TT Spalding, PI - The Wordsworth Case


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As to Myra, I saw her the other day with Maggie. The shit hit the fan alright when Cal got the goods on Phillip Watson. He got permission from Phil's bosses to monitor the fees he was charging his clients and used his own contacts at Homeland Security to follow the money trial to the Caymans. They also tapped his phones and monitored his computer and located the accountant and Patty Harris. When Cal took them down, it made all the headlines, got front page coverage in the New York papers and nationwide TV coverage. Cal was a hero, Myra was found to be innocent of all knowledge and released, and her husband went down big time. Maggie was pleased but concerned about her friend. We had her over to dinner several times and she seemed to be getting along much better now.

Cal called, made sure I was cool with him taking the credit and then told me I had a favor coming. If and when I needed to collect, he said to just call. Well, that was fine with me since I was often on the verge of doing something illegal. One of these days, I was going to slip over the line. Good to have favors owed.

Well, all in all, things went pretty well considering. I got lucky a couple of times myself and Maggie has been just as happy as can be. When Maggie is happy, so am I. For many reasons. Maggie is about as perfect as they come but a happy Maggie is without equal. Trust me.

Oh, yes. Maggie sent my manuscript out today to her friend. She seems to think it has a good chance of being published. I'll just hold my breath and hope for the best. Actually, my motto is 'expect the worst and hope for the best'. We'll see. Stay tuned.

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dawid1501dawid1501over 11 years ago

Any more TT stories?

PhilipinNorcalPhilipinNorcalabout 17 years ago
Good story; bad preface

Celt: <p>My rating is for your story. It really felt as if I had entered some sort of time warp and was actually visiting with your characters somewhere circa 1940's. The banter was authentic and fresh. T.T. Spalding's introspection throughout made this story very enjoyable. I'm encouraged to read other stories in this series.</p> <p>As to your short preface, I didn't care for it. I didn't think it was pertinent to this story. If your goal were to inflame some folks, it appears you were successful. You threw out the baby with the bath water. You castigated all for the sins of the few. Yes, there is a band of marching morons whose comments ignore any bounds of propriety. Unfortunately, such input goes with the territory when submitting stories in the genre of "Loving Wives." I would hope that you and other respected writers here would treat such blathering as a duck would water on its back. When you acknowledge those folks and their remarks, you give them undeserved validation and only encourage more of the same. And perhaps most importantly, you detract from your own story that follows. I don't think this is what you had in mind.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
hmmmm, let's see.....

Authors LIKE "thecelt" et al., in many stories in Loving Wives, write about dumber and dumberer bitchin' about each other's fuck fests (this is a penis INSIDE a vagina; inside a mouth, as Bill Clinton attested to, don't count!) and bodily fluid exchange (this is exchanging SALIVA with ex or total strangers) ---- sometimes making each other unknowing lick the area where tons of stranger bodily fluids had been deposite no more than minutes before, in the quicker time frame.... and OTHER TIMES having the women having children by the half of dozens by strangers while pretending to be loving spouse ---- with ONE GROUP of "loving wives" readers thinking such are strokes of genius while ANOTHER GROUP saying it's total gibberish nonsense.....<p>

.... and SO THECELT, whose area of the brain in charge of reasoning being no bigger tha a pea (I tell you, the term "pea-brain"'s been badly exaggerated and mis-used)... he came out sputterin' gibberish nonsense about the second group of "Loving Wives" readers, eh? <p>

("I wish those stupid "Loving Wives" readers was mo' intelligenter, y'kow, like my faithful humor/satire readers," THECELT PURPORTS to have rambled...) LOLLLLLLL <p>

Oh, wait...... perchance THECELT was really referrin' to the FIRST GROUP who pertually thinks exchanging saliva and seminal fluids with total strangers AND MAKING the unsuspecting but dumb/clewless spouse lick it afterwar is nothin' but halirous, fist-pumpin affairs?! <p>

If so, then, I must be givin' the real' smart THECELT author benefit of the doubt! LOLLLLLL

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Kind of dissapointed

Of your stories, the TT Spalding series are my favorites. They read as one of those black and white movies I used to watch beside my father. I keep expecting Peter Lorre to jump one day out of your stories. So yes, it was a pleasure to read this one this morning, but I did not appreciate the comment you made about the Loving Wife readers of which I am one. There are rude and/or ignorant readers in every category. We are individuals. Don't classify everyone in one bunch, especially since the readers don't extend the same courtesy to the authors of the Loving Wife category which runs from good to bad. You dissapointed me, Celt, if I were not such a fan, I would NOT have read your story.

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
Enjoyable short story, keep 'em coming

Funny story. Thanks, thecelt, for a good read.


When Anonymous ranted "<I>You fucking suck asshole!</I>", s/he/it elegantly proved your point.

Nightowl22Nightowl22about 17 years ago
Great story

Love the stories and the humor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Great author & great stories!

Enough said!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
You fucking suck asshole!

I was gonna read the story , but your fucking comment about us was really stupid. I will never read any shit you ever write you fucking stupid asshole! Have a little respect for your audience you stupid fuck. Love an x reader.

jack_strawjack_strawabout 17 years ago

TC, I have finally figured out what the catch is in this whole delightful series of stories. TT Spalding doesn't do any work! He sits in the office, "coordinating" operations, bangs out bad detective stories and bangs Maggie when they "take inventory." LOL! Bruno and Polly are the ones who do all the work. No wonder TT doesn't mind not getting the credit. As always, a riotous tale well told. However, I'm still waiting for you to tell us what that serious problem was that Maggie faced several stories ago. That's a loose end you need to tie up pretty soon.

DesertPirateDesertPirateabout 17 years ago
Excellent like always!

This series is a blast! I love the humor and the underlying stories are good. Keep up the good work. Thank You!

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