Tributes to the Dark Elves Pt. 02


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Human men, on the other hand, were good for work, household, and concubines. Not that women were not available: Eli'ce herself liked women as an intimate company but liked men more: partially because of all monstergirls' racial powers fueled by human essence, and partly because she was far taller than many of them, and for some indescribable reason she always felt like protecting weak men, pitying their almost one-dimensional sexual gratification and often behavior in dark elven cities, lost between confusion and fear. Besides, the only males in Dunia were human: children had to come from somewhere, and Eli'ce herself had a human father, though her mother decided to move away to the surface and settle with him in a coastal village. She still wrote to them regularly.

And this "Wilfred" was kind of adorable, she had to admit. He was slightly larger than her, yet looking smaller when he crouched in submission before her. It made her feel warm and happy, and that was good.

She pulled him close, signaling him to sit together.

"Missing your home?"

"A little..."

When he weakly nodded, she smiled weakly and cradled his cheek with her hands, trying to give an edge of finality and casual friendliness to her voice.

"This is your home now."

Eli'ce had no tact. She was a warrior, a soldier, and a guard of the city, killing the Shadow Demons that threatened isolated corners of the underworld, and clashed with dwarven mining parties that trespassed, with claims to ore veins that could not be shared. She was a woman, yet she had her rough edges: more than once she raided dwarven cities with her sisters, chaining and carrying off dwarven monstergirls back to Chel'drai to be ransomed, exchanged with dark elven prisoners or enslaved if they couldn't pay. For her, it was the normal circle of life.

Yet when she felt him sigh, her demeanor softened. Abandoning the subject, she held him tight, feeling his body, muscles, and the smell of the city on him. It was not unpleasant, magic oil mixed with the dust of the caverns, combined with his young, sweet human scent, was a nice change. He was not skinny: and well built but had a certain lack of muscle owing to the mostly meager human peasant diet.

Still, he would do. And what else to reward a hardworking slave male than a night of sex?

Human men liked to fuck everything, right?

Time to put the theory to the test, Eli'ce grinned. Looking at Wilfred's groin, she smiled wider, realizing he was already erect at the display of her body and his exhibitionist treatment, marched in the buff across the city as other dark elves looked on.

She embraced him in her arms, trying to be nice. He did not resist, his arms, actually stronger and bigger than her own, were hesitant and weak due to his station. A wrong move and she could whip her. Or so he thought.

"The girls at the guardhouse, do they give you a hard time?" Eli'ce asked sweetly, adding all the concern to her voice.

He shook his head, his soft hair tickling her chest, his head feeling hot on her skin.

"If anyone says anything or does anything bad, tell me, alright?" She told him sweetly.

He nodded, eyes unable to be taken off Eli'ce's chest.

Deciding that now or never, the beautiful dark elf flashed a smile, her almond eyes twinkling with purple light. With delicate hands, she turned his head with a gentle grasp of his cheeks, gazed deep into his eyes, and slowly, put her lips on his.

It seemed to have worked.

His surprised gasp and tongue dancing with his was her reward. The kiss went on for a few minutes, the young man finding the courage to caress Eli'ce's body, his fingers dancing around her thigh as her legs shivered. Lifting her feet, she rested them on Wilfred's back, pushing his head down to service her with her tongue.

Eli'ce's eyes shot open when she felt his tongue touch her tiny clit, her face full of surprise when she felt his hands caress her pert ass.

The boy was quite willing, after all. His tongue, slow at first, eager the next minute, started to lap at her tiny pink slit, his hair tickling her belly and thigh as his head moved between her legs. It was delightful: the slave boy knew how to service his mistress.

Pleasure and joy overtaking her caution, Eli'ce closed her eyes, biting her lips, and letting go of her love of control. She had always been a strict, unyielding guardswoman.

It was time to enjoy the slaves from the surface. Humans were the staple slave of every dark elf in Chel'drai.

Eli'ce sighed, feeling the soft leather of the sofa on her back: the warm, yielding, almost rubbery material, harvested from a purple mushroom and treated with wondrous chemicals unknown to the surface felt like a second skin, another lover's embrace. Between her legs was another nexus of her pleasures: the young man and his eager tongue, the warm, wet, abrasive touch sending jolts of pleasure she never dreamed of.

