Travel Companion

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Anne takes the offer – but can she believe the assurances?
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Anne takes the offer -- but can she believe the assurances?

Dan Connell was used to being in control. His grooming, his bearing, lively eyes that seemed to take in all his surroundings, all pointed to a man of class. At a few inches over six feet in height, he made an imposing figure as he strode confidently into the showroom and was immediately beset upon by an eager young sales assistant, anxious for his first sale on a Monday morning.

Striding by the neatly arranged gleaming luxury cars he dismissively waved off the salesman and headed straight to the reception desk.

"Can I help you, sir?" the girl asked as she looked up from her computer monitor.

Uncharacteristically, he faltered for a moment as he took in the beauty before him. She was tiny, barely five feet tall, wearing the corporate blouse of the car dealership, which had a vee neck stopping just short of showing the upper edges of her bra. Her makeup was understated, light shadow bringing out the blue in her eyes. Her wavy blonde hair was perfect.

Gathering himself, Dan asked for Doug Stanway, the dealer principal, and stepped back a moment, realising he had been staring.

"Of course, sir," she smiled back. "Please take a seat and I'll ask him right down."

She need not have bothered. Stanway was skipping down the stairway from his office to the showroom as his phone started ringing, having seen his top client enter moments earlier. The pair enthusiastically shook hands, exchanged pleasantries and headed back up the stairs to Stanway's office.


"Please Doug. Short black, no sugar."

Stanway picked up his phone, placed the order and sat back in his chair expectantly.

"Tired of your 300SL already?" Stanway ventured.

"Not likely. It's a masterpiece. What I want is a custom black limo for some of my overseas clients. First impressions are important. I also want to ask you about the gorgeous creature you have at your reception desk."

"I'm not surprised," Doug shot back amiably. "Everyone who sees her falls in love with her. Or lust. You're all too late though. She is already married to a great guy. She's hit on daily by a variety of customers and visitors but she's all class and very definitely a one-man woman. Forget her, Dan and let's talk about this limo."

At that moment, the receptionist entered with a tray containing the two coffees, and some sweet biscuits on a tray.

"Short black for you sir and yours is the usual Doug," she smiled as she set the tray on the coffee table in front of them and quietly retreated from the office.

"Dan, DAN! She's spoken for man. You practically raped the girl with your eyes."

He shook himself back to reality as the door shut and for the next hour or so the two men were locked away in the office talking business.

A week later, Connell reappeared at the dealership with a younger man of middle eastern appearance. Dressed in a smart, tailored suit and sporting an impeccable hairdo and fashionable facial stubble, he nodded to Anne as Connell asked for the boss. Anne idly wondered why it took two of them to sign off on a purchase that Connell would normally make alone.

Connell returned, alone, the following Monday, ostensibly to change some details of his order, trailing Doug into a private conference room. The details of their discussion were so minor that Doug wondered why they could not have been settled by phone. As Dan rose to leave, he paused and quietly asked Doug for the receptionist's name.

"Please Dan, don't go there," Doug pleaded. "She's happily married for God's sake. Leave her alone."

He wilted under Dan's steely gaze.

"It's Anne," he muttered.

"OK. Would you please show her in here for a few minutes? I want to talk to her. I think I might be able to do something good for her."

Doug knew resistance was useless. Besides, Anne had shown in the past that she was more than capable of seeing off unwanted suitors and he was confident she could look after herself. He led her to the conference room, ushered her inside and returned to his office.

Dan stood as Anne entered the board room and gestured towards a seat.

"Hi," he began. "I'm Dan Connell. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. You're probably wondering what this might be about."

"Hello Mr Connell. I know who you are, and I presume that asking for me has something to do with the order that the boss is currently processing for you."

"I'm going to be direct, Anne. I didn't build my businesses by beating around the bush. I know you are married and very happy with your lot in life. How much do you think your house is worth?"

"I beg your pardon?" she rallied. "What business is it of yours whether I am or am not married, or what value I place on the roof over my head?" Her beautiful face flushed with anger.

"Please Anne, hear me out. What is your house worth?"

"OK, let's play this game. It's in a good neighbourhood and worth around $750,000. It is mortgaged of course."

