Transport Ship Arrowhead Ch. 05


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"More than the average off worlder," Barret answered.

"Then you know of Muldax Gamma."

Barret blinked a few times. "The lost colony? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Then you do know that several thousand Muldaxians vanished from a colony world three hundred years ago."

"Yes," he said. "I also know that was why a Muldaxian cruiser was passing through the Sol System after my people fought off a Rullyde invasion. Survey ships were looking for clues as to what had happened."

"But they never found out." Zira sighed. "This is a hard story to tell. It is the genesis of my race and our greatest shame. The lost colony was taken by slavers from the planet Kij. Thousands of men, women and children abducted and repurposed. That was the start of the genetic modification.

"Muldaxians were too well known in the galactic community to be sold as slaves, even in backwater systems, so they were altered. Their skin color was changed, they were made taller and more muscular, and their famous sex drives were decreased to almost nothing. But that was just the start. They were made stronger, able to get by on less sleep and less food. In short, they were made into the perfect slaves. Until they fought back.

"It was a bloody uprising that lasted nearly a century, but the slaves won. They stole a ship and escaped. But that ship only had enough supplies to last a few months. Eventually, they had t settle on the first habitable planet they found. Only it was just barely habitable.

"The ship had the necessary facilities for further genetic engineering so they could adapt themselves to that harsh environment. They named that planet 'Caverokus,' which is Muldaxian for challenge. But eventually, as the decades passed and the language changed, it became Veroxx."

"So you expect me to believe that the Verokk are really Muldaxians?" Barret snorted. "Yeah right."

"A simple DNA comparison with our Muldaxian cousins is all that is required to confirm this," Zira said. "Even with the extensive modifications, the basic structure is there. That is why the leadership invaded Muldax Prime! They believe that the only way to save themselves is to add unaltered Muldaxian DNA to the birthing chambers. That, and because they wished to retake the homeworld. I guess they feel that we're better than our Muldaxian cousins, and that they need to see our truth."

Barret still wasn't buying it. "What do you believe?"

"That Low Born like me are the future of my people. We can still have babies. I'm a mother; I have a two year old back on Veroxx. She stayed with her father while I undertook this mission." A sad smile crossed Zira's lips. "My mate tells me that she is very beautiful. That she looks like me. I'll never know." Zira wiped a tear from her eye. "I also believe that we need to reconnect with our history. The lost colony needs to once again join with the Commonwealth. I want my daughter to know who she is, and that includes her Muldaxian heritage."

Barret thought for a moment. As much as he hated to admit it, it made sense, but there was one thing he wasn't sure about. "Why are you doing this?"

"I already told you," Zira protested.

"There's more to it than that. You're running the risk of leaving your little girl without a mother. So why?"

Zira sighed. "Your government has offered to try to give me sight; to let me finally see my mate and my daughter."

"Can't you get that fixed by your people?"

Zira huffed. "Verokk engineer, not repair. When I said my blindness would have been repaired in a birthing chamber had I been High Born, I was being kind. I would have been completely reengineered if I was lucky. It's more likely that I would have been terminated and the genetic engineers would have started from scratch. Human gene therapy is much more benign."

"I know," Barret said. "I've had it myself. I had a defective gene that made my blood unable to clot. It was fixed after I was born. But there's no guarantee we can fix your eyes."

"This is true," Zira conceded. "I have an alien genome that might be incompatible with your gene therapy. If that is the case, then I'll try cybernetic implants. But even if that doesn't work, I'm still going to help."

Against his better judgement, Barret believed her. "We'll set off in the morning. We'll see if the brass back on Earth believes you."

"That is all I ask." Zira stood and approached the door. "I bid you good night, Captain. Larik'Ni." With that, she left.

"You think she's telling the truth?" Barret asked after the door slid closed.

"I do. She has no reason to make up a tale such as that. Especially when a simple genetic analysis will prove if she is lying." Larik'Ni stood and approached Barret. "Come. You look tired. I can either take you to guest quarters, or you can spend the evening with me."

Barret had his first genuine smile in weeks. "I'll stay with you, if it's all the same."

"Be warned then, lover, you will get very little sleep in my bed."

Just as before, as soon as they were in Larik'Ni's apartment, they were tearing each other's clothes off. Only this time there was no first time exploration. They knew each other's bodies, and what the other liked.

