Twelve Days a Slave Ch. 09


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Bobbie was standing with Cindy next to the wheel. "Are you ready to play?" she asked.

Cindy answered, "Of course."

Bobbie explained the rules and then said, "Our first spin is for $5000. The pulse cycle is five seconds. If you are ready, Cindy, spin the wheel."

The audience began their chant of "Spin, spin, spin, spin." Cindy reached up as far as she could on the wheel and pulled down hard. The wheel spun very fast for the first revolution or two but rapidly slowed down after that. The pointer clicked past Extreme Pleasure and then Extreme Pain. It almost stopped in Pleasure, but had just enough momentum to click into the Pain segment.

Harold twitched slightly in his bonds, but did not cry out in any way while the clock counted down from five to zero.

"I told you he could handle pain," Cindy said with a smile.

"Does that mean you want to risk the five thousand and spin for an additional ten thousand?" Bobbie asked.

"You bet your sweet ass," Cindy replied.

The audience began their cadence of "Spin, spin, spin, spin," and Cindy again pulled down with all his might on the wheel.

Once again the wheel started very rapidly but soon slowed almost to a stop as it clicked through Moderate Pleasure, Moderate Pain, Extreme Pleasure, and finally stopped in Extreme Pain.

Harold twitched and jerked in his restraints as the lights flashed on his anal dildo, his ball cage, and the chest band which held electrodes over his nipples. He did not cry out, but amazingly, as the clock counted down past the two second mark, his prick began to rise.

"He's getting off on the pain," missy said aloud from above. The same comment was heard throughout the crowd.

When the clock reached zero and all of the lights went dark, Harold hung limp in his restraints.

"You now have fifteen thousand dollars," Bobbie gushed. "You can take that home with you right now... or you can risk it all and spin for an additional twenty thousand."

She paused and gave a smirk to the audience, "Of course," she continued, "that means that the countdown clock starts at twenty seconds. Do you really think Harold would be able to handle twice as much if it lands on Extreme Pain again?"

Cindy laughed and said, "You ain't seen nothing yet. Harold can handle any amount of pain and never ever cry out."

With that, she reached up and gave the wheel another spin even before the audience could begin their chant. It rotated several times before beginning to slow down. It clicked through Moderate Pleasure, Moderate Pain, Extreme Pleasure, and started to click into Extreme Pain. A loud, "Oooh," came from the audience which changed to a "Ahhhh," as the wheel rocked back leaving the pointer still in the Extreme Pleasure segment.

The lights on Harold's body again came on, but this time they brightened slowly and dimmed slowly. The microphones directly above where he stood picked up the sound of the vibrator buzzing loudly in his ass.

As the lights faded in and out, very light electrical pulses traveled up and down Harold's legs and abdomen. He was again moving in his restraints, but this time he was not thrashing, he was almost dancing in ecstacy. As the clock slowly counted down the seconds from twenty, Harold began writhing more and more in time with the pulses. And as he moved, his prick rose higher and higher.

Soon the crowd was buzzing as people pointed out Harold's increasing erection. Then the crowd began counting down final seconds, "Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three..." At three the crowd came to their feet cheering. Harold had lost control and spurted wildly out onto the stage.

Cindy was screaming epithets at him as they were both led off the stage. Bobbie looked directly into the camera that was following her and said, "We'll be back right after these messages."

While the crew was resetting for the next contestants, she walked up to the front of the stage and asked, "Is everybody having a good time?"

The crowd roared their response. She then said, "We have one more regular contestant and then we will be getting to our special guest for the day. Remember that you can submit bids on her performance using your cellphones or by visiting the betting windows located under the stands."

Missy looked down from her cage. "Who are they betting on?" she said softly. Then Bobbie looked up at her. "Oh," she said, "she heard me." Bobbie then pointed up at her and smirked. "Oh," she said again. "Oh!" Bobbie then put her finger up to her lips indicating that she was supposed to be quiet.

The announcer's voice rang out, "Our final regular contestants for today are Madam Beauchamp and slutpuppy from New Orleans, Louisiana. Let's give them a big wheel welcome!"

The audience started polite applause in response to the announcer's cue, but that changed to loud shouts and cheers as the couple walked out onto the stage.

