Triple-Tryst Ch. 03


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That's what I want to be doing, just feels so "good" inside me like this. So wonderful. So perfect!

But I'm not Meg, am I?

I wondered who I was and realized I was still me. Then I remembered other times that something like this had happened. In a dream. Something about a car nearly hitting me—her. I'd sat up in bed just about to scream. I phoned and it had not been serious. I remember crying, thinking about losing one of them—any of them! I'd cried myself to sleep and opened my eyes to another dream and was in the hospital with doctors and nurses hurrying around. I felt the throb on my head where I'd bumped it, and now...

But I never knew how deeply in-love my sisters were! It was so beautiful it made my throat tighten. I wanted to cry, but couldn't. It was too happy, too warm. At first Meg catching a glimpse of Courtney as Courtney came out of the shower in their dorm; hair straggly, towel wrapped around, and feet bare. Pretty feet. Pretty legs. Meg hadn't smiled and had just looked up, then down. Courtney hadn't seen, but Meg was puzzled, surprised. It was something new to find this woman attractive. Of course she was "attractive," but this was another kind of attraction.

Even Courtney. Waking with a start in the middle some night. Sitting up in bed and glancing around for the reassuring lump under the covers in the other bed. And it had been there. That and a bare leg sticking awkwardly out from under the covers. The sight had not only reassured Courtney, but made her think of other things.

"...daddy?" Meg gasped from far away.

"...yes baby?"

"...please...I just want you...just where you are now...." Meg whispered. I turned my head and saw dad pulling gently back from his thrusts. He deftly undid the dildo and took it off, then reached down to guide himself back into my sister. I could tell by the angle of her lovely butt and dad's glistening rod that he really was back in the same hole—her pussy-hole. I looked up into Courtney's eyes. They were a little blank, but they focused. I smiled and she smiled back.

"Maybe you should be over there too, huh?" I said to her. "I mean, why shouldn't we all share dad...right?" Courtney's face began to light up. She nodded, and a moment later she was pulling back from me, careful not to just yank the dildo out of my ass, and a moment after that I was leaning back against some piece of living room furniture that had long blended in to the rest of the scenery of our little 'love-nest.' I watched Courtney go and sidle up shoulder-to-shoulder with Meg—smiling back at dad—and then watched as dad pulled out of Meg, moved over, and started to fuck Courtney in just the same way he'd been fucking Meg—in her pussy. To think that father and daughters were having actual sexual intercourse was somehow even more exciting that when the three of us had been doing it together. When dad ejaculated, the very same semen that formed each of their bodies—our bodies—would be pumping into them; not just their brother's jizz.

I got a shiver remembering how I'd seen dad's goo in my toilet water and that shiver vibrated down to my toes then back up into my crotch. Reaching down, I untaped myself and let everything stick out in the open. My cock, having been bent backward, had only been half hard. Now it stood up fully, and I really enjoyed the feeling.

But it wasn't like before; not like when I'd been with the girls and had that overwhelming male feeling take over. I was excited, and my male member was erect, but I still felt that other part of me appreciating and enjoying what I was seeing.

And it was really enjoyable! Dad had just finished fucking Courtney, and now he was moving back behind Meg again. A moment to insert himself and then he was slamming back and forth like a machine. I sat up to see a little better. I crossed my legs and tucked my thing under my ankles. Meg gasped, and that sound sent a thrill through me! Courtney simply held her position, waiting for her turn again, and I realized that what I really wanted was to join them; to get right in line like that first time and have my turn with dad. But that was too selfish. I mean, I'd had him all to myself, and now it was time for my sisters to get what they wanted. I couldn't just hog dad all to myself and not share.

But it looked so luscious, what was going on! I leaned forward and was about to start crawling over there when I stopped. No. If I went over there, dad wouldn't hesitate fucking me, but he'd be fucking me in the ass, and then he'd have filth on his cock and then that filth would get rubbed into my sister's cunts, and then...I didn't want them to get bacteria in there—in that place! Again I wished I were built like them. It was really frustrating!

