Torgan Wine Ch. 47


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"I know you enjoyed the food Lothlaerith served." Kresh's smile was slightly smug.

"Daga Lothlaerith served some of the foods they enjoy most. The freshwater mussels were excellent and the-"

"He did not serve fish?" Draeseth interrupted with a frown. "In Oyeth Lothlaeri, fish is as common as goat."

"The Daga wanted to impress her, brother. He made his son perform for her. I am not surprised he spared no expense on the meal he served." Burgath gave her a rueful smile. "Only the best should be served to the daughter of Liadith."

"He made his son perform?" The King's smile was almost vicious. "The son who is now Daga?"

"Onsh-Lothlaerith was commanded to play an instrument and sing. He was not pleased." Burgath grinned as the first trays were brought.

"It was a privilege. I've never heard a more beautiful voice or a more skillful player." Isonei gave him a pointed look.

"That was why he commanded it." Draeseth pulled her hand to his thigh and rubbed it. "You appreciate such things and he wished his son to appear less cold."

"He made an effort to be more pleasant after you left." She inclined her head and squeezed his thigh.

"I was told Onsh is a title, not a name?" King Orgath took several of the rolled meat morsels, and some of the delicate, weblike cheese wafers.

"That's true." Isonei did her best to put on a bright smile. "Did they tell you that a Daga fills the plate of his match? It's where Draeseth picked up the habit."

The King raised his eyebrows and gave her a wolfish smile. "You must be very tired, you usually change the subject much more smoothly."

"You should have seen her rush to Draeseth, raising her arms to be picked up like Kas and whining that Burgath would not let her go back to sleep." Rogath's grin made him look like the image of his father.

Draeseth made an amused sound in his throat, "I enjoyed being greeted that way."

"You will enjoy fatherhood," Rogath laughed, "if your wives put them down long enough for you to hold. I have heard they both dote on the orphan."

"Hodrim is a sweet boy," Lislora spoke up. "Looking after him is no hardship."

"Hodrim." King Orgath took a bite of one of the morsels on his plate as the trays were circulated. "A fine Torgan name. Have you chosen a name for your child, Lady Lislora?"

"No, your Majesty. The tradition in my family is to see the child first." Lislora inclined her head.

"You should have names ready." The Queen frowned, "Many things can happen in childbirth."

"I will consider your words, your Majesty." Lislora glanced at Isonei. "Do you have one chosen?"

"Mallath," Draeseth answered for her. "Isonei had been thinking of names from the moment she visited the orphanage."

"It is common to change orphans' names when they are adopted. She was planning to adopt." The King waved his hand. "What will young Hodrim's name be changed to now that Mallath is intended for your own son?"

"Hodrim is a perfectly lovely name, I wouldn't change it." Isonei eyed the foods Draeseth was putting on their two plates and, to Lislora's surprise, passed him the Torgan woman's as well.

"Aran names are popular here in Torga among the nobility, but Lerian names are not uncommon in the Dalcur." Burgath sounded almost too nonchalant.

Isonei knew she was being led into a conversation she didn't want to be in and kept her eyes down.

When she remained silent, Kresh inquired, "They sound the same to me. What is the difference?"

"The hardness of the ending, it is the difference between bath and bathe. The women's names, however, are almost Aran." Burgath's cheerfully conversational tone almost made her look up from her plate. "Maraphina, Arissa, Varenia..."

"Raighe, Aighe, and Daighe." Isonei murmured to herself before eating a cheese wafer.

"What did she say?" King Orgath asked with amusement.

"The names of the girls we met at the inn. The commoners in Leria seem to have more traditional Lerian names." Draeseth glanced at her with amusement.

"And the men?" His question might have been innocent but it didn't feel that way. She took another bite of food to avoid answering.

Burgath waited until she was finished chewing. "What were the boys named, Isonei?"

"Raithe, Haithe, and Kaithe."

"Their names are nearly the same." Kresh narrowed her eyes. "Are the traditional names all that way?"

"Traditionally children are given a small piece of their mother's name. All of the children share the same little piece." Isonei couldn't help but notice the King's mirthless smile.

"Is that a tradition of the Daga's as well?"

Isonei inclined her head to him and began listing some of the names of Gildith's daughters, "Arissa, Varenia, Maraphina, Tarathia, Ellara, Alvara..."

