Tumbleweed Ch. 03


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Jake squatted down behind a Creosote brush. The desert had cooled down considerably during the night from the heat of the day. A small light breeze blew into Jake's face and he shivered a little in the chill as the sweat on his face dried. The cool air apparently affected one of the sleeping forms as he stood and put a dead Mesquite branch on the fire; the figure was the only one that didn't have a bedroll. The fire flared up with the added fuel and Jake saw Emily's face in the glow.

He wasn't sure of how to get Emily away from the men. Jake didn't want a gun battle with the men if he could keep from it; Emily might be harmed in the crossfire. Finally after a few minutes thinking he began to make his way to the side of the camp where Emily was sleeping.

Jake used all his skills so he wouldn't make a noise as he crept up to the camp. He was down on all fours and crawled forward; making sure to avoid dead brush and branches. It took him almost ten minutes to get close to where Emily was sleeping. Kneeling next to her, Jake leaned down close and put his hand over her mouth.

Emily opened her eyes, tried to sit up and scream. When she saw Jake, she sort of slumped and then grabbed him, pulling him into a tight embrace. Jake put his finger across his mouth to warn her to be quiet. Then he motioned for her to follow him and led her away from the camp.

As they left the circle of light cast by the fire, one of the men sat up and saw them. "Hey," he yelled which woke up the other two. "Get back here," another one shouted and started shooting at Jake.

Via had been munching on some buffalo grass that had escaped the desert heat. He raised his head as Jake and Emily scurried to where he was standing. Picking up the reins, Jake wrapped them around the saddle horn and helped Emily to mount up. After she was in the saddle she moved her foot and Jake used the stirrup to climb up behind the cantle of the saddle.

Turning Via back toward Fort Quitman, Jake spoke to the horse in a quiet voice. "Sorry old son, I'm gonna have to push you some more. We need to get Emily back to the fort and safe." The big black nodded his head and Jake put him into a very fast lope; almost a gallop.

After a few minutes with no sounds of pursuit, Jake slowed and followed his usual practice. They rode, at a slower pace, for about half an hour and then slowed even more to a fast walk for half that time. This was where the routine changed. Jake would dismount and run along beside the horse holding onto a stirrup; after ten minutes or so he would remount and resumed the lope.

At midday, just before the sun reached its highest point, Jake guided Via into the same grove of Mesquite trees that he had used when he was following the men and Emily. This was the first time that Emily and Jake had had a chance to talk.

"Are you alright Emily? Do they hurt you?" Jake asked.

"No other than a bruise or two I'm fine. They made some vile suggestions, taunts and threats but they didn't bother me."

"Do you know why they didn't just leave you once they got a good distance out of El Paso? Why were they taking you to Los Frailes?

"I heard one of them say they could get a lot of money selling me to the Comancheros in Los Frailes; I think Lem was his name." Emily looked down for a few seconds and added. "I wasn't gonna be a play toy for a bunch of Comancheros; I would have made them pay before I killed myself."

Emily gave Jake a grim smile and shrugged her shoulders. "Why are we pushing so hard Jake? Their horses are about done in and I don't think they could catch us. They were complaining about how long it was gonna take them to get to Los Frailes."

"Via is about rung out. I had just got back to El Paso after a hard day on the trail when I found out they took you. The big guy didn't get more than an hour's rest fore we came after you. He got a couple of hours rest at Fort Quitman but he's been carrying me at a fast pace for a few days now. I know he's strong but it's bound to catch up to him."

Jake smiled at Emily. "I'm glad you didn't have to face the Comancheros." Then in almost a whisper he added, "I don't know what I would do if you were not around."

He made sure than Via got water, using his hat as a bucket so the horse could drink. As Jake and Emily tried to rest in the sparse shade of the Mesquite trees, about every half hour Jake would wet his bandana and tie it across the big black horse's nose. After two hours rest they each took a long drink from the last canteen and Jake emptied the canteen into his hat for Via.

"We can get back to the Rio Grande and Fort Quitman by morning," he explained. "But not if Via breaks down. Right now he needs the water more than we do."

"Do you really think they will come after us?" Emily asked.

"They might since we didn't get away clean and even if they don't, Los Frailes is a lot closer to them than Fort Quitman is to us. They could go on to Los Frailes, pick up fresh horses and come after us. I want to get you safe at the Fort before that can happen.