Then Courtney happened to look over. Meg cried out again beside her, but Courtney's eyes steadied in mine and for a moment—a long moment it felt like—we just gazed into each other's eyes. Then dad was getting behind her, and the moment he pushed into her, it was as though I could feel it—that hard thing penetrating me, but not in my ass. I felt a ripple inside me, a twisting current of pure lust, pure want. My nipples hardened. I gasped, and then I could see why I could feel dad in that particular part of me.

—Because I was now gazing across the living room at the feminine male body on hands and knees by the sofa! It was like switching bodies, like migrating from one place to another, and now, now I could feel dad ramming my cunt, pushing hard and deep. I could feel every inch of him, and as my eyes started to close and my mind began to drift, I saw myself—my own face across the room—give me a sly, wicked grin and a wink. I watched the hand move down and take hold of the cock, and then saw that hand start to work that thing up and down and up. Dad shoved in deep and I grunted. Things got hazy and warm. I pushed back against him, anxious to receive more of him, more deeply inside me, and dad complied!

This time I seemed to stay out of my own body for a lot longer. I began to wonder if I were really, in fact, Courtney and that I had just been having an out-of-body experience of my own, feeling things that my brother Ronny had been experiencing. But every time I'd open my eyes and glance over at what Ronny was doing, it just somehow looked too weird. I wasn't used to seeing Ronny like that and not the reverse image in a mirror. And what was he doing?

Dad got through with my turn and I turned and crawled off toward my brother. I was still shivering from head to toe from what dad had done to me, but I wanted to see what was going on over here. Besides, with four people in the room, nobody should be left alone! I crawled nearer and then nearer. It was getting dark now, maybe toward the evening, but there was more than enough light to see. Ronny was kneeling there, body erect, back arched, eyes closed, knees widely spread, and he was moving up and down and side to side just ever so slightly. I have to admit, seeing him like that, so totally naked and with his makeup still on and his body so smoothly shaved and all—really got me going! And now his thing had gotten undone and was sticking...

Ronny had his feet crossed under him. At that angle the soles of both feet were facing upward, and laying and pressed—and rubbing—across these was his cock! I'd never see anything as cute before (except for that time I'd fallen in love with Meg's bare leg when it had gotten uncovered as she slept! I still thought about that sometimes. There'd just been something about the way the moonlight or streetlight from outside, had caught that pretty leg of hers, and now, looking at Ronny, I was getting that same aroused feeling! Like I wanted to just go over there and lick it!

—Except it would be hard to decide which thing to lick; my brother's darling foot (or both of them), or his small but really incredibly beautiful thing. I decided to just get nearer and decide later.

Ronny was totally unaware of me watching. He was completely lost in whatever world of rubbing, pushing, undulating pleasure he was in, and I certainly couldn't fault him for that. But...I wanted to join in. I could see that he had things perfectly in hand (or 'on-foot' I suppose!), so there wasn't much a girl could do. But seeing him doing that was just too sexy to do nothing about. I decided I'd join him by 'not' joining him, and without a second thought, and without either him or my sister or dad noticing or even seeing, I got up on my knees just like Ronny, got my feet crossed under me and lowered myself down on my heel and the ball of my foot. I felt the pressure against my pussy and instantly I was rolling and shoving and grinding myself to delirium just like he was! I felt myself coming. I caught my breath, held it, and then a voice cleared just a few feet directly in front of me.

" first I wasn't sure if it was happening," I heard my brother say. His voice was a little higher, a little lighter than normal; he sounded just like Meg—or myself! I opened my eyes and sooo wanted to jump on him that it's not even funny. But I stopped grinding and simply knelt there listening.

"And then I sorta got pissed," he continued saying. "I mean, it's cool and all drifting around and feeling what it's like to be in Meg's or your body, but...really! It was getting kind of annoying, you know Ronny?"

Hearing my name being spoken by me—except this 'me' was facing me!—was really disorienting. I felt dizzy suddenly.

"Hey, you okay?" Courtney seemed to speak from my own body; the body of Ronny! I nodded but Ronny/Courtney was there in an instant, holding me by the arms, making sure I didn't spin and crash. I nodded again to say I was all right, but with us being face to face, it also meant we were crotch to crotch.