Barret immediately went for Larik'Ni's center breast wile his hands caressed the other two. The pulled and nibbled on her nipple, causing her to moan in pleasure. "I do not need the foreplay," she aid breathlessly. "I need you inside me. Now."

Larik'Ni pushed Barret down on the bed, spat on his cock, and started to stroke it before mounting him. "I've not been with anyone since you and Vas those months ago."

Barret started massaging Larik'Ni's ass cheeks as she started to ride him. "A long time."

"Too long," she gasped before leaning down to kiss him. "And you?"

"Two and a half weeks ago with Vas." He started to buck his hips in time with Larik'Ni; thrusting up as she came down. "I fucked her up the ass for the first time."

Larik'Ni groaned at the thought. "I imagine she enjoyed it."

"We both did." Barret flipped Larik'Ni over so he was on top. "She was fucking herself with a vibrator while I was in her ass." He started thrusting faster, making his Birran lover groan as her orgasm built up.

"And... did you cum in her ass?" She reached down and rubbed her clit as Barret fucked her. She needed to cum now!

"Yes!" Barret moaned, both as an answer and as a sign of enjoyment.

"I have.... yes.... I have had my ass and pussy filled at the same time. Two of my own kind. They came at nearly the same time, filling me up completely. It was glorious!" Larik'Ni rubbed her clit harder as Barret sped up. "Do not stop... I am so close......." her eyes closed as the pleasure overtook her. Her mouth opened but released only a silent scream. Her back arched, her toes curled, and her pussy tightened around Barret's cock. He quickly pulled out, knowing he couldn't hold out much longer.

"Cum on my tits," Larik'Ni moaned.

That was the only invitation Barret needed. He straddled her chest and started to quickly stroke his cock. In seconds, streams of white cum shot out over Larik'Ni's chest and neck. Shot after shot spurted out; an almost unending torrent. But as quickly as it began, it ended, and the last drop hung from the head of Barret's cock. "Jesus," he moaned.

"I think we will have to speak of past encounters more often," Larik'Ni giggled.

Vas stood looking out the window at the cool San Francisco night. She pulled her robe tighter around herself to fight off the chill.

"If you didn't parade around naked at night, you wouldn't be cold," Jackie quipped.

"I'm not naked," Vas argued. "Just mostly naked. And I'm just not used to such cool weather. I grew up on Muldax Prime's equatorial region, pretty far inland. I'm used to tropical, not coastal."

"Not to mention the fact that your home planet is warmer than Earth is," Jackie added. "He'll be home soon, you know."

"Not soon enough." Vas thought back to their dinner with Bonner. "Do you think James will go for it?"

"Probably," Jackie smiled. "It's not exactly what he was looking for, but neither was the Arrowhead when he first bought it."

The trip back to Earth was just as long as the trip to Haven. Every twelve hours they would stop to dump excess heat, and then continue on. And this trip was just as quiet as before. Zira had spent the first day walking the halls of the ship, getting used to the layout.

Barret, meanwhile, kept to himself and tried to pass the time as best as he could. However, there was only so much Solitaire he could play without it getting old. "You know, Captain, there is such a thing as conversation," Zira said as she entered the cockpit. "There is no need to avoid one another."

"I don't know you and you don't know me," was all he said.

"And that can be rectified." Zira took a seat. "I don't know why you hare my people, Captain, but I can tell you that we're not all bad. You can't judge an entire species by the actions of a few."

Barret sighed. She was right. "I've had run ins with Verokk and Geddryn ships on the past."

"The Geddryn, Zira sighed. "Our greatest crime before invading our ancestral homeworld. They were a primitive people until we came along. We reengineered them to make them a slave race. We did to them what had been done to us. There were many on Veroxx who were against it; my great great grandmother among them, but we were all Low Born, and we were ignored."

I just wish I knew why certain people were being targeted," Barret grumbled.

"Probably because of a family tie to one of the leadership. I know that the Qop, the Hakilos, and the Endira families are being hunted for that very reason." Zira's sensitive ears caught a slight gasp from Barret at the mention of the Endira family. "You know the Endiras?"

"No," Barret snapped."

