Town & County Confidential Ch. 02


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The room grew silent again as I stared at the map and the monitor screens for some time. Then I said "Okay. Stakeouts are normally a Vice thing, but depending on how many locations we decide to stake out, the MCD Detectives might need to help us out, and get some cross-training in the process. As to the locations we most closely want to watch, I'll have that decision for you by this afternoon, in time to prepare for it."

I continued: "Commander Croyle, you're in tactical charge of the operation; hell, you can even name it whatever you want to, just keep it clean. You'll coordinate with these Lieutenants three, and get your Precinct Captains in the loop for assignments. Captain Muscone, you're with me for now; I have a special assignment for you. Chief, if there's nothing else?..."

"No, go ahead." said the Chief. "But I'm putting you... all of you... on a tight leash on this. Keep me and the Sheriff in the loop on this. And I say that because it's very obvious the Press is watching, and looking to make isss-ues out of anything we dooooo."

"Uh, Chief, Commander?" said Rudistan with great joviality, his face betraying that he was about to create some mischief. "With Chief of Staff Oswald retiring and Commander Ross transferring over there, should we be congratulating Captain Muscone on her upcoming promotion to Deputy Chief?"

Jerome Davis broke out laughing, as did I. And to my utter shock, so did Teresa Croyle. Tanya blushed, and the Chief was looking skeptically at Rudistan. I knew that this was Rudistan's not-so-subtle way of trying to confirm rumors that Tanya, not Teresa, would be filling the Deputy Chief slot.

"Possibleee, possibleee." I replied. "Let's worry about that later, shall we?"

"You haven't gotten rid of me yet, Rudistan." Tanya said with a wicked gleam in her eye... essentially confirming the rumors of her own promotion...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Captain Muscone drove into the Chief's office ahead of me. One does not walk in front of Lady Ironside, regardless of rank, unless one wants to get run over by a wheelchair being driven at a high rate of speed. Once inside, we found that Sheriff Griswold was already there.

After the Chief sat down behind his desk and had me sit down, I said "Tanya, I need you to be the official liaison between the TCPD and the FBI, particularly their Special Agent In Charge for this region of the country. You will be officially sanctioned to give Jack, or ASAC Karina White, our plans for our stakeouts, once I figure out what they are, and to relay back whatever they decide to tell us."

"O-kay." said Tanya. "So you don't want me involved in this stakeout operation?"

"Quite the contrary." I said. "You'll be monitoring the operation with Teresa tonight, on behalf of us and the FBI. I'm having you be the liaison because I do think Dwight Stevens and the DEA are up to something, and their reticence to share their plans with us adds a layer of uncertainty, and therefore danger, to our operations as well as theirs."

Then I said "And I had to find something for you to do. Otherwise you'll be in Cindy's office, measuring for drapes." Everyone broke out laughing at that.

"Out of curiosity, sir," said Tanya, "who is going to be the next Captain of Detectives? Jerome? Please don't tell me it's going to be Rudistan."

"Okay, I won't tell you." I said with a wicked smile.

"I wouldn't mind knowing your plan for that myself, Mister Crow-barrrr." the Chief of Police drawled. "And I know you have a plannnn for that, toooo."

"Har!" barked Sheriff Griswold. "Of course he does. Crowbar is like the Twelfth World Chess Champion, Anatoly Karpov. It's the stuff of legend that Karpov could see his opponent's threat and make a move to stop it before the opponent even knew he had the threat. And Crowbar is the same way. He's had this all figured out before we offered you the Deputy Chief assignment, Miss Ironside."

"And by the way," I said, "I'll be having words with Mary Milton about that cheap shot at the Feds in front of you, so just leave that to me, okay?"

"Yes sir." said Tanya.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

10:30am, Thursday, October 8th. I was sitting in the Main Conference Room with Teresa Croyle. We had the map of the County with the dots on it on the matrix screen on the wall.

Teresa said "Rudistan is getting the Vice Detectives ready. Jerome had Roark Coleman and George Newman go and work with Rudistan, since Coleman and Newman worked in Vice before going to MCD. I personally told them it wasn't a demotion, and we really needed their experience on this one. As usual, Julia Rodriguez volunteered to go on a stakeout. Her partner Teddy Parker didn't say anything, but he wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about it."

