Tropes: Laundry Day

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Locked out, and taken in.
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Adrian knew something was wrong as he gathered up his laundry basket, detergent and softener for the trip down to the laundry room of his building. Flip flops slapping his feet gently as he walked, bare chested in thin sweatpants down the stairs to the basement. The nagging feeling was still there as he set his loads of clothes spinning and sat down, opening his phone to read the news. Having the sudden urge for something to drink, he went back towards the stairs when it hit him. The familiar weight of his keys in the right hip pocket of the sweats was absent, and his stomach took a dive at the vision he had in his brain of his keys sitting on the entry table where he left them each night. The front doors in his building locked automatically when the door shut.

"Goddamn!" He cursed bitterly. His Saturday was shot. He had planned to do the laundry and tidy up, and then hit the town with a few friends later that evening for dinner and drinks. It was the last holiday weekend of the summer, and he had it planned out. Going out tonight, then home relaxed tomorrow, and all day Monday. Now, the landlord and the locksmith would probably take all day. Dejected, he headed back down to the laundry room, and began to make phone calls, first to DJ, his best friend and running pal, who also held the spare key to his apartment.

"Yo, D.."

"Hey man..." DJ's voice was thick with sleep, but Adrian could hear noises around him. "I'm just waking up, but me and Lark are headed to the state park for the day. What's up?"

"Yo, man, I'm locked out of my place. Can you bring me my key?"

"Can you wait til we get back? We have to be back by 5 to meet her parents for dinner."

"Can't you run them here right now?"

"Can you come here and get them?"

"Motherfucker, I barely have clothes on! My wallet and everything is still in my apartment!"

"I'm sorry man. That's like 15 minutes each way, and we're meeting folks at the park. I got you at 5, but I can't do it before then."

"Come on man, how you gonna do me like this? I need your help!" Adrian pleaded.

DJ sighed and said "Man, I didn't want to tell you like this, but Lark and I have been having some issues, and if I left right know how it is. I know you're in deep right now, but so am I, dig?"

So, Adrian thought, wait in the laundry room for six hours or pay a locksmith and the landlord money that I won't have until payday. Fuck me.

"Hit me when you're on your way here." Adrian said, resignedly.

"Bet." DJ said, and hung up.

Adrian looked to see how much laundry he had left, when the door creaked open and a young woman about his age pushed through carrying a huge laundry basket and an equally large container of detergent. She, like Adrian, was dressed for laundry, heather grey leggings under a very thin white spaghetti strapped tank, black foam wedge flip-flops on her feet. Adrian could see her prominent nipples through the thin material of the blouse, as she wore no bra. The leggings emphasized her ass and the curve of her hip. She was a thick girl, given a slight pear shape by her large hips and breasts that were large, but smaller than her hips. Dark brown hair pulled into a ponytail, smiling brown eyes that looked his way through high-fashion eyeglass frames.

"Hello." She said, smiling. "My name's Taylor. I just moved in after the Fourth of July. I've seen you around the building. I live on the second floor." She dropped her stuff with a thud, opened a washer, and began to load it. Pausing, she stuck out a hand.

"Adrian Williams" Adrian said "I just locked myself out of my place."

Taylor's full lips twisted in a grimace. "Ooh shit. That sucks. Did you call the agency office?"

" guy has my spare key, but he's going to the State Park, and won't be back til five. I have plans tonight, and that gives me time to make them, but I can't do anything else that I wanted today."

Taylor finished loading her second machine, put quarters in, and started both machines. "Well, you're welcome to hang at my place until your buddy gets here."

"Well..." Adrian didn't really know this woman. A black man in the city had to be aware of his surroundings. Being alone in an apartment with a white woman opened the door to all kinds of possibilities, not all of them good.

"Or not," she said, bending back to organizing her laundry supplies.

Adrian made up his mind. "Sure. I was just..."

"Trying to decide if I was crazy or not?" She smiled again.

"Well, yeah." Adrian felt stupid now, and lowered his eyes. He was all too aware that he had no shirt on, and no underwear. Only the thin cotton of the pants stood between him and the rest of the world.

"Chill out. Don't worry. What kind of world is this if we can't be neighborly?" She led them out of the laundry room, and up the stairs to the second floor, and stopped in front of 208. She opened the door to reveal a well furnished apartment that looked lived in, a stack of magazines on the table, her purse hanging on the back of a chair. Pictures of her with family members were placed here and there around the apartment. The room was dominated by a large flat screen television on a stand. "You want something cool to drink? Have a seat."