And the thing pressed up against my mons pubis wasn't something I could simply ignore. I gasped and then this wonderful and strange (though familiar now) sensation and yearning came up through me. It was the same as when I had thought of dad before, and before I could think or refuse or reason or react, I was laying backward onto the soft padding of all those extra blankets and sheets and pillows, laying back and sliding my feet up toward my butt. My knees came up and I spread them—wide—and a moment later Courtney was crawling over me, covering my body with hers, and then, just like that, she reached down and guided her cock into me.

Into my cunt.

* * *

So many dreams drifted by, but each one had something to do with the stiff thing gliding steadily in and out of me. It was like a pivot in more ways than one!

And there were different angles too. Things seemed to levitate around me. I was on my front, then my back, then on my side with this wonderful version of myself always there, always screwing me in the pussy. That was the only real thing amongst all the flurries of fantasy and visions. There were orgasms like waves crashing, just endless rows of waves, one after the other, pushing me, sucking me under or carrying me, and then the next and the next. I never knew how it was to have such pleasure, to be able to orgasm simply endlessly like that. But then my own insides, my personality, my spirit, if you will, would turn in some warm pool and I knew that that was how it always was. Endless breaths of air. Gasping, coming so hard that tears would be right there, sniffling all the wetness up, the ache of the face that accompanied the tears, and that ongoing inward and outward feeling, that tensing around that hard thing; my softness surrounding that stiffness!

And then we turned in some other world and floated, and my open mouth contained that hard thing and a tongue was delving deeply into my snatch. I shivered in orgasm but sucked gently, and I touched and massaged that thing with my tongue, felt each ripple and contour with my pursed lips and realized how unlike a man it really was.

Then I was turning and the thing was in me again, in my cunt. I was on hands and knees and it was driving in and out of me. Then I was on my back, feet pointing straight in the air, and still it was ramming and penetrating and bringing me to peaks I'd never known before. I wrapped my arms and legs around Courtney as she continued ramming me to orgasm after orgasm. I could feel how stiff she was, how thick inside me. More than a finger's width and sliding and pushing and plunging. Deeper and then deeper. It was so hard and there was such a sweet, undulating wetness that surrounded it; moist and slick. Hardness enveloped within softness; a receptive sleeve for the intrusion, but both pushing urgently against each other, anxious to make that contact even more complete.

And then, suddenly, another urge; uncontrollable, beyond recall. Heat, liquid and fiery, coursing up, traveling inches in a moment. A gasping cry and completion. But the completion lingered, went on. Shivering contractions matching the spasmodic undulations. Voices moaning in unison as this other kind of wetness exploded out from its containment and splashed against the insides of this already drenched and fluttering sleeve.

More movement; in and out and in so deep; as deep as possible without one body entirely pushing within the other. Thrusting. Pushing. Gasping. I felt myself—my spirit—drifting again; floating, then seeming to come to rest. I was on my elbows and knees, panting. I could feel sweat dotting my skin. It was chilly. I opened my eyes and it was dark now. I wondered if I'd been gone days and nights, or months. I had no idea. But something stirred in the semi-gloom. A face lifted into view.

"" Courtney whispered to me. Her voice sounded tired but happy; sweet and soft. Her face too was sweet and soft. She lay on her back, legs draped around me, arms laying limp down her front where they had slipped from around my shoulders after the final moment. I pushed up on one hand and realized there was a limp, wet thing connected to my crotch. It was still halfway inserted in my sister's gooey snatch. I looked down and saw what it was. It was still shiny from what coated it and I reached down to touch it.

It was real enough. It was my thing—my cock. It was soft now because it had spurted, but I did not remember feeling it ejaculate, not from this side at least. I knew what it felt like to have it inside me, spurting, but...

I looked at my sister. Her smile, her whole expression was now one of increasing understanding.

"We should really do that more often, huh?" she said, and though more of the realization had probably hit her, there was enough in memory to keep her eyes wide in amazement. I felt the same way.

"...did we uh," I said. "I mean, were we, you know...switched around or something?" Courtney nodded.

