Trapped in Mum's Stockings

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A young man gets caught by his mum wearing her lingerie.
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When I'd graduated from university, aged twenty-two, I moved back into the family home, occupied solely by mum since dad's tragic death five years beforehand. It made perfect sense in so many ways. Although not near the breadline in any way, mum had struggled a little financially since the loss of her husband. No, she wasn't completely skint, he had been insured well, but the majority of that sum of money had been used up to redeem the mortgage of their home, meaning that whilst the roof over her head was fully paid for, there wasn't a lot left to act as income for her. Which meant that she had to work to make ends meet. So, with me securing well paid employment having returned to the nest, as it were, I could pay my way comfortably, helping her out considerably but still leaving me with enough to enjoy myself a little. And after all, being an only child, I'd inherit the house anyway when she finally passed on herself.

Naturally I hoped that event would be quite a good few years away, yes I knew that could never be counted on, dad's sudden heart attack had assured that neither her or I took a long life for granted. But, unlike him, too many full English Breakfasts for example, she had looked after herself well and in a healthy manner. In fact, she looked very well for her mid-forties age, to be totally honest she was quite stunningly sexy, although as her child I'd never considered her in that way as I'm sure that you can all understand. She also possessed quite a stylish lingerie collection to accompany those sexy looks as well.

Which was to prove to be my undoing. You see, during an all too brief liaison with a lovely girl during my university years, she had, despite my very reluctant initial resistance, persuaded me to place a pair of her stockings upon my legs, together with a very sexy suspender belt. WOW! The most sensuous experience of my whole life up until that point, really, I can't even begin to describe just how much was turned on by the delicious feel of the sheer nylon against the skin of my legs. And the sex that occurred with me so adorned. Naturally I didn't want it to be a 'one-off,' although the end of that particular relationship soon afterwards rather implied that it would become so.

Because it's often said that those of us who possess a very high level of intelligence can to an extent have very little, shall we say, common sense. Here I was a classic example of that. For what I should have done is, discreetly of course, purchased a set of stockings and suspenders myself. But I was far too embarrassed at the prospect, as a male, of buying what are considered purely female items of apparel. So, naturally I didn't, resigning myself to living without one of my secret desires.

And for the rest of my undergraduate days, I successfully coped with the situation. Including the holiday times during those years when, naturally, I came home back to mums. Because I wasn't aware of her own lingerie collection, and never saw her wearing any of it during those times in-between terms.

Or even in the immediate time after I graduated and moved back in permanently. Until the night she was going out for a 'girls' night out' with her two sisters, my Aunt Liz and Aunt Bev. With both of them, just like her, having stunning bodies and very sexy demeanours. Dressing in such a way to fully show it. Mum called me into her bedroom that evening, asking me to bring her something, no I can't remember what as I was so mesmerised by the sight of her in luxury lingerie! She was simply gorgeous and SO sexy!

Thank God she didn't clock the effect of this pure beauty in front of me had upon a certain part of my anatomy, that was actually quite painful as my jeans were very tight. But in turn I DID spot the existence and precise location of the other items she owned that weren't on her body at this precise moment. As, having given her the item she'd asked for, I retreated from her room.

She'd fully dressed by the time she stepped into the living room, where I was watching a football match on the T.V. to say 'goodnight.' With the rest of her attire as beautiful and sexy as her satin and sheer nylon lingerie. A lovely satin, blue blouse, over which a perfectly fitting leather jacket resided. Accompanied by a short skirt, of the same material that only just concealed the fact that what I knew to be stockings were not tights. She looked good enough to eat! If I hadn't been her son of course!

She left and I heard the front door close! Wow, I was now utterly alone in the house, she'd be hours yet. And I'd just become aware of her lingerie collection, and precisely where it was! My heart started to pound with desire. Could I possibly resist the temptation now in front of me? NO CHANCE!

I almost ran town room first, to strip off my own clothing before I almost stealthily crept on to hers, as if accepting that what I was about to do was completely wrong. Not that it stopped me. Soon my trembling hands are on the handles of the drawer, within a chest of those, where I'd spotted mum's 'treasure trove.' And yes, it was still there, as if she would have moved it!