"Yes please." Adrian sat on the worn leather couch.

"I got Soda, beer, wine, iced tea, and lemonade."

"Tea. Is it sweet?"

"Yes it is. There's lemon in it too. You know what, I'll join you." She poured tea, kicked off her flip-flops and sat next to him on the couch. They drank in silence for a bit.

"Adrian, what do you do?"

"I just started graduate school in education. I taught for awhile, but if you want to move up, you have to go to school. I was taking this last weekend of summer off before the onslaught begins. I should be studying right now. But I can't get in that frame of mind. You?"

"I work at a bank. Regular hours, but the old boy network is so thick, I've been thinking about going back to school for business. Moving up at the bank, as a woman, will be very difficult. I didn't grow up a country club kid, you know what I mean?"

Adrian knew all too well. He was the second in his family to go to college, after his big sister, and undergrad was a blur of classes, tests, studying and very little partying. While other kids were pledging fraternities, Adrian worked at one of the three jobs he held during his undergrad years while maintaining the high GPA needed to retain his partial scholarship. He related as much to Taylor, who nodded in agreement.

"Sounds familiar." She said "I was so broke in college that me and my roommate used to share the one good outfit we had between us. Not that we went out much either. I opened the architecture library 4 mornings out of five, and there were always tests to study for and papers to write."

Adrian sipped more tea. "Yeah...I had friends who were always out with girls, and I wanted a girlfriend, but school took precedence."

"Are you with anyone now?" Taylor asked.

"Nah...I was with someone for the last few years at my job as a 5th grade teacher, but she knew I was leaving to go back to school, so she dropped me. She couldn't handle the change. I personally didn't think the change would be that great, but she did. Found out recently she took up with a mutual friend." He sipped his tea again, sweet with a bright hit of lemon. "Still stings a little bit."

Taylor's phone started to chime. "Hey that's our laundry. You had that first machine, right? I can just flip it all into a couple of dryers. Relax, I'll be right back." Taylor was out the door, and Adrian refilled his tea and looked around the apartment. A rack of DVD's he thought boring and typical, although Fargo and No Country For Old Men jumped out at him between Bridget Jones films and a bunch of other romcoms. Three discs at the end of the row were turned spines to the wall. He pulled them out and his eyes widened as he saw naked people, wide hipped white women and strong, hung brothas fucking them. He hastily put them back on the shelf and sat back on the couch, noticing for the first time, a glass shape on the shelf underneath the coffee table. Looking closer, he realized it was a glass pipe in the shape of a swan.

"Busted." Adrian's glance rocketed to the door, as Taylor entered. "I smoke weed, occasionally. And by occasionally, I mean every night when I get home from the gym."

Adrian was sheepish. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry into your personal business."

"No offense taken. Our laundry is drying. Would you like to get high? It's what I was going to do anyway while I waited for the laundry."

Adrian relaxed, for maybe the first time since realizing his keys were in his apartment. "I would like nothing more. This day has been a little off-balance."

Taylor pulled the pipe from the shelf, and dug into a drawer, coming out with a sandwich bag containing a thick green line of grass that Adrian could smell immediately.

As she began to prep the weed, Adrian said "I like to smoke up with friends, mostly to go see movies. Trippy shit, lose myself before having to teach young folks."

"Really?" Taylor said "What if you run into one?"

"What, a student? Nah, I play it cool. The crew I roll with, everybody's got a job. A real one, that they don't want to lose. We do what we gotta do to be safe with it."

Taylor said "Fuck it, it's a holiday weekend. Labor Day, at that. You sound like you work hard, and I know I do. You wanna smoke a joint? I feel like being high. I was supposed to go down south to the lake with some friends, but everybody bailed on me. Sarah found out her and her guy are pregnant, which should be better news than it is, 'cause they were on the outs a week ago."

"Whoops." Adrian said. "That sounds like some sticky shit."

"The stickiest." Taylor said, rolling the joint between her fingers and licking the edge. "And Keisha, she got a chance to sing for some important somebody in the music business at some party downtown tonight, so she cancelled. But more power to her. She's been singing since we were kids, and I hope this means something happens for her. But that leaves me high and dry on the last holiday weekend of the summer, and I cried like a kid last night, 'cause I can't go on vacation. Fucking sad, right?" She struck a lighter to seal the smoke.