"...that's what it felt like." she whispered. "It was just totally amazing too..." Then my noodle squeezed out of Courtney's body and we both gasped and shivered at the sensation. Then we laughed. I leaned down to kiss her and as our lips met it was as though all the impressions and thoughts and memories that we had just enjoyed were exchanged in some strange and wonderful way. I knew I had truly been within Courtney's body--borrowing it in a way—and it had been the same with her. But the moments when we were exchanged, now were filled in. We each had a complete picture with no missing moments. I relived her sensations and thoughts when she was occupying my body, and she did the same. We kissed deeper and then stopped and simply looked into each other's eyes for a long, silent moment.

In that moment I think we understood each other more and with more depth than even Meg or dad did, but in the next moment I realized that Courtney and Meg had already shared this sort of experience with each other. I wondered if dad were in on it too, and Courtney shook her head.

"What?" I asked, not sure if my sister had read my thoughts or not.

"Dad isn't," she said nonchalantly, confirming my suspicions. "He's related, for sure, but...not as close as the three of us..." Then Courtney sat up all the way and crossed her legs. In the minimal light (all the lights in the house were out), she seemed to glow with her own inner light.

And maybe I could see it because I found myself so completely in love with her!

She looked around and I started to look where she was looking. The living room was dead silent. I remembered seeing Meg with dad before all these incredible things had begun and wondered where they had gotten off to. Courtney was wondering the same thing. She then stood, turned and crept off through the room, stepping carefully, and crouching slightly to be able to see what was in front of her. The idea to simply switch on the lights was out of the question; didn't want any squinting people grumbling at us. I got up too and joined her in her quest, and we made it all the way out of the living room area and into the hall without seeing anyone.

"Where could they have gotten to?" I whispered. Courtney shook her head, but then a grin started to spread across her face. Quickly, she took my hand and led me back through the unevenly spread and piled layers of blankets and pillows covering the living room floor, around the sliding glass doors, and then to the side door to the back yard. She turned the knob gingerly and I knew it was time to be quiet. Maybe we could play a trick on dad or Meg, and I was all for that!

There was a garden directly out beyond the picture windows and sliding doors; it was a terrace, more like. We'd always enjoyed the landscaping back behind the house because of how big it was—vast I guess is a better word. Dad had been extremely successful in his businesses, and our family had never been short of cash.

—Other things maybe, but never money.

And though I'd often walked barefoot across the cool, soft grass of the garden on the way to the pool, it somehow never felt as nice as it did right then for some reason. Courtney and I were both stark naked as we crept around, but we went with no fear of anyone seeing us. The property is quite remote, and privacy is more or less complete because of the way the hedges and trees and landscaping was done, and so the excitement I was feeling wasn't from the fear of being discovered or anything silly like that. I crept along as Courtney was doing, but it was though every pore of my body—including the tingling soles of my feet—had turned into erogenous zones now. Had I been crawling across the grass with my thing brushing along, it wouldn't have been more thrilling! And to be just a step or so behind what by anyone's account would be a beautiful, vivacious, healthy young woman, didn't make matters any easier for me! Even after what Courtney had just been through on whichever world we'd traveled to, I was beginning to get another erection.

"...will you stop?" Courtney whispered over her shoulder. She hadn't seen a thing, especially with it being so moonless. "You're going to get me all hot again and then, well, we might never find dad and Sissy if you know what I mean...." Then she stopped and turned to face me.

"...see what I mean?" she asked, and with just the slightest downward movement of her eyes she coaxed me to look down as well—to her chest. Her nipples were rock hard!

"Cold?" I asked.

"No stupid; air temp's like 70 or something!" Courtney joked, and then she turned, and we started on again. I tried not to look at her ass, but it was hard to do—as was something else right about then!

We kept going for another step or two and I reached a point where I couldn't take it. I whispered to Courtney that I'd be right back, and hurried back into the house. It was only starlight outside and since my eyes were adjusted to that, I didn't need to turn on any lights when I went inside. I went up the hall to my sisters' room, found the dispenser of surgical tape I'd left there and started to tape my equipment up. I happened to see myself in the mirror again and stopped and stared. All of this, all this time and I still had on the makeup. Nothing else remained but that. I leaned in close and did a little touch-up, and then hurried back outside.