Two Hundred Dollars Ch. 23


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"What's that?"

"One minute, fifteen seconds," Kent said. "We'll add about fifteen more because I didn't start the timer right away."

"Again, I ask," Laura repeated in irritation. "What's that?"

"That's how long you broke the rule for," Kent said.

"Oh," she paused. "So?"

"So," Bailey cut in with a smirk, "You have a minute and a half of half nakedness to make up for. Can you guess how you're going to do that?"

Laura pressed her lips together as her eyes darted anxiously back and forth between them. She gulped before opening her mouth to speak.

"The apron?"

"The apron," Bailey confirmed.

Kent showed her the timer on his phone, "Let's go back to the kitchen first. I want to finish that breakfast."

He let both of the girls go first, mostly to watch Laura trembling as she walked down the hall. Reaching the kitchen, she turned to face him, anxiety straining every muscles in her body.

"Ninety seconds?" she asked.

"That's right," Kent confirmed, sitting down in front of his plate as Bailey moved to her spot and, with a sigh, slowly lowered herself into her chair.

"Do I just stand here?" Laura looked at Bailey, wondering how she had done it.

"You can sit down," Kent said. "Like Bailey did. Just don't close your legs."

Laura nodded and reached back to the ties at her waist. That loosened the lower half of the apron, which flowed forward off her thighs, but still covered the centre of her body. She undid the tie around her neck and pushed the fabric forward, giving Kent a solid eyeful of sideboob before she removed it completely and laid it over the chair back.

In the stark morning light filtering through the curtains in the front window, her breasts shone pale and heavy before him, her nipples standing out in stark relief.

"Start the timer," Laura insisted as she watched his gaze wander down her stomach to the triangle of hair between her legs. "Hmph."

She sat down, slightly back from the table, and leaned over to eat her breakfast.

Kent touched the timer on his phone, which emitted a satisfying beep to indicate the start of time keeping.

"So what are you planning for today?" Bailey asked Kent.

"Lab reports," he turned his gaze casually across the table toward her, wishing the table didn't block most of her body.

That's probably asking a bit much, though, given everything else I've had today.

Instead, he turned his back to Laura, watching her breasts sway as she attempted to daintily bring food to her mouth.

"Can't believe this," Laura muttered as she took in a mouthful of food.

"You look great," Kent complimented her.

She made a face as she chewed her food.

"Got other plans for the rest of the weekend?" he asked.

Laura swallowed carefully before replying, "Besides sitting down very awkwardly?"

"You'll heal up by tomorrow," Bailey offered helpfully. "By the time your parents are home, most of the sting'll be gone."

"At the moment," Laura spoke through clenched teeth, "my bare butt is right on the chair."

"Perfect," Kent smiled. "You'll remember the last spanking for a while then?"

"Yes, thanks," Laura sneered at him.

Bailey continued munching on her toast while they spoke and continued doing so through the ensuing silence. When the lack of conversation threatened to go on, she swallowed her food and asked Laura, "Should we do a picture?"

"What?" Laura asked.

"Good point," Kent added. "This is the reddest I've ever seen your butts."

"I'll get my phone," Bailey said, wolfing down another bite and darting off down the hall.

"She really likes her pics," Laura looked fondly after her friend.

"How are you this morning?" Kent asked, leaning forward, "Really. How are you?"

"Good," Laura leaned forward too and lowered her voice. "I feel like things are straightened out now, in balance, y'know? Never mind how sore my butt is."

"Good," Kent nodded thoughtfully. "Good."

Bailey returned immediately, just as the timer hit ninety seconds.

"I can put the apron back on?" Laura asked, standing up eagerly, her breasts jiggling in Kent's face.

"Only if you want it in the pic," Bailey pointed out. "How should we do it?"

"Your side of the table," Kent didn't hesitate in answering, "Lean over the table so the sunlight hits your backs."

Bailey nodded and stood, slipping out of her panties as if it meant nothing to her. Laura reluctantly returned her apron to the back of her chair and stood cheek to cheek with her friend. Kent took Bailey's phone and started taking pictures of their backs.

"Lean over a bit, both of you," he directed, "So I can get everything."

They stuck their cheeks out at him, Laura going up on her toes to get herself even with Bailey.

"There, you're good," Kent concluded, handing the phone back.

