Twin Sister Devastated

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Doctor brother saves twin sister.
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All active participants are 18+. Nobody living or dead is an actual character in the story. No king sized dicks, watermelon sized tits or instant sex. Long lead-up, so if you're in a hurry, you might look elsewhere.

My twin sister was devastated. This is how it happened.

Debbie and I are twins, currently 31 years old. She is 5'1" and, maybe, 105 pounds. Slender and not top heavy, like B-cup. A small, almost boyish rear end but delightful to behold. The kind that makes you want to hold it in two hands. She is pretty, not beautiful. Perhaps, a classical look that wouldn't have looked out of place in the paintings from the impressionably era. Light blue eyes and heavy dark eyebrows that she thinned on a regular basis.

That was related to what she most disliked about her body: her hair. It was dark brown but the hairs themselves were thin. She couldn't make it do what she wanted. No matter what style she tried, nothing seemed to satisfy her. From junior high onward she tried it long, short, permed, ponytailed and curled. There was always something about her current style that she didn't like. I told her that each and every one of the styles were fine, though, for some reason, I preferred ponytails. Then in high school she started dying her hair. I didn't like that at all. OK, she was fine as a blonde or redhead but green? Or blue? Or some mix? No. No. No. Of course, my opinion didn't count.

In everything EXCEPT her hair, she did value my opinion. She may not have always accepted it but she always considered it. All through high school we were close, good friends. We didn't have a problem with confiding our deepest thoughts to each other.

In high school we were both kind of socially inept and didn't date much. I broke away for a while as a senior, shortly after our 18th birthday, by having a girlfriend - including everything that implies. She dumped me prior to prom. Neither Debbie not I went to prom.

That brings us to what her most cherished dream was. Although, it seemed difficult to believe in today's world that she just wanted to get married and have tons of kids. So, not dating much was consistent with looking for mister right. She remained a virgin at high school graduation.

We entered the local university together, so lived at home. Perhaps not the best way to open up to the world. She majored in English Lit. I was in premed.

Dating or partying little continued to be her operational mode. I was a little more socially involved, although not by much given the demands of my major. I had to get good grades to get into medical school. She wasn't a dummy, by any means, and got just as good grades. Of course, I say to myself, just a lot easier courses. Didn't begrudge her, though.

Towards the end of our senior year, she met a guy who was finishing up his MBA. She started going out with him. When she got around to introducing him to me, she was heavily committed to him. Gavin was a fairly personable guy that seemed he really liked, or maybe loved, Debbie. Maybe it was just jealousy in him taking away my best friend but, like a bee buzzing against the window, I had a feeling something wasn't right. It was a feeling that he was hiding something and his commitment to her was less than 100%. It wasn't enough for me to warn her.

She was over the moon when he asked her to marry him.

We graduated in the spring. I got ready for med school two states away. Gavin joined an accounting firm and began the path to becoming a CPA. Debbie stayed home and got ready for their July wedding. She couldn't have gotten a job even if she wanted to. Her head was about 10,000 feet up.

Finally, the wedding date arrived. She was stunning in her white gown. As you can imagine, it was a typical church wedding with everything that goes with it. Our parents probably spent $20,000 on it. Gavin was very happy to share the limelight with Debbie. He looked fine, all 5'9" of him. He could have lost a little weight before the wedding but she didn't notice. It was kind of in contrast to me, as I'm 6'1" and a triathlon addict. Tuxedos sort of smoothed out the differences and I was happy to be his best man. I freely admit that standing next to her, providing the ring and knowing I would never again be her best friend and confidant was painful, at best. I could only smile and wish her the best.

I know a part of me disappeared when they drove off on their honeymoon.

Life goes on.

I threw myself into med school and residency afterward. Debbie and I stayed in contact via phone and social network but it wasn't as intimate as before. We gradually slowed the contact so that by the time I had finished med school, we talked infrequently - our birthday, parents and her anniversaries, etc.

I wanted to be in family practice, so by age 28 with a couple of partners, I had opened a clinic in the same city where Debbie and Gavin lived. The one thing missing was any announcement of any upcoming baby on her part. I found that strange, given her desire for a big family. When I asked her about that, she got defensive. She said Gavin needed to be established as a partner in the accounting firm so he could support the expected family. Not having any idea of how long that might take, I accepted it. It was now 9 years passed the wedding, so it became much more curious.

