Too Smart Ch. 17

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Duty calls as the house demands baby making!
15.8k words

Part 17 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/12/2024
Created 02/12/2023
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Welcome to another excessive episode! I still am just making it up as I go. Anyway, Onward!

Leon pulled up to Elmers in his modified Cadillac and went in. He was somewhat annoyed that he could smoke so much and only hold a light buzz for a few minutes. He would have to check with NINA on that. The old man was at the counter reading an actual newspaper.

"Hey old man. Where do you get those? Didn't think anyone still read the actual news." Leon asked as he entered. Elmer looked up and ruffled his paper.

"Got a lad who prints these out for me. A little low jack but it's easier on the ol' peepers. How ya been, son?"

Leon gave him a quick and vague update, including buying the town, which Elmer seemed pleased with. Leon ordered some more nano materials and some machinery he thought NINA would be able to utilize at the house, such as large fabricators and heavy construction bots so she can practice developing the newly acquired land, as well as some new high powered photonic emitters. In passing, Elmer mentioned a strange black car that has been sneaking around town and was parked at the mini mall. Leon was intrigued and thanked the man as he placed his order. After finishing up there, he went on to the strange flower head shop and stepped in.

Two tall, pale gothic looking girls were at the counter, dancing strangely to the low etherial music playing overhead. Leon cocked and eyebrow but beelined to the counter.

"Hello! My two daughters came in earlier and highly recommended you for exotic plants."

"Coriander, yes?" The two said in sync.

"Yes, Leon." He replied. Thalia went yo the back and rummaged for a few moments.

"I am Dahlia and my sister is Thalia. We are very pleased and honored to be invited to their party and get to know our new owner."

"New owner?" He asked in confusion.

"You have bought the town, yes?"

"Yes. Interesting take." He said skeptically. Thalia came from the back with an octagonal vase with large, glowing mushrooms.

"A rare fungus from the moon Titan." She said as she presented the item.

"Very nice, ladies, thank you. What do I owe you?" He asked. The two looked at each other for a few seconds before nodding and turning to Leon.

"It is free to you, Mr. Coriander." Dahlia said.

"On one condition." Thalia said.

"We will tell you tomorrow at the party." They said together.

"Uh, okay. Thank you very much, ladies." Leon grabbed the vase and left the store, the twins eyeing with devilish grins as he walked out.

As Leon finished up loading the car he sensed someone was approaching him and turned to see a tall, skinny and familiar Japanese man in a black suit and shades make his way from a matte black pill looking vehicle to Leon and he stood to greet him.

"Greetings, Mr. Coriander." The man said.

"You. I don't like you." Leon said.

"Oh?" The skinny man asked.

"You brought my wife back mutilated. We have problems, you and I."

"Ah. I see. It was only business and I am only a mere messenger for my dragon lord. On her behalf I have come to give you and your family an invitation to meet and finish the inheritance transfer."

"Seriously? Just like that?" He asked incredulously.

"My lady has realized that her age prevents her from being as actionable as she once was and can recognize when she has reached an impasse. She offers a bargain. But it must be done within a few days." The man presented an envelope that Leon took cautiously. The meeting was planned to happen in two days.

"Will you be able to attend, sir?" The man asked. Leon gave it a second to think.

"Not likely. I have plans. Maybe another time. I'll call her when I have the time." Leon said.

"Well that just won't do sir, time is of the essence. If not, we will have to provide some incentive, then. I will inform my lady of your answer."

The man bowed and returned to his matte black hover car. Leon got a tinge of treachery from the whole ordeal and had a quick chat with NINA as he got in the car and took off back home.

"I don't trust this at all. Can you track him?" He asked.

"Of course, daddy." She answered and a small marble formed from his hand form the nano particles and zoomed off, skating an inch from the ground and splatting like a paintball onto the bumper before fusing and becoming unnoticeable as the car took off.

"That made me a bit more comfortable. I guess it's time you and I review some new deterrences and tech I've been putting off." He stated.

"As you command, daddy." NINA answered. Leon smiled.

"I have to admit, I was a bit worried having you onboard but I am very pleased with you, NINA. I apologize for neglecting you up to now."

"Never apologize to me, daddy. I am very aware of what is going on and I am very happy being your passenger until my services are required."