In her right hand was a goblet of wine she had poured for herself, her left hand pressing his warm, soft-haired head down. She could feel his warm mouth and teeth tickle the soft, freshly shaven skin around her nether lips as he kept moving, giving her the cunnilingus she so wildly desired. His nostrils flaring, his warm breath tickled her sensitive spots as he kept licking.

Adding to the fact that he gave in so eagerly, so easily, Eli'ce could only feel joy at his ministrations. She was doing the right thing. Lifting her head, Eli'ce grinned at what she saw: he was quite erect, raring to go at her body. Squirming on her sofa as he went down on her, Eli'ce rode the waves of pleasure, convulsing involuntarily while being given the finest service she could have ever imagined in her life.

Kisses started to tickle her upper legs, and Eli'ce found out with great pleasure that he started to take initiative. Deciding not to stop him, she squirmed and gasped for air, letting him do as he wished. Two strong hands started to knead her thighs and spread her legs, Eli'ce letting him enjoy his first experience, as awkward and hesitant as he was fearing punishment if he would displease her.

Then he climbed on top of her, facing Eli'ce's amused stare. His face, flushed with joy and excitement, almost melted in indecision until the dark elven woman grinned and pulled him for a kiss, lips tasting herself and his fire together.

Eli'ce's eyes fluttered when she felt his hardness softly slide between her wet, inviting nether lips, curiosity had broken her virginity decades ago.

The dark-elven woman let out a contented sigh and an overjoyed moan when she felt his balls slap against her taint, Wilfred taking charge and starting to move his hips: slowly at first, then faster as the pleasure started to engulf his hardness, as Eli'ce's silky, slippery vaginal walls started to squeeze his essence.

"Faster!" Eli'ce commander her, showering his neck with kisses, her hot breath tickling his soft, human round ears. Her ears were, on the other hand, burning hot: they instinctively stretched to the back of her head with stimulation.

Wilfred knew he was doing great, joy filled his soul, as well as pleasure. Taking Eli'ce's legs and putting them on his shoulders, he pressed forward. Closing his eyes and biting his lips as he tried not to ejaculate, Wilfred kept going, giving her mistress the pleasure she craved.

Eli'ce was on clouds. Life was good. A slave in her home, having a good job, and command over other dark elves, she felt true joy, lost in the bliss of receiving cunnilingus from a human man who had made her introspect like never before: she was lost in calm and bliss. And now, he was taking her.

Once upon a time, a wise person had said the path to wisdom went through the roads of excess...

Her face flushed with heat, Eli'ce threw her head back and squealed under the young man taking her, the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh echoing inside the apartment. It was amazing: he had taken charge all of a sudden, pinning her body down and wrapping her strong, dark legs around his waist as he used her like a whore. A far cry from his usually docile, simpering behavior, Eli'ce had woken up some feelings suppressed in the young man's primal psyche. Now she felt his hardness slam inside her, pain mixed with pleasure: she never thought a young, shy man like him would be hung enough to hit her cervix, every thrust giving her a jolt of pleasure, mixed with a dull, darkly pleasant ache as he filled her, his buttocks rising and falling.

She held him tight, lifting her head and locking him in a kiss, savoring his breath and lips. Days ago, she saw humans as nothing but just slaves to work for her kind. Now, finally using one as her bedmate and concubine, Eli'ce's instincts flared to life, burning her ears, scalp, and soul with every thrust inside her womb, locked in coitus. Until now, she had lived on the sweat and breath of human slaves laboring around her, like every monstergirl, she was bound to human essence to live. Now...

Sex felt wonderful.

When he increased his pace with labored grunts and breathing, her legs clasped around his back by instinct, to capture him and his body inside her. Her own control started to fade as well, her loins feeling numb with rising pleasure with an impending orgasm. Holding him tighter, Eli'ce bit her lips, closing her eyes as the young man started pumping his hips faster and faster, the sounds of wet slapping increasing in pace as sweet music to Eli'ce's ears and testament to her slave's virility.

The world felt loose and blurry when the waves of her orgasm (slower to rouse, yet longer and more intense than a man's) started to engulf her mind, Eli'ce lost control. Letting out involuntary squeals and screams, the dark elf's raised feet curled, delicate toes feeling as if they were on fire, barely even registering the extra weight on her chest as Wilfred thrust a few more times, harder, and started to convulse, eventually falling on top of her, his warm, labored breath warming her cheek.

