Tuesdays with Jackie

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She finds weekly sexual relief at the Shady Rest Motel.
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Our legs were intertwined and each time we would grind our private parts together, the bed in the dimly lit room of the cheap motel would make at least one loud squeak, loud enough to almost drown out the John Coltrane music from next door that was loud enough to drown out our moans and screams.

Room 12 at the Shady Rest Motel was our regular meeting place. I'd lost track of how many times I'd met Jackie there, twenty, thirty, or maybe a hundred. I didn't know and I really didn't care. I just knew that it was a wonderful break from Ralph and a chance to recharge my sexual batteries. I guess it was the same for her too.

Grind, squeak, grind, ... the rhythm was almost musical. Too bad the guys next door didn't like The Doobie Brothers or Creedence Clearwater Revival, something to really get it on too.

Just another squeak of the bed and another orgasm was almost ready to start. Oh baby, don't let my clit get too sore before... It didn't. "Ah-h-h," I quietly screamed another time, my voice too hoarse now. Oh my God was I enjoying myself today.

The record next door ended as our mattress stopped squeaking, our bodies spent and the two hours we have the room almost over. I took a quick shower to wash her wonderful aroma off, something I didn't want to do. I knew someone at home would wonder what the new fragrance was, a fragrance I didn't want to have to explain.

The door to Room 12 clicked shut once again just as the two guys emerged from next door, the portable record player in one hand of the chubby older man and the record with the slightly younger and much thinner guy. "Hi again," the one with the record said as he shut the door.

I opened my car door and looked around the parking lot. Four cars, otherwise it was empty. I always wondered how they stayed in business. It was funny that we always ended up next door to each other with at least 10 empty rooms down the walkway. I was almost getting used to Coltrane.

Her shapely hips encased in tight jeans rested against my fender as she wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead with her palm before straightening out her blouse so her smallish bare breasts strained at the fabric. "Next Tuesday?"

"Can't wait." I already couldn't and long before next Tuesday I would be a wreck. I shut my door. I was so weak from the past two hours that my foot was having trouble pressing the accelerator enough to make the car back up.

She waved before she closed her door. I could barely hear her say, "Bye Kay." I knew these two hours were as important to her as to me.


The hood of my car was still hot like my body as I leaned against the kitchen counter. A few breaths later I heard, "Hey good looking." It was Ralph calling out as he always does every night when he comes home from work. I know he means well, but I wish he could be original once in a while. His lovemaking wasn't much better either. Oh my God, after time with Jackie it always takes me a while to 'want' to have sex with him, maybe a week. I chuckled to myself as I finished a little daydream of earlier in the day.

"Did you do anything exciting today?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me with a little peck on the side of my neck.

I took one last deep breath to compose myself. "Just the usual Tuesday." Oh my yes, just the usual Tuesday with Jackie. Keep it together I reminded myself.

"Well Alice ragged on me again today. How I hate that bitch! Why do they let women be bosses? Wish I could just quit and spend time with you."

My heart almost stopped beating as I heard those words. I didn't know how I could live without my Tuesdays. That was all that gave me enough strength to make it to the next one.

"Maybe after dinner we can watch a few episodes of 'Law & Order' Ralph."

"Sounds good." I felt a hand on my ass. "Or we could turn in early?"

"Maybe, but my day was pretty long." And my clit has been rubbed raw! He never makes it that sore, or even that excited.


The third 'Law & Order' was only half over when I stretched my arms and excused myself. "Can't keep my eyes open another second. Meet you in bed."

"Be there in a few," he mumbled.

After a quick few strokes of my toothbrush, I tossed my nightie down over my head and wiggled making it fall all-l-l the way down to the tops of my thighs. I twisted and turned, modeling for myself in front of the bathroom mirror. "Sexy hot chick," I whispered in the quietest voice while I let my hands roam from my breasts to between my legs, lingering here and there. I lifted the hem of my nightie and looked at my bare bottom. I thought it looked damn good and I knew one other woman who enjoyed it too.

