TRC - Lord of the Glass Desert Ch. 13


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Kal removed his fingers from the gazelle's rear, "I need to stop, or we'll never get this experiment done."

"Promise to finish what you started?" Rhim asked.

The mage smiled, "I promise. Now walk upwind a few steps and let out a little of your mating scent."

"How does their mating scent work?" asked Kashka. "Is it like rubbing my cheeks?"

Reaching the spot Kal pointed to, Rhim blushed heavily as she squatted down in front of them and let out a tiny trickle of pee.

"Ah, never mind," said the cat-girl.

Kal chuckled, "A lot of mammals express mating scents in their urine."

"So, pissing all over is just our way of saying 'come fuck me!'?" the cat asked.

"There's more to it than that," said Coovie, stepping up next to Kashka and speaking up for the first time since she arrived, "there's a tightness down there when you are trying to attract a mate. Like you are squeezing something."

"So that's what that was. I've felt it. I just didn't know why." She looked over at Kal, "You've never acted strange around me."

"Remember the enchantment. If I ever caught a whiff of your mating scent, the enchantment would have nullified it immediately. My only reaction would have been getting hard, and over the past month, it's not like that was an unusual occurrence. I found all this out when traveling with some dog-girls last year."

"Have you noticed anything?" asked Rhim.

"Sorry! Sorry. I haven't been concentrating. Give me a moment and ignore my expressions. Some of them may be very unpleasant."

Closing his eyes, Kal focused on Rhim. His first thoughts were of a few seconds ago and the feel of his fingers sliding in and out of her pussy and ass, the brush of her hard nipple on his chest, and his cock rubbing against her hip.

Pulling his thoughts away from more pleasurable pursuits, Kal imagined himself sitting by a campfire, scanning the grasslands for any sign of movement. Perra and Talin lay sleeping nearby, trusting him to keep them safe from the savannah's dangers.

Without any discernible reason, his cock hardens painfully in his pants. Standing up, he reaches down to unfasten his belt, but his legs begin moving and he instead walks out into the tall grass. His mind screams at him to turn back. Perra and Talin are defenseless and exposed, they need him to protect them, but he can't stop putting one foot in front of the other. His walk turns into a jog, and then a run, until he sees a silhouette up ahead in the starlight.

Kal opened his eyes and glared at Rhim.

"I think that worked," he growled.

Rhim looked like she was about to bolt as she stood from her squatting position. "I'm not sure if I want to do this anymore. You look like you want to kill me."

The mage took a moment to calm himself before speaking, "I put myself in the place of your last husband when you lured him away, but instead of some friends or party members, you were pulling me away from my son and his mother. Neither of which would last long out here. It may not feel like it, but you are in no danger from me." Kal looked down at his flaccid cock, "I'm not feeling anything. Do it again and try to be sure you let out the same amount each time. I'll need you to remember it later."

"Okay," said the gazelle, "Give me a little time. You scared me, and I lost the mood."

"That's fine. I'll keep my eyes closed from now on. Just wait for a little bit before doing it again to see if I react. Ria, Kashka, help her keep count since my eyes will be shut."

"Got it."


Kal closed his eyes and ran himself through the scenario over and over, each time stopping as he reached the gazelle's silhouette. He felt his cock harden for no reason and held up a hand.

"I'm starting to feel it."

Kashka chuckled, "We could tell. That was five, by the way."

"Excellent, so we have minimum effectiveness. The next stopping point will be when I feel like I'm starting to lose control. Please continue, Rhim."

As he continued reliving the experience of leaving Perra and Talin, it seemed like a long time passed before anything changed. Then, despite his attempts to restart the scene, he approached the silhouette and was able to make out Rhim's details. He grabbed the gazelle as his clothes melted away and placed his cock at her--

Kal opened his eyes to stop the images in his head and turned away so he wouldn't look at Rhim. To his surprise, he was breathing hard but couldn't tell if it was from fighting to keep his wits about him or intense arousal. His cock was almost painfully hard, and at some point, his hand gravitated downward and now had a death grip on the base of his shaft. It took a monumental force of will to let go instead of stroking himself. He did indulge a little and rubbed the slime still on his fingers over its length.

"My thoughts are going further than I want them to," he said as he dragged his hand away from his prick. "How many was that?"

"You grabbed your dick around twelve but didn't open your eyes until fifteen," said Ria as Kashka nodded in agreement.

"So, between six and fourteen is okay since it just makes me want to fuck but doesn't affect my ability to think."

"I'm curious, why didn't you do this with Bea or one of your other mates?" Kashka asked.

"Bea's and Aradelle's dusts act more like the sandworm's and are extremely strong compared to mammal-type monster girls," Kal explained, thankful for the distraction. "Just touching a tiny bit of Bea's dust to my tongue will keep me hard and my balls painfully full for hours. It wasn't always like that but became many times stronger when she bonded with me. I suppose you could say I have done something similar with her, but the difference between 'hard with full balls' and 'lust crazy' is minuscule."

