Tracy's Nude Scholarship Ch. 05

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Our nudie ventures out into the non-nude beach!
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 06/03/2023
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The next few minutes turn out to be relatively uneventful. After a bit of laughing we all calm down, and I eat my lunch as Nat continues to drive. The way to the beach is mostly made of small side roads and largely empty highways, so not much in the outside spectator department.

As I'm eating my burger, I feel a big drop of ketchup fall onto my belly. I look down, and am greeted to the sight of my painted and naked curves. God. Every now and then I get used to it and stop thinking about it for a few seconds, but I'm quickly pulled back into this excitingly surreal feeling. I'm sitting in the car with my best friends and eating fast food, while I'm wearing only a bodypaint bikini. I grab a napkin to wipe the sauce off of my stomach, sending a chill throughout my whole body. Will I ever get used to this? Doing normal things butt naked?

"Ok girls! We're here!" Nat announces.

I look out the window, and yep, there it is. A vast beach stretching at least a few miles each way, with countless people spread throughout. As we pull up to the parking lot, I see a sign reading "Sandy Gems Beach". This is it.

Nat pulls us into the lot and parks the car. Alex hops out of the car and opens the trunk, grabbing our beach towels. Kate grabs the umbrella. Nat grabs the water cooler. I'm still sitting in the car. I'm a confident gal. I signed up for this. I WANT this...but it's still so crazy. I'm about to walk out there with only a layer of paint between my exposed, naked body, and hundreds of people just going about their day at the beach. Am I really doing this right now? Is this real life? Is this MY life from now on?

I was already starting to breathe heavily, my chest rising up and down.

Before I could get my bearings, I felt a hand on my arm, Alex's hand, and am yanked from the car.

"WOAH! What the hell!" I exclaim as I stumble, trying to keep my balance on the asphalt.

Alex laughs. "Come on, we don't have all day! Let's get this show on the road!"

I think she may be more excited to see me do this than I am....maybe.

The three girls casually walk through the parking lot like it was any other day at the beach. I follow right behind them, receiving occasional glances back. I didn't even bring flip-flops or sandals, so I have to rely on my barefeet to carry me across the parking lot's asphalt. To be honest, it kinda hurts, but every step reminds me of how utterly naked I am right now. That sensation is only enhanced by the way my body jiggles just a little bit every time I move. With the way my legs, ass, tummy, and boobs all have some sort of bounce to them, I'm constantly feeling the absence of clothes. One of the perks of being a bit plump I guess, y'know, assuming you LIKE feeling naked.


Alright. We reach the end of the asphalt, as my bare foot touches sand.

We are officially on the beach. Most of the people are closer to the water, but man, there's A LOT of them.

I look down at my painted tits...

How long until someone notices? God. I'm already so worked up.

The beach stretches on for pretty long too.

Alex walk in front of me. "Come on, slowpoke! You just gonna stand there? Let's walk down the beach!"

I feel like I'm gonna collapse...but yeah, I should probably start walking.

As we walk, minutes begin to fly by like nothing, as I'm lost in pure bliss and freedom. I get a few curious glances, but most people we pass either don't notice my nudity or do a good job of hiding it.

With every step I take, my instincts are screaming at me to cover up...but I won't. I can't.

Fuck, there has to be hundreds of people here today, as far as the eye can see. It's the last weekend before colleges start up again, so I guess it makes sense.

As we continue walking, I almost begin to grow desensitized to my nudity, likely due to not many people noticing. The knowledge of being naked in front of all these people is super fucking hot (stealth exhibitionism can be fun), but I'm definitely disappointed I'm not getting much of a reaction.

However, just as my disappointment begins to solidify, things take a turn. I notice a guy staring at me, before tapping his buddy on the shoulder and pointing towards me. Suddenly there are now two men looking at me. They know. They're staring below my neck. Oh my god, they're coming this way!

As they get closer I can make out more of what they look like. The first guy has dirty blonde hair. He's just wearing blue swim trunks, leaving his pecs and abs on full display. Not a huge bodybuilder or anything, but he's got nice muscles. His friend has brown hair, is wearing much of the same, and is on the chubbier side. He looks like an absolute teddy bear.

Ok Tracy, act natural. Talk as if you're wearing a real bikini. Do not look down. Act totally oblivious until they point it out directly.

Deep breaths.

"Hey hot stuff!" the more muscular boy said.


