Transforming for the Tanuki

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A young woman is swept away by an anthro tanuki...
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All characters are over eighteen and clearly written to be so, as in all of my stories.


Transforming for the Tanuki

A trip to Japan was just what Ashley needed, though she could have done without the sixth-form school uniform that she was forced into. She grimaced. She'd thought that she was done with that, considering that school was finished with, though the sixth-form courses had looked more appealing in the interim to university, thus that was what she'd gone into instead. The shirt and blouse - and tie to match! - were so very far from what she would have chosen to wear normally that she constantly found herself tugging at her shirt, making sure it was tucked in, although it did accentuate her waist nicely too, which was a small bonus on that count. The tie was something, however, that Ashley loosened as soon as she was out of sight of the sixth-form lecturer that was supervising their group, though only loosely.

That was why she'd taken the chance to go off on her own, the quiet of the bamboo forest more soothing to her soul than she could have perhaps imagined. It was a far cry from England and a trip that she had scrimped and saved and worked hard for, though many others had simply gotten the money from their parents. Ashley shook her head, her shoulder-length hair flipping back and forth. It wasn't right that everyone else was just able to get everything they wanted at the drop of a hat but, well, it was the way of things. Now that she was an adult, she had to understand that, though the spot of nail polish she'd used to hide a mark on her glasses was wearing through, bearing testament to the fact that her life had not been the easiest up to that point.

But that was no matter, not when she was on her own. They were supposed to be out learning the history of the forest for some course or presentation but Ashley had already read up on it and wanted to take her own photos. The writing side could come when she was back in England and she wasn't going to worry too much about jotting down so many notes that had already, most likely, been acquired. The Japanese History and Culture course was new to her sixth-form school but something that had interested her, opening up the doors to world travel when so much had been closed to her before.

Still... It would have been nice to have some company. Ashley chewed the strap of her camera, snapping photo after photo, playing with the settings, though little did she know that she was not truly alone out there. For in one of her photos, a dark shape showed up through the soft, bamboo towers, stretching for miles where they had been cared for and preserved into such great forests.

It was that darkness, however, that tempted her on and sealed her fate, her step into a new kind of future that Ashley could never have imagined before. It opened up into a cave as she explored curiously, although stepping into it was the best mistake that she could have ever made. It was not too deep, opening up into the brightness of a hidden bamboo grove on the other side with a rocky waterfall plunging into a crystal-clear pool where koi swum, lazily arcing back and forth as if the wiles of time and the world had no bearing on the path that they took through life.

There was more though and she gasped in awe at what she could only describe as a mansion, yet not one that she would have been familiar with. The Japanese-style dwelling was compiled of delicate walls so that it could easily be rebuilt in the case of a quake, tremors being quite common over there, though the detail and beautiful imagery across them led her to believe that a renowned artist had taken his brush to them. Wolves and butterflies and foxes danced across the walls as if the whole building had played as a canvas, the artistry locked there until the end of time.

"My lady."

A figure draped in a long, floor-length, rich green robe trimmed with gold inclined his head kindly to her and she gaped, for he was not human. A tanuki with bands of brown layering what she could see of his body, he smiled pleasantly, though the respect was in her hands as she bowed hastily in turn. It had to be his home, after all, and she did not want to be rude.

"Ohayo gozaimasu," she said, using the most formal greeting she had in her learned lexicon. "But you... You said hello like an English person?"

It was enough to throw her off and the tanuki laughed, swinging his arms open to invite her inside.

"I thought it would make you more comfortable. Your Japanese is excellent! Please, do come inside..."

She didn't know what else to do and it would have appeared rude to her to deny him, which was just how she found herself sitting cross-legged on a cushion with a low table, the tanuki lord pouring a cup of matcha tea for her. It was perfect, not boiling but still hot, and she sipped it softly as he told her his name in Japanese, though shortening it to "Botan" was easier on her tongue.

He said he wanted to make things easier for her. She believed him.

Things could have gone terribly wrong but there was a sweetness in the tanuki that drew her in and Ashley had nothing that she didn't mind leaving behind. They talked and talked and she wrote down all she could about his culture and life, thinking vaguely of the report, even though she already knew that she'd never get to write it. Things had changed, but he plied her with sashimi, good food, the very best food that she had had in her life. Why, the food was so good that she ate all day with him, laughing and smiling more than she ever had before in her life, the rest of the world dropping away as she even, shyly, hugged him at the close of the day.

"Goodnight, Ashley."

She was fast asleep in a simple sleeping chamber with a sleeping mat and lamp before she knew it, though no one would find her in the soft crook of Botan's home. The tanuki had made sure that it was only those that he could deem worthy to come to him, to step into the time of older magic, that could ever find his dwelling. And Ashley was the first in a decade to set foot inside his home: a blessing indeed for the two of them.