"Thank you Anne. I want to make you an offer and I want you to take a whole week to think it over, discuss it with your husband and come to a decision by nine o'clock in the morning, one week from today. I will be here to accept your decision either way. Whatever you decide will have absolutely no impact on my business dealings with your employers.

I have a two week business and vacation trip booked. Unfortunately the lady who was to accompany me was injured in a traffic accident last week and will not be out of hospital for at least three weeks, though thankfully the doctors say she will make a full recovery.

Would you consider being my guest for this vacation?"

Steam poured from Anne's ears. She was so angry she couldn't formulate the words to convey what she wanted to say. She jumped out of her chair and headed for the door, the trace of a tear appearing at the corner of her eyes. Dan blocked her path.

"What the hell do you think I am!" she snarled.

"You are a very beautiful lady and you promised to let me finish."

She sighed and slumped back into her chair, arms folded across her chest in a classic defensive pose.

"OK. I don't like where this is headed. It's totally inappropriate but say your piece."

"Fine and thank you again," he began quietly. "I fully realise that my request is most unusual and that both you and your husband would be unlikely to agree. Let me therefore make the offer of restitution for your two week absence. I would pay you the value of your house, plus an additional $100,000 for furniture and fittings, transferred to the account of your choice within one hour of your departure with me. If the vacation is cut short for any reason, the money stays in your account for you to use as you wish.... and before you ask, I am not inviting you as my sex partner -- simply as my guest. You will have your own room. You will not be asked to do anything that you are not comfortable with. The trip is planned for a week in the capitol where I have conventions to attend and a second week in Fiji for rest and relaxation before returning here. I would be honoured to have you with me as my companion. Should you accept, bring with you clothes for the first couple of days. We will shop in the capitol to select a suitable wardrobe for the rest of your holiday since I do not want to put you to the expense yourself. That wardrobe will of course, be yours to keep. Please tell me that you will at least consider it."

"You need to get a grip Mr Connell. Perhaps you've been watching too much television. Has there been a re-run of Indecent Proposal? I'm sure you can hire a professional escort for much less than you're offering and probably get your rocks off as well. I'm shocked that you would even think that I'd be interested in such a proposition and even if it costs me my job, I can give you the answer right now. NO."

With that she swept out of the board room and still flushed and angry, stormed down the stairs to return to her desk.

Later she saw Dan and Doug engaged in animated conversation as Dan prepared to leave. The pair shook hands, parting on their separate ways, Doug going directly to Anne's work station. She was ready for the axe to fall.

"I'm very disappointed that you allowed that to happen, Doug," she fumed. "I suppose you're here to talk about a redundancy package. I'm not some sort of slut to take money for favours."

"Whoa there young lady! Stop right there! Dan is a long standing and valued customer of our dealership who spends millions every year, but that does not buy him special privileges of the nature you are suggesting. He asked for a private word with you. I agreed. I have no idea what the two of you discussed but I can assure that whatever it was it will have no bearing at all on your employment. You really should know me better than that."

An uneasy truce followed as they each returned to their work.

Anne was still angry when she arrived at home. Instead of starting to prepare dinner, she turned on the TV, opened a bottle of chardonnay and sipping quietly, waited for her husband. As the local veterinarian his hours varied greatly. His suburban practice was centred around dogs and cats, but he also had a number of nearby farming clients so he catered for horses and cattle also.

Bryan sensed all was not well when he saw Anne in the TV room.

"What's up babe?"

Anne burst into tears. "You'll never believe it. I'm going to resign. I hate the place."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"NO! .... Yes. I'm just so shaken up that I can't even think straight right now."

She emptied the glass she was holding in one swallow. It was obvious she's been crying and Bryan sat beside her and took her gently in his arms, kissing her cheek.

"You've heard me speak of that super rich Dan Connell, who is some sort of a big wig investor in oil?"

Bryan nodded but chose not to speak.

"The bastard thought he could buy me to go away with him for two weeks."

"WHAT!" Bryan exploded. "I'll kill the bastard. What the fuck does he think you are -- a common prostitute?"