I put my hands on my hips. "Hey yourself" I manage to say with a playful smile.

The boys are ogling me super hard. Fuck, it's my first direct conversation, and I already don't know how much longer I can keep up this act!!!

"Name's Keith," the muscular boy says, "we saw you from over there and figured we'd say hello"

"I'm Allen," the chubbier guy says.

"Nice to meetcha! I'm Tracy!" I say as I do a little pose with my hands in the air.

I feel more naked than I ever have in my entire life, as the boys look like they're struggling for words. They're just looking at me with these big goofy grins. They're trying to get a read on me, but they're clearly struggling.

"Um, we're here too," Alex butts in with a smirk.

"Oh, sorry!" Keith interjects, "I guess I just got a little distracted by your friend's bikini."

"Yeah," replies Allen, "I've never seen anything like it."

"I'm Alex," Alex says.

Nat is rolling out our towels and setting up an umbrella. "I would be Nat."

"Oh, and um, my name is Kate," Kate meekly responds.

"Nice to meet all you gals," Keith says. "Now, I gotta ask, Tracy, you down for a selfie?"

Oh boy. Photo time. It was inevitable. This selfie will be permanent and completely out of my control. These guys can send it anywhere, to anyone. They'll almost certainly show it off to all their horny guy friends....

Alright. I'm gonna do it.

"Teehee, of course!" I exclaim.

Keith steps to my right, and Allen to my left. I shudder when they put their arms around me. Their touch on my bare skin sends WAVES throughout my entire body. I somehow get ever wetter. It feels like I'm about to start literally dripping onto the sand.

Keith holds out his phone. I look at the screen to see how we look and-

Oh. Two things I notice that nearly make my heart stop.

First of all, the boys are pitching massive tents. They're horny as fuck. They wanna fuck me so bad, and I'd love to drop and fuck them right here...but I can't. I gotta keep things slow right now. I can't just jump into full on crazy public sex. Not now.

Second of all, the suit is fading.

That's right. What was once a hard opaque coat of blue has been becoming a blotchy mess.

Of course, Nat said it wasn't waterproof. I've been sweating non-stop since we got here, not to mention the absolute fucking waterfall between my legs. Yeah, the paint covering my pussy was extra faded, and there were a handful of smudges in other places due to physical contact.

You didn't need to be up close to notice. It was obvious I was a naked painted gal from dozens of feet away. No doubt. For all intents and purposes, just about everything is on display now.

Just as I finish wrapping my head around all of that, Keith takes the photo. There it is. Now it can spread anywhere. It could even go viral. It's all out of my hands now. I could bump into someone late on who's seen me from this picture online. Who knows how big it'll get.

I love it.

"Thanks!" Keith and Allen say in unison, before abruptly running off to the bathrooms.

Holy fuck. They're going to jerk off. They're so turned on by my naked body, they need to run off to relieve themselves right away.

I'm on the fucking edge. It's getting more and more impossibly difficult to not just drop to the ground and fingerfuck myself into oblivion... I need to keep it together!

As I look back up around me, I'm immediately blasted by yet another fantasy come true: There are other groups of people fixated on me, many of which with their cameras out.

Groups of horny guys. Packs of giggling girls. A good 4 or 5 of them, all recording me or taking photos (I have no idea, and that makes it even more exciting!) while saying SOMETHING about the beautiful sight before their eyes.

I turn back to my girlies to check in on them.

Kate is sitting on her towel, her face buried in a book, trying to ignore my shameless display.

Nat and Alex are both sitting down on plastic chairs, leaning over, looking at me intently, waiting for my next move.

Fuck it. The "suit" is beyond saving. I'm sweaty. It's hot as hell.

I'm going for a swim.


Part of me is crying out to sprint to the water as fast as possible, but I need to take it slower.

I don't want to call TOO much attention to myself yet. Plus, I'd like to take one last time to show off my gorgeous bikini (what's left of it anyways).

I start my trek over to the water. It's a few hundred feet away.

I'm dissociating at this point. I'm casually walking with a smile on my face, while my mind is on a different planet.

People glance. People stare. I think I heard a wolf-whistle in there somewhere, a few camera clicks too. Who knows. I'm hardly paying attention. I'm using all of my mental energy to make it to the water without collapsing on the ground into an orgasmic puddle.