Madam Beauchamp was a very muscular black woman. Her skin was deep ebony and made Bobbie's mocha tone look almost white. She was dressed in a shiny black leather outfit, that if it were made of cloth would look like an old-fashioned swimsuit with French cut leg openings. She was wearing fishnet pantyhose and knee high, high-heeled soft leather boots. Her gloves where elbow-length in a leather than matched the boots.

In her right hand she was holding a long silver chain leash which connected to the center of a collar worn by a blond girl with very, very pale skin. The collar was all that the girl, evidently named slutpuppy, was wearing.

Bobbie waited for the noise of the crowd to finally fade away and then said, "So, Madam Beauchamp, tell us a little about yourself and your... uh... companion."

The huge black woman stared intently at Bobbie for a few moments. The normally alpha female host of the show appeared to be melting under that stern gaze. "I'm a professional dominatrix," she finally replied. "Slutpuppy came to me as a client a few years ago." She reached over and stroked the blond girl's long hair. "Unfortunately, she had needs that exceeded her ability to pay... with money. But we were able to work out an arrangement beneficial to us both."

Madam Beauchamp again focused her gaze on Bobbie and said, "If you would like to find out what a session with me might be like, I could always arrange a sample." She laughed. "I'm trying to put a deal together for a reality show. A recognizable name might be a big draw for the first episode."

Bobbie stared back at her for several moments. Her mouth was open and her eyes seemed slightly out of focus. She shook her head and looked offstage. "Edit that out," she said in a shaky voice before returning to her bubbly host persona to say, "Before we begin, I need to quickly go over the rules."

After the rules were explained, slutpuppy was taken over to the restraint frame and pulled into a taut, white, naked X. At first it looked like she had no body hair, but looking a little closer it was possible to see a very fine tangle of downy, blond hair covering her cunt.

The audience began its chant of "Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin." Madam Beauchamp reached up and almost effortlessly spun the wheel. The labels on the segments were blurred and the clicking of the indicator sounded like a high pitched buzz as the wheel spun frantically. Eventually it slowed and stopped on Moderate Pain.

Everyone's eyes were on slutpuppy as the lights around the frame and on her body flickered and flashed indicating the intensity of the electrical pulses being delivered to her body. Despite the obviously severe shocks, the blond girl stood passively looking out at the crowd.

Before Bobbie could proclaim the amount won for the first round, Madam Beauchamp reached up and once again spun the wheel. Again it buzzed angrily for many revolutions before slowing down. This time it landed once again on Moderate Pain.

The lights flashed as before. Slutpuppy stood mute for most of the ten seconds, but with just two seconds to go uttered a short grunt.

This time Bobbie stepped between the contestant and the wheel so she could proclaim, "You now have fifteen thousand dollars. Do you want to risk that for the twenty second spin. If you win, you have an additional twenty thousand. If you lose, you lose everything."

The dominatrix just laughed slightly and spun the wheel once again. This time it stopped on Extreme Pain. This time slutpuppy was not able to remain silent. The lights were flashing more brightly and staying on slightly longer, meaning that the pulses themselves were stronger and longer. The blond could not keep her body from twanging and thrashing with the pulses. She also could not prevent the staccato grunts which accompanied each pulse. But at the end of the twenty seconds, she was still holding tightly to both safe word balls.

"You now have thirty-five thousand dollars," Bobbie gushed. "Do you quit now, or spin once again and risk it all in hopes of gaining an additional thirty thousand."

Before Madam Beauchamp could answer, she added, "Slutpuppy looks like she can handle a lot of pain, but remember, Harold and Cindy were undone by Extreme Pleasure."

As she gripped the wheel she replied, "I have trained her to withstand pain OR pleasure." On the word pleasure, she gave the wheel its strongest spin yet.

This time it finally stopped on Pain. The lights were much dimmer and slutpuppy stood mute in the restraint frame. The only noise she made was a soft moan that sounded much more like the sound of pleasure than the sound of pain. By the time the thirty seconds were up, the blond was panting deeply. She was obviously turned on by pain.

"Oh oh," Bobbie chided. "It looks like slutpuppy is very close to an orgasm." She smiled at the dominatrix and added, "It might be time to take your SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS and go home."