Closing his eyes again, he turned to face Rhim. "Now for the last part," he said with a sigh.

"What's the last part?" asked Coovie.

"Finding out how much is too much. Are you ready for this, Rhim?"

"I guess. After all, this part is how mating usually goes for us. Although, I'm feeling a lot more nervous because of all this," said the gazelle pointing at the patch of wet dirt between her legs. "We also aren't normally aren't this close to potential mates until we've run them to exhaustion."

"You poor girls," said Ria. "Kal is going to ruin you as far as thinking that kind of sex is okay."

"With that thing? He can ruin me any day," said Coovie in a lusty growl.

"And on that note, let's continue," Kal chuckled.

"Do we have to? It's not easy to start and stop over and over," Rhim complained

"You agreed to this," said Coovie, her voice stern. "Now you need to see It through."

The other gazelle sighed. "Okay."

Kal focused on the scene and immediately noticed Talin was gone, and only Perra was with him. Instead of covering herself with a blanket, she lay there naked, rubbing her sex in her sleep. Even with such a sight next to him, Kal gets up and leaves. This time, he only makes it a few steps from the camp before breaking into a run. Again, he grabbed Rhim in the vision and lined his cock up to plunge it into her pussy before wrenching his thoughts away and restarting the scene.

"He looks like he's in pain," said the real Rhim. "Should I stop?"

"No. Keep going but remember the look on his face. That pain is what your husband felt before your scent consumed his mind," said Kashka.

Ria looked over at the cat-girl, "Damn kitty-cat. That was harsh."

"Kal went into detail earlier about his experience with Bea. After what her dust did to him, I'm surprised he ever took her as a mate. I don't know if I could be so forgiving."

The mage dropping to his knees interrupted them. A sheen of sweat covered his body that wasn't from the warm savannah air.

"He is beautiful," whispered Coovie, licking her lips.

Kashka wanted to agree, but she also had a good idea how much he was fighting to maintain control and kept her mouth shut.

In Kal's vision, Perra's legs were open as two of her fingers slid in and out of her pussy even though her eyes and face told him she was still asleep. He barely glanced at her before tearing off into the savannah after Rhim.

The next iteration began with Perra bent over as he pounded his cock into her. Without a second thought, he let his cock slip out of his lover and walked out of the camp. This time Rhim was closer and bent over, waiting for him. Kal managed a handful of thrusts before dragging himself back to the beginning of the scene.

Again, he was already fucking Perra when the vision restarted. As his hips slammed into her ass Perra's skin turned cobalt blue, and golden horns flickered on her head. On the next stroke, part of her head and arms grew rocks as her hair turned black. He slammed his prick into her again, and Sera's snakes sprouted from her head while her back went pale white and her arms and legs turned blue like Aradelle's.

Like every other time, he stopped and walked away as "Perra's" features continued flickering between all his lovers.

This time, Rhim stood close enough the campfire illuminated her, and Kal reached the woman in a few running steps. The moment he touched the gazelle, his world seemed to break.

Kal's consciousness felt like it fell off a tall cliff into a deep lake when he finally lost control. Frantically, he struggled upward through his chaotic, lust-drenched thoughts until he could see and feel what his body was doing.

Ahead of him, Rhim sprinted away, trying to flee. At first, he thought she was being coy. Kal saw how fast the gazelle women were when they met and knew she could easily outpace him at a dead run. A flash of light on his forearm as he chased her, and the terrified look in the gazelle-woman's eyes told him she wasn't playing games but actually running in fear of her life. Rhim sprung into the air and revealed her legs had shifted to their gazelle forms. She tried to kick backwards with her sharp, pointed hooves, but Kal's enhanced speed let him easily step to the side and grab her leg. A jerk of his arm and twist of his wrist sent her spinning to the ground, where she landed on her back.

Kal watched as he immediately covered her body with his and took a fraction of a second to line up before thrusting madly into her sex. He tried to wrest control back but quickly realized it was futile. The aphrodisiac was too potent.

As his body slammed his cock into Rhim, Kal calmed himself and said inside his head, "I want this woman."

Immediately, his hips stopped moving, and he was no longer a spectator inside his own body as he regained control.

Below him, Rhim was crying.

Kal hugged her to him and whispered in her ear, "It's okay. I'm back. It's me again."

Rhim wrapped her arms and legs around him and hugged him back as she started crying harder, but this time in relief.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, you just scared me when you opened your eyes. It was like you were a different person. Then you moved so fast! I've never seen a human run faster than me."

"That part was unexpected for me too. I'm going to pull out now. Tell me if anything hurts."

Rhim nodded and let her legs fall to the side, "Don't worry, that part actually felt really good. You can keep going if you want. I'm not scared anymore." She shifted her hips a little and looked up at him in confusion. "You feel bigger now."