Dimly, she thought that she should have been more cautious with the tanuki than she was, especially as she rose the next day with her body feeling thicker than before. She turned one way and then the other, moving her hands down her torso, though there was nothing she could put her finger on. She couldn't put it down to anything obvious, however, and shrugged it off, feasting with him all day and walking in his grove, the secluded home that he'd designed tucked away with rock walls on four sides. The only entrance was through the tunnel, both as a protective and privacy feature that she appreciated too. There had been little privacy when she'd grown up in care homes and a foster home even at her age, helping her get her feet under her for university, had not been the most stable life either.

The days passed and the distance between them closed more and more as she let him touch her shoulder, her hip, her thigh. She shivered as he brushed the hair away from her face, a blush heating his cheeks too, though Ashley wanted it as much as he did. She was not forcing herself on but merely experiencing some of the things in life that had, perhaps, been tilted off-course due to the troublesome turns her early life had made, fate paying her back, eventually, as was the right of the world.

Her body, however, did not remain as it should have been. The thickness of her body was soon revealed to be multiple pairs of breasts that worried her at first but Botan did not seem concerned, letting her know that it was merely something that happened to those staying in his mansion. She could leave, of course, and things would stop and even reverse, yet there was a tie to him that even Ashley could not break after such a short time. The base of her spine started to feel thicker and stranger, her skin darkening, prickling as if something was sprouting through. She had to get used to moving with her new breasts, for they swayed lightly, heavier than the B-cup she had had originally, though they felt natural too on her body even as they increased in size, day by day. Her face softened, the features shifting, though it was her hands and feet becoming something less than human that was more and more difficult daily, finding it harder to grip items as the ligaments adjusted and her feet grew wider, more stable.

One week and then two weeks, longer still. She squirmed on her sleeping mat as her body layered itself with brown fur, becoming something other than herself, though most of her breasts were still pink and pale, not clad as yet in such fur. It was warming though and she became more confident in her body even with the nipples perking up in the cooler air, forcing her to find other clothes in the tanuki lord's home that fitted her. A silk kimono was not quite what she wanted, a little more in the western style too than traditional, but it would have to do, her body needing to be clothed still at that point.

There was even a tail too to come, something that Ashley could not have expected. It was stranger even than the thickening of her chest and torso with those multiple breasts and it was hard to say which she spent more time caressing, trying to memorise the fluff of her tail as much as the soft and supple curves of her breasts. Her nipples perked up as she wriggled on her bed, trying to come to terms with her body in the privacy that her quarters offered, though she longed for something more homely and comfortable too as her tail grew longer and fluffier each day.

The day after she shared her first, explosive, tingling kiss with Botan, her ears started moving towards the top of her head. The changes must have been happening during the day too but the best time for Ashley to take stock of them was in the morning before a basin of water to wash in and a perfectly clean looking glass. It could not be called a mirror for it was far too fine and ornate to be called by such a crass name, reflecting how her face was beginning to push out, the lines across it just like Botan's.

If she should have been afraid, Ashley could not find it in herself to be as she snuggled with him before the fire, his years more of experiencing soothing her soul. Never before had she felt so warm and comfortable and protected with another person, not even with the ones that should have been out there to protect her. It was an easing of the boundaries and the guards that she'd put up for so many years, softening into her true self of being, her muzzle more tanuki-like than ever when she woke the next morning.

Her hips were wider, her chest bigger, the multiple breasts each growing a little smaller as they ran down her body as if she was a four-legged cat or something like that. It was strange but not so she could not tentatively begin exploring her body, taking her time rising in the morning while the sun lit up the world, hands sweeping down her body to see just what had changed.

Her breasts tingled as she played with them, the obvious choice to pause on while her ears, having risen to the top of her head, flicked back and forth. It was hard to ignore that her breasts had changed so much when she had to consider the added weight of them every day, though her back muscles were growing stronger to compensate for her centre of balance being thrown off too. The bones of her hips no longer pressed up against her skin as if she was too thin but proved a smooth curve there, thighs thick and comfortable. If there was one word that Ashley would have chosen to describe her body, it would have been "comfortable", even though Botan would have said something different as he blushed and offered his hand to her later that day.

"You're so beautiful..."

The kiss they shared was between tanuki muzzles, even though her transformation was not, as yet, fully complete. The flat of his tongue curled around hers, showing her how she could use her own more flexible appendage to deepen the kiss, to bring them to a new, teasing delight that sent tingling heat through her. Yet there was only one thing left to do that would bring her closer than anything else to Botan and it was entirely Ashley's decision to go with him to his sleeping quarters. His were more elaborate than her guest ones with embroidered sheets on the bed, which was still set low to the ground, something easy for her to allow him to tumble her onto for her very first time.

It happened easily, seamlessly, breach hot and tight in her throat as she pulled him over her, tail twitching. It was almost as long as her torso and something told her that it wasn't done growing yet, her nose flatter and poised wetly at the tip of her muzzle, nuzzling into the crook of his neck as she surprised herself by moaning out his name. His shaft was smooth and firm and she wanted it so badly, even though she was a virgin, of course, and didn't know what to do. She knew the mechanics of it, vaguely, but what she did pick up early on that consent was the most important and, oh, oh... She whimpered. She could barely put words to how much she wanted it, clinging to him, his shoulders, his back, all as Botan softly nuzzled down her chest.