She immediately wilted under Madam Beauchamps scowl.

"Or," she sputtered out, "you could try for a fifth completed spin and take home two hundred and fifty thousand dollars." She seemed to regain some of her composure as she said, "Remember, slutpuppy will have to get through forty seconds of either pleasure or pain without orgasming or giving up."

"I'll spin," the large black woman said gruffly as she grasped the edge of the wheel. She then looked out at the crowd and waited for the cry of "Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin" to begin. After raising herself up onto her tiptoes and moving the wheel upward as far as she could, she brought her arm and her whole body down almost violently nearly pulling the wheel over as she set it spinning.

The buzz was very high-pitched and very loud as the clicker switched madly from segment to segment. Many in the crowd were holding their breath waiting to see where it would land. There was a collective gasp as it clicked through Moderate Pleasure and then Moderate Pain before stopping at Extreme Pleasure.

All eyes were on slutpuppy as the lights faded in and out around her. The buzz of the vibrators in her cunt and ass were easy to hear even without the sound being picked up by the microphones. Slutpuppy was swaying with the pulses. Her breath was coming in shorter and shorter gasps. The lights were reflecting off the inside of her legs as copious amounts of juice seeped down her thighs.

With ten seconds left, the audience began counting down with the clock. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one."

A buzzer sounded and two confetti canons on each side of the stage fired off. "We have a grand prize winner," shouted Robbie. The crowd continued to scream and whistle for several minutes. Then the dominatrix signaled with her hands for them to quiet down.

They did and Madam Beauchamp walked over to stand in front of her submissive. "Very good," she said. Then standing alongside the restraint frame, she faced the crowd and said very loudly, "You may now have your orgasm."

A wail louder than anything from earlier in the evening reverberated throughout the arena. Slutpuppy thrashed and pulled at her restraints so violently that it looked like the frame would bend. Then arching her body so greatly that her feet left the ground she shuddered and cried out with a loud, "Aiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" that seemed to go on forever until it slowly faded out like a kettle running out of steam.

The stage crew quickly released the pale, blond girl from the restraint frame. She took a step toward her mistress and began to fall forward. Madam Beauchamp scooped her up in her arms and carried her offstage while the theme music blared from the speakers.

Bobbie Barker, host of Wheel of Pleasure / Wheel of Pain, then stepped to center stage and addressed the audience. "Normally," she began, "we have four contestants on our show. But tonight we have a special guest. Our fourth contestant tonight will be the repentant terrorist, slave missy."

Missy's cage began to descend toward the stage floor. "Obviously we will have to change the game slightly for this special contestant," she said as William released missy from her cage and removed her chains.

As the crew put missy in the restraint frame, Bobbie continued, "Slave missy will be restrained as usual... and she will have the two balls that she can drop as safety signals."

She paused and walked to the front of the stage. "But she is not playing for money tonight. She is playing for time. If she drops the balls- or if she orgasms- today will not count toward the reduction of her sentence."

She pointed back where William stood alongside the wheel and continued, "And there will be six spins in the series. The first five will be the standard five, ten, twenty, thirty, and forty. The sixth spin will be for forty-six seconds. That is one second for each of the businesses that our terrorist tried to destroy."

She walked over to the wheel. "There is also a modification to our wheel," she said with a grin. The segments have all been changed to pain segments. The choices are Pain, Moderate Pain, and Extreme Pain. There is no pleasure on the wheel unless our little terrorist is able to get pleasure from severe electrical shock.

Missy struggled against her bonds when she heard that, but settled down as she realized that there was no way that she could escape.

"Mister Wilson," Bobbie called out, "would you give the wheel its first spin."

The crowd was chanting "Spin, spin, spin, spin." Missy could hear the clicking of the wheel. But she couldn't see it! She had assumed that the half of the contestant couple held in the frame knew what was coming, but they didn't. They didn't know if it was pleasure or pain, or how severe. She knew it would be pain. The only thing she didn't know was how bad.

Then the pulses hit. They hurt. It was like a wasp stung her skin and then grabbed her with it small jaws and pinched... make that a thousand wasps. She screamed as loud as she could, but inside she was telling herself, "Hang on to those damn balls!"