Jake had Emily mount, take the reins and put Via into a fast walk. He ran and walked along holding on to the saddle as he had done before. This time he was able to run along for over a half an hour. Then he let the horse rest for close to an hour before he got up behind Emily and put Via into a lope. It took less time for Jake and Emily to return to Fort Quitman than it had for Jake to catch up to Emily and her captors as he'd had to find and follow their trail. He pushed Via harder than he wanted to but felt he had to put miles between Emily and those men.

As Jake, Emily and Via topped the crest of the rise overlooking the Rio Grande, they slowed to a fast walk. Via was an extremely strong horse but even he had slowed until the walk was about all he could manage. The river was just over two feet deep at the crossing and Jake sent Emily and Via across. He followed along behind them carrying his Winchester, looking over his shoulder watching for riders.

Emily rode onto the shore close to a four man squad of troopers washing clothes in the river. They seemed surprised to see the young white woman, on an obviously tired and lathered horse, cross the river from the Mexican side. They were just as surprised to see a man wading along behind her while watching the far bank.

The soldiers walked to Emily but waited until Jake came up to speak to her. "You all right Ma'am?" One young trouper asked. Turning to Jake he said, "You folks look about done in."

Smiling Jake replied, "We'll be fine after a good meal and a couple of days rest. Is Sergeant O'Flynn around?"

The young man nodded and turned to go find his sergeant. "And who is wantin to see the O'Flynn?" The Sergeant Major asked as he came to the river bank. "Oh, tis you Mr. Hightower. And this must be herself that you went to rescue."

Jake, even though he was tired enough to fall down on the riverbank had to smile at the sergeant's Irish brogue. "Emily Santee, this old war horse is Sergeant James O'Flynn."

"That's Sergeant Major O'Flynn Miss," he said tipping his army issued Stetson. "Let's get you both up to the fort. It's a meal and a rest that you both need." Looking at Jake, he added, "I'll treat that fine charger of yours as if he was my own; don't worry about him."

Shortly Emily and Jake were in the mess hall being waited on by the cook and two of his helpers. Sergeant O'Flynn got a huge cup of coffee and sat with them as they ate. Before they finished, Major Flores joined them.

"I'm glad to see you accomplished your mission Mr. Hightower," he said. Turning to Emily, Flores stood at attention and bowed from the waist. "Major Tom Flores at your service Miss Santee. If there is anything you need while you are here at my fort, please let me know."

Turning Flores faced Jake. "I would assume you and Miss Santee having had something to eat now need to rest." Looking at O'Flynn, the Major said, "Sergeant Major, see that Miss Santee is made comfortable in the visiting officer's cabin and put Mr. Hightower in the empty NCO quarters."

Turning his attention back to Jake and Emily he said, "Please join me for supper later this evening in my quarters. I would like to hear the story of your adventures. Shall we say at 6:00, after you've had time to freshen up and rest?" He bowed to Emily again and returned to his office.

Sergeant O'Flynn led Emily to the officer's quarters and had a small horse trough, no more than 4 feet long and 2 feet deep, brought into the cabin. "For sure it's a bath you will be wanting Miss. I'll have the boys bring you hot water. It's sorry I am that we can't offer a fine young lady as yourself better."

"Thank you Sergeant O'Flynn. You are very kind."

"And you fine sir," O'Flynn said as he turned to Jake. "It is the trough out behind the stable for you or the river for the likes of you."

Jake had to grin again at the Irish brogue of the old veteran. "I'm not one of your dandies from Dublin Sergeant; the river will be fine enough for me."

O'Flynn directed his squad of troopers to bring buckets of hot water to Emily and he also had them bring her a pair of pants and a shirt from the smallest trooper in the company. "She'll be wantin to get out of them dirty things, she will," he explained to Jake. "We don't have a dress shop on post so it's trooper's clothes she'll have to wear."

Carrying a spare set of pants and shirt from another soldier, Jake made his way back down to the Rio Grande. The Sergeant walked with him, carrying an Allin Springfield army issued rifle. "Quiet as a church it is now," he explained to Jake. "But those Indian devils like to give us a surprise now and them. I'll just post myself as guard while you are away from your weapons."