"It wasn't quite like that Bryan. He says he needs a replacement for a travel companion who was hurt in a car accident and now cannot go. He needs a companion for appearances and specifically said that he is not on the hunt for a sexual partner."

Bryan was seething as his wife continued.

"What he wanted was an escort to accompany him for two weeks, the first in the capitol for an oil industry convention, and the second in Fiji. In return he offered an up front payment of $750,000, which is what I told him our house was worth, and a further $100,000 for furniture and fittings. I told him in no uncertain terms that even if it meant I would lose my job, the answer was no."

Bryan did not even realise he'd been holding his breath until he let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Let's go out to dinner my love."

He took her arm helped her to her feet. They enjoyed a casual dinner at an up-market restaurant only ten minutes away. At home the conversation turned to more mundane matters, the confrontation at the office forgotten for the moment. They tenderly made love well into the night.

Over breakfast Bryan asked: "Did that guy REALLY offer you three quarters of a million dollars to go with him for two weeks?"


"Jesus, Anne -- we could pay out the mortgage, refurnish the house and buy you the Beemer you keep lusting after and still have change left over."

"Over my dead body. I love you, only you and that's never going to happen. We'll just have to keep working and paying our mortgage to keep the house."

"Mmmm. Just sayin'."

"BRYAN! Just let it go, OK? Please don't start laying a guilt trip on me. Besides, you would go crazy if I went off with another man for two weeks."

"Yeah it would be hard alright, but I can't help thinking..."

"You can stop it right now. It is not going to happen. Now off you go to work."

They kissed briefly exchanged "I love you's" and left for work.

The following evening was far more relaxed. After another energetic lovemaking session Bryan and Anne relaxed in each other's arms in their usual post-coital glow.

"I appreciate your loyalty to me baby," he whispered. "Would you have considered his offer if I had given my OK?"

"You're crazy," she responded brusquely. "I don't want to spend time with a man I don't know. I want to be with the man I love. Sure, the money is tempting and the thought of travel to a place as exotic as Fiji sounds wonderful, but without you there, it is not going to happen."

"So you were tempted?"


A long silence.

"It is a hell of a lot of money though, and you said no sex, right?"

"Of course there will be no sex. I'm not going, butthead."

"Even if you had my blessing?"

She sat bolt upright. "What the hell are you trying to say Bryan?"

"Well, for the price of being apart from each other for two weeks, we could be set up for life. But of course I understand that it has to be your choice."

"Oh, no you don't mister! You're not putting this back on me. We have an insanely happy life. We don't need more money, even if it might be nice to have. We have each other and our unshakeable love. Surely that's enough?"

"No, I'm not expecting you to change your mind. All I'm saying that it's a lot of money and if you feel that you would like to change your mind, I will not make it hard for you. After all, you do the time but we both get the benefit. And I won't try to kid you about this -- I will go crazy while you're away."

"Are you saying you would like me to go?"

"I didn't say that. What I said was that I won't make life hard for you if you do. Life after two weeks can go back to exactly how it is now other than we will have a whole lot more financial freedom. You have to agree with that."

"So you're OK with me spending two weeks with a man I hardly know just so we can have financial freedom, is that it? You won't have any sex for two weeks and I won't be expected to. But if I feel as though I want to, then what. Or didn't you think about that?"

"I didn't have to think about it because you said there would be no sex in the arrangement. But if you did how would I know about it anyway. I will satisfy myself with the thought that you both went with an arrangement that you would be a companion with no sex involved."

"Oh my, that's really gracious of you. So you don't mind me prostituting myself so long as you don't know the details and you get some financial benefit. Well, goodnight!"

Anne turned away from her husband, pushed his arm off her shoulder and drifted off into a troubled sleep.

There was no cheery discussion the next morning and their kisses were a formality rather than an expression of love as they separated to go to work. The rest of the week was frostily similar and by Friday morning, Anne was feeling an unsettling range of emotions. Selfishness -- that she would not agree to Dan's proposal and therefore deny her husband a share of financial security. Fear -- that her husband would not be able to cope with the reality of an enforced absence and their relationship would suffer. Excitement -- Dan Connell was a handsome man with international business connections and very wealthy to boot. A holiday to tropical, sensuous Fiji might be a very enjoyable experience. Anticipation -- the joy of spending time in luxurious resorts, fancy top-end restaurants, and all in a brand new wardrobe to let her look her best.