Kal chuckled. "Part of the enchantment is that I'm always the perfect size. I plan on continuing this, but in my tent, not out here."

"Kal? Kal?" Ria shouted as she flew toward them. Coovie jogged just ahead of the sprite and reached them as Kal slowly withdrew from Rhim's sex. The gazelle whimpered, not in pain, but in disappointment he wasn't continuing.

"Fucking hell, Kal," said the sprite after Coovie waved her over. "You should have taken off your bracers."

"I didn't think I could use my runes once I lost control. They've become more second nature than I thought possible," said the mage as he rolled off Rhim and stood up. Kal then bent down and scooped the gazelle up into his arms.

Still sniffling, Rhim smiled up at him, "Ohh, I like this."

Looking back the way they came, Kal saw Kashka's silhouette jogging through the tall grass toward them and could barely make out the tiny ball of light hovering next to the tent.

"Wow. We covered a lot of ground," he said, somewhat stunned by the hike to get back.

"You surprised the hell out of me when you both took off," said Ria. "I knew you could run that fast, but I wasn't expecting it from her."

Coovie looked at the sprite in confusion. "Rhim's speed was what surprised you? How can a human run like that?"

"Magic," answered Kashka as she finally joined them. "He can do more than summon balls of light," she continued, pointing at his bracers.

"I thought those were what you used to control him?"

"A joke on his part. I'm actually his servant, not the other way around."

Kal chuckled, "You aren't my servant again until I decide you are done being my Mistress, Mistress."

"That does explain a lot of questions I had about you two," said Rhim.

"Now, ahem... Mistress, you said earlier I'm to take care of you first. I humbly request that you let our helper, who I just scared half to death, take your spot."

Kashka's look of suspicion was difficult to make out in Ria's faint glow. "If I say no. You will take me back to bed and make love to me first, won't you?"

Kal nodded.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked, frustration tinging her voice.

"Because you need it," he replied.


"I'll explain later, but for now, what is your decision, Mistress?"

The cat-girl glared at him before sighing and stepping to the side. "Give your helper her reward. She certainly earned it. You lost control at twenty-two, by the way."

"Thank you for keeping track. That will be handy tomorrow."

"Um... Kal?"

The mage looked down at the gazelle in his arms. "Yes?"

"Thank you for the stuff you put in me earlier. I didn't think you would be so strong, and you might have hurt me without it. But the stuff you put on my bottom collected some dirt and grass.

"That's not a problem. We can wash it off back at the tent," he said as they started back toward camp.

"Um... do you think you could put some more on me... back there?"

Kal chuckled as Ria landed on his shoulder, and Kashka and Coovie fell into step on either side of him.

"I would be more than happy to."

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Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot5 months ago

I have a feeling that there is some COLLOSAL monster sex coming up sometime. All of this experimenting seems a bit much for 'normal' monster sex. <No, I have not read ahead....>

DruggoDruggoabout 1 year ago

Brilliantly written

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Rolling along. No idea wherd you get your ideas from?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Damn your good. I leave you for the month and you write 3 chapters. Thanks

Surya143Surya143over 2 years ago

Thanks been waiting for more please post new Chapters as soon as Possible and please dont leave this journy Incomple

BluDraygnBluDraygnover 2 years agoAuthor

Yes, once I get Chapter 16 finished I will post 14 here. Unfortunately, I've had a computer issue that deleted all of my progress on Ch. 16 (I was done writing and entering the editing stage) At posting I'm in the process of that rewrite.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is one of my favorites on Literotica. When will you post more chapters?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you for your story

BluDraygnBluDraygnover 2 years agoAuthor

@2Reader Just wanted to let you know that I see your string of hateful comments. But despite your attempts at trolling, I also see that you are still reading my story. I'm guessing you must be enjoying my little tale more than you are letting on. :D Be sure to check out my other stories on Literotica when you've read through all of TRC!

raven_nomadraven_nomadalmost 3 years ago

Absolutely love this story. 3rd time reading these. Looking forward to reading more chapters.

BluDraygnBluDraygnalmost 3 years agoAuthor

@Anon While I understand what you are saying about his "Whiny" moments. Remember that Kal has a lot of power and is still relatively young. These moments of introspection and self-examination are annoying at times (I don't particularly like them either) but I feel are necessary to keep him, and his ego, grounded.

@jpz007ahren Sadly I have only seen snippets of SDS so I'm not sure what exactly you are referencing. I may be dating myself here but I imagined more of a Vanish/X-zone with a touch of Anime-esque giant sphere of destruction.

Poof... gone.

Lastly, check out the info box in the upper right of the page. There's some important stuff up there. :D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love this story, but it annoys me how kal keeps switching between fierce warrior and a little bitch.

Again love the story just wish he wasn’t so whiny.

Dreamdog519Dreamdog519almost 3 years ago

Great story! I am really enjoying it.

skippersdadskippersdadalmost 3 years ago

Another great one , keep them coming.

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