Gingerly my hand rested on one of her suspender belts. Made from pure satin, it felt utterly delicious in said hand, and even more so when about a minute later it was in position around my waist. To soon be accompanied by the very sheer nylon stockings that the belt was designed to hold up! Yes, I was very careful to fit them, knowing how easy it would be to ladder them. A fate I managed to avoid.

And, for this very first time, that's as far as I went, leaving mums satin panties and bras alone. After admiring myself in her full mirror, I carefully removed said articles from my form, and knew almost lovingly placed them back in the drawer, trying to remember exactly how they'd been placed beforehand. Then slowly retreating from mum's room and shutting the door.

I guessed, correctly, that I'd got away with this act, as mum never said anything during the next few days. And just like normal in these circumstances, having 'got away with it' once, I began to believe that I was invincible. And therefore, become more daring. Next time I completed the set, trying the bra and panty set also. Which felt SO good! Don't you females just get such a good deal in life?

Again, mum never said anything, or gave any indication that she'd noticed anything out of place at all. Because she hadn't, once more my deception was un-noticed. However, this was a situation couldn't last forever, not that I'd discover I'd been rumbled for some time.

For the next time I dressed in her gear, I left the tiniest speck of pre-cum on her panties, not that I noticed. And I was extremely unlucky that mum did, it was only because she held them in such a way that the light magnified the spot where it was. Even then she wasn't sure, but she was suspicious now. Laying a carefully engineered trap for me, one I walked right into!

Not that she said anything to inform me that my little secret was out in the open, as it were. Oh no, mum kept her discovery just to herself, Aunts Liz and Bev. Who now they knew of my perversion, made some plans for me. Ones I'd soon become subjected to, all too well indeed.

It was no secret that both Liz and Bev regarded me as a sexy young man and weren't going to let either the generational age difference, incidentally both of them were younger than mum, between them and myself interfere with a golden opportunity to have some sexual fun at my expense. As for mum, well having passed through the menopause herself, so there being no chance of her becoming pregnant as any result of some incest with me, she readily joined in with her two sisters' enthusiasm for teaching me a lesson, regarding unauthorised wearing of her lingerie. Oh yes, all three of them were well and truly 'up for it!' So, the minxes had the idea of getting mum to inform me that they'd be spending a Saturday afternoon together, point being out of mum's house. No doubt hoping I'd help myself to another session dressing up in her underwear. Waiting until after lunch for the effects of my normal Friday evening down the pub to somewhat diminish. That was another thing, mum planned to use the situation, if their plans succeeded and they caught me in the act, as it were, to try to curb my excessive drinking. With the very willing help of her sisters.

Funnily enough I hadn't drunk so much as normal on that particular Friday evening, so I wasn't quite as hung-over as usual, much to mum's delight. After all, as I think we all know, sexual activity and high consumption of 'booze' aren't the best of bedfellows. As planned, during a spot of lunch she informed me she'd be out all afternoon with Liz and Bev, clocking the look of delight upon my face, which, un-noticed by me, placed a look of equal satisfaction on hers. She knew fully well that the bait had been taken!

At just after two o'clock the front doorbell rang. It was Aunt Bev, like mum dressed in leather, satin and nylon and looking stunningly sexy, with Liz waiting in the car. Mum and Bev jumped in, after mum had said goodbye, informing me that she'd be back around seven in the evening. And off they went, or so I thought. I mean, they did set off, but only around the corner and out of my sight. Oh, and completely unbeknown to me mum hadn't quite shut the front door, leaving it ever so slightly ajar. Meaning that she wouldn't need to use a key, with all the resulting noise, to enter through it later. Cunning!

Now, I didn't go into mum's bedroom straight away, I did wait for fifteen minutes or so. It was always possible that mum had forgotten something and so returned to collect it. But finally temptation proved to be so strong, and I crept into her room. Proceeding to her trove of goodies, a sexy, satin suspender belt soon found its way around my waist, followed shortly by a pair of very sheer stockings, that I took my time over fitting as I didn't want to ladder them at all. An aim I succeeded in. Then came a pair of mum's very skimpy satin panties, with myself placing them over the suspenders of the stockings. Saving the three minxes who were literally on their verge of making their move the bother of disturbing said stockings when they removed the panties, later on. And yes, they did thank me for that!