Adrian was a little uncomfortable that she was so comfortable. But he liked her ease about him. Many times, white girls had been too scared to talk to him. Other times, they were too eager, you could see that they couldn't stop staring at his crotch, wondering if they had struck the motherlode, if this black man was one of the really hung ones. It made him feel less than human, but nevertheless good, because he was one of the hung ones. Not obscenely so, but he had been a lifelong runner, in and out of locker rooms his whole life, and he had only seen two guys bigger than him since reaching adulthood. Eight inches and just thick enough to matter, he had always been happy with his ability to please. Taylor didn't seem fazed by his blackness, nor by his potential cock size. It was as refreshing as the iced tea he drank.

Taylor lit the joint, and passed it over. "Dating sucks." She said, in that pinched, holding-the-smoke-down voice.

"Yeah, tell me about it. I'm getting to the age where I'm thinking about starting a family after grad school. Would be nice to have someone to start one with." Adrian took a hit.

"Like, my two girls I was supposed to hang with are the only two left, besides me. Not married, living life, you know? There's so much mom's always on my ass, my grandma...When are you going to give us grandchildren? As if having a kid is something for them!" Taylor accepted the joint as her phone chimed again. She roached it, and they made their way down to the laundry. They packed up their clothes, and began to fold them once back in Taylor's apartment. Adrian put on a clean t-shirt, and he thought he saw Taylor frown for a split second. The task finally completed, they sat back down and Taylor re-lit the joint.

"Anyway," Taylor said, passing the joint. "I just want to be free to live my life the way I want. I think I want kids, but I want them on my schedule. Isn't that what my sisters fought for in the 60's and 70's?"

"Shit." Adrian said. "I got the weight of my whole family on me. My big sister went to medical school, now, she's a doctor. She also came out to my parents as a lesbian the day after graduating, so now the grandchild pressure falls to me."

Taylor snorted. "People do adopt, you know."

"I know that," Adrian smirked "and you know that. But try telling my God-fearing parents that. They just look at me, with their wanna-be-a-grandparent eyes..."

Taylor laughed.

"No, seriously. 'When am I gonna have some grandbabies, Adrian?' Every time I see her, my mother is unrelenting."

Taylor laughed some more. "I bet your mother really sounds like that, too. That sounds like a deadly impression. Are you hungry? I was going to order a late lunch."

Adrian was embarrassed all over again. "My wallet is-"

"Locked in your apartment. It's cool, Adrian. I can buy a neighbor some lunch. Chinese? I have a yearning for something with a little too much salt."

"If the place that you like has good Teriyaki, I'm on that."

"I got food from Happy Family the second day I lived here."

"Happy Family is the joint. Best Chinese food this side of town. And, the teriyaki is great for a Japanese dish at a Chinese restaurant. That's a good idea. I never ate breakfast."

"What time did your friend say he would be back?" Taylor was deep into a food ordering app on her phone. "It's not even two o'clock yet."

"After five." Adrian was hoping he wasn't imposing. She already said she didn't have anything to do, but you know...that didn't mean she wanted to do anything with him. But...her ass was round and large, and her nice eyes and full lips had hooked him through the weed haze.

"Good. That gives us a few hours." Taylor said.

"To eat and what? You got a board game? I can play a mean game of cards." Adrian said.

"No, silly. I figured we could watch a movie. You said you liked to get blowed and watch a flick. I've got quite a few DVD's, and we could just eat food, get high, and have a good time. What do you think?"

Adrian answered her question by standing and going to the DVD rack, and choosing a film. Opening the case, he powered on the DVD player that sat under the flat screen TV. Taylor picked up a remote, turned on the television, and selected DVD.

When the picture started, Taylor said, "Yawn. I love this movie, but I like to watch it in the wintertime. I got an idea."

Adrian was disappointed. Fargo was an all-time, top ten favorite movie of his. He loved the hilarious desperation of it. Taylor was already moving towards the DVD rack, so Adrian relit the joint, as it had gone out, and took a hit.

Taylor finished fiddling with the DVD player and sat next to him, close enough that their thighs touched, and took the jay from him. Adrian glanced at the DVD rack, and noticed that one of the spines-to-the-wall DVD's was missing. Sweat popped out over his bald head immediately.