I pulled the sheets up to my neck and cuddled with my pillow like it was a long lost lover. My fingers rested against the sore and tender places between my legs as I gently recreated some of the sensations Jackie had given me. I didn't even remember Ralph getting into bed. I didn't remember anything until the morning light began to fill the room and the CD/Alarm was half way through a Jesse Colin Young song.

"Morning sweetheart," he whispered in my ear as his thick coarse fingers touched between my legs.

"How's my stud?" I reached down and held his morning erection for a moment before I began stroking it.

"Oh baby..." he started, but then all I heard were groans and grunts while he gasped for air. It didn't take long until he came, rarely does.

He flipped the sheet back and leaned down, his head pushed between my slightly parted legs and gave the lips a little peck, his tongue lapping between them several times.

I spread my legs more. "You're so good at that!" I bellowed. I thrust my crotch against his face a few times. "Ah-h yes. Here it comes." I played a real orgasm in my head to remind me how I was supposed to act and feel. He was blissfully happy.


The house was quiet as I lingered in the shower preparing myself for Room 12 a few hours from now. Leaning against the wall, the water fell hard against that freshly shaved skin between my legs. My finger rubbed across it and other pieces of skin nearby. "Nice and smooth," I moaned out loud while thinking about Jackie's tongue doing what my finger was.

The Shady Rest Motel was only 30 minutes away, well maybe 20 more from where I was stopped at a red light. My heart was beating faster already. A horn blew behind me and I returned to reality.

There were seven similar motels, one after another. The second one was 'ours'. I wondered if there had ever been any shade. I assumed it was like a motel nowhere near the ocean called 'Ocean View'.

She was already leaning against her new BMW when I pulled into the parking lot in my twenty-year-old Buick with badly faded blue paint and ripped upholstery. It was Ralph's recent generous gift to me; at least he thought so. I was always a little jealous of her. Jackie was single and had money and I pictured her living the good life with no bills and fantastic trips to exotic places. I tried not to let myself question why she wanted to be with me. All I cared about was the sleazy sex that somehow seemed better in a sleazy motel. I think we both felt that way.

"Hi sweetheart," she cooed as she kissed me while standing on one leg, the other foot held slightly off the asphalt. Her gaze was pure raw sex and my heart pounded as it tried to escape the bounds of my chest. My hand behind her slid down the blouse, stopping in the small of the back for a moment before working its way up along the bare skin under it.

"You're making me ... hot," her expression a confirmation.

I could hear the sounds of jazz from next door. "They beat us."

"Guess we need to catch up." She slapped my ass as if to hurry me inside.

The door clicked twice, once as it shut and then as Jackie twisted the dead bolt. I sat on the bed making the first squeak of the afternoon as I did a practice bounce before pulling my shirt over my head. I fondled my breasts for a moment as I fingered the nipples making them erect. My finger dragged towards my navel sending me into rapture knowing her finger would soon be doing that.

She ran her tongue across her lips while she watched. "Save something for me," she cooed as the blouse being slowly pulled over her head revealed her perky breasts. I wasn't able to take a breath.

I put my hands on the waistband of my shorts. "Wait, I want to pull those off," Jackie moaned. I stopped and flopped onto my back. "Be my guest," I said as I lifted my bottom from the bedspread. Maybe we should have been more concerned about who had the room before us, but once I was with her, the world stopped spinning. Well the record next door kept spinning, but other than that....

"No panties today?" she sighed, almost whimpering, as my shorts slid down my long slim legs.

"You should be happy I wore anything."

"But you know how I love to undress you."

Her face went directly for my crotch, her lips wrapped around my erectness sticking out and begging to be sucked, something that she was excellent at. I was on fire blocks from the motel and after just minor attention I screamed, "oh-h-h yes-s-s-s" as my first orgasm rolled over me like a pleasant wave. Coltrane became a little louder.