Five seconds is a long time when you are being shocked, even longer when you can't see the clock to know how much time is passing. To missy, it seemed more like a minute or longer that she screamed and shook.

"That had to be moderate," she told herself as she hung panting. "It hurt like hell, but there were no shocks on my nipples." Strangely, she wasn't sure whether or not there had been shocks to her ass and cunt.

She could hear Bobbie talking to William, or perhaps to the crowd. "Normally, I would ask if William and slave missy wanted to continue, but there is no way this ends until missy has gone through all six spins and endured that final forty-six seconds of Pain, Moderate Pain, or Extreme Pain. That is the only choice and that choice is made by the Wheel of Pain."

Bobbie laughed menacingly, "Even if missy drops both balls- or impossibly, if slave missy orgasms- the pulses continue for six spins."

"Shit!" said missy loudly. William looked over at her. "If it makes no difference," she continued loudly, "there is no way I'm dropping the fucking ball. Spin the wheel!"

The crowd cheered and immediately went into their chant. "Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin."

All the while they were chanting, missy was also chanting silently to herself, "Hurt but not harm, hurt but not harm, hurt but not harm."

She heard the clicking of the wheel. William wasn't spinning it as fast as the real contestants had spun it. Missy could almost count the clicks as it spun. The clicks quickly slowed down and then stopped. Almost as soon as the last click sounded the first pulse hit.

It was no where near as bad as before. The wasps were still there, but now they didn't bite, they only pinched. It hurt, but missy was easily able to go into the pain. This time the seconds did seem like seconds before the pulses stopped.

Missy now heard Bobbie call out, "Slave missy has endured fifteen seconds of the one hundred fifty-one total seconds that she must endure for this day to count."

The clicking of the wheel began again. This time it was slightly faster and took just a little longer to finally stop... on Extreme Pain.

A long, loud, "Aiieeeee" echoed out across the race track around the fairground stage. There was no doubt in missy's mind that this was the extreme segment. These weren't wasps. They were giant hornets that stung and bit and pinched all at the same time. A whole nest of hornets was alive in her cunt and in her ass. On top of that, her muscles were spasming so hard that it felt like she would pull her arms and legs out of their sockets. She tried to chant "Hurt but not harm" while the pulse shocks were swarming over her, but in truth, she wasn't sure that it was not destroying her body.

Her voice was slightly hoarse before the twenty seconds were up. Bobbie was talking, but missy couldn't tell- or didn't care- what she said. She was too busy wiggling her fingers and flexing her legs to see if everything still worked. "It hurt like HELL," she said to herself, "but it didn't harm me. I have to trust William if I am to get through this."

She didn't hear the wheel spinning. She didn't hear it stop. She did feel the pulses return. But now she was in control of the pain. The pulses felt like they were the moderate segment and they hurt. But they were regular. She knew when each pulse would begin. And she knew that despite the pain, they would not harm her.

Slave missy opened herself to the pain. She welcomed it into her body. Her mind told her body that its message of how badly her body was being injured was wrong. These swarms of wasps, or even hornets, ultimately would not harm her.

Bobbie spoke to the crowd. "If slave missy were a real contestant," she said. "Instead of a penal slave trading days of punishment for years of slavery. She would have already won sixty-five thousand dollars. A lot of our contestants who get this far decide that enough is enough and take their money and go home." She laughed. "Slave missy doesn't have that choice. There are two spins left to go."

The crowd thought that Bobbie was taunting slave missy, but her words were actually words of encouragement. At least, that is how missy heard them. If she was trading days of punishment for years of slavery, then each pulse was at least months of slavery being removed from her body. And although she had eighty-six seconds of pain left to endure, she had already endured sixty-five seconds. She could do this. "Hurt but not harm, hurt but not harm, hurt but not harm, hurt but not harm, hurt but not harm."

"Aiiieeee!" The crowd applauded as missy screamed out. This was another extreme segment. The initial pulse was unexpected. Missy had not prepared herself for it. The scream was automatic. But each succeeding pulse was less pain and more just an overwhelming sensation that her body could absorb. Finally the pulses stopped.