One Tuesday morning I walked into the clinic to find Debbie waiting for me in the lobby. "Hi Deb. What do I owe the honor of your visit?"

She took a deep breath. "Can I talk to you as one of your patients?"

Since I always get in at least an hour before beginning to see patients, there was time. "Come on in. You're not sick? Injured?"

"I don't think so but really would like to talk with you."

We went into the exam room and I just looked at her. She began. "This is difficult. You're my twin and have been my savior too many times to count...I think I may need your help."

"Recently, Gavin agreed that it was time for us to have a family, so I got off birth control about six months ago. So far, nothing. We have sex once or twice a week and more when I'm ovulating."

"Do you have regular menstrual cycles?"

"Yes. Guess having been on the pill for so long, my cycles are very regular."

"OK. Go next door to the lab. Pee in the bottle and see if anything unusual shows up...You know that it may take many months to get pregnant after being on the pill? It might just be waiting a little longer...We use the latest diagnostic devices. We'll run a test on your urine and use PCR to let us know if there's anything there. Doesn't take long. Come back tomorrow at the same time."

"Thanks, big brother."

"Hey, what are twins for?"

I didn't think much more about it. Just carried on the rest of the day. The lab results popped into my inbox just as I got ready to go home, so I decided to wait till morning.

She was there again when I arrived, so we went into the exam room. I grabbed the lab results. She saw the shocked look on my face when I opened it. "What's the matter? You look like somebody had slugged you."

I took a deep breath. "Unfortunately, it looks like you have gonorrhea."

She literally jumped off the table. "WHAT???? Impossible... The only man I've ever had sex with is Gavin... Impossible. Can't be...Are you sure about your results? You didn't do a vaginal swab. How can you be sure?"

"Unfortunately, the PCR results are more accurate than a vaginal swab. You do indeed have the clap. Have you had any symptoms? I'm pretty sure you know what they are. Anything?"

"Not really. No discharge or pain. I pee a lot anyway, so there's nothing unusual. What do I do?"

"Well, antibiotics work well so we can take care of that easily enough. However, we'll need Gavin to come in and get checked and/or treated."

"Oh, god, no!" This started the tears.

"It's necessary. Also, you need a pelvic exam. I suggest that you see your gynecologist..."

"I don't have one."

"I can refer you to one, if you want."

"Can you do it? I trust you."

"Umm. Do you know what you're asking? I'm your brother. I shouldn't be looking into your vagina."

"You've seen one before, haven't you?" She asked with a strange half-smile.

"Yes, of course, but not yours. Don't you think it would be a bit strange and uncomfortable?"

"I'm afraid it will be uncomfortable no matter. I trust you and know you only want what's best for me."

"Now the elephant in the room. If I haven't fooled around it can only mean Gavin got it somewhere. Right?"

"Yes. I guarantee you that you didn't get it off a toilet seat...Meanwhile, here a prescription for the antibiotics. I have a full schedule, so you'll need to come back at about 6. I'll get the nurse to stay over to be in the room..."

"I don't think we need that. You're my twin, aren't you?"

"You could get me in trouble."

"You know I won't."

"OK. No sex with Gavin till you're both cured. Wouldn't advise any oral or anal, either."

She blushed. "That won't be a problem. We have never done either."

I felt my jaw hit the floor. "You've never done oral? Or anal?"

Her blush deepened. "Gavin doesn't like anything except vaginal. Doesn't like anything other than doggy."

I didn't know what to say. Hard to believe that with nine years of marriage that they never did anything other than the most basic stuff. Didn't sound right. Something was off with Gavin. Debbie would never push anything sexual and she had zero experience before she got married. Perhaps I'd been right about him. "Well, don't do anything... Come back at 6."

I had to concentrate to get through the rest of the day. Couldn't afford to fuck up. Already knew that no matter how nervous I was, she was ten times worse.

After the last patient left shortly after 6, Debbie stood pale and sort of slumped. We went into the exam room and I washed my hands and put on gloves. "You need to take off your shorts and underwear."

