Two Hundred Dollars Ch. 25


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"I've never seen so many marks at once," Kent pointed out. "There's barely room."

Bailey nodded, "I'll get my scarf."

She stepped out of the room and Kent stood up.

Well, this is going to be different. Assuming I get her all tied up, what do I do with her?

Bailey returned a moment later and handed him a black scarf.


Alright, Kent, Bailey pursed her lips patiently. Ball's in your court, now. You have to come up with something original.

To punctuate her argument, she held out her hands, limp wrists overlapping.

He's uncomfortable, she smiled. Good.

"It'll be easier if you undress first, won't it?" Kent asked.

Damn, good point.

Bailey tried to imagine removing her shirt with her wrists tied together.

"Fine, sure," she replied.

Feeling a little shaken by the sudden derailment, Bailey didn't want to waste any time. She unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them and her panties down to her ground at once. Regaining her posture, she pulled her shirt off over her head.

"Good enough?" she prodded, her eyes lifting to his face and finding his shocked expression greeting her.

Sheesh, you've seen me naked before.

Kent nodded and laid the smooth, cotton scarf over her wrists, wrapping them twice before tying a knot.

That's pretty tight, actually, Bailey realized with a gulp.

The idea of giving Kent this much control over her had seemed hot, but feeling her wrists cinched together brought on another sensation. Bailey did her best to stomp on her anxiety as Kent took the long, trailing end of the scarf.

Kind of weird, now that I think about it, she stared at the scarf. He didn't tie me up with the middle of the scarf, but one end.

"Do we need, like, a safe word or something?" Kent wondered aloud.

Did he notice my anxiety? Is he offering me a way out?

"Meh," she rolled her eyes at him, then leaned her in towards his face, "The safe word will be, 'untie me, you jackass'."

"Haha," Kent breathed lightly and then laughed with more honesty. He pulled on the scarf, leading her toward the doorway. "Fine. Let's go."


Go where?

"You said I could pick the pose, right?"


"Well?" Kent tugged on the scarf again, and she followed him out into the hallway, letting a little bit of tension build in the scarf between them.

He's using it like a leash, Bailey withheld a whimper.

Kent led her to the bathroom where he put his end of the scarf over the horizontal steel pole that held the curtain rod in place.

Oh, god, she thought, What's my safe word? What's my safe word?

Kent didn't look at her though, until after he'd threaded the scarf over the pole. By then, she'd banished the panic from her expression and replaced it with indifference. As he pulled on the scarf, Bailey let her wrists rise until Kent had stretched her to the limit.

He's still pulling, though.

Bailey went up on her tiptoes, her body moving forward so her knees rested on the edge of the tub.

"There we go," Kent announced triumphantly.

The benefit, for Kent, lay in the fact that he could hold the scarf tight with his left hand, stand almost anywhere in the bathroom, and still have his right hand free.

Okay, this is weird but I can handle it.

She listened as Kent took a few experimental swings with the spatula, letting it swish through the air near her naked cheeks, creating a gentle breeze over her skin.

"You finally made it," a touch of astonishment touched Kent's voice.

"Made it?"

"Remember when we started?" he asked. "What did you want me to pay for spanking you?"

Bailey thought back, racking her brain to recall their first encounter. When they'd started, she'd wanted him to do five spankings, over top of her jeans, for a dollar. But he'd insisted on ten-

No, wait. Before that?

"One spanking for each dollar," Bailey told him.

"Except now you're naked."

"And you're whacking my butt with a rubber spatula," she tried to look over her shoulder, but the scarf made it to awkward to do anything but catch the sight of her body, stretched out, in the small mirror over the sink.

"You realize," Kent lowered his voice. "These are the most expensive spankings you've ever offered."

That's a bit on the ominous side, Kent.

"Uh-huh," Bailey replied, trying to stick her hips out at him, but failing due to the way he'd stretched out her body. "I know what I'm in for."

"Hope so. Ready?"

Bailey nodded and took a deep breath.

At a dollar per hit, I expect - HA!

"One!" she shouted, pain searing through her left cheek.

Kent didn't give her a moment to think, striking her right cheek next.


The worst part, as far as she could tell, came from the tension in her muscles. Extending her body this way, and forcing her to keep it extended, left every muscle from her calves to her lower back, in a state of extreme tension. Kent exploited this by striking the centre of her cheeks

"Three! Four!"

He's alternating. Is that a kindness?

"Five! Six!"

He paused after those two strikes, gently running the spatula over her flesh even while he kept the tension on the scarf tight.

I'm not as scared as I was when he first tied me up, but this is still weird and I'll be glad when he unties me.

Bailey knew she could tell him to untie her at any time, but that didn't go with the spirit of every encounter so far.

Just three left and it's over.

Kent resumed his pace, striking her left and right again.