"And their brothers?" The King's eyes glittered.

"The daughters of Gildith have no brothers. When the time comes, Daga Gildith will choose an Onsh from his grandsons."

"You had a different mother than the current Daga Liadith, by any twist of fate, does your name share some similarities to his?" The King's intent gaze belied his casual tone.

"A Daga's name is a very private thing. I would never speak of it." She hadn't been very hungry but now the thought of eating made her feel ill.

"But you know his name? And perhaps the names of some of the other Dagas?" Burgath eyed her curiously.

With a frown, she repeated herself, "Dear Burgath, a Daga's name is a very private thing. I would never speak of it."

"All of a Daga's sons are given titles." Draeseth tapped next to her plate. "I do not expect my wife would know the names of any Daga's son except her own and my wife is very loyal. She would not betray the trust of her Daga."

"Would she betray yours?" Kresh glanced at her with a smirk.

Draeseth gave the Phaethian woman a black look, "I have broken my word to her often; if she chose to break hers, it would be understandable but surprising. My wife strives for honesty."

Dropping her hand to his thigh again, she rubbed it reassuringly, resolving to speak to him of her plans tonight in bed if he stayed with her. It would have to be done very carefully, but he needed to know some of what was coming.

"Clean your plate, Isonei." Draeseth gave her a faint smile.

A Torgan conversation began at the other end of the table and it drew his attention. Isonei looked at her mostly full plate and then at Lislora's empty one. The Torgan woman lifted hers slightly with a rueful smile and Isonei gladly exchanged plates with her. Draeseth looked back to her plate a moment later and then at her with an annoyed incredulous expression.

"You were told to eat your food, woman, not to get rid of it."

"That's not what you said!" She put on an innocent expression. "You said to clean my plate, you said nothing about eating it. Besides, you always give me too much."

His eyes glittered, "How did your father never put you over his knees?"

"Every pregnancy will be difficult for her. Your wife will only give birth to troublemakers." Prince Ougath snorted.

Isonei made a face at him and he grinned.

"We have no need of a jester when the little Duchess is at Court." King Orgath gave Burgath a meaningful look as the next trays were brought. "Did your Daga ask you to entertain guests?"


The conversations about Leria always seemed to return to the matter of Dagas' names. Isonei felt utterly exhausted by the end of the meal and the King's mood had soured somewhat, not having gotten something he so clearly wanted.

Rising from the table felt like a reprieve. Isonei stepped back next to Lislora and smoothed her skirt as Draeseth stepped away to speak to Burgath.

Kresh rounded the table purposefully with a faintly vicious smile, "Join me for breakfast tomorrow, Nei. The Princes have other things to attend to and will not be taking breakfast together."

Lislora moved closer to Isonei's side to answer for her, "We have already made plans for the morning. There will be early prayers and breakfast with Draeseth before we discuss the Arrangement at length between the two of us."

It was a lie, but one she was happy to play along with. "Perhaps another time, Kresh."

The Phaethian woman gave them both such a furious look that Draeseth put himself between them and Rogath began to speak to her in a hushed tone. Kresh stalked out followed by her annoyed looking husband.

Draeseth offered his arms and walked them both out of the dining room asking softly in the hall, "What provoked her Imperial Highness to anger?"

"Isonei looked tired and filled with dread as Princess Kresh insisted they have breakfast so I gave an excuse on her behalf," Lislora answered as quietly.

"And I thank you with all my heart." Isonei leaned her head against Draeseth's arm. "The more I learn about the Empire the less I want to be under the same roof as the woman. She has some admirable qualities but the wretched ones far outnumber them."

He made an amused sound in his throat. "Krouth told me he had been prodded to speak of the past with you. You were more angry than after having been forced to travel in the barrel."

"How could anyone do such horrible things..."

"It is their way. Slaves are better treated in Torga."

"It shouldn't be allowed at all!"

"There are many who agree with you." Burgath's voice startled her and she glanced back to see him following with a wry smile. "If you wish to escort your second Duchess to her chambers I can walk with Isonei, brother."

"I will escort them both." Draeseth gave him a sour look. "You seek out my silver Duchess more than you should."

"Have I been less than brotherly, Isonei?" Burgath asked with a shrug.

"No, but you were more like Ialath tonight at the table. Why don't you just tell me what you want so that I can either give it to you or refuse?" Isonei gave him a sulky look that set him laughing and made Draeseth snort.