"What are your plans Mr. Hightower?" Major Flores asked at supper in his quarters.

"With your permission Major, I'd like to stay at the fort for a couple of days before I go back to El Paso," Jake answered. "My horse needs to recover from the work he's done over the last few days; he should rest up a bit. I'll arrange for Emily to take the stage tomorrow morning."

"I don't want to take the stage Jake," Emily said. "If I have a choice I would like to ride back with you."

Jake smiled and nodded at her. "Reckon we'll need to find you a horse."

"You are welcome to our hospitality here as long as you feel the need." Flores looked at Jake for several seconds and asked, "And what of the men who abducted Miss Santee, Mr. Hightower? How did you deal with them?"

"Those men are still living Major. I was afraid of a gun battle with Emily in the way so we stole away into the night and back to Fort Quitman." Jake gave the Major a grim smile. "But if I ever run into them again, I won't be so accommodating."

Major Flores nodded. "I understand. By the by there are two or three places in the town to purchase horses. I would suggest Senor Reyes; he seems to have the best reputation and horses." He smiled and said, "If you can't find an acceptable animal, the U.S. Army will loan you a mount; but you will have to return it. Have to keep the accountants in Washington happy you know."

Two days later, just after lunch, Jake, Emily and Sergeant O'Flynn walked into the small town that had grown up around Fort Quitman. Jake and the Sergeant were both armed; Jake with his Colt and O'Flynn carried his Springfield rifle.

The village had been there for a hundred years or more as the head of the trail to Guadalupe and points south and east into Mexico. It was established because of the natural shallow ford for crossing the Rio Grande. The houses and business had grown somewhat due to the establishment of Fort Quitman but it was still a small village.

"I'll introduce you to Senor Reyes," O'Flynn said as they walked. "A devil he is, but an honest one. But keep your wits about you and don't trust him too much. He's first and foremost a horse trader. It is the better he will treat you when he sees you under my wing."

"This isn't the first time I've bought horses," Jake replied. "But thanks for your help."

O'Flynn introduced Jake and Emily to Senor Reyes. The horse trader led them to a large corral which held the horses he had for sale. Jake pointed out a couple of horses he liked and Reyes had them brought to a hitching post outside the corral for inspection.

Jake ran his hands over the legs, chest and croup of the horses. He liked the young gray mare and turned to Emily. "What do you think about this mare Emily? Does she suit you?"

"I don't really know that much about horses Jake. Would you choose for me please?'

Nodding, Jake turned to Reyes and asked the price of the mare. Reyes replied and Jake shook his head. So began what would be a long negotiation of offers and counter offers. Jake and Reyes enjoyed the give and take that was part of the buying of horses. Emily watched for a few minutes and then wandered over to examine some stalls that had things for sale.

She was trying on a knitted shawl, turned and froze. Standing at the next stall was Lem and the other two men that had kidnapped her. When he saw her Lem smiled and nudged his companions. Emily looked for an escape but the men were between her and Jake.

"Well lookie here boys. It's our lady friend. Hello Missy," Lem said with an evil smile. "I was hopin we'd find you here. Reckon we'll have to tie you up this time for our trip back to Los Frailes."

Emily was standing next to a table with knives for sale. She picked up a large butcher knife and swung back to face Lem and the others. "I'm not going with you this time," she declared.

Lem slowly pulled his pistol, pointed it at Emily and said, "I reckon you will Missy or I'll shoot you where you stand."

"Go ahead," she challenged. "I'm worth nothing to you dead."

"Well we'll just have to wrestle you down now won't we," Lem replied and holstered his gun. "Little slip of a girl like you won't stop us."

"No, but I will," Jake said as he walked up behind the three men. His hand hovered over the handle of the Colt at his hip. At his side, Sergeant O'Flynn had his Springfield pointed in their direction; the hammer was pulled back and the rifle was ready to fire.

Lem turned to face Jake and O'Flynn and pointed to his companions. "There's three of us and just two of you," he offered.

"Soon there won't be any of you unless you drop your guns." Jake pointed toward the fort with his left hand. I'm going to take you to the Major and have you jailed until the Marshal from El Paso comes to get you. You'll stand trial for robbing the stage depot and for kidnapping Emily. You'll probably hang."