As I was pulling the matching bra that went with those panties out of the drawer, totally unheard by me, the three sisters had entered the house and stealthily reached mum's bedroom door. Then, while I offered the satin bra to my body, the door of mum's bedroom burst open, three leather clad beauties rushed inside, each with their mobile 'phone at the ready, taking snap after snap, of my body, trapped in mum's stockings!

Finally, mum stopped. "I think that's enough evidence for now, girls." She now addressed me directly. "Do you have any idea just how sexy you look wearing those? But, of course, I never gave you permission to do so, did I?"

Rather sheepishly I replied. "No mum, you didn't."

"No, that's damn right. Well, now you have to pay for this misdemeanour. Onto my bed please, Darling. Liz, Bev, you know precisely what to do now."

I climbed onto mum's large bed, that I now noticed for the first time was covered in satin, which I'm sure you can imagine I would have been delighted to feel against my skin, if I hadn't been in quite so much trouble; and laid back, my head resting on the single, also satin covered, pillow.

Suddenly Liz was by my left-hand side and Bev my right. They each took hold off my respective arms, and pulled them outwards, towards the corner bed posts of the upped solid and secure bed frame. Out of their jacket pockets came a silk bondage tie each, remember they had planned this, with which they began to tie my arms to those posts. I'd heard rumours that both of these women had a habit of tying males to their beds, tales that seemed to be confirmed as it soon became crystal clear to me that both of them knew exactly what they were doing. They'd looped my wrists securely, then tying me to the bed posts in a totally secure and inescapable manner. With a fair amount of tie remaining, they also, as a bit of 'belt and braces' fastened my hands to the bed posts too! That was it then, I was now totally inescapably tied to mum's bed and wouldn't be leaving it until others decided I could, me having no say at all in the matter. I'd been watching them alternatively as they'd imprisoned me, but when I looked forwards again, there was mum, 'phone in hand, videoing the whole capture of my body by my two aunts!

Although they hadn't finished with me just yet of course. It was now that Liz thanked me for threading the suspenders under mum's panties, as it meant they could just remove the latter without having to disturb said suspenders at all. Down and off they came, leaving my neither region open and completely at the mercy of my three captors. Who didn't give me the impression that I'd be receiving any of that particular commodity! Now, of course Liz looped my right ankle and fastened my leg to the bed post of the lower frame, whilst Bev performed the same operation with my left. Now they were finished, my body now totally belonged to mum's bed, securely tied to it in a spread-eagled form. All captured by mum on video film. Now, their fun could really begin!

"Well then son, it appears that you're now ready for us. So, to my right here we have Beverly!" That was Bev's cue to start undressing, something that I'm sure will come as no surprise, that she made a real show of. Off came the leather jacket, as Bev twilled it around before throwing it. Now she wriggled out of the skirt, guiding it down her legs beautifully, before deftly stepping out of it. Gyrating her lovely body, she undid the buttons of her satin blouse in a manner that turned me right on, and any professional stripper would have been really proud of! Revealing a gorgeous black satin basque, which would remain on. Just her panties to come off now, and again she made the act entertaining, standing as close to me as she could, while she did so, and then 'wafting' them close to and over my face when she'd removed them. Bev now stood back, she was ready.

"And to my left we have Elizabeth!" Liz now performed the same routine as her sister, until she was now just adorned in a satin basque and sheer nylon stockings. Having possibly made the show even more sensuous and sexy than Bev had, if that was achievable!

Mum's voice rang out again. "And now it's my turn!" She now followed suit, just like her sisters 'entertaining' me as they both had done, until she too wore just a basque and stockings. And then proceeded to the bed, climbing aboard both it and the body that was firmly tied to it. Mine.

"God, I've never really noticed just how sexy you are son. Now I know I'm not really supposed to do to you what I'm about to, but hey, I can't become pregnant anymore, and anyway, who's going to know? Let's enjoy it instead of worrying, eh?" And then mum kissed me, and we're talking about a REAL kiss!

