Torgan Wine Ch. 54


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Lifting her eyes with a small, grateful smile, she watched the Daga's face soften.

"I didn't mean it as an insult." Ximesra's eyes were glued to the table.

"We did not mean to frighten you," Daga Velarith spoke more gently, "you were treated poorly before your arrival. No harm will come to you here, nor will you be unkindly treated. At worst, I would send you on your way home without the daughter of Liadith."

"We wish to accompany her to her father." Xagorath rubbed his sister's arm. "She is a friend and we mean no disrespect, it's just that we met Prince Draeseth. We don't see what she saw."

"Few would." The Daga squeezed Isonei's hand again. "That does not mean it is not there."

A servant came to stand just within sight and nodded to the Daga wordlessly.

"Daga Liadith will be here shortly. He traveled more quickly than I expected." He rose from the Aran style table at which they'd been lingering. "I would ask if you wished to change but you may not have time."

"You've lent me a lovely gown and I'm certain my Daga will have no complaints about how I'm dressed. I'm at a loss as to how I can thank you for your warmth and generous welcome." Isonei took the Daga's hand as he beamed and led her through the garden toward the gate.

"The company of a daughter of Liadith is a rich reward."

As they approached the edge of the garden and the gate came into sight, Isonei found her heart beating faster. The sound of horses could be heard shortly before they were seen and a group of mounted men, with Daga Liadith in his scarlet mantle at the front, sped past the gate. Her face split in a broad, exhilarated smile.

Daga Velarith walked her to where the men dismounted as the servants took their horses. "I expected a carriage, Lady Isonei's journey has been difficult enough..."

"Speed was my concern." Daga Liadith stepped forward and opened his arms, "Sweet girl-" He laughed as Isonei launched herself into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. "Sweet girl, are you well?"

"I am, my Daga. Daga Velarith has been a considerate and generous host, and I slept better last night than I have in months."

"Good. Have you eaten?" He stepped back and cupped her face with one hand studying her.

"I have! Onsh-Velarith spent the day with me yesterday and when I was awake he had anything I wanted brought to my rooms. Daga Velarith has spent today with me and we've spent most of it lingering over meals."

Daga Liadith looked to Daga Velarith and released Isonei, placing his hand over his heart in a warm gesture, "Thank you, my friend."

"Isonei?" The familiar voice was tentative.

Turning, Isonei felt her heart beat in her throat and tears welled in her eyes as she reached out toward Ivorith. She took a juddering breath as he embraced her and squeezed tightly. "I'm sorry, Ivorith, I'm so... where is Ialath? I need to-"

"No one told you?" Ivorith pulled back slightly, running his hand over her hair and his grim expression made her insides twist. "Ialath never recovered from his injuries. Infection..." He swallowed, "House Ernelis has become smaller."

She felt a little faint and buried her face in his shoulder, trying to remember how to breathe.


"It's my fault... my brother..."

"No. It was the Torgan, Isonei. Ialath wanted your forgiveness. He asked-" Ivorith paused to rub her back as a strangled sob wrenched itself out of her. "He asked for you to come back to Ara and leave flowers on the mound if you can forgive him."

"Mound?" Onsh-Velarith murmured curiously.

"She thinks well of you, for the moment, don't mock her for Aran traditions." Daga Liadith spoke frostily and Isonei tried to collect herself, pulling away from her brother and lifting her hand.

"Please... He meant no harm, my Daga. We were all more foolish when we were younger and he was often provoked. I ask you to think better of him, he has been-been-" she wiped at her eyes with her sleeve, struggling to force her anguish down enough to put her words to use. Grieving would need to be done at home, she was needed to smooth things.

Onsh-Velarith stepped past Ivorith to tilt her face up and use his thumbs to wipe the dampness from her cheeks. "You look more pitiful than you did yesterday. Come back inside. There is a tea made from some of our trees that will make you feel better."

"Thank you. I doubt anything will make me feel better except going home, but I'll gladly drink the tea."

"Forgive me." Daga Liadith inclined his head. "I will think better of you if she does."

"There is nothing to forgive, Daga Liadith. I earned my reputation. That she can forgive me so easily is a wonder. I can't expect that from anyone else." Onsh gently tried to lead Isonei toward the house. "I can only try to change my reputation."