The sun against every exposed inch of my skin. My feet on the sand. The jiggle in my walk.

Focus Tracy. Focus.

Eventually, I make it to the edge of the water, and without a second thought, I rush in.

My body that was encased in sunlight just a few seconds ago is suddenly enveloped by cool water. I swim around under the surface, taking time to spin around and just glide through the deep blue seawater.

Woah. This was a new feeling. I'm not fighting anything anymore. I'm completely at peace. I feel like I'm truly one with myself, connecting with my body in a way I never even imagined. I wonder how long this will last.

I take my time in the water. I want to make sure all the paint is off. Plus, not a bad idea to try and calm down my nerves a bit before going back to work out there.

Eventually I decide I've had my fill. Time to head back.

I make my way back over to the land, until I find a spot where my feet touch the ground.

Right now, my head is the only thing above the water.

I move my wet hair out of my face so I can see.

I walk further towards the beach, and suddenly my shoulders are above the water, and before I know it, so are my soaking wet tits. The late August sun against my wet skin is driving me wild.

Holy fuck. Ok. There's that horniness coming right back to me.

I keep moving. My belly is above the surface now. Almost there. So close.

One more step, and there it is. My bare pussy, wet in more ways than one, exposed for everyone on the beach to see.

The dropoff is long, so I'm not super close to the beach, but with where I'm at there are people starting to notice. People leaning over and squinting, trying to make sure they're seeing things correctly (I guess they didn't see me on the way into the water).

The anticipation is killing me, but I don't want to run yet.

Finally, after a few more large steps, my thighs are above water. With a few more, I have totally surfaced, standing on the edge of the beach.

Oh my god. Eyes are turning my way. Voices are getting louder. Every passing second more and more people turn to look at me. They all have something to say, but I can't make any of it out.

My breathing picks back up. Yeah, that serenity of the ocean is long gone now.

I feel like I'm a purely sexual being with nothing to hide. Every fucking inch.

I'm so excited, but I can barely move. My heart is racing faster than ever, but my legs are locked in place. My senses are so out of control it's like they're fighting each other. I feel like I'm about to collapse and pass out, yet I have so much energy and the overwhelming desire to rush out there and do so so much with my body!

I look around at all my spectators. Some are cheering, some are laughing, others are in pure awe. Holy fuck.

I look down at my naked, wet body, just to take it all in again.

My fists are clenched, and my toes curl into the sand. All of my spicy bits are as clear as day.

Using every fiber of my being to not cum on the spot right now.

I want to be grabbed. I want to be touched and fucked in every fucking way possible! I don't think I'll go that far today, but it's certainly what my body is screaming at me to do, and it's taking one hell of an effort to fight back!

Alright Tray, let's get a move on. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig deep breath.

I debate on what kind of walk I want to do. A normal walk? A sexy supermodel walk maybe?

I end up deciding on doing a cute, almost ditzy walk, as if I'm totally carefree, paying absolutely no mind to my flagrant, naked, shameless display.

With that, I continue walking towards the crowded beach, my audience.

"Yo, Tracy!" a man's voice cries out.

Huh? I look around and, oh! It's Keith from before!

Before I can fully pull myself back to reality to say something, Keith is standing just a few feet in front of me.

"Hey girl, I don't wanna scare you or anything, but I think you lost your, um, 'swimsuit'." He says this with a big grin on his face, looking my naked body up and down.

Holy cow. Ok. How do I wanna play this...

Without a second thought, I put my hand on my hip, and throw on a cutesy smile.

"Oh you silly billy! I was naked this whole time!"

"Wow really, you sure fooled me," Keith replies with a grin, staring right down at my bare pussy, "but uh, you do know this is a clothed beach, right?"

I let out a cute giggle, putting both my hands behind my back.

"That's the coolest part!" I say, "I got accepted into a special scholarship where I get to be naked wherever I want! Aaaaaall theeee tiiiiime!"

As I say this, I caress my wet body, running my hands from my legs up to my tits, which I give a little squeeze. Fuck this feels crazy.

Keith's jaw dropped, but quickly forms back into a surprised grin.

"So, you really don't care who sees you like this? Not at all?" he asks, trying to understand what I'm talking about and whether or not I'm telling the truth.

Fuck it. My inhibitions are nowhere to be found. There's nothing holding me back anymore. Let's do something fucking crazy.