To be completely honest I didn't know just what to think at that precise moment. Sure, what mum was obviously about to commence was certainly immoral, and almost certainly illegal, but then what choice did I have in the manner? I'd been captured, I was securely tied to her bed, almost completely unable to move let alone resist. So, I decided to simply 'go with the flow.' Because that kiss of hers was full of passion, desire and suggested a very high level of sexual skill to back it up!

It soon became utterly clear that was indeed the case here, as mum set about me in no uncertain terms. She rubbed her nylon coated legs against mine, which was simply electrifying, then slowly lowered her soaking wet pussy over and onto my rampant cock, taking all of its considerable length before she paused. Only to smile at me, a deliciously dirty smile, then lifted her haunches back up. And then descend again, in and out, all the time gradually increasing the pace of these cycles. Until she was basically flat out, and this action began to take effect in a very pleasurable manner indeed.

When my first climax of the day arrived, it was by far the most intense, the most thrilling of my entire life to date, it seemed to take me over totally and consume me, like nothing I'd ever experienced before. My body thrashed about within its bonds, as a wave of sheer pleasure completely overwhelmed me, and I pumped spunk vigorously into mum's womanhood. And judging by the real screams that mum now loudly emitted, when I was capable of thought again, I was rather of the impression that she'd enjoyed herself too! She collapsed on top of me, panting, "don't worry there's plenty more where that came from. But there are more of us ladies here tonight than just me. Time for Liz and Bev to enjoy your body!" Yes, it might have been wrong, illegal even, but just like clocking a 'ton' on a motorbike, it was damn exciting. And yes, whilst we clearly had broken the letter of the law, had we the spirit of the same? Which existence was to prevent interbred offspring, but as mum had said, that wasn't possible now she'd passed through the menopause. So, what possible harm had our activities generated? None. And to be honest, if all this didn't bother her in any way, which it clearly didn't, then why shouldn't I have enjoyed it? With that she climbed off and sat down in her bedroom chair. "Over to you, girls! Have fun but leave something of him left for me to have another go later!"

Not that I'd be able to see anything at all, as Liz now placed a blindfold over my eyes, one that allowed no light inside whatsoever, plunging me into utter darkness. So, I couldn't see either her or her sister, mum was still resting, as they rubbed their hands all over my bound body, and in particular my legs, within their sheer nylon coverings. In such a manner that I couldn't escape their attentions, not that I wanted to do so, of course.

Within fifteen minutes my cock was rock-hard again, it was time for one of them to 'play' with my helpless form. But which one? Liz or Bev? Little did I care, for although they were both older than me, they were still utterly gorgeous and stunningly sexy!

As it turned out the pair of them had tossed a coin for the privilege. Bev had called correctly so it was her that first sampled the delights of my cock. Just like mum, her sister of course, she proved to be highly talented with it came to the pleasures of the flesh, and for the second time that memorable day, I was treated to a shuddering dose of ecstasy! As was the person who had so kindly induced it.

Yet again I was shagged to a fantastic climax, after another wait for my cock to become hard again, by Aunt Liz this time, and if both mum and Bev had been absolutely sensational, which they most certainly had been, be assured of that, somehow Liz was just that little bit better. Difficult to describe as to why, and we're not talking about a large margin at all, but she was slightly more exciting and fulfilling.

That being said, the three of them had opened their accounts, therefore it was back to being mum's 'turn.' However, she rather altered the rules of engagement somewhat. With myself blindfolded, I couldn't clearly see just what the three of them were up to, but my first inkling was when my hands were undone from the bondage they'd been subjected to. Had they finished with me? No, not quite yet!

Mum laid her body down on top of mine, and it didn't take long for the reason for the release of my hands to become explained. For mum took my hands in her own, interlinking our fingers, and whilst Bev tied my left hand to her right, Liz took full care of our other mitts. The two aunts tied her wrists to mine, and also our ankles together, so that mum was as much a prisoner, indirectly admittedly, to her bed as I was. There was no escape for either of us, confirmed as Liz lifted up my blindfold for me to ascertain that not only was mum now as helpless as me, but that she too had been denied the use of her sight.