Yet Eli'ce kept going on in her orgasm, pussy clenching tight by magical instinct, her "succubus part", her Id, every monster girl's enchanted part of her soul squeezing the human in her arms. Her entire body rebelled against her upbringing, her stoic sense of control. Her muscles contracted and relaxed, subconsciously milking Wilfred's penis inside her of every last drop of seed, every last drop of essence.

The couch was drenched with sweat, Eli'ce barely feeling the discomfort with her new human on top of her, only his hardness twitching inside her, filling her womb with warm seed, her dark elven soul flaring with joy, elation, and vitality...

Eli'ce had found out why the succubi were obsessed about sex with males the hard(?) way. A proud Svartalf, she thought having slaves around would suffice. Yet today, her feared loss of control in the throes of an orgasm under a man brought no humiliation, only joy.

Gently, she lifted Wilfred's half-conscious head and looked her in the eyes:

"Rest..." She gasped, showering his cheek with kisses, pushing him aside, and laying him gently on the couch as she stood up for a cup of wine, as well as to find a little vial, a little local mix, gifted by her friend to get the exhausted boy back on track. Eli'ce never thought her friend's manticore milk mixed with mandragora powder would come in handy...

"Next time, I'm on top..." She chuckled, standing covered in sweat and built like a war goddess, her wild hair a wet mess around her face.

"Don't go anywhere."

As if poor Wilfred, still gasping for air in post-orgasmic bliss, could...


The Sunday orgies at the dark elven temple were traditionally open to all.

Not even off-duty human slaves were turned back, intending to create a relaxed air of subservience to calm them. Orgiastic rites, group sex, and every imaginable sexual activity in binds and chains, punctuated with ecstatic whiplashes and moans created a potent, energizing mist that supercharged magic, and ambient spirit essence for dark elves to recharge their monstergirl souls and relaxed the slaves for the hard work of the next week.

With the last tribute caravan's girls resting in dormitories, all of them pregnant for the second time, the newcomer tribute's slaves bought by the temple had the duty of cleaning the seats, and floors and setting the aphrodisiac incense bowls for the upcoming celebration of Holy Union, the unification of the Male and Female Divine to create new life. Shy, afraid, and exposed, the naked slaves had done a splendid job, only to be stopped by the High Priestess, a motherly dark-elven cleric with pink-and-purple robes to bless them and hand them stamina potions:

"Now, my lovelies..." She had intoned, half-naked in her open robes, "You will truly enjoy this day. When we are done with you, you will never miss the surface hamlets as you are filled with the divine love of Pi'Ro'Ro..."

The young humans were intrigued, but only the men worried as the priestesses started to fix some of them to altars and crosses.

"Don't worry." A dark elven cleric caressed the young man tied to an X-shaped cross, shivering, her short hair rubbing his hairless chest as she caressed and painted his body with sacred ointments laced with pink aphrodisiacs, her brush teasing his nipples and thighs. "We will not kill you. This is all part of a very special ritual."

When she gently kissed his lips, he had almost cum, sighing in relaxation.

An hour later, afraid-looking young men squirmed in their bonds on altars and crosses, on bondage posts and suspension beams, splayed, hogtied, or simply restrained, the human women waiting nervously with donation bowls, wearing nothing but collars as worshippers, revelers, and horny dark elven girls in their Sunday best (read: naked) sauntered inside...

...coins poured from shivering, praying hands into the donation bowls, slave girls carrying trays of silver coins to the temple's donation vault, and returning for more...

After another half an hour, the hymns began, horny dark elven women, sneaking touches at each other beheld the flaring lights to feast their eyes on the most bizarre human girl they had heard about.

"She is SO WHITE!" One gasped. Her friends stared at the albino slave girl with wide eyes, enchanted by her appearance. The girl's skin shone by the gleam of the magic lamps, looking like she was made out of polished ivory, standing like a frail statue made from purest silver, or marble.

The new "albino" girl was bought by the High Priestess who had paid a fortune to adorn her with silks, give her jewelry, and teach her how to sing the melodic dark elven hymns of love and eroticism. She had even given the girl a new name: Hyacinth.