He answered her call on the second ring.

"Bryan, unless you say no to me right now, I am going to ring Dan Connell and accept his offer."

There was silence on the other end. "Bryan? Are you there?"

"I'm here. I don't like the arrangement you have with this guy but it will bring enormous benefits to us both, so I'm OK with it and so yes, go ahead."

"You sure?"

"Yes, damn it. I'm sure. See you tonight." The call terminated.

Dan Connell also answered quickly.

"Mr Connell, it's Anne Barker from the car dealership," she began tentatively. "I would like to talk to you about your offer last Monday."

"Sure. It's Dan by the way. What's on your mind?"

"Firstly, is the offer still open?"

"Yes it is. I would have let you know if I wanted to withdraw it."

"I'm sorry Dan. Can we go over the details, please?"

"Sure. As I recall, $850,000, to be credited to your account within one hour of our departure from your workplace. You will leave on Monday morning at nine o'clock and a taxi will return you to your home, in good spirits I hope, by nine o'clock on Sunday evening, two weeks later. At that point our arrangement will be complete. You will spend the entire two weeks in my company. We will travel to the capitol for a week, where you will have the opportunity to select suitable clothes for the remainder of our time together. We will attend some corporate dinners and functions there before departing for Fiji for a week of sun, surf and relaxation before coming back to the real world. Does that about cover it?"

"Thank you Dan. You also said that you did not expect me to have sex with you. That would be a deal breaker, Dan. I do not intend to be unfaithful to my husband and have discussed this arrangement with him many times in the past few days. He is not happy with it but is prepared to support my decision."

"Very wise of him Anne. You will not be asked to do anything that you are not fully comfortable with and that includes sex. I will ask you though, that you will not try to make contact with your husband in any way during the time we are together and that I expect you to be available for any activities at all times. That will include some night times. You will have your own room wherever we stay. They are already booked. By the way, if you would like to check my offer with Jill Simson, please call her - she is the lady you will be replacing and is still in hospital but able to take calls."

He gave Anne the number and continued: "I will expect you at your office at nine on Monday morning, with enough clothes for three days in the city. Anne, I also need to repeat that regardless of what you choose on this matter, it will not have any influence on your job. Doug has no idea about our discussions and so you will need to approach him for two weeks of unscheduled leave. Please talk to Jill and I will see you on Monday morning.

And so the die was cast. Tears welled up in Anne's eyes as she made the call to Jill. Through her pain, Jill gave her so many assurances about Dan's character and trustworthiness that she had no doubt at all that Jill was genuinely aggrieved at not being able to go. She suspected that Jill might be Dan's fulltime lover.

"Does Dan come on to you when you go away with him?" Anne ventured.

Jill giggled a little at that. "You'll find out pretty soon that Dan does not ask you to do anything that you don't want to do. If you don't want to have sex, then he won't force you to but you might be asking for it before he brings you home."

Anne stiffened a little. "I'm not that kind of girl. I've already told him I'm not available for sex and he agreed. Are you saying he might go back on that?"

"Not a chance. What I'm saying is that all girls seem to fall for him."

"Well I know me and that's not going to happen, so I can relax and enjoy the vacation, right."

"Damn right. You go girl and good luck. I wish it had been me though." she added wistfully.

The weekend was awful for Bryan and Anne. Both avoided the topic of the next two weeks. Their sex was cold and mechanical. In his mind, Bryan saw a mysterious stranger hovering over his wife as he poised to enter her on Sunday night. Unable to shake the thought, his erection failed him and he finally turned away from his wife and wiping away a tear, tried to sleep.

He watched while she selected her three day supply of clothing. A couple of business suits, with pencil skirts and a blazer, complemented by some frilly blouses and a simple, short black party dress. She packed some low heel shoes for day wear and a stunning pair of high heel pumps for evening wear, to go with the party dress. She picked out her best lacy underwear and packed it carefully, and finally placed her make up kit in the edge of the suitcase.
