Tricia and Jeff Ch. 01

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Tami was a good influence. Jeff approves.
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NOTE: While Tricia's story should be readable on it's own, if you want the full context, go and read the Beachfront Property series, where she makes her first appearance in Chapter 05.

Tricia sat trembling behind the wheel of her car. Her bare skin was moist with a sheen of nervous sweat, and she found herself sticking to the leather seat. She felt her heart race as she looked across the parking lot to the front door of the townhouse she shared with her husband, Jeff. What she was contemplating was only the second craziest thing she'd done this evening, but this time, she didn't have Tami going along with her to share the exposure and excitement.

The naked drive across town had been exhilarating, but it was late enough that she was pretty sure she went undetected by the other people on the road. The closest she'd come to exposure was a car across from her as they were both stopped at a red light. She couldn't see the other driver very well, but the idea of being seen had really added to the experience.

Now she was home, and what Tami suggested, what she about to do, set her pulse racing even higher.

Before she could chicken out, she pressed the button that opened the SUV's hatch, grabbed her bag, and stepped out of the car. She glanced around nervously and hurried to the back, placing her bag, which contained all her clothes, her keys, her phone, and the key fob for the car in the back and closed the hatch. With a brief thrill, she pressed the button that locked the car, and realized she was now committed.

She walked across the parking lot, the sound of her high heels sounding deafeningly loud in the quiet night air, and hurried up the steps to the front door of her condo. She hit the doorbell, as she looked around, and seeing just how exposed she was.

Come ON, Jeff.... She thought. She rang the doorbell again, this time a bit longer.

Her heart almost stopped when the porch light came on, compounding her exposure to the neighborhood. She reflexively tried to cover herself, before the absurdity of that hit her.

When Jeff opened the door, his wife was standing on the welcome mat, naked as their wedding night, arms at her side, with a nervous grin on her face.

"I managed to lock my keys in the car." She said with a lopsided smile.

"That's not all I see. Hang on a second."

Her jaw dropped as he closed the door and locked it, leaving her still standing naked on the front porch.

A minute passed.


An ETERNITY passed.

Finally, the door opened, and Jeff stood there with his phone held before him, and a badly feigned expression of innocence on his face.

"Let me in, damn it!" She hissed.

"Well, you don't want to leave anything in the car. Thieves, you know..." He replied.

"Hold on, I'll go get the spare key fob."

He closed the door again, and to her exasperation, she heard the lock click shut again.

She looked around, noting the number of places with lights still on.

Doesn't anyone SLEEP around here?

She turned around again as the lock clicked and the door opened again.

"Here you go." Jeff said, handing her the spare key fob for her car.

"You want me to go?"

"Of course! I'll stay here and keep an eye out."

"Take a video of it you mean!"

"Well, that too."

Tricia sighed, and turned back down the stairs. She was halfway across the lot to her car when she saw headlights in the distance. She wanted to duck for cover, but there was none, so she sped up her pace, and unlocked the car. She quickly grabbed her back, and put it over her shoulder, and headed back to the condo.

She had another brief crazy thought, and decided she'd raise the stakes a bit. Again, before she could change her mind, she pressed the car alarm button. In a second, her the headlights were flashing, and the horn was blaring. She walked purposely to the front door, watching lights come on in a couple of windows. When she reached the door, she stopped the alarm and smiled sweetly at Jeff.

"Did you get all that?"

"Oh yes. Was that last it on purpose?"

"You'll never know." She said, pulling the door closed behind her.

"The pictures from earlier were amazing. Is that other woman your client?"

"I'm glad you liked them! The poor driver almost passed out when he saw us."

Jeff thought back to the pictures of his beautiful wife, and her equally attractive client posing naked with a pizza delivery driver earlier that night. He'd fantasized about showing her off for a long time, but until recently, she'd been resistant. He said a fervent prayer of thanks to her client for being such a bad, or good, influence.