"Seven! Eight!"

Kent laid the business end of his implement squarely across both cheeks and Bailey squeezed her legs together, offering him the chance to strike across both sides at one. Instead of striking her in the centre and hitting both, however, he struck the right again.

"Nine!" she cursed. "Bastard."

"Those were expensive," Kent pointed out.

"For you and me both," she scolded, but noted he hadn't relaxed his grip on her scarf.

"You want a picture?" he asked.

That would extend my time in this position, all tied up, at his mercy, she realized and took a breath. But the hard part's over.

"How do I look?" Bailey twisted, trying to see herself in the mirror, and Kent relaxed his grip just enough to let her turn her head.

Her body stretched out before her, every muscle from her calves to her shoulders locked in a pose the lights accentuated to perfection. Bailey caught her ass cheeks and the bright pink circles Kent had created in their centres.

Not his usual artwork, but I see how it works with the pose I'm in.

"Yeah, get my phone," she said. "It's in my jeans."

She waited, keeping her hands in the air but resting on her heels for a moment while Kent left to retrieve her phone.

Oh, damn, Bailey realized she had to bring her hands down so she could unlock her phone and disable it. Kinda ruins the whole effect, but what can I do?

That done, she handed the phone back to Kent and he pulled her up onto her toes again.

"I can go higher," she told him, remembering how her muscles looked at maximum tension.

He pulled and she whimpered, almost leaving her feet as the mountings for the steel pole groaned against the wall.

"Quick," she pleaded.


The camera clicked several times.

"Can you see all of me?"

"Yeah, there's just enough space in here."

The pull on her wrists relaxed and she sank back to the ground, breathing a sigh of relief. Turning back to him, Bailey held out her wrists and waited patiently while Kent unthreaded the scarf.

Shit, that's tight, Bailey felt her blood pressure rise as Kent had difficulty with the knot.

"You want that pic?"

"The whole thing?" Kent sounded surprised, his hands freezing in the middle of his efforts to release her hands.

"The whole thing. No blurring.," she made sure to look him in the eye. "Two whole dollars, though."


That didn't take him long, Bailey felt a wave of satisfaction flow through, an endorphin rush as satisfying as walking out of any exam she'd ever written. Probably 'cause I'm naked. That makes eleven dollars gone in one night.

"Come on," she urged, jerking her chin toward the doorway.

"Come on?"

Why is he so clueless?

"Your bed," Bailey urged.


Kent got it then, to her relief, and took the lead by grabbing up his end of the scarf to pull her back to his bedroom. She pulled against him, playfully, and Kent looked back, meeting her eyes. Bailey held her wrists against her chest, letting tension snap the cotton fabric between them. Kent pulled harder and she resisted a bit before giving in and they both stumbled through the doorway. Bailey kicked the door closed behind her and got to work on Kent's clothes. With her hands tied, the button on his jeans took a great deal of work, but Kent let her flail away as he ran his hands through her hair.

Once she had his pants off, she took his boxers down with them, letting his erection spring free into her face, touching her nose.

I didn't let him lick me, that time he offered, Bailey recalled, is it different now?

Impulsively, she kissed the tip of his penis, opening her lips up just wide enough for the drop of pre-come on the end to pass into her mouth. Kent groaned and she stood up, clumsily pulling his shirt off as she did so, and she pushed him until he bumped into his bed.

The scarf is almost in the way now, unless-

Kent jarred her thoughts by pulling his end of the scarf and twisting her onto the bed on her side. He knelt on the floor beside her and surveyed her naked body, up and down.

What's he planning to do, exactly?

He dropped the scarf off the end of the bed and leaned over to pick it up, but she quickly realized he'd run it under the bed, around one of its legs. When he pulled on the scarf, her arms went up above her head, off the end of the bed.

Kent could probably dislocate my shoulders.

Instead, he used her incapacity to lower his mouth to her left breast, closer to the edge where he knelt, and gently kissed her nipple. Bailey thrashed against her binding, lifting her chest up and wishing she could grab the back of his head to press it into her breast, but his grip on the scarf held firm. The gentle teasing at her tip maddened her. She looked down to see him watching her eyes, checking her reaction as he wiggled his tongue around her areola.

"You bastard," she whispered, unable to catch her breath. "You son of a -"

Kent stopped then and, with a last blink, took his eyes off hers. His mouth moved down her body, kissing her ribs, her solar plexus, her navel.

Oh, god, should I let him? Bailey felt her stomach tightening anxiously. All I have to do is nothing and...

Her legs answered of their own volition, opening as he turned his body to the other end of the buffet he'd laid out by tying her across his bed like this. As kneeling beside the bed no longer gave him the reach, he got up on his feet and leaned over to continue kissing his way down to her pussy. When his tongue delved between her lips, she moaned.

