Traveling East Ch. 01


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We decided that we should clean up and get dressed for dinner and that then we could go out and kill time walking until it was time to head out to Shaker Heights. We got into the shower together and soaped each other up, but it was all business; no sex. We got out and dried each other off and set about getting ready. I shaved while Sue did her make up. She doesn't usually wear much so it was fun watching her go through the routine. We were both still nude and I flashed on how it was strange to be doing these things with someone other than Trish. That added a little excitement to my mood and we proceeded to get dressed together.

Sedona is not a town where we dress up often, so it was fun to be putting on clean and special clothes. I have a handful of sport coats but they're all western styled and rather casual. But with a pair of freshly pressed jeans and a silk t-shirt, my suede jacket looked pretty nice. And even though we were in Ohio, I still felt most comfortable in my cowboy boots. Sue had gone shopping yesterday at The Victorian Cowgirl. It's a specialty shop in Sedona that sells unique designer western wear and dresses. I had never seen her in a long skirt before, but with the frilling blouse and her boots, she looked great! And I know that she enjoyed getting to wear some special jewelry. As I said, we just don't get dressed up at home, so sometimes it's fun. And tonight was one of those nights.

'Damn girl! You look gorgeous! You sure do clean up good.'

'You don't look so bad yourself, handsome.'

We were flirting. She checked herself in the mirror one last time and looked at me. I held my arm out for her.

'Shall we?' I asked.

She took my arm and we walked out the door.

* * * * *

We wandered around the hotel. It's relatively new, at least since the last time I was in Cleveland. The downtown revival is taking place there. We inquired at the spa and picked up a menu of services. Sue decided that she would hold off on making an appointment until we had an idea of what plans Jan had for us (or me).

We also picked up a brochure about the R&RHoF and figured that we can do that with a free day or evening. We strolled and watched people, until it was time to go. I called for the car and we were off.

Jan was right. It took almost exactly thirty minutes to get to the restaurant. The valet helped us out of the car and as we entered the lobby, there was my sister.

Jan is thirty four, but it was immediately clear that she's been taking care of herself. She looked tanned and toned. Her blonde hair shimmered and her smile was radiant. She was the kind of woman that would cause heads to turn wherever she went. She wore a white dress with a deep v-neck and rhinestone trim. The tennis bracelet on her wrist coordinated with the rhinestones. The dress hem was just above her knees, modestly showing off her muscular legs. I was stunned.

'Rob, darling!' She stepped forward and hugged me. 'I've missed you so much!'

We stood there holding each other for what seemed like forever. When we broke the hug I stepped back and joined Sue.

'Sue, this is my big sister Jan. Jan this is our friend Sue Fine.'

The girls smiled politely at each other and shook hands. The atmosphere was cool for a moment. Then I caught myself staring at my sister and suddenly the wall came down.

'God, Jan! You look fantastic!' I reached out and hugged her again.

'Thanks Rob, but I'm afraid I can't keep up with a twenty one year old any more.' She said sarcastically, referring to her soon to be ex-husband's current flame.

'Oh Jan, you're going to be so much better off with out that jerk! And if you're looking for another man, I'm sure they'll be lined up!'

I didn't even know what I was saying. The words were just flying out of my mouth.

Jan took my hand and said, 'C'mon, let's go sit down. We have a lot to catch up on.' She turned to Sue and asked 'Did my brother drag you out here for protection? Was he afraid to see me again?'

Jan knew me so well. She has no idea what my life is like now, but she could always read me. I guess that's why I always looked up to her and respected her. It was coming back to me now. As we sat down at the table I defended myself and answered for Sue.

'You're right Jan. I was nervous about seeing you again after all this time. I'm sorry that I made it take so long. I just never could stand Brad. And so I didn't want to come alone. Sue volunteered. She's a dear friend and Trish encouraged us to come together. She knows that Sue will take good care of me.'

'You know, little brother, you always seemed to be able to find good women to take care of you. I remember in school when all of my girlfriends just wanted to dote on you! I used to get so jealous.'

Sue grinned. 'You're right Jan. And now he's got a whole harem of women all around him. He can't seem to get enough of us.'

I ducked my head in embarrassment. Jan looked over at me and then spoke to Sue.

'So you mean my little brother is a big stud in Sedona?'