"It would spoil the game, my dearest borrowed sister." Burgath grinned. "But you did seem too tired to enjoy playing tonight." He lapsed into Torgan and Draeseth's jaw clenched.

"You may walk with Burgath. I will be there shortly."

"There is no need to rush, brother. We have things to discuss."

"We do?" Isonei glanced up at Draeseth as Burgath offered his arm.

"Go, my Isonei. I will join you shortly." The larger Prince leaned to kiss her head and then scowled at his brother saying something in their tongue.

Releasing Draeseth's arm felt like a bad idea, but protesting didn't seem polite. Stepping away from him, she took Burgath's offered arm with a frown and they all walked in silence until the two of them split off toward her rooms.

At her door, she released Burgath's arm and folded her own, searching his face, "What do we need to talk about?"

"The reason for the Lerian dinner." Burgath pushed the door open and beckoned her inside. "Sit with me on the sofa, Isonei. I need to ask a favor of you."

"What favor?" Perching on the edge of the sofa, Ialath came very strongly to mind. She had the same apprehension she'd felt the last time she'd seen him and her teeth found their way into her lip.

"I need to know the name of a Daga. Any Daga would do." His brow furrowed as he took her hands and spoke solemnly. "The messenger in Leria was told that if you would give us the name of just one Daga trade could be reestablished. It would be as if all of the trouble never happened."

For a moment it felt as if the air had gone out of the room and she nearly toppled from the sofa.

Burgath steadied her and rubbed her shoulders, "No expense has been spared in your keeping, and we only ask this one small thing."


"A Daga's name is a very private thing, I know. But would your Daga be so angry-"

The realization struck her and it felt like having pressure in her ears release, she didn't hear the end of his sentence. "Trade would resume because I would be seen as utterly unworthy. It would be such an enormous betrayal... as if I'd taken a knife to your father after his kindness."

He released her and stood, pacing for a moment, "If it were so great a betrayal, it would not have been suggested."

"Who suggested it? Who hates me so much that they would have you ask such a thing of me?"

"I doubt Maraphina hates you, Isonei. She was visiting Daga Lothlaerith and had a private word with the messenger."

Isonei began to laugh bitterly and covered her face with her hands.

Burgath sat back down and eyed her coolly. "Why are you laughing?"

"She was visiting in an effort to catch Lothlaerith's eye. Maraphina should be of age very soon and an unmatched Daga is somewhat uncommon. Usually, the match is made while he's still an Onsh." Looking at his frown she knew he didn't understand. "Lothlaerith is waiting for me. She can't catch his eye while it's fixed on someone else."

"Why would he be waiting for you?" The Torgan narrowed his eyes.

"He had me promise not to let my Daga offer me to anyone else. I am to be offered to him first."

"Does Draeseth know?" Burgath glanced at the door with a scowl.

"He does. I told him the night I made the promise, he knew that a promise of some kind would be drawn from me. He wasn't concerned."

"If speaking a Daga's name is as great a betrayal as you say-"

"It is, Burgath."

"Then it seems Maraphina very much wants to be Daga Lothlaerith's match. You should consider doing him the kindness of allowing him to find another. This would solve all of our difficulties. Please think about it." He took her hands again, "If you refuse to give us a name I may be able to get one from her when I travel to Leria soon for more direct negotiations. But be warned, Isonei, my father will be very displeased if you refuse to give the name. He will see it as ingratitude."

For once, the idea of being seen as ungrateful didn't sway her at all. "I wouldn't hold a knife to your father's throat, and I won't hand him a weapon that would be used against my Daga, or any Daga." It was unthinkable that Maraphina would be willing to give up a name but the Dagas needed to be warned.

The door opened abruptly and Draeseth barked a command in Torgan. Burgath rose from the sofa and began speaking in a resigned tone, almost as an afterthought he turned to glance at her. "Sleep well, Isonei."

Draeseth pulled her off of the sofa and into an embrace as the door was closed behind his brother. "He says you are imitating my stubbornness."

"It's not an imitation. I can be stubborn as well as you can." She smiled ruefully up at him, "It's why I admire the trait even when it's not in my favor."

He made an amused sound in his throat and bent to kiss her gently. "My father wishes to ask his favor of you?"

