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A telepathic twin can't help but spy on private moments...
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*All persons in this story are at least 18 years of age*

*I'm trying something new...This story is a bit on the weird side, which might not appeal to everyone, so I will only continue with more chapters if it maintains a HOT rating. If not, then I will move on to another sordid tale.*

Part 1: Unreality

When Alexa was 11 years old, she developed a very strange ability that she would remain completely unaware of for the next few years. Whenever she would go to sleep, she would have someone else's dreams. At first it was difficult to understand that this was happening since dreams typically happen in the first person and rarely would she ever see her reflection in these dreams. But through a series of events and various information that she would later remember, she began to realize that she was always a boy in her dreams.

That fact would prove important in later discovering that her dreams belonged to the same boy every time. Initially she just assumed that, like many of her dreams prior to puberty, very strange things would happen that could not be easily explained and that were often times impossible. Dreams were like that, they were weird and bizarre and sometimes disturbing. Dreaming that she was the opposite sex didn't exactly raise any red flags for her. But over time, as she observed that all of her dreams had this one thing in common, she did come to appreciate that there might be some importance to this fact.

Maybe she was a lesbian, she thought, or she secretly wanted to be a boy. Seeing an erect penis on the internet, a very big one at that, seemed to dissuade this notion quickly. She found herself reacting quite normally to the image, and not once did it cause her to desire having one attached to her body. She just wanted one inside of her body, and this didn't seem out of the ordinary to her. After confirming her heterosexuality, and finding no confusion in her gender identity, she moved on from this line of reasoning.

Stranger still were the many times the dreams would be erotic. In those dreams, she would have a penis and it would be sexually manipulated, ending in the expected result of such manipulation. Her (or rather "his" she supposed) penis would get the most wonderful feeling and would ejaculate copious amounts of semen. Usually the dream ended abruptly at this exact time, which was a very confusing feeling for her to translate into reality. After all, she had no such penis in real life. The orgasm was very real, however, filled with pleasure and relief. The relief part was the strangest, since her own masturbatory orgasms didn't bring the same feeling exactly. There was no physical expulsion of fluids to the same scale, although her sheets would be soiled appropriately during these wet dreams as was expected.

She continued having these dreams as the next few years went on. There were some rare occasions when she would dream as herself, which only puzzled her. But the vast majority of times she dreamt, it would be in the body of the same boy. The people who would interact sexually with her in the dreams seemed to be entirely women, which would often compel her to seek out lesbian pornography to test whether her sexuality was changing. She found images of women having sex pleasant and even beautiful but not arousing to the point where she desired to act them out.

The mystery continued into her later teens. The wet dreams eventually stopped and any erotic encounters would simply frustrate her and cause her to awaken with pent up desires to touch the missing appendage that had been aching for someone's touch in the dreams. Masturbation of her vagina was not especially effective for her to relieve this feeling, for obvious reasons. She pondered whether or not she should seek out professional help, but how could she know for certain whether or not other people experienced this same thing? It wasn't exactly the topic of conversation between her friends or family.

When she was 19 years old, something happened that finally gave a clue as to the origins of these strange dreams. It was something both embarrassing and intriguing. Her fraternal twin brother, Devin, walked in on her naked in the bathroom.

It hadn't exactly been a pleasant experience, of course. She had just stepped out of the shower and was still dripping wet, but hadn't locked the bathroom door. Devin was known for barging in on her, quite innocently but also frequently. Maybe he wanted to sneak a peek of her, and on some level she felt complimented by that possibility, but mostly she found it annoying. She remembered shouting at him as she reached for a towel. Her wet hair in her face and the fact that the towel had fallen from the towel rack made this very difficult, and it took her many agonizing seconds to find it. All the while, Devin stared at her dripping nudity with his mouth hanging slack and his eyes wide.

"What the hell!" Alexa yelled at him. "God, why don't you ever knock?"