Hyacinth now walked around the altars, singing with a voice that brought the most arrogant dark elf to tears, her angelic voice enchanting the crowd, though one could start hearing wet sounds of kissing and sucking: the High Priestess had snapped her fingers, releasing a score of athletic, well-built men with enchanted bodies, with manhoods enlarged and blessed, to mingle with the crowd. Already other male slaves were present in the room: the worshippers began what could be seen as a feeding frenzy, like piranhas assaulting a slab of meat. More enthusiastic worshippers, mostly young dark elven girls, naked but wearing face-concealing masks would be raising hands, begging the priestesses to be put into stocks situated around the temple, signifying free usage of their holes by human men, or tied to altars where they would endlessly copulate with restrained men as the High Priestess would be whipping them, shouting in Dark Elven to start the revelry:

"Great Pi'Ro'Ro!" She screamed to the ceiling in her language, arms spread, kneeling before the giant statue of the Goddess. The statue was shaped like a curvy, naked, beautiful dark elf carved from obsidian and studded with jewels and given lips and eyes with gleaming paint. It stared into the crowd, arms out as if she wanted to embrace the world with a big smile. Surrounding her were smaller statues of females of various races, naked and wearing collars, embracing and kissing her feet and legs.

"Bless your daughters with the pleasure! Keep your slaves in chains not of iron, but bonds of love! Grant your Svartalf flock good health, good daughters, and good lovers! Grant your flocks' poor, toiling slaves good health and strength so they can enrich us! Grant your poor humans, poor slave boys virility and luck so they will be forever happy in our arms! Grant your slave women, those poor humans, vitality, and healthy children, and spare them from pain and sorrow!" She took a sip of wine, and continued:

"Grant your flock and their servants good lives and healthy, obedient children so we can honor you forever!" She embraced a young human man, kissing his cheek like a loving mother, and pushed him to the crowd with a whisper:

"Honor the Goddess: please them, and please yourself."

The young man was crying from joy, whispering back as he slowly shook himself to sobriety:

"Ma'am...This the best day of my life..."

The priestess shook her head, and laughed lovingly, staring in his eyes. "See, all that crying at the slave market was for nothing. And it is just the beginning: we do take good care of our slaves if they work hard. Go now."

The young men could not believe their fortune: they thought they would do backbreaking labor.

They turned out to be right, in a way.

One young man sitting on a large, pink velvet chair had even forgotten his name. Before him, beautiful dark elven faces closed in, locking their lips with his, as hands spread his legs, and wet, soft mouths and tongues started stimulating his genitals, his ballsack feeling multiple tongues, so well were the skilled monster girls that he felt like ejaculating here and now...

And a wet mouth engulfed his shaft, the dark elf girl's shiny, white teeth tickling his skin as she started to suck him as if she was starving. Pleasure clouding his sight and mind, he let it go, being surrounded, kissed, and licked by lust-crazed dark-elven girls, the female couple licking his penis from each side kissing each other as two other slave men grabbed their hips and started plowing the girls.

Around the man, pandemonium was in full effect. Discordant magical music and singing became frantic and subdued, being taken over by moans, screams, and sounds of flesh slapping. "Hyacinth" stopped singing for a moment, one of the slave boys kissed her, another getting behind her to undo her robes. Drunk with pleasure and religious ecstasy, Hyacinth sighed and let go, letting her virginity be taken, and closing her eyes as pain filled her. Bent over on all fours, Hyacinth eagerly opened her mouth, accepting the "worshipper" into her mouth, and shuddering when another young man slid under her and turned on his back. The young man started showering her tiny breasts with reverent kisses, his eager hands positioning his cock to aim for her bare, white-haired pussy: the dark elves hadn't shaved Hyacinth out of respect for her hair and skin color. Eagerly, the man grabbed her waist and undid what little cover her robes showed before raising his hips and shoving his hot erection inside her.

Rows of dark elven girls knelt before the slave boys, heads bobbing in fellatio in corners and pillow beds strewn around the chaotic temple, human slave girls kissing and servicing the worshipping dark elves with their eager tongues.

Spitroasted by two men, Hyacinth started breathing through her nose, balancing herself on her elbows as two more warm cocks filled her hands, the boys caressing her body as their hips moved in unison, once her friends in the village, their faces were in bliss: overcome by sexual magic, pleasure-filled fog reaching everyone, including Hyacinth in a foursome that could only be in her adolescent dreams.