Jackie's body was a feast to the senses and mine were in overdrive as I looked and touched everywhere. My hand glided across the soft skin and cupped a breast. My tongue licked the nipple. It stood at attention. Another lick left it dripping. Jackie squealed "More!" and I shifted to the other breast.

A hand forced my head far down her body. I did not resist. "Delightful," I sighed as I inhaled deeply while looking at the drops of moisture resting on the soft folds of skin, something I was ready to drink and feast on. After the first lick, I felt your body tighten and you thrust yourself hard against my mouth. My tongue split your lips apart and I lapped a tongue full from within you. I paused only long enough to swallow what I'd captured.

Many orgasms for each of us passed one after another, and then we paused and cuddled while preparing for hopefully another round of them.

"Your face excites me," she whispered in a deep sultry voice as if she were a new lover trying to seduce me.

"I love your skin next to mine." I stroked one side of her face with a fingertip, and then rested a palm against the cheek before kissing her lips softly for a second then asking, "Why?"

"Why what?" she asked as she stared into my eyes.

"You could have anyone."

"You're good for me. Isn't that enough?"

"Uh-hun." I kissed her again.

We twisted around and interlocked our legs for what had become our ritual grind just before the two hours were over. Far too quickly after we started, the phone rang with our ten-minute warning.

"I'll shower when I get home. Just hold me." Jackie whispered in my ear.

"Ever wish we could do this all the time?" I asked.

"Often," was all she said as she let go and sat up to get dressed.

"Ralph is going on a business trip."

"I'd like that." She knew what I was suggesting and asked or said nothing else.

"Next Monday and back on Wednesday," I continued.

"My place?"

We had never been to either house and didn't even know where the other lived. This would be new and different.

"He might call. Mine?"


The rest of the week followed by the weekend dragged like days in prison. Being with Jackie was all I could think about. If I'd had a piece of chalk, I would have been making hash marks on the wall in the bedroom.

The empty place in the garage where Ralph's car would usually be was filled with a silver BMW, Jackie's BMW. I stood in the open door from the garage to the kitchen and watched her get out and slowly walk my way with a slight swish to her hips pausing only long enough to become barefoot.

"Welcome home darling," I squealed. I felt like a child on Christmas morning. I was so ready to unwrap my present.

Her body was soon against mine with her arms around my waist, a hand over my hip the way Ralph often did, but only this time it felt right. We looked intently into each other's eyes, our noses touched as our lips strained to reach out and be together. Our tongues raced towards each other and met in that space just between our lips before they met too.

"Want me to fuck you on the dinning room table?" she asked. "Or do you want to show me your bedroom?"

"He never asks me things like that," I sighed. I held her hand and led her to the bedroom. "This is our temple now."

For the first time, there was no rush, and no two-hour limit to our lovemaking. There was anticipation, but we lingered on our way to that place we had often been, taking the time to explore like we had never allowed ourselves before.

I dragged my tongue from her throat towards her nipple savoring the sensual fragrance of her skin that filled my nostrils. The texture of her pores against my tongue caused tingles to ripple though my body, caused my juices to flow like a raging river about to overflow its banks.

"A drip," she moaned as she realized what had landed on her thigh that was not quite pressed against where the drip came from. She reached between my legs. "Oh my. Someone's excited." I felt a finger near the opening. My hips moved towards her face as if they were a piece of metal pulled by a large magnet.

"I'm addicted to your aroma," she whispered just before her finger touched my clit, her face a soft breath away.

"I hope you never tire of it."

Several fingers disappeared in me. "I won't." Her lips kissed a magic piece of skin and I gasped as they encircled it, and then nibbled gently.


Two nights and most of two days passed as quickly as two hours at the Shady Rest Motel. The light of the morning sun began to fill the bedroom on Wednesday. I closed my eyes tight, but I knew I could not put this off. Ralph would be in the place where she laid too soon and there was nothing I could do about it.