Devin was truly caught off guard, which might have meant that he had not actually meant to catch her naked. She felt oddly disappointed at that, considering how proud she was of her athletic physique. She didn't have the biggest boobs, but she did maintain a slender figure and still managed to keep her mother's hourglass figure. She had been a runner for most of her high school life, and the rest was probably due to good genes.

"Sorry Lex," Devin said.

Alexa was wrapping the towel around herself, but the damage had been done. He had seen it all, she knew. God, and she had just shaved her pussy! Her own brother would know what her bare cunt looked like...not to mention her tits and ass.

"So?" she said with a look of agitation. "What do you want?"

"I just needed my iPod," he said, and fetched it from the vanity where he had left it earlier that day. They shared this bathroom since it was downstairs between their bedrooms. He was always leaving his stuff around the house like this. Alexa, on the other hand, was the organized one of the two. It was strange how they were such polar opposites even though they were twins.

She put her hand on her hip and just stood there waiting for him to leave. Devin eyed her up and down once more, probably unintentionally but quite visibly, and Alexa sighed.

"You're a perv," she said, and turned toward the mirror to begin drying her hair.

It wasn't exactly an uncommon scenario for two similarly-aged siblings to find themselves in, and it wasn't the thing that clued her in to the source of her bizarre dreams. It was the aftermath of that accidental encounter that she dreamed about later, still in the unknown boy's body, that made her realize what was going on. It didn't seem possible, but she couldn't deny that it must be happening.

That night, she dreamt that she walked in on herself in the bathroom, just as Devin had done. It was the exact same moment, only from her brother's point of view. She saw herself naked and dripping wet, feeling very aroused and attracted to her female flesh. It was not unlike the way she felt during her previous erotic dreams in this boy's body. It was what often compelled her to look at images of sexy women while she fingered her cunt to somewhat disappointing results. Seeing herself in this light, though, was very surreal.

In the dream, rather than being upset as she had actually been earlier that day, she watched herself approach and allow the boy to touch her naked body all over. The boy did so, cautiously at first but then with a boldness that surprised her, and she found herself entranced by the out-of-body experience of pawing her own body hungrily. She felt something between her legs and looked down to see that she had a sizable erection. She had seen this particular penis before many times, practically memorizing its details from the many erotic dreams she had experienced wherein she had plunged "her" penis into various girls' tight pussies. She had enjoyed that immensely, and wondered if she was about to witness this boy fuck her.

Though she had no control of the dream, and never had before, she could feel the compulsions that the boy felt. He wanted to fuck her badly. It felt forbidden to him, though, and that nearly revealed everything to Alexa. Hearing herself speak was what clinched it for her.

"I'm gonna fuck my own sister..." she heard herself say in the dream, in her brother's distinct voice.

For the entire time that she experienced Devin touching her and penetrating her vagina, she was dumbfounded. The dream lasted a long while too, with Devin fingering her ass and eating her pussy between penetrations. There was definitely some pent up tension being released, as if Devin had been attracted to her for a long time but had never consciously accepted the fact. She had never experienced any dreams that involved her before, or she had simply not remembered them. She might have realized the source of her dreams much sooner if she had.

"I'm coming!" Devin cried out as he pulled his cock from her slick cunt and she watched herself kneel before him just like in a porno. The whole time they had been fucking, Alexa felt it as if Devin's penis was her own. She had felt herself starting to cum at the same time as him, feeling the ghost penis between her legs tense up in glorious climax. When he spurted thick and heavy loads into her face, it felt like she was the one doing it. It felt wonderful, better than the orgasms she remembered having when she was younger. This was the first real wet dream she had experienced in a few years.

When it was all over, she looked down to see herself nursing on Devin's (her) thick cock. It was a trip watching a copy of yourself suck your own cock. Perhaps more interesting was the realization that you were experiencing your own brother's dreams, and he was currently dreaming about fucking you!