'Well,' Sue answered, 'we try to keep him a secret. But he's such a charmer that it seems who ever he comes in contact with, winds up in bed with him.'

That comment was a little more telling than what we had been teasing about earlier and it caused Jan to raise her eyebrows.

'Mmm, Robbie, what am I hearing? Are you really bedding all of these women? Aren't you faithful to your wife? Does Trish know about all this?'

I looked at Jan and opened up.

'Jan, you have to know Trish. She's the most amazing woman I've ever known.'

Sue nodded in agreement.

'When we met I fell in love were her immediately. She's beautiful. She's sexy. She's totally uninhibited.'

Sue kept nodding.

'On our second date she took me to a nudist club...with her two daughters!'

Jan looked a little shocked at first, but then seemed to accept what I was saying.

'Well it's no wonder you fell in love with her if she loves to be naked all the time. So is everyday still a honeymoon at your house?' Then she looked at Sue. 'Do you take off your clothes at Rob's house too?'

Sue realized the sarcasm and misunderstanding in Jan's voice.

'Actually Jan, Rob and I were friends before he ever met Trish. We both practice massage therapy and we met through the local network. We discovered a mutual love of golf and we've been best friends ever since. We play golf together, we trade massages and we socialize. But his first love is Trish. She's a doll. And she's a very special lady. I think they were meant for each other.'

We were interrupted by the waiter. We ordered drinks and I ordered shrimp cocktail and escargot appetizers for the table. We turned our attention to the menus. The restaurant prints a new menu everyday so everything is special.

Jan resumed the questioning. 'So when you go to visit Rob and Trish, you don't all take off your clothes?'

Sue and I exchanged glances and almost burst out laughing.

'What's so funny?' Jan demanded.

'Sis, you've got to understand. We have different sets of friends. Some of our friends enjoy nudity, and others don't, as far as we know. So yes, we have parties sometimes where clothing is optional, and then there are other parties where we all keep our clothes on.'

'Do you have nude parties when Trish's daughters are around?'

'Sometimes yes, but they're totally all right with it. They're really very grown up.'

Jan rolled her eyes. 'I can just imagine Andrew and Billy at a nude party at our house! That's ridiculous!'

The waiter returned and we placed our dinner orders.

'Well I guess maybe Andrew and Billy aren't as grown up as Tracy and Teri.' I responded. 'How old are they now?'

'Andrew is 17 and Billy is 16. Want to see their pictures?'

Without waiting for an answer she dug the photos out of her purse and passed them across to us identifying each one. They looked like handsome and nice young men.

'I remember when I was that age. You're probably right; they'd be a hoot at a party full of naked people.' I told her. 'But you have to understand the way that Trish has raised her daughters. Here, I have pictures too.'

As I pulled my wallet from my breast pocket Sue added, 'Jan, you can't imagine how grown up Teri and Tracy are. They can hold their own in any crowd. You should have seen them on the honeymoon cruise.'

Jan took the pictures from my hand. 'Oh my God, they're beautiful! You took them on your honeymoon cruise?'

I looked at Sue as if to ask, 'how much of this do I have to explain?'

Sue answered for me and told maybe more than I would have shared.

'Rob and Trish took fourteen of us on a glorious cruise in the Caribbean. It was fantastic! We had our own private yacht with a wonderful crew.'

'Well Rob! That was big of you. Did you all wear swimsuits?'

'Well actually Sis, it was a nude cruise. And we took only our closest friends.'

Jan was getting a fast update on my life. And it appeared that she liked hearing about it.

'Tell me more little brother. I'm beginning to think that I've been missing out on a lot in these past few years.'

'Well, there's lots that I could tell you Jan, but I came here to see you. What's going on with you?'

Jan looked down and then back up at me. There was a tear in her eye.

'I wish I was as happy as you are Rob. Brad's been a real shit lately. He was always a good provider and so I put up with his long hours and the loneliness because we had a nice house and the boys kept me pretty busy. But he started fooling around with other women a few years ago. He thinks I never knew, but I saw the signs. Then he started saying mean things and just being a pain to be around. I hired a private detective and he brought me a report that confirmed everything I suspected. Right now he's out somewhere with his twenty one year old chippie. The boys know what's going on and they're mad as hell. I left them at home tonight. They know you're here and they'd really like to see you. You will come to the house and see them, won't you?'