"Please." Ivorith took hold of her other hand with a pained expression. "I need to spend time with my sister. We didn't part on good terms and there's so much-"

"Let her have tea and adjust to the news before she hears more, Ivorith." Daga Liadith frowned slightly, "We should rest and make plans to leave early." He glanced at Daga Velarith, "I need to speak with you privately, the matter is pressing."

Isonei kept hold of both Ivorith and Onsh's hands and began moving toward the house.

"Not even a word of greeting for your eldest brother?" Yornaith's tone was teasing and she spun on her heel in surprise looking for him. "Or were you tired of me after our short visit?" He grinned as she recognized him, darting back to embrace him as well. "Much better."

"Why is your hair golden?" She touched his hair with a baffled smile and then his cheek, "And your skin is... almost green."

"I was going to go back and try to get close to you. There was so much you needed to know and I hadn't been allowed to speak to you properly. I had my hair and skin dyed the moment I returned only to hear that you found your own way home."

"I was looking forward to seeing the Duchess of frolics again." The face that peered over her brother's shoulder was as green as his own and grinning madly.

"Dear jester!"

"Oberath of House Neriris has made more than one trip to Torga trying to get close to you again."

"I traveled with Hesh-Caeridith." Oberath came to stand next to her. "I couldn't get as close to you as I did the first time, but I was able to bring back reports of your health. You look much better than I was led to expect."

"She's been able to eat more since..." Ximesra started to volunteer before trailing off. "But it's a sensitive subject."

Isonei felt her insides twist.

"Come have tea and you can all rest while you speak." Onsh-Velarith beckoned with a faint smile. "The dining room will be more comfortable."

"Thank you, Onsh-Velarith." Isonei disentangled herself from Yornaith and took the Lerian's hand while reaching for Ivorith's. "Will you be unhappy with me if I monopolize the conversation with your guests?"

"Not at all, Lady Isonei." Onsh gave her a warmer smile, "I would consider it help with my duties." He led the way into the house toward the dining room.

Low Lerian tables and cushions were laid out similarly to the dining room in her own Daga's home and Isonei couldn't help but smile at them. "I'm going to ask my Daga to have Lerian tables found at home. I adore them."

"We keep both for the comfort of our guests." Onsh's lips curved smugly and she squeezed his hand.

"I'll try to prod Daga Liadith into doing the same."

"They call these backward in the south. Backward and unfashionable." He glanced at her as if to judge her reaction.

"Fashions change and these tables seem elegant and charming to me, anyone who calls them backward will find themselves on the sharp side of my tongue." She gave him a stern look and his eyes brightened.

"I didn't know you had one. I would enjoy seeing it. Has my father asked if you would consider returning?"

"I promised to have my Daga offer me to Daga Lothlaerith first, but if he can't be patient or we aren't well-suited, I told your father I'd be glad to return."

"He is one of the few friends I have left. If he's asked you, it would be wrong of me to."

"I understand. I would hope that if he and I aren't well-suited we would part on good terms but I would never want to jeopardize your friendship."

"He visited after Arissa left. I didn't expect him to speak to Gildith ever again. I know him better than to expect him to take it well if you refuse him."

"He has a temper?" Isonei found herself frowning at her hands. Another man with a temper wasn't what she wanted. It made her wonder if she had been rushing toward another poor decision.

"Are you planning to leave again so soon?" Ivorith tried to find a comfortable way to sit on his cushion.

"No. Daga Lothlaerith will have to be patient. I need to spend time at home until I feel more like myself. My heart needs to heal."

"Father said the house feels wrong without you. And, I think, even the bees noticed. The honey tastes a bit different."

"Would you be upset if we waited before we returned to Ara? I need to spend time in both of my homes. My heart has felt split in two."

Ivorith inclined his head hesitantly, "Daga Liadith said he visited you in a dream and he walked through father's house with you. He described it as it used to be when we were younger. Mother changed the colors of the sitting room years ago, and father prefers the blue place settings now."

"Yes, but it was so much lighter and prettier before. That's the way I always think of it."

"Father said you were very diplomatic about the way mother redecorated but you didn't like it."

"There's nothing wrong with the way mother changed things, it's just that it looked like home before and afterward it felt... like I was visiting someone else's house."