He'd noticed that in the last couple of weeks, Tricia had been dressing sexier, and that her underwear drawer seemed to be neglected. It had all started with a naked selfie from Tami's bathroom on the day she was getting pictures for the real estate listing. Tricia shared the rest of the story later. She decided to leave her underwear off, but before she could stash them in her bag, the photographer returned, and she had to hide them in one of Tami's dresser drawers. The entire episode led to the most intense night of lovemaking since they first began dating.

Tricia set her bag down, and walked up to her husband. She threw one arm around his neck, pulling him in for an intense kiss, while her other hand probed at the drawstring holding up his shorts. Her hand reached in, finding his already hard member and began to stroke him. She broke the kiss and gasped in his ear. "You really liked this didn't you?"

"You have no idea." He said, nuzzling her neck.

Tricia pulled away, and sank to her knees on the cold tile of the front foyer. She pulled his shorts down, helping him remove them one foot at a time. She grabbed his buttocks and at the same time pulled his hard cock into her eager mouth. She felt his hand grab her ponytail as she took in his full length, sucking and pumping.

In moments he was groaning, and thrusting his hips forward, fully involved in her urgent blowjob. He used her ponytail to pull her off his member. "If you keep going, I'm going to lose it." He warned.

"It's okay, I want you to." She said panting with need. "Cover my face, lover."

She grabbed his cock again, sucking it in and out, until it was obvious he was about to cum. She pulled his penis from her mouth, using one hand to cup his scrotum, and the other furiously jacking him off into her face. Soon, he stiffened, and she felt the hot splash of semen as it hit her in the nose, cheeks, and her eagerly opened mouth. When he was finished, she looked up at him with a grin and said "Maybe next time I'll leave the door open."

He grinned down at his cum soaked bride. "There will be a next time?"

"Do you think you were the only one who enjoyed this?"

"You're going to have to tell me more about your night. Leave that on your face while you do."

Jeff took her hand, helped her to her feet, and took her to the bedroom. Several hours and more than a few orgasms later, they fell asleep, spent.


The next morning, thankfully a day off, they finally got out of bed. After a shower and desperately needed caffeine, they sat naked, facing each other on the living room couch.

Tricia cupped her coffee mug and took a sip. She looked at Jeff, and said "What are your boundaries?"

Jeff looked thoughtful, and began carefully speaking. "I get really turned on by the idea of showing you off. I get a charge realizing other people want to fuck you, but you are mine. So, honestly, I never really expected you would be into it, and I haven't thought very deeply about it. At this stage, I don't want you to do anything you feel uncomfortable with, and we can take it as easy as you want to."

Tricia set down the coffee mug and said "Okay, let's see where it takes us. I just don't want to lose you to this."

"Not a chance."

She stood up and walked over to Jeff. She leaned over and kissed him. "I'm so lucky."

"Not as much as I am."


Over the next couple of weeks, she fell into a routine. She started buying more interesting lingerie, things that really didn't cover anything. She kept a small strip of pubic hair, leaving an auburn tuft above her smooth labia. More often than not, she wore a cup-less bra under her blouse, and either crotchless panties or none at all. Her work attire still appeared to be outwardly professional, except the skirts were shorter and sexier, and the blouses she wore did little to hide her now always excited nipples.

Jeff appreciated the changes, as her routine also began to include surreptitious pictures meant to tease him.

As soon as either of them got home, they'd strip out of their clothes. They became happily comfortable with the practice, especially as the new routine vastly increased the frequency of sex in their lives.


It was approaching lunchtime on an otherwise uneventful Tuesday, as Jeff contemplated what celebration they might have for Tricia's birthday that day. As he sat in his office looking over a report, he saw Tricia walking across the open space towards his office. She was wearing a short trench coat and carrying an umbrella, as it had been raining all morning.

"Hey honey, I didn't expect to see you here today."

"Well, I called in just after you left for work this morning, and took the day off. I figured we could do something for my birthday."

He admired his wife's long legs and bright red high heels. Tricia, standing just inside his office door, with her back to his coworkers, untied the belt of her coat, and angling carefully, opened it up.

"You would think it was my birthday with that kind of present..." He said softly as he admired her naked body under the coat.

"I have a nice idea for how to celebrate."

"Let me grab my coat."