"Don't lie to me, Captain. I know you're hiding something." Zira moved to a closer seat. "I may not be telepathic, but I'm also not stupid! And my ears are better than most because I've had to rely on them so much. I know that Governor Larik'Ni almost referred to you by another name. I don't know who you really are, but I know you're not Gideon Price!"

"You're right. I'm not."

"If I had to guess," Zira continued, "based on your reaction a minute ago, I'd say you're James Barret."

"And if I am?" Barret asked, his temper rising.

Zira's face softened. "Then I'm grateful. Very few have survived as many battles against the Fleet as you have, Captain."

Barret got a confused look on his face. "You don't hate me."

"For what? You've done nothing to me. Except ignore me. And I'm willing to let that slide if you start talking to me." Zira smiled and stood. "Come on. Let's go have a bite to eat and talk."

"About what?"

"About the one thing we have in common. Our families."

The remainder of the voyage was enjoyable until the Fool's Errand entered the Sol System's gravitational boundary and found itself in the crosshairs of a Verokk ship.

"Unidentified vessel," the ship's captain said over the com channel. "You are entering a disputed system. State your business."

"Disputed system my ass," Barret replied. "This system is human territory and you know it. I'm going home, which means I don't have to tell you anything!" With that he closed the channel.

"Are you sure that was a good idea, James?" Zira asked.

"No. But what choice do I have? Bug, Protocol Zero Nine. Send a coded distress call to the Patrol Fleet."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Captain Price," the AI replied. "Standing directives from Admiral Hall prohibit me."

"That son of a bitch," Barret grumbled.

"Looks like you were right about being sold out," Zira sighed. "Now what."

Before Barret could answer, the ship was rocked by an explosion off the port side. "Bug, what's going on?"

"Verokk ship fired a warning shot. Shields weakening. Weapons systems offline."

"Get them back up!"

"Unable to comply. Standing directives from Admiral Hall prohibit me."

Barret ran his hands over the holographic controls. "Evasive action!"

"Unable to comply. Standing directives from Admiral Hall prohibit me."

Another explosion rocked the ship. "That's it! Zira, strap yourself in." Barret made a dash for the door.

"Where are you going?"

Barret pulled the data chip Bonner had given him from his pocket. "I'm gonna go even the odds."

The System Patrol Fleet was comprised of thirteen ships, all named for the constellations of the Zodiac. The flagship, the Ophiuchus, was commanded by Grant Bonner. He had stationed his ship out in the Oort cloud, a vast repository of cometary debris that enshrouded Earth's solar system. He was right there when the Verokk ship attacked. "Have we received a distress call from the ship under attack?"

"Negative, Captain."

"So we move in anyway. A human ship is being attacked in the home system. Sensor logs are recording?"

"Affirmative," the gunnery officer said. "Admiral Myers is gonna love this."

Barret had run full speed to the ship's AI core. He quickly slipped the chip into one of the ports, and waited while the ship's systems rebooted. Then he made a mad dash back to the cockpit, hoping it had worked. "Bug!" he shouted when he ran through the door. "Send that distress call now!"

"Affirmative, Captain Barret," Bug said in a happy tone. "Be advised that the Ophiuchus is on an intercept course. As is the Gemini."

"So Grant's coming to bail me out and and Hall's coming to sell me out. Great. What are our chances against this thing?"

"Not good," Bug replied. "Despite Captain Bonner's efforts, my weapons systems were rendered nonfunctional before re embarked."

Zira started to panic. "We can't fight back!?"

"We can always fight back," Barret growled. "Bug, find that thing's engine core and lay in a course."

"Captain Bonner," the sneering image of Admiral Hall said when the hologram appeared in his console. "I'm ordering you to stand down. The Fool's Errand is lost."

"Not happening, Mason," Annette Myers sneered when she walked onto the bridge. "You're standing down, and then we're taking you into custody."

"Under what authority?!" the irate admiral demanded.

"Well for one thing, I outrank you! Not to mention the fact that I know all your secrets. Your going to go away for a long time, Mason."

"Engine core located," Bug reported.

"Under the keel?"


Barret took a deep breath. "Zira, I'm about to do something really stupid that almost killed me the last time I tried it."

"Did it work?"

"I'm here, aren't I?"

Zira gave a determined nod. "Then do it."