Our few days together had only reinforced how my life had been for so many years - no children, no love, and a man that I should have not married. Back then, how was I to know what love was all about? Ralph was my first boyfriend in high school and his kisses were just like what I'd seen between my parents. Wasn't that the way it was supposed to be? He was like my Dad and I had become like my Mom.

Jackie had opened a new world for me. We had walked naked though the house, had tender moments by the stove, kept each other warm in front of the open refrigerator, and feasted on each other all over the house. It was wickedly wonderful. I could never imagine Ralph eating me in the flickering candlelight like she had with my ass parked on the polished dark wood of the dinning room table between the knife and fork with the white cloth napkin rolled up in the silver napkin ring beside the wine glass filled with a dark red wine.

After a long warm shower together, we sat naked at the kitchen table and shared a waffle, silently taking a bite or two and then a sip of coffee. I could not help but take occasional peeks at a nipple still wet or a damp thigh and remember things that would not be. Under the table there was a toe against a toe, or a foot covering a foot, sometimes a foot against a leg.

"Different than our Tuesdays," she said between bites after a long silence, the tip of the fork resting lightly on the corner of her mouth.

"Will Tuesday ever be enough now?"

"No," was all she said.

I could tell there was a lot more tacked on that word that was not said. I looked at her; she was trying hard to not cry. That single tear rolling down the side of her nose made all those unsaid words ring loudly in my head. I reached over and touched it. The drop rested on my fingertip for a moment before I lick it away. She took my hand from my mouth and held it against her lips. I could feel her kiss against my palm before a slight squeeze of her fingers.

"I know." I said.

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InPennyInPoundInPennyInPoundalmost 6 years ago

Heartbreakingly beautiful.

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationabout 12 years ago

More please. You built the tension wonderfully and left it hanging..... I longed for a page 2 and I hope for a chapter 02.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
What room is she in?

LOL - I would love to have a friend to meet like this. It is sad, that the husband is so clueless and that the wife doesn't try to resolved that situation (whether it's counseling or divorce). But, the first paragraph got me worked up (I love the pussy on pussy action! HOT HOT HOT!)



duddle146duddle146over 17 years ago
soft passion

The sweet gently erotic goings on in this story was such a delight to read. Two people safe and secure in their passions ~ with their secrets intact provide a tender yet delightful read. Well Written!

DikDikover 17 years ago

I absorbed every moment like butter melting on hot toast.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving!!


Loved the story! If you can hop over to my house for Thanksgiving, I'll be sure that you get a leg this year!


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
WOW! One of the best love stories ever

The ONLY thing sad about it was that the husband, like so many men, had no idea about what love was. The two women took care of that and I am pretty sure he was about to be out on his own after their few days together. BTW to the prior person, Jackie did not appear to be a 'wife' and had no need of a guy. Peggy

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Agree with Te999

I'm hetero with a wife and 4 children who is not a fan of homosexuality, but I think this was a beautifully written story and, as te999 said, kind os a sad story about two wives who are apparently not happy with their married lives and are wildly happy with each other. Nice writing. the Ct. Yankee

TE999TE999over 17 years ago
Lyrical and sensual...

with an undertone of sadness. This story begs for a sequel to finalize this intense romance. Well done, Beth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Yes! I agree! It's GREAT~

Congratulations on another story that's so

Real that it sits in the reader's

Imagination and

Paints a glorious

Picture of eroticism, and

Love that comes across not only as real and

Exciting for the characters, but for those that enjoy the work!


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Between the Lines

A romantical short story that could be a Novel. So well written that what is implied is far greater than what is said. Very Romantical more than erotic which is nice this time. WRITE MORE!

angel_and_demonangel_and_demonover 17 years ago

Wow, I loved this story, so intense and the unsaid words so powerful!

grrldomgrrldomover 17 years ago
so romantic

such a cool story, so so romantic, wonderful

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