Tricia closed up her coat again, and they left the office. On the way out the front door, he mentioned to the receptionist that he may be a bit longer, as it was his wife's birthday.

"Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks, I won't keep him all day."

They left the building, with Tricia volunteering to drive. Soon they were on the highway, and heading out of town. She pulled off an exit, and surprised him by entering the parking lot of a gentleman's club.

"Okay, not what I expected. Are you sure?"

"Of course."

They entered the club, with Jeff paying a cover to get in. Tricia led him to a couple of chairs up by the main stage, and they took a seat. A waitress, wearing a tiny black leather miniskirt and a loose halter top baring the bottom of her breasts came over and took a drink order.

They both looked around the club with interest. The place was pretty empty, as it was a lunchtime on a Tuesday, but there were a half a dozen men sitting around the stage, taking more interest in her than the "pro" on the stage.

A pretty young dancer was on stage, with long, almost black wavy hair. She wore dark smoky eyeshadow, black lipstick and matching fingernails. She was pulling down a black fishnet tube dress as Tricia turned to watch. The girl's smooth, pale skin was offset with an abstract pattern tattooed in a triangle between her breasts. She work black piercings in her nipples, her navel, and in both labia.

Tricia reached into her purse and pulled out a ten dollar bill, placing it on the stage in front of Jeff.

"Hey, it's YOUR birthday, not mine!" He weakly protested.

The girl on stage danced over and squatted directly in front of Jeff. She separated her knees, and used her fingers to separate the labia piercings, giving Jeff a long look. She then turned to Tricia and held out her hand with a smile.

She turned to see Jeff's surprised expression as she stood up. The dancer gestured towards a set of stairs at the end of the stage, past where Jeff was sitting, and Tricia walked there on trembling legs. The dancer took her hand and helped her up the stairs, as a new song began playing, and the DJ said "Let's have a special welcome to the stage for Destiny!"

She glanced Jeff's way, and he mouthed "Destiny?" at her. She grinned back, as she was led to the center of the stage. With her back to the audience, she untied the belt holding her trench coat closed. The goth dancer stood in front of her, and made a show of opening the coat to see what the crowd was missing. She leaned around Tricia and gave a thumbs up to the audience. She made gestures for the crowd to applause, and soon the small crowd was clapping. When she felt it had gone on long enough, she started helping Tricia to remove her arms from the sleeves, leaving the coat still on her shoulders and her back to the audience.

Tricia felt the air conditioning on her bare skin, and her nipples immediately hardened. She took one arm out of the sleeve, and held the coat shut while she removed the other. She nodded to the dancer and held her breath as the other girl whipped the coat off, exposing her body to the crowd of strangers. The girl took the coat, and tossed it to Jeff, leaving her with no cover on the stage.

She began to sway to the music, and slowly turned around, seeing her awestruck husband for the first time. She felt her pulse rise at his expression of both love and lust. She crossed her hands above her head, and danced with her eyes closed for a second, until she felt the other girl's hands brush her hips, and pull her into a close slow dance.

"You're doing great!" the girl said in her ear.

"Oh my god, this is unreal..." she replied with a shudder of excitement.

The girl spanked her on the ass, and said "have fun, my set is over."

Tricia looked along the stage, and saw that not only did she have everyone's attention, but there were was money of various denominations in front of each of the patrons.

She began dancing along the edge of the stage, towards the first five dollar bill as the other dancer picked up her costume and stuffed her tips in a handbag.

She turned her back to the man, and swayed as she lowered herself to her knees. She got down on all fours, and reached behind, pulling her ass cheeks apart, giving a complete stranger a lingering look at her most intimate parts. She turned to look towards Jeff, who was grinning ear to ear. She leaned to the side, coming up in a sitting position, with her legs spread, and took the bill, tossing it behind her on the stage.

In a short while, she'd worked through all the other patrons and made her way back to Jeff. He held up a twenty dollar bill, and she motioned him to put it between her teeth. She leaned forward, and used her ample breasts to squeeze the bill from his mouth, taking it, and threw it with the other bills.