"Nope!" I reply, "I LOVE all the attention! Watch this!"

I take a deep breath, launch my arms in the air, and yell, "HEY EVERYONE! LOOK AT ME! I'M NAAAAAKEEEEEEEED!"

I already had small groups of people looking at me, but now it was EVERYONE! Every heard that could hear me was turning right towards me.

Gasps, cheers, wolf whistles.

Holy fuck. Hooooly fuck. I can't believe I just did that. Everyone is looking at me.

Keith's eyes are practically popping out of his head. He's at a complete lack of words....I love this effect I have on men.

"WELP!" I say to Keith, "I gotta catch up with my girlies!"

With all eyes on me, and I mean ALL, I start skipping across the beach like a little girl coming home from school. Of course, everyone looking at me knows I am NOT a little girl.

Between the water on my body, the sun's rays over my skins, and this euphoric sexual high, my senses are on fucking overdrive. Every sensation is ramped up to 11. I feel every grain of sand on my feet. I'm feeling every single movement of my body, the way everything jiggles and bounces as I gallop across the beach.

I can barely pay attention to the groups of people I'm passing, but they're all cheering me on like I'm a streaker at a football game crossing the field.

Well, I guess half of that is basically true.

Every set of eyes, every noise, they send a jolt of pleasure directly into my core.

Making it to my friends, I see them set up under an umbrella, sitting on towels.

Kate is looking at me in disbelief. Even she can't turn away now.

Alex looks like she's also trying not to explode.

Nat has that usual "this is very interesting" smirk on her face.

"Hey besties!" I say to them, "like my new outfit?"

Nat chuckles, before saying "Absolutely...but I think THEY may like it just a little bit more."

She's pointing behind me...what is she talking ab-

Oh. My. God.

I look over my shoulder, and I see a huge crowd of dozens of people, mostly men. They're all grinning...and most of them have their phones out.

I was so utterly engrossed in my run that I didn't even noticed the huge crowd of fans that seemingly formed right behind me and followed me.

Holy fuck, what do I do?

I'm frozen. Completely and utterly frozen. I'm in shock. I have no idea what to do. All these eyes and cameras pointed right at my fully exposed glory, nothing left hidden.

"COME ON BABY!" one man from the crowd yells, "GIVE US A SHOW!"

...a show

Of course! That's what I've been doing this entire time! I just gotta keep it up!

No inhibitions! No holding back! I will surrender myself entirely to this wonderful feeling!

With no hesitation, I turn to Grace the crowd. I put one hand on my leg, and the other behind my head. Time for some poses.

The crowd goes fucking wild. The sound of cheers and whistles is rivaled only by the sound of phone cameras clicking.

Oh my god. I'm really doing this. And I LOVE it!

I throw both hands behind my head next.

Another round of applause. Another jolt of complete euphoria. Holy fuck, I don't know how much more of this I can take.

I knew I was confident in my body. I knew I wanted to show off, but...

I spin and and put both hands on my ass, bending over just a bit with a little arch in my back. I look over my shoulder back at the crowd.

I never thought the program would make me THIS FUCKING HORNY.

Twisting back around, I grab my tits and give them some nice squeeze. The crowd loves this one. They're louder than ever.

Holy fucking shit. I never knew I this much of a dirty fucking exhibitionist!!! Signing up for this scholarship was the BEST THING I EVER DID!!!

In as swift a motion as possible, I drop down into a squat. My knees are closed together in front of me, but that soon changes when I slam my legs wide open, giving my loving fans a clear view of everything between my legs. The crowd goes louder than ever. It's almost deafening.


I'm barely able to keep my balance, and after a few seconds, I fall out of my squat, and forward onto my knees.


Still on the ground, I look over my shoulder at the girls. Nat is filming her own version of this display, crowd reaction included, on her tablet. Alex is on the edge of her seat, sweating profusely. Kate has her hands over her face, but in a way where she can still clearly see everything that's going on.

"Yo Alex," I yell over, "toss me a towel!"

"Sure thing, Lady Godiva!" she quips as she throws one over.

I catch the towel, open it on the ground behind me, and collapse backwards. I may be going absolutely fucking crazy right now, but I don't want sand in my pussy!

The crowd has gone quiet in anticipation.

I was lying on this towel, my legs spread for the crowd. My entire body was still sopping wet from my swim, but it was more than water that was making my nether regions so soaked.