A moment later, Laura had the apron back on, and frowned up at Kent, "Hope you got a good look."

That's for show. Now that it's over, she's realized she enjoyed those ninety seconds as the centre of attention.

"Delicious," Kent leered forward, "loved every moment."

Laura sneered, taking a queue from Bailey's dismissive cynicism, and snappily tied the knots in her apron.


After they said their goodbyes and ushered Kent out the door, Laura and Bailey stood together in the foyer, looking at each other.

"Well," Laura said, giving Bailey's transparent underwear a once over, "that was different."

"Uh-huh," Bailey replied. "You feel like you got, um, enough?"

Enough spankings, Laur? You feel like you paid for your orgasms?

"I helped you pay off a few more dollars," Laura tilted her chin up in defiant pride.

Ri-ight. That's why you're doing this.

"Yes, you did," Bailey replied. "Can we put on clothes now?"

"I guess so," Laura deflated. "It feels a little weird now that he's gone."

"Oh, the apron is quite fetching," Bailey assured her as she turned away towards Laura's bedroom and the salvation of her clothing.

"He liked that, didn't he?" Laura smiled, suppressing a giggle, as she turned and followed Bailey.

"Works your boobs," Bailey pointed out.

Laura gulped.

"Did you like it?" Bailey asked.

She's going to pretend we're not both thinking about the same thing right now.

"Like what?" Laura squeaked.

"Kent sucking on your nipples," Bailey turned to roll her eyes at Laura as she entered the bedroom.

Laura blushed a deeper red than her even her cheeks had reached, and nodded shyly. "Yes, thank you."

"Goodness," Bailey lilted her voice, "No boy had even seen your boobs until yesterday, and look at you now."

She watched her friend grab a pair of plain, white underwear from her dresser and slide them on under her apron.

"Has he ever done that with you?" Laura asked.

"No, actually," Bailey replied. "But I never set him up for it either."

Laura pulled her pants on as Bailey fished her jeans out of her backpack.



"How many orgasms did you have last night?"

"Why?" Laura inhaled defensively.

"I was just wondering why you wanted more spankings this morning," Bailey kept her voice gentle.

Laura slowly exhaled all of the breath from her lungs before taking in another deep inhalation. "There were three."

"Three? When?" Bailey stopped and stared at her. "One riding him, one with his fingers ..."

"And one... by myself," Laura admitted sheepishly.

"How did you-?"

"While you were riding him? On the couch? Remember?"

Bailey tried to think back. When could she have stealthed her way to an orgasm?

"You wouldn't have noticed," Laura said as she gave on trying to get a bra on under her apron and just untied it. "You were right in the middle of enjoying each other."

"Wow," Bailey stared at the ceiling in confusion as she undid her own bra and laid it on Laura's bed. "Well done."

"You're not going to wear a bra?" Laura asked.

"I'm only walking home," Bailey said. "My boobs don't need constant support."

Laura fastened her bra while Bailey put a sweater on. She sat down fast in the hard chair and winced.

"You gotta be more gentle, Laura," Bailey pointed out.

"It's okay," her friend replied, settling in with an uncomfortable wiggle.

This is part of it, isn't it? Feeling the pain afterwards. Kent really hit the mark asking for the bottom of your butt.

"It'll be days before my butt can take any more, though," Laura's tone made it sound like an apology.

"I'm the same," Bailey sat gingerly on the bed, wondering why Laura hadn't put a top on over her bra. "We're down to fifty eight dollars now."

"You in a rush?" Laura's apology shifted to sadness.

"I think we can finish before Christmas," Bailey replied.

I don't know why I'm in a hurry. I want to get this done and see that number reduced to zero. But it's so much fun in the mean time, and pushing ourselves like this, right up to our pain thresholds, might actually make it less enjoyable.

Bailey shook her head to clear out the confusion of emotions boiling through her.

I want it to be over and I want it to go on forever, and there's no happy resolution to a contradiction like that except to enjoy every second of it when it's happening.

"Well, I'm out of it for this weekend," Laura drawled, standing up out her chair. "And, you know, for most of next week."

Bailey nodded, acknowledging a vague reference to Laura's period. I don't want to waste any of the spankings when I can't enjoy them either.

She laid back on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

"What about his cock?" Bailey asked.