"Ain't gonna swing on the end of no rope," Lem said pawing at his gun.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Jake replied as his Colt seemed to jump into his hand. He fired at Lem and the man next to him hitting them both in the chest and they slid to the ground. The sound of O'Flynn's Springfield was added to the noise of the gunfight and the third man was knocked off his feet.

Emily ran to Jake and hugged him. He carefully took the knife from her and held it out. "Suppose we ought to tell the Major about this and get someone to pick up the bodies."

"You go see the Major," O'Flynn suggested. "I'll get a squad of my troopers to take care of this garbage."

"And Sergeant Major O'Flynn assisted you in protecting Miss Santee?" Major Flores asked after Jake told him about meeting and dealing with Lem and his companions.

"Yes sir, he kept the third one off my back while I dealt with the other two."

Flores smiled and added, "The Sergeant Major is a good man and somewhat of a force of nature." The Major poured each of them a cup of coffee. "I suppose you'll be headed back to El Paso soon."

"I've found Emily a horse and dealt with the men that took her." Jake smiled at Emily. "I guess you could say my work here is done. We'll leave tomorrow morning."

Shortly after first light, Jake and Emily said good bye to Major Flores and to Sergeant Major O'Flynn. Emily hugged O'Flynn. "Thank you for helping Jake. Come see us in El Paso first chance you get."

"You'll always be welcome at my fire Sergeant Major," Jake said while shaking O'Flynn's hand.

Jake and Emily mounted, waved one last time, and set on the trail back to El Paso. They figured it would be a three day ride if the weather held and they didn't run into problems on the trip.

The first night, sitting around a fire, Emily told Jake the story of how she'd been taken and what happened on the trail. She hadn't talked about the ordeal while at Fort Quitman and Jake hadn't wanted to push her.

"It was strange," Emily concluded. "Lem was the leader. He didn't bother me and he wouldn't let the others bother me either. As I said other than one time I tried to run away and he grabbed me, I was well treated." She smiled, reached across the small space that separated them and took his hand. "I was very glad to see you in the fire light that night."

She stared at the fire for a minute or so. Looking up at Jake she said, "I wasn't going back with them. I would have cut my throat if I'd had to."

Glad you didn't have to do that," Jake replied. "Jeremiah needs you." In a softer voice, almost under his breath, he added, "I do to.

Emily looked at him and smiled: she had heard his quiet words.

The second night on the trail they talked about what they would do when they got back to El Paso as they sat with the fire almost between them. "I may sleep for a week," Emily said with a small laugh. What do you plan on doing Jake? When will you leave on your next sales trip?"

He stared into the fire for several seconds then looked up at Emily. "I'm not going on any more sales trips. I'm gonna open a gunsmith shop in El Paso. That's why I was in such a hurry to get back to you and Jeremiah after the last one. I've already talked to Colt Firearms and they agreed to give me bargain prices and I will promote their guns in the area."

"That's wonderful Jake."

Standing up, Jake moved around the fire to Emily's side. "That means I won't have to travel near as much."

"I'm glad," Emily replied. "Jeremiah will be glad too; he misses you when you're gone."

"The other thing I will do is never be far from your side again. I want you and Jeremiah with me Emily." He took her hand and said, "I don't want to be a tumbleweed anymore. Will you marry me?"

Emily almost leaped to her feet and put her arms around Jake's neck. She kissed him and then hugged him tight. With her arms still around his neck, she leaned back. "Can we push a little harder and get home tomorrow?"

"Should be able to do that; the horses are rested and it's only about another five or six hour's home. Why?"

Emily gave him a big smile and answered, "Mrs. Stewart and I have a wedding to plan."

The End

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HeypossumHeypossum3 months ago

5 stars again love your work

chytownchytownabout 1 year ago

*****Thank you very much for this very entertaining well written story.

linnearlinnearabout 1 year ago

Excellent read, very well done.

DarknsDarknsabout 1 year ago

18th May 2023:

Lol, Anonymous (4 months ago) raises a good question: What ever happened to the stolen money by Lem and his gang?).

This is my second read … or is my third? Either way, it’s always great to read a Western but especially one written by @Woodmanone.

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithover 1 year ago

Another great Western!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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