He and Yornaith looked at each other and she could tell they were trying not to show their amusement.

"Those are the same colors as the sitting room in my father's house." Yornaith tried to cover his smile. "But to be fair they are her favorite colors."

"She's part of our family and should feel at home when she comes, both of my mothers should." Isonei inclined her head.

"The room had been the same since father's mother had decorated it, it was out of fashion." Ivorith reached out and squeezed her shoulder. "But I think nothing will be changing at home for a few years. With the sum father has promised, we will have to be more careful with our spending for some time."

"Lord Eliorith is offering less than a third of the amount!" Oberath leaned on the table. "House Neriris is offering just as much, and our grandfather will give her a room if she'd like, decorated in any colors she prefers. Mother said he was heartbroken when my Aunt Wynnan died and he lost Isonei as well. Lord Sirith still brings Sidrian and Synnan to the family gatherings. House Neriris likes to stay close to all of its offspring."

"I met Lord Wreynath once..." Isonei tilted her head, before she could say more Oberath made a loud exasperated noise and covered his face.

"Did you call him Lord Wreynath?"

"Of course. My father said that without my mother I had no ties to her House. It would have been..." She trailed off at the icy fury on his face, even with the dye coloring his hair and skin and the peculiar color of his eyes there was something familiar about the expression.

"You always have ties to her House, Isonei."

"I'll look forward to getting to know you all." Isonei dropped her chin slightly and widened her eyes, putting on a meek and conciliatory expression.

"If I had something to throw at you... does your father fall for those looks?" His expression softened to annoyed amusement.

"If you throw something at the daughter of Liadith you will be waiting outside of our gate," Onsh-Velarith snapped. His frown didn't change as Oberath dropped his chin in imitation of her meek expression. "She does it better."

"My sister has a talent for charming people. Even when you know what she's doing she can melt you." Ivorith took her hand.

"House Neriris is known for it." Oberath ran a hand through his golden hair. "Grandfather said the one party she attended was like spending an evening with my aunt. And my brother swears she charmed him as if he were a callow youth."

"Your brother?" Isonei tilted her head.

"Andnaeuth. I know we look nothing-" He blinked as she rose in a smooth movement and came around the table to him.

"That's who you looked like when you got angry. The expression was so familiar... he looks like his father when he's angry, very regal and cold." Tilting his head back she studied his face.

"I look more like our mother..." He gave her a bemused smile and gently pulled her hand away, kissing it before he glanced to Yornaith.

"Isonei, you should sit down before you ask a question that will get House Ernelis into difficulties."

"I don't understand..."

"I'll explain it on the way back to Ara, but not just yet." Oberath inclined his head. "You have more pressing things to hear about."

"Daga Liadith said to wait." Ivorith frowned. "I've learned not to disobey a Daga."

Isonei took her seat with a glance to Onsh-Velarith as the tea was brought. The Lerian looked as if he were struggling to think of an inoffensive subject. She picked up the small vessel of honey that was brought with the tea and poured it letting the thick dark liquid ooze into the tea.

Xagorath broke the awkward silence, "That looks much darker than the honey that was sent to you in Torga."

"This is forest honey, it's richer."

"It's more aromatic and the depth..." Ivorith smiled at her ruefully, "Our honey is just as rich."

"Father said it was richer!" Isonei gave him a deliberately impish smile. "Ours is excellent, especially for making our wine, but it has a very floral taste. He always admires the warmth and the depth of the flavor of forest honey."

"I can have some sent with you, as a gift for your father." Onsh-Velarith's eyes sparkled, "If for no other reason than to reward him for praising our honey."

"He would like that." Isonei beamed at him.

"He mentioned once that forest honey was reputed to have health benefits. It might..." Ivorith hesitated and glanced to Yornaith nervously.

"Is father ill?" Isonei let her smile fade.

"Yes. Once his anger evaporated he nearly stopped eating. Our mother has done all she can to look after him but when he came to Leria with us... We left him in Oyeth Lothlaeri. He seemed to brighten when he was told you had escaped to Leria but I think if he saw you," Ivorith rubbed his face and put his elbows on the table, "perhaps he would do better."

"When can we leave?" Isonei looked to Onsh-Velarith.