"Bug, open a channel to the Ophiuchus." Bonner's face quickly appeared. "Get your ship to a safe distance, Grant. "I've got another one of my bad ideas!"

A look of panic spread over Bonner's face. "Helm, get us the hell out of here now!"

"All right, Bug, as soon as they're clear, get us right underneath the Verokk engine core."

"Affirmative. Moving into position."

"Okay." Barret took a deep breath. "I love you, Vas," he said to himself. "Bug, give me manual control."

"What are you doing?" Zira asked.

"Hoping lightning strikes twice. Hold on, I'm hitting the FTL drive!"

From their monitors, the bridge crew of the Ophiuchus saw the bright flash of light as the Fool's Errand activated its faster than light drive.

The ship was inside the system's gravitational boundary, and the backlash caused by it rocked the entire Verokk fleet, knocking their systems offline. The Opiuchus itself was at the very edge of the shockwave, and suffered minor damage. "Get, James on the line now!" Bonner barked.

"No response," the communications officer reported.

"The rest of the fleet is en route to capture the Verokk ships, sir," the navigator said.

"Good. At least there's that."

"Captain, I've got him!" the com officer yelled.

"James you crazy bastard! Are you trying to get me killed?"

"Sorry, buddy," the fuzzy image of Barret replied. There was a very shaken Verokk woman standing behind him. "I know Vas would have killed you if this didn't work. Then she would have found a way to bring me back from the dead so she could kill me all over again."

Three days layer, after medical observations and debriefings, Barret and Vas were again at Artemis Stations with Charlie Ross, Grant Bonner and Annette Myers.

"Good work, Mr. Barret," the admiral said. "Thanks to you we have Ms. Lakett in protective custody, the Verokk shipa and their crews have been captured, and the Coalition Council is standing by us in our military actions to protect ourselves, and to drive the Verokk off of Muldax Prime. Vas, you should hopefully have your homeworld back sooner rather than later."

"What about Hall?" Barret growled.

"He's faces numerous charges," Annette said. "It turns out he was trying to incite an all out fight with the Verokk so the contractors he's invested in could get their warships funded and built. This was all about money."

"He's a traitor," Vas said. "I say do to him whatever you do to traitors on Earth."

"Don't worry. He's already been stripped of his rank. The other charges will keep him from seeing the light of day for a long time. And now for the reason we're here. Miss Ross?"

Charlie pressed a button, opening the door to one of the docking bays. Inside was a ship that looked like a larger, sleeker version of the Arrowhead.

"James, meet the Centaur. She's a Titan class ship that was built by the same people who built the Hyperion class. You could say that this is the Arrowhead's granddaughter. She's bigger, more fuel efficient, and uses Helium 3 powered thrusters instead of those old cluster ion engines. She also has a lot more cargo room and living space. What do you think?"

Barret slowly approached the ship. She slowly ran his fingers along the smooth contours of the hull, just as he had done with the Arrowhead all those years ago. "I like it."

"Wait till you see the inside," Vas squealed. "The floors are all carpeted! I can finally walk around the ship barefoot."

"So I can assume that you'll be buying the Centaur?" Charlie asked.

"No. But I will be buying the new Arrowhead." A serious look crossed his features. "But she's gonna need some work. Ablative armor and tactical grade shields are chief among them. I lost one ship, I'm not losing another one."

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WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum5 months ago

Would like to see some sort of break line when you switch scenes. Minor point but reader has to refocus where narrative is going.

Havoc100Havoc100over 2 years ago

One of the few series that I wanted to get past the sex so the story could continue. Great job.

kjohns2001kjohns2001almost 9 years ago
Abandoned story, but wonderful nonetheless!

I don't know why the author quit writing, but it's just a absolute shame that this one was abandoned after all the great writing and characters that he introduced to his readers. This is sci-fi space opera of the very best kind. I enjoyed every second reading it and totally hated it when I finished reading knowing that there simply wasn't anymore of the story to read.

I don't know if it would do any good to beg one of the best sci-fi authors to please take up this story and continue it, but I will just the same. Please, this is just too damn great a story to let die like this. Someone surely can do justice to both the story and the characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Great Job

Hopefully you're back on a pace similar to your first two chapters, I don't think I can wait a year for the next installment.

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