"He wants to know one of the Dagas' names."

"Give it to him." Draeseth tilted her face up and gave her a solemn frown. "His displeasure would be difficult for you to bear."

"My flower wine, I would not harm your father, and I will not give him a way to harm my Daga or any Daga." Looking up into his face her insides twisted. Facing his father's displeasure she needed Draeseth's support, but it would be wrong to keep withholding the knowledge that she was going to have Andnaeuth brought to Torga. "I need to speak with you. I should have done it sooner but I didn't want you to think that my welcoming Lislora was for a reason other than your happiness."

"Prepare for bed. I will be sleeping here with you tonight." He released her and gestured to the washing room.

While she prepared for bed, washing in the warm water that Krouth had waiting, and putting on her nightdress, she heard the low murmur of Torgan voices. Isonei climbed into the bed to wait, but even as tired as she was, it was no struggle to stay awake. Her mind raced and she felt vaguely ill.

Draeseth seemed almost surprised when he entered the room and found her lying awake, but he undressed and joined her in the bed without commenting on it. He lay on his back and she curled against his side for a moment. Thinking better of it, she clambered up to sit straddling his chest.

"You need to speak to me." His voice was quiet and already unhappy sounding in the dimness.

"I do. I'm worried about so many things, Draeseth. But I'm worried most that you'll be angry and hurt when I'm finished, and that I'll be facing your father's displeasure alone. Those two things make me want to just keep quiet but I can't. When we talked earlier about honesty, I knew I needed to tell you. I've known I needed to tell you..." Isonei put her fingers over his lips when he started to interrupt.

"Please, just let me get all of this out." She stopped and took a breath trying to calm her nerves, "You told me to stop asking you to send me home, so I've found my own way." He stiffened under her but stayed silent. "I think I've persuaded Burgath and the Queen to have Andnaeuth invited to the bouts. An Arrangement with him would allow me to go home," she chose her next words carefully, "and if I were Arranged to you both it would have benefits for Torga. Burgath says his mother is already setting aside jewelry for Ror or Kas in preparation of one of them marrying Andnaeuth's son and becoming the Queen of Ara."

She felt him begin to relax under her and tilted her head, she'd expected anger. "I know you love Lislora and I want you to be happy whether I'm here or not-"

He lifted his hand and put his fingers over her mouth making a peculiar sound. "Krouth told me you were currying favor for a purpose. I do not intend to share you, and if he comes for the bouts he will find himself on the sharp side of my sword. You are having him brought so that he can take you home and not because you desire him?"

"Yes." Easing herself down, she lay on his chest and let him rub her back through the nightdress. His lack of anger needed a reward despite the threat to Andnaeuth. "He would be so disappointed if he knew the dreams I had of someone other than you, were not of him."

Draeseth laughed softly but it didn't sound entirely mirthful. "Who did you think of?"

Rubbing her face against his chest she chose her words quickly and with care, answering with a yawn, "A soldier I drank and danced with once."

Barking a laugh, he rolled her onto her back and positioned himself to kiss her face. "A nameless soldier?"

"I'm sure he had a name..." She put on a look of exaggerated deliberation and Draeseth began to laugh with more amusement. "I think it ended in 'nath'... maybe." His murmured string of Torgan punctuated by biting kisses down her neck made her giggle.

"Are you forgetful because you do not wish me to know his name?"

"I know you, my flower wine. Andnaeuth will provoke you and you'll tell him exactly who I thought of and send him home angry at the poor man."

He laughed again and pressed his face to hers. "I would." After a moment he rolled to the side and let her curl against him. "Lislora wishes for us all to go pray again in the morning."

"And for all of us to have breakfast too, she said." Isonei pressed kisses into his side. "I'd like that."

"We will make a habit of rising early to pray. Krouth believes Hodrim will be the one to succeed in reclaiming you. The way you dote on the boy, even the Hallocs could see allowing you to adopt him would be beneficial to you both."

"He's such a wonderful boy." She yawned again and buried her face in his side. "I'm very grateful that you're not angry with me, Draeseth."

"It would be a lie to say that your actions please me, but I have been considering your words and have been spoken to at length of my actions. I spoke with one of the other Kamruses today and he prayed with me and spoke of forbearance. I have required a great deal and you have always been gentle with me. Returning that to you is what a good husband would do. I am... I am trying, Isonei."