This was the farthest she'd ever taken this new thing, and she'd nearly chickened out, on the idea that it was more extreme than she meant to go. She was also still a little worried about Jeff's reaction. She genuinely loved him and didn't want to hurt him with the needs that had recently arisen in her.

His outward reaction to her performance, sent a flood of relief through her, and she danced with renewed vigor. A couple more patrons had drifted in while she was dancing, and soon she made her way over to give them a closer look.

Before she knew it, the third song in the set was over, and the DJ announced the next dancer. She gathered up the tips from her performance, surprisingly generous considering the time of day, and walked down the stairs and over to Jeff.

"Give me a minute, I'll be right back."

"Do you want your coat?"

"No, you keep it."

She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and walked over to the bar. An older man was sitting at the end and he softly clapped as she approached him.

"I didn't think you had it in you."

"That was amazing, thanks for helping me set this up."

"Are you still up for the rest?"

She handed him the stack of cash and said "Yes, this is going to be really interesting. I'm glad the girls were all right with the competition today."

"Well, when you mentioned that you'd give them all the tips, all resistance went away." He said with a laugh. He handed her a garter. "Put this on, it'll help next time."

"Thanks." She took the garter and walked back to Jeff. She sat down in the chair next to him, feeling the cheap vinyl on her bare skin.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Never better, how about you? That was a huge step."

"I'm having the best birthday ever. So now comes the next part." She crossed her legs, took the garter and began pulling it up until it reached mid-thigh. "I've arranged to spend the rest of the day here."

"Really?" He said skeptically.

"Yes. I want you to take my car and other stuff. I will be back some time tonight."

"How's that going to happen with no clothes and no car?"

"That'll be half the fun. Leave my phone and ID, but take everything else. I love you so much."

"It's going to be really difficult working the rest of the day with a raging hardon."

"Just don't let that cute little receptionist help you with it." She said, laughing.

He gave her a long look, as if to reassure himself that she meant to go through with this, then picked up her coat and bag.

"You're really sure?"

She nodded and gave him a quick kiss. Jeff returned the kiss, handed her the phone, turned and walked to the exit.

With an exited shiver, she watched Jeff leave the club, taking her last safe options with him, then headed to the end of the bar, where the owner sat.

"Drink?" He asked, giving her naked body a frank appraisal.


He waved to the bartender, a brunette with her hair in a ponytail, wearing nothing but thigh high boots, a silver chainmail halter top and a tiny black g string.

"What would you like hon?" the bartender asked.

"Bourbon, no ice." She turned to the owner and said, "Bill, thanks again. This has been total blast."

"Glad to have you. You definitely livened up a slow weekday. You realize that it's going to get a lot busier later, right?"

"That's what I'm hoping. I wanted to ease into it a little."

The bartender came back, setting a cocktail napkin down, followed by a tumbler with a generous amount of bourbon. Tricia smiled gratefully and took a long sip, savoring the slight burn as the brown liquid went down her throat.

"Can you hold on to this for me?" She said, pushing her phone across the bar. "No pockets."

"A lot of that going around. Just let me know when you need it back." She replied with a smile.

"Go check in with Tanya, that's the girl you were on stage with her earlier. She'll get you situated." Bill told her. He waved in the direction of the performers' dressing room.

Tricia took a long sip from the tumbler, draining the last of the bourbon, and nodded to Bill. She set the glass down and went through the curtain blocking the dressing room from the rest of the club.

Tanya was sitting at one of the makeup tables, tying her long straight black hair into a pair of loose pigtails, high on her head. She turned when Tricia entered and gave her a grin.

"I think you blew your boyfriend's mind with that." She said with a laugh.


"Are you serious? How does that work out?"

"He's been after me to show off for a while, and we've been playing a game with it lately."

"Amazing. Most guys would be super pissed off if they saw that."

"I'm really lucky, for sure."

They chatted for a bit longer, with Tanya outlining a couple of things -- she couldn't do any penetration on the stage, and customers touching performers wasn't allowed. The rules were a bit looser for private lapdances, and Tanya admitted that while it technically wasn't allowed, some sex did occur during those private dances. That was strictly up to the performer, and the club looked the other way, especially because they got a cut.