Alexa awoke slowly and pleasantly, feeling the once-familiar stirrings of her ghost penis as it began to deflate after a particularly good orgasm. She absently rubbed at her cunt beneath the sheets. She had refrained from sleeping without panties on once the wet dreams had started those years back. Once they had died down, and it was safe to have her bare cunt exposed beneath the covers without soaking her sheets, she had gone back to being nude in bed. As a result, she felt a large wet spot beneath her. It didn't bother her though, she was already lost in rubbing her vagina firmly and slowly until she couldn't take it anymore. She whipped the covers aside and began rubbing her clit.

The whole time she masturbated, even during the rather abrupt orgasm that occurred as a result, she thought about Devin. Why had she been having his dreams all these years? What was the connection besides the fact that they were twins? Why did puberty trigger it? She had many questions, but no apparent way to answer them. She couldn't just talk to him about it. He would be horribly embarrassed, shocked even, and more realistically, he wouldn't believe her.

She didn't sleep much the rest of the night. She continued to think about this rather unbelievable situation from a different perspective, not just a strange thing that was happening to her without reason or worry, but as a distinct ability that must have a purpose. Did all twins share this strange occurrence? It seemed to be only one way, since she only dreamt Devin's dreams and he was obviously dreaming them. She felt like a voyeur who was doing something immoral and wrong, though she didn't want to.

Once she had accepted the fact that this was actually happening to her, and there was nothing she could do about it, she found herself going back to the same detail over and over again. Devin had dreamt about fucking her, his own sister, and had seemed quite thrilled to do so. She knew dreams didn't translate directly into reality, but she also didn't expect him to live out the dream so enthusiastically. It wasn't as if he had been fucking someone else who suddenly turned into her, like she remembered happening when he had dreamt about some girl he liked sucking his dick and after he filled her mouth with cum she was suddenly their aunt Gayle. She still remembered the awkward feeling that she had experienced just before waking up from that dream. Devin certainly hadn't entertained incestuous feelings about that encounter with any enthusiasm.

After another orgasm, Alexa decided to get up early and get ready for the day before Devin woke up. She didn't relish having to face him knowing what he had just dreamt about. She felt flattered, of course, in the unavoidable realization that a member of the opposite sex found her attractive. Someone, somewhere, had wanted to put their penis in her. That was nice to think about.

She showered, making sure the door was locked this time, and combed her hair in the mirror. She imagined herself as she had seen in the dream, her dark red hair matted and her face covered in her brother's cum. The visual was still strong in her memory, and she almost felt as if the reflection in the mirror was the girl that she had watched herself have sex with. She reached out her hand and touched the mirror where her reflection's finger met hers. Feeling the smooth flat surface of the mirror was reassuring on some level, and she shook the sensation.

She looked over her naked body and admired it, as she sometimes did inadvertently. She wasn't vain in any way, but appreciated that she could be desirable to others. A few boys had experienced the pleasure of her body by now and she had received no complaints. The thought made her realize some of the sexual conquests her brother must have had as well, judging by the dreams she now knew belonged to him. Various details about the more memorable dreams came back to her and she just stood in front of the mirror as each realization opened inside her mind.

It was all getting a bit too much again, and she had to do something else to keep from going crazy. She went back to her room and laid on her bed, still naked, ignoring the wet spot on her sheets. She laid on her side and thought about whether or not she should say anything to Devin. She felt like something had been opened up inside of her brain now that she knew it was his dreams she was seeing. She remembered back to the few times she could ever remember having her own original dreams, and identified that they were occasions where she and Devin had not been in the same house. If he wasn't around, then she didn't share his dreams.

That had to mean something! She had to tell him, if only to get to the bottom of this. If he didn't believe her, then so be it.

She sat up on the bed and was about to throw her legs over the edge when a very strong sexual urge came over her. She literally groaned when she felt it course through her groin, and instinctively reached down to grab the throbbing penis that demanded her touch. Of course, there was no penis, and she grasped at nothing. She was confused as to why she had felt that way suddenly, since she hadn't dreamt anything for hours. Sometimes she felt her ghost penis right after a wet dream, but never suddenly like this while she was awake.

The strong urge was back again and she closed her eyes as she felt the blissful sensation of something tightly gripping the penis she felt like she unexplainably had. She opened her eyes and looked down again to see only her naked vagina, swollen and red from her arousal. Still, even though she couldn't see it with her eyes, she felt like a hand was wrapped around a fleshy appendage between her thighs and squeezing it most delightfully. If she had been dreaming, she would understand that the boy whose body she was dreaming through was masturbating. He was touching his own penis and she was feeling the sensation.

But this wasn't a dream. She pinched herself, hard, to make sure of that. Besides, she wasn't looking through the boy's eyes, she was in her own body and staring down at her own body in her own bedroom. This was not a dream.

Despite all impossibility, she moaned softly as she felt the hand on her ghost penis start to run up and down the shaft. It gripped her penis expertly and pulled at it wonderfully, steadily working itself to greater and greater pleasure. Just when she thought it would reach its peak and shoot off, the hand would relax and allow the feeling to wash over her, before resuming its work. Whoever was masturbating her imaginary penis knew just what to do to keep her edging like that. Someone could only do that to themselves, it would be impossible for another person to manipulate someone else's genitals to such expertise.

It was Devin! Alexa was sure of it. He was masturbating right now, and she was feeling it happen! She wasn't just sharing his dreams now, she was actually feeling the sexual pleasure that he was giving to himself. Had her revelation about the source of her phantom dreams caused the ability to shift somehow? And did that mean that the connection was two-way now, meaning that Devin had felt her pleasure as she had masturbated earlier? She had done it multiple times even! Had he felt all of that like she was feeling him now?

The myriad of questions in her mind all came to a climax as her ghost penis did, and she threw her head back as it overtook her senses. She could feel Devin shooting off onto his stomach and chest, could feel his sperm rising up through his shaft to seek release, could enjoy the hot splatter of it on her skin. Her female responses to that ultimately arousing act made the experience all the more enjoyable, perhaps more so than just what he felt. She found herself smiling as it finished, until she could feel the hand go slack and her invisible testicles were tingling with pleasure. She felt the relief that a male must feel after orgasm, the same relief that had evaded her those years ago when she had tried to recreate it after a wet dream.

She trailed her fingers down her body, across her breast and down to her hip, as if to play with the non-existent semen that decorated her body. She rubbed her pussy briefly, before remembering that this sexual connection could be two-way, and abruptly stopped. She felt the extreme temptation to run into Devin's room to confirm that he had just masturbated, even though she was certain he had and she was right about what was happening. She quickly threw on a t-shirt and forgot about any underwear as she opened her bedroom door and bounded down the hall.

She purposely opened his door without knocking and burst into his room, seeing him pulling a shirt over his head. His head whipped around to see who was entering his room unannounced, and must have forgot about his sprouting erection beneath his boxer briefs. Alexa's eyes were immediately drawn to it, and she couldn't hold back her smile. He would, of course, think she was just teasing him by focusing on it so blatantly. In reality, she was smiling because she had confirmed that she was right. Only, what did that really mean?

"Look who's the perv," Devin said to her, and turned his back to her to hide his tent.

Alexa couldn't keep from smiling even though she really tried. "Just wanted you to get a taste of your own medicine."

He snorted. "Don't you know to leave a guy alone first thing in the morning?"

She tried to say something that might reveal further details innocently. "You must have been having a nice dream."

"Like I would tell you," he replied, pulling on a pair of shorts he had picked up off the floor.

"You can tell me," Alexa said, walking toward him. As her thighs brushed together, she was suddenly made aware of her nakedness under the t-shirt.

Of course, at the moment Devin turned to face her, his erection having subsided enough that it was no longer tenting his briefs. Alexa nervously pulled at the bottom of her shirt to keep her lower parts hidden from him.