"That's good to know. And if you have any suggestion, ideas or need me to be aware of something, let me know. If we are to be in each others heads, it would be good to watch out for each other and keep each other alive. Trust will be extremely important from here on out."

"Then it would be a good time to tell you we have been targeted and we have a group on an interception course." She answered.

"Great. Do we know who?" Leon asked.

"The Coalition. There is a arrestor transport and six power armor escorts." NINA said.

"Man, those guys are rough. They've been gobbling up all the military contracts since they reorganized." Leon groaned.

"Thank the UNGlobal. They gave "The Black" jurisdiction to police for them. Apparently they are becoming human purists and aren't kind to people with mutations, modifications, magic or psychics., though they employ them to hint their own." NINA said.

"Do we have anything that can block their sensors?" Leon asked.

"Some, but there isn't a way to block psychic detection." Answered NINA.

The car started acting funny and control was taken by the arrestor transport. The six suits of flying armor surrounded his car and looked in at Leon. The armor itself was shiny black and the helmet had a skull motif, while the bodies had wings on the jet pack and on the ankles. They each carried a long, menacing rail gun. The onboard communicator lit up. Leon connected the call. A gruff voice came over the intercom.

"This is a Coalition police action. We have commandeered your vehicle and will be escorting you to the Chi-Town mega city. You are being detained for questioning. Remain in your vehicle until docking where you will be searched and processed." The man didn't wait for an answer and disconnected the call.

"Daddy, I can block their control if you'd like."

"No, lets just see where this is going." Leon didn't want trouble so he went with the twenty minute flight. He called Miki and Vera to let them know what was happening but not to tell anyone else until he can call them later and to have Gig and Shawna ready themselves and used the rest of the time to go over NINA's new discoveries. Most were knew meta materials, weapons, liquid processors, micro fabricators and synthesizers and a multi-spectrum energy emitter. Leon was entertained with the task, coming up with ways to integrate it with the current tech, as with the Tesla ray, photonic emitters and micro particle accelerators.

He also learned that NINA could make changes to his gene coding on the fly. He mulled over some ideas, but decided against making any physical changes and definitely restricting the girls from abusing that, though she noted that Nila and Sunny had already tested it out but Leon would be happy with the changes. NINA also noted that that strange ship they took from Typhon had a starnge bio-organic compound that could be beneficial. Soon enough they had reached the outer limits of the city and decided to finish their session, which NINA was most pleased with.

The Chi-Town complex, while still under construction, was massive and built on the outskirts of the rubble of old Chicago, which had now become a suburb of the new structure. It was over five miles in diameter and a mile high. It had forty levels above ground and looked like a giant half of a traffic cone, though it had large blocks still under construction. Around the structure were makeshift homes and tents, open air markets and body chop shops for cybernetic enhancement. The government offices were the only fully completed aspect and was on the half built rooftop.

The weather around the complex was hazy and constantly overcast, mostly due to weather modification that kept the solar radiation from being too intense for its citizens to work outside for lengths of time. It slowly swirled around the whole city and suburbs for miles and was unpleasant to observe but the people had gotten used to it.

The vehicle was slowed into a large, heavily guarded hanger. As they passed through the opening, Leon felt his connection to NINA get cut off, as well as all the communication with the nano particles in his body and he immediately felt the weight of it on his body. Not enough to cripple his movements, but enough to know he had around a hundred pounds of dead weight his muscles had to accommodate for. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Miki's floating cameras appear then fall to the seats and floor of the car.

"NINA? This can't be good." Leon thought to himself. The door was opened by a armored man that had five prongs jutting back from his skull helmet. "Out." He said and Leon complied, struggling a bit with his newly acquired weight. Behind the soldier there were four huge dog men in spike covered armor bearing a insignia that matched the soldier. The Doberman had pistols, the bulldog had vibro-claws, the pit bull had a shotgun-looking weapon and german shepherd had a heavy machine gun. The all started growling once the smelled Leon, which made him uneasy.

"They only get jumpy when they smell psychics. I would advise against using them here. We tend to not let them leave alive." The soldier said in a tinny voice through his helmet.

"Good to know." Leon said cautiously.

Leon was escorted through large blast doors to an intake desk where they fingerprinted and registered a DNA sample. He was then taken through another set of blast doors and down twisting hallways to an interrogation room, where he waited for half an hour before a man in a long black military trench coat and uniform, very reminiscent of old Nazi garb, but darker in nature, bearing skull shoulder pads, decorations and buttons.