"Teddy has gotten to be what we call a 'grizzled veteran' of this Police Force." I said. "His experience is helping Julia a lot, but things like stakeouts are not his thing anymore. So! where do you want to target our stakeouts?"

Teresa said "The Feds seemed to be targeting the Southside, since they had their unmarked cars patrolling there, while the 'loss leaders', as you called them, were canvassing the southwest and up Riverside Drive. And unless Intel missed them, they didn't touch the northwest."

She continued: "I thought that we should also look at the Southside, but then thought that maybe their actions are doubly deceitful, that they really are interested in the Riverside Drive area, and drove the obvious vehicles through those areas. They still were casing places, even if it was a dodge for us. And the northwest robbery really appears to be a coincidental one-off. Different M.O.s all the way."

I said "Let's not make judgements based on the Feds's actions. Yeah, Dwight Stevens played those games, but he also made sure the obvious Fed cars were not where our prostitution busts were. In other words, he was showing us that he was staying out of our way."

"I'd rather he get in our way, at least enough to tell us what the DEA is up to, besides up to no good." Teresa said.

"So would I." I replied. "But again, let's not worry about what the Feds are doing. Let's ignore their actions almost completely. I am basing my decision upon something else... the actions of a dirty cop."

"Ohhhhh." said Teresa, getting it. "Hendricks. He cased all five places that have already been hit."

"Exactly." I said. "I had Myron and Mary Milton work with Internal Affairs to track Hendricks's movements the last few days. He usually stays south of Jefferson Avenue, which is the east-west road that is the de facto line between the northside and southside. But the last couple of days, and especially last night while the rest of us were doing real work, he was patrolling the northwest."

"There's not that many Hispanic convenience stores up north." Teresa said. "And some of the places in that area are white-owned."

"True." I said. "But think about this: if the Feds can run that little operation to distract and deceive us... could the criminals not also be staging these crimes to deceive us?"

"Pourquoi pas?" Teresa said, which was French for 'why not?'. Teresa knew that I speak and read French pretty well, as did my older sister Elizabeth.

"Sooooo," I said, bringing up another map with dots showing places Hendricks had cased, "prepare your troops for stakeouts at these two places on the northwest side, and these two places along Riverside Drive..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The door opened, and in drove trouble. Tawny blonde, this time. She was a frisky dame, but with a wicked streak at times. She had a case, though some would say she was a case herself, But I can't choose my clients.

The guy with her looked like a professional, the kind of professional that would put a few slugs of copper-jacketed lead into other people, then put a few slugs of bourbon into himself. But at least he knew he was dealing with Russ Ferrament, and stayed respectful...

Just moments later, Helena opened the door to the Main Conference room and Captain Tanya Muscone drove in, followed by her husband, FBI Special Agent in Charge Jack Muscone. They sat down on the near side of the table, facing the windows. Teresa and I were on the other side of the table, facing the wall with the monitor and the door. Our faces were in relative shadow, the Muscones's faces in the light.

"So Dwight Stevens didn't come with you?" I asked.

Jack Muscone realized the subtle undercurrent of accusation in my voice, and said "He's in meetings with his boss, DEA Special Agent In Charge Rutherford Lyndon. And that's probably for the best. I know you're not happy with him, and I don't blame you. He's not telling me nor my people in the FBI very much, either. My Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Karina White, is getting mad at him, too."

"And yet... he's furious that we didn't tell him about our planned raids last night." I replied.

Jack said "Well, 'furious' may be too strong a term, but yeah, the DEA was caught off-guard by those raids. And that may be why Stevens is meeting with Lyndon right now. And while I wouldn't, and didn't, expect you to say anything to them, I'm sure you'll understand that they've been working on The Eighth Street Latinos and their operations for some time."

"Without cooperating with us, nor even saying a word to us." I replied, a bit acidly this time.

Jack: "Look, Don, you know how this works. The Eighth Street Latinos are just beginning to move into this area, the northwest part of the State. The University is too huge a market for anyone to ignore, and with the supply vacuum Detective Carole Troy created by watching videos a little too closely, gangs like these want to come in and get even a small piece of the action." (Author's note: see 'Schoolhouse Rock' for the exploits of Detective Carole Troy in shutting down a huge drug operation.)