His tongue curled and flicked around her nipples, playing with them, teasing them, bringing her to a high of pleasure unlike anything her fingers had brought her to before. Truly, she'd never managed to reach orgasm, only having her fingers for that kind of pleasure, and shrieked breathlessly, her voice ripped from her as ecstasy trembled through tenaciously. It was all as she could never have imagined that she wanted it to be, the luckiest woman in the world to come with a partner like Botan. She moaned as his tongue rapidly flicked her nipples as if he was trying to lick too quickly, the trembling vibrations sending her head spinning. Ashley wondered sometimes if the people from her past life had spent much time looking for her but, well, she doubted it. It was the way of it and if her alternative to that life was learning about Japanese culture and history from the source with the most gorgeously handsome tanuki lord she'd ever laid eyes on, was not a bad deal.

As he suckled on her breasts, his tongue doing such wonderful things to her heaving bosoms, she moaned out his name, arching up into his touch, elbows driving into his thin yet supportive mattress. He was a blend of the traditional and the modern, perhaps a touch of western life in him too, though Botan was uniquely himself and that was all that she had to know.

He took the lead, kissing her, whispering to her, checking that she was okay, and she was more than ready for him when his shaft eased into her, stretching her soft passage for the first time. It hurt only a little as he took it so slow and her arousal helped massively, every nerve-ending in her body tingling as if he was brushing out her fur again, sending goose bumps travelling down her back, along the lines of her arms. There was so much sensation to be had with fur, even in how it almost bunched up beneath her, her thicker, lightly fleshier body more comfortable to reside in as he covered her body with his.

He moved over her and they lay end to end, her lover softly and gently guiding her, though his main focus was on pleasing her. Yet Ashley's curious need could not be denied as she nuzzled his very lightly tapered shaft and soft balls tentatively, growing bold enough to lap at the tip and across his softly furred sack as she learned what it was to please. His muzzle between her legs drove her on, the touch of his tongue setting off explosion after explosion within her, need pumping through, barely with reality as his tongue delved into her honey and scooped out her nectar. It dug into her more deeply than she didn't even know that any human tongue could have done, flexible and teasing, finding a sensitive spot of nerves inside her and flicking up to a haze of delight.

I love you.

They hadn't said the words as yet but it was all so and she would not have denied it, regardless of how far and how fast she had fallen for him. It was as terrifying as it was exciting, his kisses tainted with her juices as he toyed softly with her tongue, allowing her to kiss him as deeply as she wanted in turn, her thighs spreading wantonly for him, ready for him. Trembling, Ashley wrapped her legs around his hips, trying to draw him deeper into her still even though he was being the utmost of a gentleman, caring for her comfort first and foremost. Her tail tingled and she tried to flick it out of the way, swearing that it was getting longer even then, though that could not have been possible. It didn't matter, not when his cock was driving into her, spreading her open so softly that there was only pleasure, the smooth skin of his shaft filling her so very perfectly.

Ashley, however, should have known that anything was possible in the kingdom of the tanuki, his thrusts speeding up, urgency lacing the heave of his breath. He kissed her, murmured her name, and she knew what was happening, clinging to him and urging him on with her little grunts and moans. Such wonderful sounds and the best way to experience her first time as her nose grew colder, the indents of her nostrils more defined, the finer detail of her muzzle taking shape even then. For it was all as it was meant to be, her transformation completing itself as he spent himself softly inside her. Her breasts ached softly, too sensitive in the moment, but she would have all that she wanted from him as he pumped his seed so very sweetly into her body.

Standing tall while Botan rested, sleepy and smiling after their time together, she studied herself without the aid of a mirror, her body tingling with excitement and a twisted bundle of nerves to boot. Paws... Could she call them such? Finally, her feet had tiny claws at the tips of the toes, though there were pads on the underside where the fur did not need to grow thick and fluffy to cushion them. Her legs were mostly unchanged despite the fur covering them, the lower part clad in a darker, richer shade of brown, but her thighs and hips were thicker, almost taking on a motherly appearance.

Her breasts were obvious and she'd spent more than enough time playing with and exploring those to know what they were all about, her hands tipped with tiny claws too, though they were not long enough to get in the way. She still had her hair but it was harder to tame in how it lay about her ears, though controllable too as she could flick and twist them back and forth to catch even minute sounds, her senses sharpened.

But what was most alluring to her, especially after losing her virginity so very sweetly, was the incredible sensitivity of her breasts, how they tingled as she ran just the tips of her claws down them. Rocking her hips, Ashley blushed, forgetting she was not alone, groping the top pair lightly, only to feel how they softened under her touch, the flesh malleable to an extent and sending tiny pulses of sensation back through her body. How they could be so sensitive was beyond her but she almost didn't care as she wiggled her hips without thinking about it, watching how her fur rippled and ruffled with the light breeze floating in through the open window. The curtains billowed and, for a moment, she fancied herself a Japanese princess, though that was an aspect of their culture that she had not delved into as yet.

Maybe soon she would know even more...

"This isn't because of know."