"What about it?" Laura bounced down onto the bed to lay next to Bailey.

"How did it feel to jerk him off?" Bailey prodded.

She heard Laura gulping in embarrassment. "It was neat. Not like before. I could feel the whole thing happening. It's weird how his body just... convulses... and I can feel the stuff flowing up before it shoots out."

Laura inhaled through a shiver, "But it's over so quick. I feel like I missed it."

"Don't worry," Bailey laughed. "I'm sure he'll let you do it again."

Laura lost control for a bit, giggling incessantly.


When she regained her senses, she added, "And he came on me. Semen! On me!"

The giggling returned and Bailey looked up to see her friend, looking mentally unhinged, clutching her sides as she laughed.

I guess that's a first, too. We broke so many of her barriers.

"He came on both of us," Bailey pointed out dryly.

"I know," Laura's eyes went wide as she calmed down, "I think yours was messier."

"It was his first one," Bailey explained. "But you were messy, too."

"You have the pic?"

Bailey drew her phone out and they spent several minutes holding it up between themselves, examining the pictures they'd taken over the past several encounters.

"I remember his first, um, load," Laura offered. "It was so runny, going down your butt crack."

"Don't remind me."

"I thought it would be like that again," Laura went on, pointing at the standing picture Bailey had taken, "But look! It just stuck to me."

"A boy gets dehydrated eventually," Bailey explained.

"Hmph," Laura said. "You already know all this?"

"I had two boyfriends in high school," Bailey told her.

"You did all this with them?"

Laura has never asked me this many specific questions. She always kept things vague, pretending she didn't have too much interest. Now, though?

"Not all this," Bailey said. "Neither of them ever spanked me, that's for sure. And most of the time the orgasms were, sort of, under clothes or whatever."

"But sometimes you saw it come out," Laura confirmed.

"Yeah," Bailey smiled. "Sometimes."

"Was it this messy?"

Bailey twisted her lips as she tried to recall, "No, actually."

That is a bit odd. That was back in high school. Maybe Kent is just older? Or more turned on because he waited so long before coming? I don't ever remember seeing this much come.

"Do you think he's ever had sex?" Laura blurted out suddenly.

Bailey froze and stared straight ahead, never having considered the question, and barely restrained herself from replying 'of course he has'.

Everyone's had sex, haven't they? All normal people, at least. Just people like me and super-religious nerds like Laura haven't gotten around to it yet. But Kent must have...

She thought back through their encounters and wondered at his patience with her, his insistence on her enthusiasm, his calm discussion -- direct and indirect -- of their needs.

Is that the patience of experience, or the patience of inexperience?

"I don't know," Bailey admitted, out loud and internally for the first time.

"He seems pretty confident," Laura said. "Like he knows."

"He knows?"

"Knows what do, I mean," Laura explained.

"He knows enough to figure out what we want," Bailey pointed out as she sat up on the bed and planted her elbows on her knees.

Now I have to know. I kind of thought, for some reason, that Kent had the experience. But are we just three people who've never had sex playing a crazy ass spanking game?

"You said he'd had girlfriends, right?" Laura asked, her voice seeking some reassurance.

"Yeah, but he didn't necessarily have sex with them," Bailey replied, thinking back to every mention Kent had ever made and realizing he'd always kept his references vague.

Laura folded her arms under her breasts and looked sideways at Bailey, "I'm not sure, but I feel a little better about that."


"Like we're more even," she said, "he's not way beyond us or anything."

Bailey shrugged, distracted, "Sure."

That would explain his lack of aggression, wouldn't it? He's no more sure of the way forward than I am. That's why he lets me take the lead.

She twisted her lips again.

That's not really Kent's fault, though, is it? There's no way he could have started the whole spanking-for-debt idea. I had to be the one to offer my ass. And I've always taken the lead since.

"I should get home, though," Bailey said, "I've got a lot of work piling up."

Laura nodded, only a little sadly, and stood up to see her friend to the door.


The moment she saw Bailey out of the house, Laura returned to the bedroom and pulled down her pants and underwear so she could examine her cheeks.

Kent had done a solid job, completely covering her flesh in red. When he'd spanked the same spot over and over, it had served to spread a sort of red glow outward from the target. But when he struck in some many different places, it created an uneven blotchy pattern of pinks and reds.