Jack: "The DEA saw this as a perfect opportunity to learn how the gang sets up its supply lines and distribution rings, so they've been doing surveillance work, both here and in other places, and they've even tried to get undercover agents into the gang, which is pretty damn hard to do with these guys."

"All the more reason you need to be telling us what's going on." I said. "I really don't want the TCPD killing a DEA Agent we didn't know was undercover."

Jack said "I get it, I get it. But DEA Agents go undercover all the time and the local Police don't know. The Agents know it's part of the risk. They were getting busted by Southport Police a lot, and some even shot and wounded, though none killed, thank God. Anyway, the point is that the DEA has been working on this gang, and their vision extends farther than this County. They want to bust these fuckers up at their highest levels. And while your raids were understandable, they potentially set Dwight and his guys back."

"My heart bleeds." Teresa Croyle said acidly. "Don't tell me the DEA didn't know that illegal immigrant women were being kidnapped and forced into prostitution by these gangs. So it's okay for them to sit there and let that happen?"

"Of course not." said Jack. "But the best way to stop that, too, is to take out the top people in this gang, and by that I mean the gang nationwide."

I peered hard at Jack Muscone, until he started acting like a dog that is being stared at and gets uncomfortable. "What?" he finally asked.

"Come on, Jack." I said. "What's the real story here?"

"Honest to God, Don, I'm telling you what I know!" Jack replied. "I'm telling you everything I know."

"I believe you." I said. "I think the DEA is treating you like a mushroom, too. And I think there is something else going on here."

Then I said, to move the unproductive meeting along, "Okay, we're going to do what we're going to do, and I am no longer concerned about the DEA's operations, plans, or activities. We're going to be doing some stakeouts, at locations I have yet to decide upon, and the DEA is not invited to our party. I might even quote John Galt and tell them to 'get the hell out of my way'..."

Part 11 - L.A. Confidential

The old Sheriff has a thing for bourbon. I have a thing for dames. Especially black-haired bombshells with great bodies that they know how to use to pleasure a man.

Yeah, I'm married. And the only person I need to worry about my sleeping around is my wife. And she's the sex professor, a hubby-watcher, and we have an honest, open relationship. If that bothers you, take it to your priest in confession.

2:00pm, Thursday, October 8th. After letting the Chief know where I was going, I changed into civilian clothes and headed to County Airport, which was north-by-northwest of Town, halfway between the City Limit line and Point Hollow, in the northwest corner of the County and the State.

I watched as the sleek executive jet plane came in for a landing. The jet was owned by BOW Enterprises, whose CEO Todd Burke was my nephew and Teresa's husband. I'd made a rare request of my nephew to have the plane flown to John Wayne Airport in Los Angeles to bring someone here to our County. I didn't ask, but I'm sure part of Teresa's methods of persuading Todd to grant the request was sucking her husband's ten inch cock to completion.

The plane landed and taxied up to near the terminal building, which was also the airport's control tower. The door opened and a relatively tall, fit woman in her 30s, with dark brown hair and a sallow but attractive face came out of the plane and down the steps to the tarmac. She smiled and waved when she saw me.

Her name was Claire Michaels, and she was a Lieutenant in the Los Angeles Police Department. But before that she was a Detective with my Town & County Police Force. She was a good Detective, and an even better leader. She had left us for the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles, where she was originally from, and for the promotion to Lieutenant that had come with the move. (Author's note: 'Dream Within A Dream' for her departure, and earlier stories for more on her.)

"Hiiii!" Claire said enthusiastically as she came up to me and gave me a warm hug, which I just as warmly returned. "It's so good to see you again!"

"Likewise." I said. I took her bag, which one of the plane's crew had brought up, and we went to my Police SUV. After putting her luggage in the back, I chivalrously opened the passenger side door for her to get in. People these days don't know what chivalry nor good manners are, I thought to myself.

"We got you a room at the University Hotel." I said. "Do you want to go there first, or to Police Headquarters?"

"The hotel." Claire said. "And let's not talk about the job until we get there."

"O-kayyy." I said, wondering where this was going.

Claire said with a flirtatious smile: "And I know you're probably figuring it out... nothing gets past you... but to make it clear, I want you to fuck my brains out, and if we do it before we talk 'shop', no one can say any sexual harassment took place."