The picture started with a card, depicting the legend Diamond Black Productions. A trailer followed for something called Wide Hipped White Whores, and a montage of scenes of chubby to large white women deep throating, fucking, and stroking black cock appeared. Adrian remembered again that he had no underwear on under his thin sweats, as it was very obvious now that his cock was hard. He shifted nervously.

Taylor looked at him pointedly. "I barely know you." She started. "But I think you are hot. I've been watching you. Not like a creep or anything, just that I hope to see you in the hallway, or by the mailboxes. I never do this. I'm not a slut, or anything. But you turn me on."

Adrian was speechless, but still hard as a rail. The video began in earnest, a red-haired woman with numerous tattoos on her lush, full body began to stroke her pussy for the camera, right before a huge black cock entered the frame and she took it into her mouth, fingers still busy with her wet snatch.

"I know I'm a big girl." She said. "But I love my body. I'm not afraid of it. I think you like it too. So, what do you think? We've got all afternoon." Taylor took her shirt off, and revealed her perfect, large teardrop breasts, twiddling the hard nipples. The woman on the screen had her legs spread wide, and her lover's slick bald head was in between, lapping her slick lips. "I have fantasies, and this is one right now. To have someone, no place to go, nothing to do but watch porn," she glanced at the screen, and he could see the reflection in her lenses of the big woman getting rammed from behind, backwards. "And fuck each other's brains out."

Just then the doorbell rang. Taylor didn't put her shirt on, but merely opened the door to a shocked delivery woman, whose mouth hung open and her eyes darted to the porn, Adrian, and stopped on Taylor's tits. Taylor nonchalantly signed the credit slip, adding a healthy tip, and closed the door. She put the food in the oven to keep warm, and turned back to Adrian. The scene had changed on the video to a black woman with an absolutely huge ass making out with a white woman, equally endowed. They kissed passionately until two black men appeared, and they began to stroke and suck their massive erections.

Taylor returned to Adrian, who was still frozen, and kissed him squarely on the mouth. Her hand covered his hard cock through his pants. "Uh oh." She said playfully "You got my hand wet."

Adrian startled, and felt his face grow hot. Taylor retrieved her swan pipe from the shelf and said "OK, maybe this is a little fast. Let's smoke this, and you watch the flick. I'll show you my favorite scene." She loaded the pipe and picked up the remote. She flipped the scene to the last one, a raven haired woman with an exquisitely large, pale ass was posing in lingerie that consisted of black mesh panels and a mesh g-string.

Taylor blew a mushroom cloud at the ceiling. "I don't date a whole lot," she said. "Not enough grown folks out there, you know?" She handed the pipe to Adrian as the woman onscreen played with her pussy and talked to the camera inaudibly. "But watching you, in your professional clothes, I used to fantasize about what you did and who you were. I wasn't far off, I thought you taught college. But you are a teacher, and that makes you even hotter. So studious looking, but built well, your skin is so lovely. I know I shouldn't say that."

"Why not?"

"It's like, I think you are more than just your skin color. But it turns me on. You being black is something that piques my interest, makes my motor run, choose your own metaphor. It makes me hot. Getting to know you this afternoon has only made it worse."

Adrian contemplated this while taking a puff. Taylor's hand materialized on his thigh, high up, near his hip. Adrian has always been an equal opportunity man, dating girls of all races. But, he couldn't deny the attraction to Taylor that he had, nor his own titillation at the differences in their skin color. And, finding her to be intelligent, funny, and about something was the icing on her thick bodied full lipped cake. Adrian began to truly relax and become aroused.

"Oh, this is my favorite part!" Taylor said. The black man that had appeared onscreen during their conversation was holding his cock out, and the woman licked all aound the head of his coal black, rail hard cock. She got it really wet, Adrian could see the professional lights shining on it, giving it the appearance of a bronze statue.

"I just love the way she gets him hard. If I'm masturbating, I always come watching it." She blew her breath out of pink cheeks, and her chest above her round breasts was flushed. Her big brown nipples had remained hard, and Adrian was having a hard time not touching them. Her hand moved on Adrian's leg gently, and he handed the pipe back to her. She reloaded it and handed it to him. "Look, I just want to make sure that you know where I want this to go. If we never talk again, fine. If this becomes a regular thing, fine. Regardless of all of that," she paused and kissed Adrian again, sucking on his lips, her tongue insistent inside his mouth. "This seems like a good afternoon to fuck."