So much spanking. I'll feel this for days.

She glared at her cheeks and tried to blank out her thoughts even as images of the night before raced through her mind.

Clear it out.

Laura listened to her inner voice, waiting for the preacher to rise up and begin his invective.


She kept calm a little longer, cringing in preparation.

You got nothing, preacher man?


Does this mean I can have orgasms without feeling bad about it?

Laura sat down hard on her reading chair, heedless of the protest from her sore flesh, and stared out the open doorway in wonder.


"So," Bailey said as she marched into Kent's room, "thought about it yet?"

She set herself gently down on his bed, letting the least sensitive centres of her cheeks take the load of her weight, and crossed her ankles.

Kent shrugged, "Still a bit overwhelmed."

"Well," she scolded, "get underwhelmed. I don't want this hanging over me."

"You want more spankings now?" Kent asked. "Have you seen your butt?"

"Oh, I definitely have," Bailey pulled out her cell phone and waved it at him before tossing it on his bed. "Laura and I just went over the pics."

Kent looked at the phone and back at Bailey.

"So your ass is super red?"


"And you want to settle this extra debt now?"

"Use it or lose it," Bailey kept her voice firm.

Let's see what he does now.

"Alright," Kent inhaled, turning his eyes to the ceiling as he calculated. "What do we have? You two did six dollars of spankings this morning."

Bailey looked at the white board, which Kent had already set to fifty eight dollars on account of their morning efforts and the extra dollars they'd earned from parading around in their underwear.

"Right," she agreed.

"And you asked me to spread them around, to be nice," Kent confirmed.


"Last time you asked me for that, it was one extra spanking per dollar," Kent went on, "And you're offering to take all of Laura's extra ones?"

"All six, yep."

We both knew that was the deal when I made the offer in the shower. We're keeping Laura from knowing about this.

"I guess I could just take six extra spankings over top of your jeans," he said, "I kind of remember what your butt looked like, so I'd know the best spot to spank you."

"The sorest spots," Bailey spoke evenly, acknowledging the option without any emotion, and pressed her lips together.

That is, by any account, the offer I made. When it's your dollar, you get to make me as red as you want, wherever you want. That's always been the deal. But, please, be more clever.

"Too easy, though."

Bailey held in her sigh of relief as best she could, but caught herself wondering if Kent had just acknowledged spanking her would count as 'too easy' for his own creativity, or 'too easy' a way out for her.

Watching his eyes disconnect from her gaze, she saw that he paused at her lips for a moment.

What does he want there? I'm not blowing him for six spankings.

Kent's eyes moved downwards, sliding over her neck, making her throat warm and filling her with a tingling sensation before his gaze rested on her breasts.

What the fuck is he thinking about now? Bailey felt goosebumps on her flesh. Does he want to do something with them? He better not think he can slap my boobs.

"No chance we have whipped cream here, is there?" Kent asked, his gaze not lifting from her breasts.

Bailey gave a start and felt a shiver run through her as phantom icicles touched the tips of her nipples.

"No, sorry," she tried to keep her voice sarcastic, but the chill running through her set her nipples so hard against her shirt, Kent had to have noticed.

He wants to suck on mine, too, she realized, but couldn't decide how she felt about it.

The warmth of his gaze lit up her stomach next and Bailey had no idea what Kent intended there. The only thing they'd ever done with her stomach involved coming on her when she'd blindfolded him. Could he want to do that again? Would it make her a prostitute?

If he jerks off on me, maybe not. If I do it, definitely.

Whatever had caused Kent to pause there, however, his mind dwelt there only a heartbeat or two before settling between her legs.

Bailey tried to hold back her whimper, but felt a small squeak of breath escape as a warmth built between her thighs.

It's too bad Laura was already in such a state this morning, feeling like she'd gone overboard on the orgasms. We could have had some more fun before Kent left.

But Bailey had come to enough of an understanding of her friend to know when to stop. If Laura had squeezed in a fourth orgasm, she'd have needed more spankings, and neither of them had any more places to get spanked this morning -- or this weekend, if she had to be honest with herself.

That brought her back to Kent's dilemma, and how he continued to stare at the triangle between her tightly compressed thighs. With what she hoped looked like a vaguely inviting smirk on her face, she uncrossed her ankles, inviting his unknown train of thought to continue.