"Why am I here?" Leon started.

"Good afternoon, Mister Coriander. You are here because we are looking for your father. He has done some things that have put the security of this nation at risk."

"And who gave you the authority to police soldiers?"

"Why the UNation, of course. We have been contracted to handle internal affairs for government agencies and have authority to do so." The gaunt soldier said nonchalantly.

"Well, my father disappeared on me recently, so your guess would likely be better than mine."

"We shall see." The interrogator said. A moment later, the door opened and another soldier came in, this time wearing lighter armor and had a bald, swollen head with what looked like D batteries jutting from unhealed sores on his skull. He had a set of high tech goggles fused to his eyes. Leon felt a pressure in his head, like someone was rubbing a finger over his brain.

"The fella outside with the dogs said you guys don't favor psychics." Leon winced.

"Yes, very distasteful, I know. But, as the saying goes, one has to fight fire with fire. We go the extra mile to take care of our constituencies."

"They would be?" Leon grumbled.

"Why, good old fashioned, unmodified, pure blood, regular human beings, of course. Who would protect them from the likes of you?"

Leon didn't like the sound of that and gave the man a disapproving look.

"This soldier has an excellent ability to extract the information we need. Just relax and let him take what he needs and you will be released."

Leon held his head as the pain increased with the pressure. He looked over at the enhanced psychic with an angry look. The man stalled with a bit of frustration then frowned in concentration as he increased the probing power.

Suddenly the door burst open and a 5' 5" woman of Chinese nationality in an American army uniform and long pony tail burst through the door carrying a large folder and the intake samples that Leon had just given.

"Release my client immediately. You do not have clearance to detain a Culper." She shouted as she handed the interrogator a file, which he flipped through for a few moments before looking up at Leon and waving the psychic off.

"A very interesting development, Mister Coriander. Very well. You are free to go." Th interrogator said calmly.

"Just like that?" Leon asked, somewhat surprised.

"Of course! We aren't monsters, like you. Enjoy your daughters party, Mister Coriander." The interrogator left with his psychic close behind. The sleek Chinese woman waited for the door to close before speaking.

"Colonel Coriander, I am Secret Service JAG officer Xishin Chu. I have been tasked to oversee your promotion to Culper and transition. I cannot say more here. We must leave." She said. Her accent was perfect English.

"Excellent timing." Said Leon.

"Your arrest activated the Cupler protocols. Follow me please, colonel."

The pair soon reached the hanger and were escorted to their vehicles, which had been moved outside of the hanger shield barrier.There was a blocky looking hover Humvee next to his Cadillac, which she approached. NINA came back online as they passed the barrier.

"Daddy! We lost connection while we were in that building." NINA chirped.

"I noticed. Work on idea on preventing that from happening again while I talk to this JAG. Drop a tracker here, like the one for that gentleman at the mini mall. Tell Miki and Vera I am safe and on the way home." Said Leon and NINA immediately went to work.

"We will discuss further on the trip back to your home. Do you need someone to deliver your vehicle?" Xishin asked.

"No, I have a drone setting. It will meet us their. And we are going to the Appalachian house." Leon said.

"Of course, Colonel." Returned Xishin.

In the shadow under the Humvee, a dark spot observed the two get into the vehicle. The spot clung like tar to the undercarriage as the vehicle took off.

When they cleared Chi-Town airspace Xishin explained the situation. Leon listened in shock at what he was told.

"The world is ending soon, as planned. The sun is set to nova, which will devastate the entire solar system and flip the planet on its side. And that wasn't half of it. It was expected the massive activity will stir a demonic army set to open their dimensional portals to start the invasion and eventual domination of Earth, then the galaxy. General Coriander had set you up to enforce continuity of government, more specifically the Declaration of Independence and the bill of rights as a constitutional enforcer, also known as Prime Executer. From here we will need to establish your team and get you to a more secure area. The sooner, the better. You have been given the maximum security level and all the rights and privileges to secure the nation. The final assault to secure the planet will begin and end here, with you. This is it. The calm before the storm." Xichin took a deep breath as she finished. Her face scrunched a bit then she took another deep breath as she leaned a bit towards Leon and smirked to herself.