I grinned, then said "What's not getting past me is that you've been in that California environment of political correctness for wayyyy too long."

"You got that right." Claire said. "But we'll talk about that later..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We entered Room 606 of the University Hotel, whose window in the back of the room overlooked the School to the north. No sooner than I had put Claire's suitcase down near the desk, she tugged my hand, pulling me to her as she sat down on the end of the bed. Her hands went to my crotch, unzipping my black slacks and reaching inside to fish out my hardening cock.

As she stroked my meat, Claire looked up at me and said "I've wanted to do this since the day I first saw you, all those years ago. I have spent a lot of nights in L.A. dreaming of having you on top of me and fucking me with this 'crowbar', and now I'm going to have you."

With that, she stuck out her tongue and licked my lengthening, thickening shaft from the base to the tip, then opened her mouth and took my cock into her warm, wet mouth. I groaned as I felt her take almost all of my seven and a half inches down her throat, then vacuum her mouth and suck hard as she slid her glossy lips back up my length.

"Mmm.... mmmmm..." I heard and felt her moan as she began steadily fellating me, sucking as if she were a famished whore. Sensations of hot pleasure spread through my loins and up my spine as I slid my hand behind her head and began fucking her face. Her eyes sparkled as I began taking charge of her.

"Mmmph!" I grunted. "God, that's good! Yeah, suck my dick, baby. I've dreamed of fucking you, too, and now I'm going to fuck you until you can't take it any more."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Claire said, sliding her mouth off my cock and licking the head and along the shaft. "I can take a lot." She took my rod back into her mouth and deeply sucked it for what seemed long minutes.

"God, your cock is hard." she said as she orally worshiped my manhood. "Now I know the real reason you're called the 'Iron Crowbar'."

"Just wait until I get it into that tight little snatch of yours." I growled.

"Mmmm, I can't wait." Claire said.

I felt my balls tighten, and knew I had to slow down the pace. I took Claire's face in my hands, bent down, and kissed her on the mouth. She twirled her tongue around mine as it invaded her mouth and tried to slide down her throat.

I pulled her up off the bed and began undressing her as our tongues twined in a hot French kiss. I pulled her shirt off, revealing her nice, medium-sized breasts, her nipples standing out hard and proud. My pants fell to the floor around my ankles as I went for her pants, opening them up and letting them slide down her legs.

Once naked except for her panties, Claire fell back onto the bed on her back. I fell beside her, almost on top of her, and smashed my mouth to hers in another deep kiss as my hand slid under her panties. My bird finger found her sopping wet hole, and I buried it to the knuckle and began sliding it back and forth.

"Mmmm!" Claire moaned into the kiss as I added my index finger and began finger-fucking her. I broke the kiss and moved my face down to her breasts, kissing and sucking her distended nipples. She moaned I began kissing my way down her firm, quivering abs. I repositioned myself and got between her legs, then pulled her panties down her firm thighs. She raised her legs up and back as I slid the flimsy garment off her legs and threw it on the floor.

I nestled between her legs and saw her swollen cuntlips between some sparse curls of pubic hair. It was a tasty looking snack, and I availed myself of it. I licked her slit from the base to her clit, sliding my splayed tongue along the folds of her wet womanhood.

"Ohhhhh...." Claire moaned quietly, her legs spreading wider. I licked along her slit again, this time pointing my tongue and going deeper, tasting her freshly gushing juices. I slid my hands under her firm asscheeks and pulled her cunt to my mouth, and began tracing letters of the alphabet with my tongue. As I got to 'H', 'I', and 'J', I was licking deeper and deeper, until ultimately my mouth was pressed against her swollen labes as my tongue probed deeply into her juicy hole.

"Ohh.... ohhhh.... ohhhh... ohhh..." Claire moaned as I ate her out, enjoying the taste and feel of her tangy cunt on my tongue. After several long moments, I finally worked two fingers into her vagina as my tongue licked her clit. I began digging my fingers into the upper walls of her cunt in a 'come here' motion, stimulating her inner clitoris as my tongue lashed her exposed outer clit hard, making her come apart.

"OH MY GOD!" Claire screamed as a flood of sweet juices washed over my fingers. I felt her vaginal walls clamp down on my invading digits, and I frigged her even harder in response. She cried out as the shock waves of another orgasm ripped through her body.