I thought I had a case of the nerves but she could barely move to comply. It took her a moment to get the courage to undress and then it was with shaking hands pulling down her panties. She got up on the table as I adjusted the stirrups and she put her feet into them. Her hand was covering her vulva and very large, thick pubic bush. I just glanced at her hand, then her face. She got the message and removed her hand. I couldn't think of anything that would put either of us at ease, so simply said "Ready?"

She nodded. "First, I'm going to examine the outer areas and the inner labia. Then I'll use the speculum to examine further. After that I'll do a pelvic exploration with my hand...If you feel too uncomfortable, I'll stop and you can contact a real gynecologist. Or if it hurts, let me know. OK?"

Again, the nod.

Her face was now flushed and she was starting to sweat. I was trying to keep from shaking. Her external genitalia looked fine. No evidence of infection or sores. I had a lot of trouble believing I was touching my sister so intimately, even though I was wearing gloves. "Everything on the outside and inner lips look fine - no evidence of disease...Try to relax. Breathe deeply."

I had warmed up the speculum. Not all doctors want to embarrass the patient by sticking an ice-cold instrument into them. I lubricated it and inserted it into her far enough so that I could see her cervix. That's the first point that I could see some slight scaring up near the mouth of the cervix. I took a swab of the area and another from the cervix (to do a Pap smear).

"OK, the easy part is done." I exclaimed as I removed the speculum. "Now I have to do the pelvic. This means that I have to put my fingers in you...Are you still OK with this?"

Again, the nod.

I inserted the first two lubricated fingers into her, palm upward, reaching up to her cervix. Then I started to push and feel around on her abdomen above her uterus, ovaries and Fallopian Tubes. The ovaries felt normal. Because of the scars up near her cervix and that she was having trouble getting pregnant, I was worried about further scars or an active infection in the uterus or Fallopian Tubes.

I removed my fingers, telling her that her ovaries felt fine. "I'm still a little worried about what I can't see, so I'm going to use a small endoscope to look inside of your cervix into your uterus. Shouldn't take much longer."

I reinserted the speculum, got the endoscope out of the autoclave, and gently ran the fine tip through her cervix entrance into her uterus. It looked at the right Fallopian Tube where it entered the uterus. It was completely blocked by scar tissue! So was the left one. I couldn't tell how deep the scaring went. I also couldn't tell if there was an active infection. The Fallopian Tubes hadn't felt greatly enlarged and she wasn't complaining about pain, so any infection wasn't too virulent.

"I need to get one more thing done. You need to go to the radiology department tomorrow morning. I'll get you scheduled for an MRI of your pelvic region."

This produced a shocked expression like I had hit. "What? What? What's going on?"

"The gonorrhea bacteria have invaded your Fallopian tubes. There's sufficient scar tissue that they are blocked, hence the reason why you haven't gotten pregnant. The MRI will tell us how deep the scaring is and if there's an active infection."

"What does that mean? I'm an English major, remember?"

"In simplest terms it means a sperm can't reach an egg and you can't get pregnant till we open up the tubes. That's why the MRI to find out what the status actually is...In one way you're actually lucky that you didn't end up with an ectopic pregnancy that would have required major surgery.

Of course, you shouldn't have intercourse till both of you are disease-free."

She was very quiet, with only soft sobs. She hadn't gotten off the table yet. I helped her off and got her dressed. We sat down and she asked me go give her a complete status report. "This is preliminary only, Debbie. You contracted the clap I would guess 9-12 months ago. The disease spread into your pelvis and became pelvic inflammatory disease - PID. It spread into the ducts, the Fallopian Tubes, from the uterus. These tubes got infected and have apparently recovered but became heavily scarred in the process. This scarring is an obstruction that prevents you at the moment from becoming pregnant. We will need the results from the MRI to know what to do next to restore your fertility...I'm so sorry to tell you this but I've never lied to you and not starting now."

"Scotty, thanks. I mean this from the bottom of my heart." My middle name is Scott but I go by D.S. Hudson or Scotty to her.

"I can't go home and face Gavin. This could only have happened if he cheated on me and didn't even practice safe sex. I'm too confused to talk with him. Can I stay the night with you?"

"Of course, you can. However, I'm going to call Gavin and tell him that he has to either come see me or his own physician so he can begin taking antibiotics...I suggest you wait outside while I schedule the MRI and call Gavin."