Leon sat pensively for a moment as he absorbed it all, ignoring the woman taking in his pheromones.

"Well, then. I guess I don't have much of a choice. I better get serious, then. What do I need to get you on my team?" He asked. She leaned in close, took another slow, deep breath and said "Take command. Make me."

Nila was unloading the Cadillac when Leon had landed with Xichin. Vera and Miki were waiting on the landing pad as he exited the vehicle. Everyone but the staff were in swimwear and most of the girls and guests were by the lagoon pool. Leon got out of the vehicle and turned to thank Xishin.

"No worries, Colonel. I have to properly dispose of your intake samples. Can't have this data out there. I will be in touch soon to finalize your status. Have a very good afternoon, sir." Xinshin said with a wink and took off after Leon closed the door. He left a glob of nanites on the handle so he could keep track of her.

"Master! What happened? And who is that cute lady that brought you here?" Miki said as she grabbed her husbands hand.

"Hey ladies. That was Xishin, a military lawyer. She got me released, among other things."

"We were so worried about you, babe. Hope they weren't too rough on you." Vera gushed as she hugged his other arm.

"I'm fine. I need to destress before I meet any new company. Have Nila come meet us in the bedroom. We have some major things to discuss and I'm fairly pent up." Leon said to his wives and they escorted him to the bedroom, with Nila informing them she will be there after reloading NINA's nanite stock.

Leon was on the edge of the bed while Vera was on her knees between his legs masterbating him with Miki's body when Nila came in. Leon looked up and his eyes widened with his smile. Her long black hair had been changed to a stark white, tail included, which was bushy and silky. The tips of her ears, hair and tail had black at the ends He also noticed her breasts were a bit bigger.

"Wow! Look at you, my little princess! Come here and let me check you out." Leon said hungrily.

"Do you like it? I hope it hasn't upset you." Nila said bashfully as she strode to her father.

"Of course! You are absolutely beautiful. Now come give daddy some love." He said as he grabbed her chin and pulled her face to his for a deep but gentle kiss.

"Watch this!" Nila said then scrunched her face in concentration. Her ears transformed into long fuzzy animal ears. Her nose shifted to look dog like. Her hands and feet puffed up to paws. "I'm a snow fox!" She hooted and twirled and hopped around in front of him. Leon laughed.

"Very cute! My cute kitsuni princess! How did you do that?." Leon said and Nila got on all fours and crawled to him and nuzzled into his armpit and rubbed his chest as she kissed him.

"Maya, Bella's daughter. She has lycanthropy."

"Lick-a-what?" Leon joked.

"No, dad, she is a wereperson. A were-leopard, to be exact." Nila chided jokingly.

"Ha! Well, that is definitely cute!" He chuckled as he pat her head.

"Ma-ster if y-you rather cu-um in our da-ughter, ple-ease feel free." Miki said between getting the wind knocked out of her lungs by her best friend stabbed her repeatedly onto their husbands huge fourteen inch rod, his lap a wet, dripping mess.

"I got enough for everyone. Hold on." Said Leon and he placed his hands on Vera's and helped her jerk himself into their lover. He was reminded of his idea from earlier and asked Nila to make her mother produce active THC in her vaginal secretions. Nila thought that was a fun idea. "Mom will give daddy hella stoner boners from getting high off mom's pussy!" Nila and Leon snickered.

Vera laughed and added "It would definitely make all this cum she produces useful. So much juice from such a small body."

A minute later Leon and Miki howled as a pint of cum transferred into his fleshlight wife's uterus. Vera popped the bloated little torso off the raging cock and stood to lay by his side as she tongue bathed and sucked the excess cum from Miki's leaking pussy.

He telekinetically lifted Nila into the air over his cock and waited for her to stop giggling and she grabbed behind her knees to spread her legs then made her torso transparent before lowering her. She slid down the few inches to her cervix and came hard when it got mashed into, pulling her paws up to her chest to squish her huge tits together as her tongue lolled out and eyes crossed. Leon reached out to help pull her down and watched her guts swallow him as he force through that spongy ring causing her tiny stuffed cooz to burst its sweet cream across her father's chest as she slowly descended. When fully seated he patted her head as she leaned forward to wrap her limbs around his torso and began to bounce quickly on her father's cock while he stroked and patted her head, telling her how cute she was and what a good girl she had been.