of help. you left a lot of holes like that and it takes away from the story. the love and sex between cam and taby happened way to fast and the details were few and far between. maybe you can fix it in the next chapter but be sure to do it right or it will not work and only ruin the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
So good it demands a sequel

awesome awesome and more awesome, Taby is hot and the story has so much that can happen between them. hopefully you agree and did a second part to this, haven't looked yet though. love ti and keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Love it! ♥

Your story made me laughed!..its awesome and I love the characters..and how the story goes and end! I think I look up for your other works too..

Thanks for sharing your stories..♡


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

it was good

i have read alot of stories and this is one of my top 3 and ...

it was Very Good

rubyredrosesrubyredrosesabout 11 years ago

Your a great writer! Keep it going and i will continue to stalk your work haha!

OleguyOleguyabout 11 years ago
Accents are acceptable.

Mum is a very widely spoken word, probably wider used than Mom, but then who can be bothered counting such a petty nit pick.

Satan I liked your style and I don't care what you call your mother.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Nice going man, I like how you tied it in with telling the parents most people I read don't do that. Nice length to the whole thing and the fact that it wasn't just some fuck and go type story was awesome. I have to admit I still don't quite comprehend the whole red hair deal. I know his mom had red hair or whatever but besides that great story I wish more people wrote like you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great Story!

My only qualm was with the intricacies of anal sex. I know they're only "kids," but really?! Douse it with lube and shove it in with no foreplay? . . . Me thinks a bit more 'research' should be had before trying to please a partner this way.

5/5 still.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I actually found this story so funny that by the end, I had given up jacking off and was just rolling around laughing! Brilliant story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Some very nice character work, there. Colour me impressed!

ansdguyansdguyover 11 years ago
Well done!

This story was very enjoyable, incest or not. Other than "Mum", I would not have known it was written by an Englishman. Sometimes English authors get completely bogged down with everything English The jargon and the locations and proper Queens english. It's as if they don't want Americans or others to enjoy their stories. I don't understand why they publish here. I usually wind up quitting mid story.

Anyway, Cheers mate!

WyldePrinceWyldePrinceover 11 years ago

While it would be nice to read continuations or sequels to this, my primary objective is to simply thank you for the tale as you've presented it. I believe you've done an excellent job of writing an entertaining little tale, so I wished to both congratulate and thank you for sharing it with us. So... Thank You!



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