I quickly called radiology and got the MRI scheduled for 7:30 tomorrow morning. I scheduled a consult with the radiologist for immediately afterwards. Then next I called a friend, Dr. George Phillips, who was in med school with me and who specialized in women's' pelvic issues. "John, this is DS. Got a minute?"

"Sure, DS. What can I do for you?"

"My sister contracted the clap and it became PID. Both Fallopian Tubes are closed by scar tissue at the uterus. Doing an MRI in the morning. Can I go over the results with you tomorrow morning?"

"Alright, but you know you probably shouldn't be involved because she's family."

"I know but she's my twin and I can't let her go through this by herself."

"What about her husband? How is she going to handle telling him she caught the clap?"

"The problem is she caught it from him since she hasn't strayed."

He pause for a moment. "I understand. Call me in the morning and I'll make time for a consult."


Now for the unpleasant part. I called Gavin. He answered on the third ring. "Gavin, this is DS. Debbie is here in my office. We tested her and she's got a case of gonorrhea...I've started her on antibiotics but you need to either come see me or your own physician to get started on antibiotics, too."

"I've already taken care of it. Unless she's started cheating and picked up a dose."

"She says she hasn't and I believe her. We've never lied to each other...So, what do you mean you've taken care of it?"

"I came back from a trip and noticed a burning sensation when I peed and a slight discharge. So I went to my doctor and got treated. Guess we fucked before I realized I was infected."

At that point I was ready to strangle him over the phone. How stupid and uncaring could someone be to their wife? I was so mad that the only thing I could do is to tell him that she was so upset that she was spending the night at my house.

"OK. I'm not looking forward to a shouting match with her." I found this so cold that I couldn't believe it. He didn't ask if she was OK or anything. What is wrong with him?

"You're not out of the woods yet. She might have re-infected you. You need to get tested."

"I haven't noticed anything, so think I'm OK."

"You're not done yet. You will get tested immediately or I'll report you to the county health people who will soon pay you a visit...So, you either get tested or treated, if needed, or produce a clean bill of health from a verifiable source...Got it?"

"OK. OK. I'll visit our family doctor tomorrow." I hung up.

I gather her up, telling her only that I told him and he would get tested and/or treated. I had a very uneasy feeling about Gavin, that he wouldn't fulfil his obligations. "Debbie, I'm uneasy about Gavin taking this seriously. I can't check up on him because of HIPPA things. When both of you went to the family doctor did you sign papers allowing each other to be consulted on medical issues?"

"Pretty sure we did. Why?"

"Tomorrow afternoon I suggest that you call your family doctor and see if he went in to get tested. By law, you can request that info."


By this time we were half way to my house. "Do you need anything for tonight?"

She said she was OK. It was a pretty somber evening. We had a silent dinner and she retired to the guest bedroom. I'm not sure how much sleep she got. I was restless enough for both of us. She was up and showered by the time I got into the kitchen. We had coffee and I had a bagel, which she declined. She came in with me since her car was at the clinic.

We had another cup of coffee there. Still pretty silent. The radiology group had an office across the street so she could just walk over. She was nervous but I told her it wouldn't be unpleasant and wouldn't last long. Told her to walk over after. She could stay in our break room till I had a chance to see the results.

Shortly after she returned I got a call from the radiologist and went to see him. Called George and had him meet me there. We looked at the pictures. I'm not an expert but it didn't look too good. George had a grim expression on his face. "DS, it looks like the infection scarred almost the length of both Fallopian Tubes. Still a little lingering infection here and here (pointing them out). If she had waited much longer it might have reached her ovaries and we'd need to do a complete hysterectomy...Normally, I'd do a tuboplasty but it looks hopeless. Too much damage. If she wants kids then maybe she can try in vitro... Sorry."

The radiologist said he agreed with the damage assessment. I thanked them both. "DS, do you want me to tell her?" George asked.

"Thanks for the offer but I need to do it and figure out the next steps."

"Divorce, I hope."

"George, pretty sure about that."

It wasn't a pleasant walk back to the clinic. I postponed my next appointment and brought her into the office. If I though the walk back was unpleasant, it was nothing compared to facing her. "Debbie, I won't lie to you or not give you the full information...You know I love you and would do anything in the world to not hurt you but that's not possible...Here's the situation: