Two Guys, a Girl, and a Threesome

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A single man gets closer to his married friends.
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This another story started long ago on an old laptop. I abandoned it because at the time I couldn't get comfortable writing from a man's point of view. (That's still rather new to me, but I've done it a handful of times now and am getting more comfortable with it).

It's about a single man helping his married friends drive cross country, and he gets drawn into a threesome with them.

There is a brief bit of male bisexuality in this story, so click away now if that's not your thing.

As with most things that I write here, this story takes place in an alternate reality where there's no need for birth control or worry about STD's.



It started innocently enough.

I was driving cross country with my friend Matt and his wife Erica.

Matt just got a new job after almost a year of being out of work, and with money being tight they had budgeted to get most of their stuff shipped to their new place and get themselves out there, but asked if they could store a bit of stuff in my garage for six months or so.

Matt and Erica have been good friends of mine for years, and I have always been able to count on them, especially when my wife passed away unexpectedly a few years ago.

Erica has always been flirtatious with me in a friendly way, and she's a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to speak up about it. She's sometimes awkwardly blunt, but she's so friendly and has such a great sense of humor that everyone loves her.

Matt was always pretty quiet, and not only did Erica bring him out of his shell, but she's also given him confidence and pushed him to try new things.

Since my wife's death my sex life has been basically on hold except for masturbation. I watch a lot of porn and read a lot of erotica, and as I've gotten older, I've gotten more and more comfortable with the reality that sexual pleasure doesn't always have to look like what I thought it would when I was eighteen.

It's much more attitude and a willingness to receive and give pleasure that I'm drawn to, instead of just focusing on the feminine breasts, asses and shapely legs that used to catch my attention.

When Matt and Erica asked if they could store stuff in my garage I counteroffered that I'd be happy to rent a truck for them, and we could tow their car and get anything they weren't sending with the movers out to their new place.

"How will you get home?" asked Erica.

"I'll fly," I said. "Or better yet I'll take the train. I love to travel by train."

"It's too much money," said Matt.

"Bullshit," I said. "If you still feel that way a year from now you can buy me a plane ticket to come visit you guys or send me an expensive gift or something. I want to do this."

With a little bit more back and forth we settled the details, rented a truck, loaded the stuff they'd need as soon as we got to their new home, and hooked up the trailer with their car and headed west.

The three of us took turns driving, reading the GPS, and picking music. We stopped for coffee, food, or gas every few hours, and had a really nice time.

The first night we stopped late and got the last room in a cheap motel. After walking across the street for burgers we took turns showering and fell into bed, too exhausted to really care that there were three grown adults sharing a room.

According to the red digital alarm clock next to my bed I woke up an hour before dawn and wondered what had caused me to wake up so early.

And then I heard it.

Rhythmic movement from the other bed, along with a faint wet sound and the unmistakable breathing of a couple fucking.

Matt and Erica were having sex just a few feet away from me, and unless I wanted to embarrass them, I was a captive audience. I stayed still and tried not to listen, but it was impossible, and before long I realized that I was rock hard.

My long sexual drought had taken a toll on me, and these days I found myself easily aroused. I felt a little guilty as I throbbed, listening to my two closest friends in the world fuck.

I reached down and squeezed my cock, loving the pressure of my hand on my aroused member, but regretting that there was no way for me to jerk off.

After several more minutes I heard Erica gasp and then the gentle rocking of their bed became much more frenzied, followed by silence except for their heavy breathing. I tried to go back to sleep with my cock still throbbing, but after a half hour or so I gave up.

There hadn't been any more noise from the other bed, so I figured they might have fallen back to sleep. Even if they hadn't it had been long enough that if I got up now we could all pretend that nothing had happened, so I swung my feet to the floor and stood up silently.

I moved through the darkness to the foot of the bed, and as I stepped towards the bathroom I ran right into someone.

Erica yelped and I jumped, and with a burst of giggling she turned the light on.

"You scared me," said Erica, standing in front of me wearing shorts and a sports bra.

"You weren't the only one startled," I laughed. "I thought you were both still asleep."

Without meaning to I glanced down and saw a wet spot at her crotch, and instantly regretted it, feeling my cock throb to an even stiffer state of arousal.

"I was going to pee and get dressed," said Erica. "I need coffee."

"Same here," I said, sitting down on the bed in an attempt to hide my erection. "But I can wait."

"It doesn't look like you have a choice," Erica giggled. "Be hard to pee with your cock sticking up like that."

With that she scurried into the bathroom and shut the door, and I sat awkwardly staring at the wall, trying to think of something to say to Matt.

"She's definitely a morning person," laughed Matt. "As soon as she's done in there, I'll get her to start packing up. We can grab coffee on the way to the truck. Maybe we can get fifty miles down the road before we stop for breakfast."

"Good idea," I said as the toilet flushed. "I'm pretty much packed. I can be ready to go as soon as you guys are."

I took my clothes into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, peed, got dressed, and joined them in the bedroom. Matt took my spot in the bathroom as Erica and I carried our bags down to the truck. We met Matt in the lobby and loaded up on coffee before hitting the road.

I was driving, and with the sun still an hour from rising there wasn't much traffic, so we made good time.

"Good coffee for a chain hotel," said Erica.

"It was," I agreed. "I'd have gotten two of them if I thought it would be that good."

"Comfortable bed too," said Matt. "I was afraid I'd toss and turn but I slept like a log."

"And woke up hornier than a teenager," laughed Erica patting his thigh. "As usual."

"That's the sign of a good marriage," I laughed.

"It's also the sign of a sexy wife," grinned Matt.

"Speaking of sexy things," said Erica, putting her hand on my arm as I drove, "did you enjoy the show this morning?"

"The show?" I asked.

"The fuck show," said Erica with a laugh. "I know you were awake."

"I couldn't see anything," I said. "But from what I heard it sounded just fine."

"Sorry about that," said Matt. "She was pressed up against me when I woke up and one thing led to another. I guess we couldn't help it."

"No worries," I laughed. "I know how it is. Or at least I used to."

"Is listening what made you so hard?" asked Erica.

"That was part of it I guess," I admitted. "Sorry about that."

"No apology necessary," she replied with a grin. "But if I'd known you were swinging that thing around this morning, I'd have savored bumping into you a little more. Or maybe done more than just bump."

"I'll make an announcement next time," I laughed.

"I have to pee again," announced Erica, abruptly changing the topic as she was prone to do. "Traffic seems pretty light. If you pull over I can go on the side of the road and that will tide me over until we stop for breakfast."

"Okay," I said, easing into the right lane.

Yesterday I'd objected to her suggestion about peeing on the side of the road, but I realized that she genuinely didn't mind, and it did save us time.

When we'd stopped she grabbed some tissues from the glove box and climbed over Matt and got out beside the truck.

"I hope she's not embarrassing you," said Matt when she was outside.

"Peeing on the side of the road is faster than finding a gas station," I said.

"I meant her point-blank talk about sex," said Matt.

"I'm used to her not having a filter," I laughed. "I just hope I don't bother you by teasing her back."

"Tease away," he said with a grin. "You won't offend either of us."

Within a few minutes we were on our way again, spending the rest of the day taking turns driving, singing along to the radio, and laughing about old times.

As the evening rush hour traffic began to thin out, I asked if anyone was hungry.

"I am," said Matt from the driver's seat.

"Me too," agreed Erica.

"Good," I said. "I don't want to be the only one begging for a dinner break."

"Let's skip the dinner break," said Erica. "And just stop for the night. We can get rooms and then sit down somewhere and enjoy dinner. It won't hurt any of us to get to sleep early."

"No argument from me," I said.

Soon we pulled into a two-story hotel, and we all got out and stretched our legs in the parking lot.

"Let me go in and get a couple of rooms," said Erica. "You two make dinner plans."

We had settled on a place right up the street when Erica returned with the room keys.

"Adjoining rooms," she announced. "We got a discount because the door is broken in between them. I figured if we could share a room last night we can live with an open door between us. At least we won't all have to share one bathroom."

I had been hoping for complete privacy for some masturbation, but by the time we ate and got up to our rooms I was more interested in sleep than anything else. I took a shower and crawled into bed in record time.

"Goodnight," said Erica, sticking her head through the doorway from the adjoining room. "Thanks for coming with us on this trip."

"No thanks necessary," I said. "I'm having fun."

"Good," she said. "We'll see you in the morning. Unless you want to come to the doorway and watch us now."

With a grin she disappeared from the doorway before I could ask what she meant, and in a moment their lights were out.

I decided that she was just being her usual flirtatious self and closed my eyes, stretching out in the bed and relaxing.

However in just a few minutes I heard a low moan, and I sat up in bed and listened. I wasn't really sure I'd heard anything, and even if I had I wasn't sure where it had come from.

Just when I decided I'd imagined it I heard it again, and this time I knew it came from the adjoining room.

"Make it wet," Erica moaned. "Fuck that's so good. Keep doing that."

I blinked and realized that I could see flickering light through the open door. They'd obviously lit a candle, and even though my room was in total darkness, the longer I stared the brighter it seemed in the next room.

I sat frozen, feeling like an intruder, my cock as hard as it had ever been in my shorts, the ache in my balls reminding me that I still needed to cum.

I wondered what exactly it would mean for my friendship with them if I made myself cum listening to them fool around.

Before I could decide I heard Erica whimper again.

"Fuck me," she said. "Just like this. Fill my hole up."

I heard their bed start to faintly squeak, and Erica began to moan a bit louder.

I sat up, wondering what it would mean for our friendship if I crept to the door and had a quick look. Years of wondering about Erica's body had left me more than a little curious about seeing her naked.

"Put your finger in me while you do that," she moaned. "Push it in."

I silently got out my bed and went to the doorway, staying far enough back that I hoped they wouldn't see me as I eased myself into a position to see the bed.

"They'll never know," I thought, my cock throbbing in need.

As my eyes focused on them in dim candlelight Erica groaned again.


"Put another one in," she urged Matt. "Fuck both holes."

I stopped moving and stared, my cock jumping at what I saw.

Erica was on her hands and knees with Matt kneeling behind her fucking her doggy style. Erica's body was angled in such a way that I was able to see her generous breasts moving with Matt's thrusts, and I pulled my cock out of my shorts and gave it a squeeze as I watched.

"Twist 'em!" Erica gasped. "Twist!"

I saw Matt moving his hand and I realized that he must have been fingering her ass while he fucked her.

"I'm getting close," Erica called out. "Fuck me harder."

I moved back a bit, desperately wanting to respect their privacy but unable to stop watching until I saw the culmination of their lust. Obviously, they didn't care if I knew they were fucking, because they were making enough noise that they had to know I could hear them.

I realized I was stroking my cock, and I felt the familiar wetness of my precum at the tip. I wiped my finger across it and licked it off, loving my own flavor as I grabbed myself again, starting to pump faster.

I felt a little creepy watching my best friend fuck his wife, but I was only human.

Suddenly Erica let out a howling sound and I started stroking faster, unable to stop or control the lust that they were causing.

"I'm really close," she said.

For several minutes everything was erotically peaceful, my hand moving up and down my shaft while Matt fucked and fingered his moaning wife, all three of us moving closer and closer to the orgasmic edge.

"Brad?" Erica suddenly called out.

I froze, half convinced I was hearing things and half convinced I'd just been caught staring at them.

"Brad honey?" she called again.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Are you listening to us?" she asked over the sound of the squeaking bed.

"I am," I admitted, squeezing my cock.

I was surprised at how arousing it was to be having a conversation with her while my friend had his cock in her.

"Is your cock hard?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said. "I couldn't help it."

"Are you watching us?" she moaned, looking right at the doorway.

I desperately tried to think of something to say that would be both truthful and nonincriminating. I didn't need to though, because while I was at a loss for words Matt started fucking her faster.

"Are you jerking off?" she called out. "Are you going to cum with us?"

I realized that I was stroking myself again, keeping my hand moving at the same pace that Matt was fucking himself into her cunt.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," I answered with a grin.

"I'm going to cum," Matt grunted from next door.

I realized that I was about to explode myself and started to move my hand faster, feeling my legs tense up as I watched them.