I took in everything that Jan had told me. It was a load. When she asked me about coming to the house, I looked nervous. She caught it and quickly said, 'Don't worry! Brad's already moved out.' That calmed me and I told her I'd be glad to come and see the boys.

Then I reached over and put my hand on hers.

'Don't worry Sis, you're gonna be fine. You just have to get through this. Take him for everything you can and don't look back. He's obligated to take care of you and the boys, and he can afford it. If you do it right, he won't have anything left for the twenty one year old. He can start fresh, from nothing, and he'll be fine too, in his new life. And I know you'll be fine. Look at you. You're beautiful, classy, sexy. Once you get rid of that asshole, you'll be free to be you! Maybe you'll even want to come to Arizona.'

'Oh Rob, I don't know how you can stand to live in the desert!' Then her tone lightened. 'But I guess if you run around naked all the time...'

'Jan, you have to come and see Sedona sometime. It's not a desert at all. The scenery is awesome and we have four seasons every year. We just don't have to put up with four months of snow and eight months of humidity.'

Sue added, 'Sedona really is a special place. But we have to warn you. If you come you might catch Red Rock Fever.'

'What's that?'

'That's what we call it when people come to visit and fall in love with Sedona. It overcomes them and the only cure is to buy a house and move there. It happens a lot.'

We were finishing our dinner and I looked at my watch.

'Are you tired?' Jan asked.

'No, not really; it's only 7PM in Arizona. Shall we go somewhere?'

'Oh I don't know really. I just thought that you two might be anxious to get back to the hotel. Do you have adjoining rooms?'

I glanced at Sue again. 'No Sis, we've got a nice big suite.'

'Separate beds? Oh I shouldn't ask that! It's none of my business!'

'We have two big beds, but we may only use one. Would you like to come stay with us?'

(What did I just say!!!)

'Oh I couldn't. The boys are at home.'

'Are they alone?'

'No. Mrs. Christian is there. She's been taking care of them since they were babies. She lives with us.'

'So you could call her and tell her that you might be out late or that you are going to spend the night with your long lost brother.' I handed her my cell phone. 'Here, make the call.'

Jan pushed my hand away but then pulled out her own phone. She looked at us both as she hit the speed dial. 'I really could use a break for a night. Are you sure it's all right?'

I looked at Sue. She winked back at me as if she knew what the night had in store. I had just invited my sister to come and sleep over in our room, my hot sexy, soon to be divorced sister.

'Sure!' I said. 'We'll have fun!'

Jan made the call and seemed to show a sigh of relief at having set herself free for the night. But she also seemed just a bit apprehensive. Where was the night going to take us?

At least we were relaxed enough now to sit and enjoy coffee. The girls ordered some of those fancy coffee drinks with Bailey's Irish Cream. By the time we decided to go, they had each had three. And we had all been opening up even more. Jan had confessed that her sex life had been nil for the past few years, despite the many offers she got regularly from her friends at the gym...male and female. But she assured us she had turned down all of their overtures.

When we went outside I turned to Jan and suggested, 'Why don't you ride downtown with us? You've had a few drinks and we can bring you back whenever you want. Is it safe to leave your car here? Can we just collect the keys and come back for it later?'

The valet overheard me and retrieved the keys to Jan's car. I tipped him and she put the keys in her purse. They brought up our big Hummer and we all got in. Sue insisted that Jan get in the front and she put herself in the back.

As we drove back downtown the conversation was light. Jan was pointing out some of the new buildings and renovations that had taken place in the city over the last few years. It didn't mean much to me, but I pretended to be interested. Jan suggested that we go to The Flats, a nightclub district not far from our hotel. I let her guide me as we sought out a club that she had heard a lot about.

We found it and made our way inside. There was dancing to loud music and lots of lights. It reminded me of some of the old discos that I went to in college. We found a table and ordered drinks. We looked around at the crowd. It consisted mostly of thirty and forty somethings who seemed to be enjoying themselves. They were dressed up and feeling sexy. The body language was obvious. Sue took Jan's hand and led her to the dance floor. They seemed to be connecting and I was glad to see that. There were several other pairs of women dancing together so they blended in with the crowd, except to me, they were the best looking pair out there. There was also the usual line up of single guys leering and trying to work up the courage to talk to some of the women. When the girls returned to our table and their drinks they were smiling and glowing from the heat of the dance floor. It was hard to converse due to the noise, so I invited Sue to come dance with me. I wasn't too concerned about leaving Jan alone at the table. I turned to see her looking around, probably trying to see if she recognized anyone else in the club.