"You leave in the morning." Onsh inclined his head. "They only just arrived and the horses need to rest."

"Of course." Her teeth found their way into her lower lip and Ivorith took hold of her hand.

"We love you, Isonei. I... Ialath said he was upset when he watched you after the ceremony. He said you were everything father had ever hoped you could be. You were never that way at home. He saw a woman who was comfortable, without a single misstep or hesitant moment and then you flirted with the Torgan. His intention was to rattle you into behaving the way you usually do so that he could bring you home."

"This Ialath intended to fill the daughter of Liadith with doubt?" Onsh-Velarith's tone made the hairs rise on the back of her neck.

"My brother-"

"It was wrong," Ivorith interrupted her. "He said he should have been glad to see her that way but seeing her with the Torgan... when he failed miserably he tried to leave and the Torgan attacked him. Ialath said that if she couldn't be swayed, perhaps the Torgan might. He had seemed to think poorly of her in Ara. Our brother didn't mean the things he said, Isonei."

"I was never told what he said. What wounded me was the thought that my brothers hated me and I would-would never-" she wiped at her eyes and took a quavering breath.

"We love you. We've always loved you. What Ialath did was wrong but he was trying to keep you from being taken to Torga." Ivorith squeezed her hand and then released it enough to rub the back. "He wanted you to know that, that he loved you and that he wanted your forgiveness."

"I forgave him immediately and I've never stopped loving my brothers, or our father." An aching lump closed her throat.

"Sip your tea." Onsh-Velarith pushed it toward her carefully. "I will have them bring something to eat." He rose and gave Ivorith a stern look, "Come with me for a moment, Ivorith."

Isonei sipped the almost citrusy tasting tea and kept her eyes on the table. Ialath had deserved better. Forgiving him and thinking better of him were two different things and she hadn't thought well of him. It made her feel sick to her stomach to think of him dying and wanting her forgiveness while she had been thinking of him as...

"Isonei?" Oberath sank onto the cushions next to her and squeezed her shoulder. "I think you looked better after you'd been poisoned in Torga."

"Forgive me..."

"There's nothing to forgive, you finally found a way home and things haven't been well in your absence. When you see your father and go home to Ara, things will get better."

She nodded, looking into her cup. Lifting her eyes, she saw the concerned looks of the Munians and Rath-Velarith. Her brother, Yornaith, was looking at a doorway with a hard frown. "I, uhhmm, I..." Isonei tried to pull away from Oberath and stand but he kept firm hold of her shoulder, not allowing it.

"My mother tries to run away and hide on bad days. Grandfather says no one should be alone with heavy thoughts. Family is here to help you carry the burden. Stay."

"I can't bear to be the reason for..." She gestured at the rest of the table.

"She only grieves privately," Ximesra volunteered gently. "It might be best to let her have some time alone."

"Lady Ximesra, please," Oberath gave the Munian woman a sharp smile that reminded Isonei strongly of Andnaeuth, "she had no family in Torga. Remembering how to rely on her brothers and sisters will help her heal." He turned back to Isonei, "I may be only a cousin, but I see the gentle charm of House Neriris in you. You are family to me, Isonei, let me be family to you."

The sincerity in his silvery brown eyes made her breath catch and she leaned to bury her face in the crook of his neck. He pulled her out of her sitting position and into an embrace. Taking a deep breath, Isonei held onto him tightly. The soft sounds he made as he rubbed the back of her neck where it met her skull reminded her of her father when she was a child and needed consoling.

Tears began to escape and once they started she couldn't hold them back or catch her breath. Someone came to sit close on her other side, embracing her from behind. She let the tears flow until she felt empty and exhausted and her eyes ached almost as badly as her heart.

As her breathing became more even, she heard a voice ask quietly, "How is she?"

"I think the worst has passed for now." There was a pause, "Daga Liadith? She can't be alone, not for a moment. Yornaith said she was grieving in Torga, and now she's learned of the loss of her brother. It's too much."

"She won't be alone. I'll stay with my sister." Ivorith's voice behind her felt as soothing as warm water.

"You may stay in our rooms. Will she be able to travel in the morning?"

Isonei made the effort to lift her head and look up at her Daga, before she could speak he stepped forward and put his hand on her head.