"Cum for me!" Erica called out. "Let's all cum together!"

That did it for me, and as I started to spurt I watched Matt pump furiously into her from behind, and she put her head back and screamed as she clutched the bedsheets in both hands, shaking with pleasure.

My cock pumped out what felt like a gallon of cum, and I realized that I was emptying my balls all over the wall and carpet, but as I spasmed I didn't care.

She pulled away from Matt and rolled over, and in the flickering candlelight I saw his cock, long and erect and shiny with her juices as she grabbed it and pulled him down on top of her.

I took three steps back and fell on the bed, my head swimming and my heart thudding, and the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep was Erica giggling.

I woke up early the next morning, noticing my erection immediately and then remembering what had happened the night before.

Embarrassed I got out bed and took a quick shower, hoping to get dressed and down to the lobby before Matt and Erica were awake. I had the thought that it would be easier to pretend I hadn't done what I'd done with other people around.

I was dried off and dressed when I opened my bathroom door, and saw Erica standing at the foot of my bed already dressed.

"It looks like the answer was yes," she grinned.

"To what?" I asked.

"When I asked if you were stroking yourself, you said that it was for you to know and for me to find out," she said. "And from the wall and carpet over here it looks like the answer was yes."

I started to say something apologetic, but she took a quick step towards me and kissed my forehead.

"That was so fucking hot last night," she grinned. "Too bad the wall got your load though. Let's go get coffee."

It turned out Matt was already downstairs, and even though we were starting later than the day before, we followed the same routine, getting coffee to go with a plan to drive for an hour or two before stopping for food.

I drove the first few hours, and then Erica drove until we stopped for a late lunch, and then Matt took over. I was in the passenger seat with Erica between us, happily chatting about a where she wanted to eat dinner.

I was half listening and staring out the window, wrestling with the fact that I'd been staring at my friends wife all day, unable to get that moment where she urged us all to cum together out of my head.

Suddenly I realized that she was lighting a candle.

"What are you doing?" I asked, while Matt grinned at the windshield.

"Lighting our fuck candle," she said, putting the burning candle in the cup holder.

"What?" I asked, trying to process what she'd said.

"It's our fuck candle," she explained. "I light it around the house when I want Matt to know he needs to make me cum. And he uses it to let me know that he's horny."

"Oh," I said stupidly, my mind whirling. "Isn't it dangerous to have it burning while we drive?"

"Only if it tips," she answered with a giggle. "But we'll all be careful."

We rode in silence for several minutes, as if each of us was waiting for someone else to say something.

I cracked first, unable to stand the silence and unable to keep from asking the question in my head.

"Why is it lit right now?" I asked.

"Because I'm horny and I need to cum silly," Erica said.

"I guess that means I'm on my own for dinner then?" I laughed.

"Unless someone helps me right now," Erica said softly. "I don't want to wait until we stop for the night."

"Want me to drive?" I asked Matt, leaning forward.

I was trying to act nonchalant about the fact that his wife had just announced her need for orgasm while sitting between us. As weird as it would be if he helped her cum right next to me while I drove, I was half hoping he would.

"What do you think Erica?" asked Matt. "Want me to trade places with Brad?"

"You keep driving," said Erica with a grin. "Brad's spent enough time behind the wheel today."

She unsnapped her jeans and started to wiggle out of them, and I couldn't decide whether to watch her or stare out the window, desperately hoping for Matt to say something that would help me figure out what was happening.

"You can look," she said. "I like to be watched."

"I feel sort of funny about that," I said.

"I like it when someone watches her," said Matt. "It's fine."

I glanced at her and saw that she had lifted her shirt and pulled down her bra, and her breasts were out, her areolas round and beautiful and her nipples stiffened into delicious looking points. Unable to look away I kept watching as her breasts moved up and down with the motion of the truck.

All the furtive glances I'd had at her over the years at the beach or when she was wearing summer dresses hadn't prepared me for the perfectness of her tits. Even the sight of them bouncing under her last night while she was fucked hadn't prepared me.

I was still staring as she sat back and lifted her right leg, stretching it across my lap and making me suddenly aware that she wasn't wearing any panties.