Sue and I danced for two songs and then headed back to the table. As we approached there was guy there who looked like he was trying to hit on Jan. I could tell that she wasn't real comfortable so when we got there I pretended to ignore the man and took Jan by her hand and pulled her up toward the dance floor. Sue told me she was going to the ladies room and would catch up to us.

Jan was relieved that I had rescued her and as we got to the floor the music changed to a slow number. I took Jan and pulled her a little closer to dance. She was awkward at first but then relaxed and put her head on my shoulder. I held her one hand close to me and allowed my free hand to wander about on her backside. As I dropped it down to her ass I pulled her hips closer to mine. She offered no resistance. I smelled her scent in her hair as we swayed in unison to the music, and as the song came to an end I released her and we looked into each others' eyes. I felt an urge and I just leaned forward and kissed her. She kissed me back. It wasn't long or wet, but it was the sexiest kiss that I had ever shared with my sister. And she knew it too. She quickly turned and we walked back to the table holding hands. Sue was there and we sat back down together.

There was a few minutes absent of conversation, partly due to the loud music and partly because we were all lost in our own little worlds. We finished our drinks and I asked if anyone wanted a second round. The signal was 'no' and we rose together to leave. Outside we breathed in some fresh air and I pointed the Hummer at the Ritz. The ride was quiet, but we resumed conversing as we got out of the car at the hotel.

'Did you see anyone at the club that you new?' I asked.

'Yes I did.' Jan confided. 'One was a couple that I know from my gym. And then there was a woman who I know from the country club, but she wasn't with her husband. I doubt that she'll be talking about seeing me there.'

We all winked at each other and smirked as we walked through the lobby and on to the elevators. I held the door to the room and let the girls enter.

Jan looked around and commented, 'Oh this is very nice Rob.'

'Thanks.' I said, 'Make yourself comfortable. Would you like a drink?'

'Maybe a diet Coke, I think I've had plenty of alcohol tonight.'

I opened the mini-bar and poured sodas for us all. As I handed Jan her drink she giggled.

'What's so funny Sis?'

'I was just thinking. If I was at home, I'd skip the coke and I'd be getting out of my dress right now. But since I'm here, I'm keeping my dress on. But I'm with my brother, the nudist, so maybe I should take it off?'

She giggled again and we all looked at each other.

Sue asked, 'How are you most comfortable Jan?'

'Well at home I take off my clothes and put on a robe before I go to bed.'

'We have robes here? Would you like to change into one?'

'What about you two? Are you going to take off your clothes?'

'Eventually.' I answered.

'I would feel more comfortable with my dress off.' Jan admitted.

'C'mon' said Sue, 'Let's get changed.'

She took Jan's hand and they walked into the bathroom. They closed the door, but not completely. I sat in the chair and listened to their muffled conversation.

'I have to tell you Sue, you've helped to make me feel more comfortable with my brother. I'm glad he brought you along. But I'm also anxious to meet Trish.'

'Oh you'll love her when you meet her! She's really cool.' Sue's voice continued, 'Oh Jan! I love that bra! Your lingerie is beautiful.'

'Thank you Sue. Can you believe I actually went to Victoria's Secret yesterday in anticipation of your visit? Now why would I go out and buy new underwear because my brother is coming to town?'

'Maybe you should answer that...I bet he'd love to see it.'

'Oh God Sue, I couldn't!'

'Why not? He's seen women's lingerie before.'

'But not on me!'

'So what's wrong? You're a very pretty woman. Rob already knows that. And it does look great on you.'

'But he's my brother!'

'So what?'

There was silence. Then Sue emerged.

'Rob, your sister is wearing the sexiest underwear I've ever seen! It looks so good I might even decide to try some someday.'

'Sounds nice, do you think she'll show it to me?'

Sue turned back to Jan. 'Jan you have to come out here. You look so hot in that outfit that I might attack you if you don't.'