I never let them do this. Bailey's mind played out the words over and over again. A finger on my clit is one thing, but... oh, god.

She wondered, briefly, if Kent had ever done this with his other girlfriends as she writhed under his ministrations. The desperate thrusts and twists of her hips ground her sore flesh against his bed sheets, but that only amplified the sensations flowing through her body.

Why didn't I let them do this? Bailey asked herself, but the answer came just as quickly. Because they weren't Kent.

Bailey felt every nerve in her body go into overload, the stimulation overwhelming her senses and causing her body to shake.

"Too much," she gasped. For a moment, Kent started moving his tongue faster, "No, no. Really. Too much."

He stopped, then, his head turning to look up her naked body, one eyebrow raised in query.

"Just get on top," she pleaded.

Tilting his head, but not releasing his grip, Kent stood and looked at her again.

Oh, god, is he wondering if I meant penetration? Bailey felt her stomach twist at the confusion she'd created.

In a moment, though, Kent caught the look in her eyes and realized what she'd actually meant. He crouched down on the floor for a moment, doing she knew not what, and then stood up, preparing to climb into bed.

Bailey tried to move her arms, hoping to get her hands on his erection for at least a moment, or get her arms around his neck, but found the scarf gave her no room.

He tied me to his bed?

Helpless, she watched Kent move over top of her to situate himself between her legs. He laid his shaft along her lips, into which his length sank smooth and wet.

That's better.

Bailey pulled against her scarf, her wrists still locked above her head, as Kent ground himself against her pussy. Looking down her body, she saw his swollen penis poking between their locked up stomach muscles.

Right on my clit. It's perfect.

She'd never before had the impression of looking down the barrel of a gun, knowing it might go off at any second.

Nothing I can do about it... nothing I can do...

The complete lack of control, and the knowledge that he could come any time, drove Bailey over the edge.

"I'm -," she gasped, feeling her entire body lock up. She heard a whimper issue from her throat, "I'm coming!"

As her vaginal muscles contracted and pulsed, she felt Kent's weight suddenly press down hard on her pussy.

Oh, god, she panicked, looking down her body, and turned her face aside. How far can he-?

The first volley of semen streaked out and a wet line suddenly formed over her breastbone, up to her neck, reaching her left cheek.

This is what it was the like the time I blindfolded him? The time I can't remember?

Bailey knew she'd jerked him pretty hard that time, splattering little droplets all over her body. This time, streaks played over her flesh as Kent had control of his cock.

Twisting aside, some instinctive impulse trying to keep his come from hitting her directly in the face, Bailey turned her body enough that the second streak went up the right side of her body, over her breast to her collarbone.

That wasn't as far, was it? Good, he's dying down.

Her moment of relaxation led her into error. Kent's third volley slid up her breastbone to play across her chin to her right cheek.

Good, god. It's everywhere now.

Fortunately, Kent really did start to fade at that point, and Bailey relaxed, thrusting her hips up in time to his rhythm to milk the last of his come out over her stomach.

"Fuck, Kent," she panted. "I feel like a porn star, now, you jackass."

"And that's bad?" he breathed back to her.

"Fuck you," she laughed.

"If it were porn," Kent pointed out, gently disengaging himself from her vulva, "I'd wipe my cock off on you, or shove it your mouth while the camera got a close up."

"That'd be weird," Bailey said. "Would that even feel good? After you've already come?"

"Porn's not about reality," Kent shrugged. "I think it would be over sensitive."

Bailey nodded as she watched Kent kneel over her chest and reach for her wrists, his still somewhat swollen member leaving little droplets over her chest as it shrank.

"Speaking of which," Kent trailed off, wiggling his tongue, "what happened?"

"It was good," she nodded encouragingly. "No one's ever done that for me."

"So?" his voice drawled out, asking her to continue.

"Maybe," she shrugged. "Slower next time? I don't know. It felt good. It was just too much somehow."

Kent nodded, finally getting her wrists undone, and rolled to lay next to her on the bed.

"Um, Kent?" Bailey asked.


"I need to wipe this off?"

"Oh, right," Kent agreed, a certain drowsy quality in his voice. "You looked so pretty, though."

"It gets cold, jackass," she scolded.

Yes, I caught your hint there, Bailey twisted her lips. And no matter what you say, I'm not taking a picture of this and neither are you.

Kent reached over her body to grab his shorts and a box of tissues.

Thoughtful, she noted, I'm not about to wipe my face with his underwear, but I guess that's okay for my chest.

Her right nipple, streaked with semen, had perked up as the liquid cooled off. She wiped it gently before taking a few tissues and cleaning off her chin and cheeks, thankful he hadn't gotten any in her eyes or mouth.

I'm pretty sure I held my breath through his entire orgasm, just to make sure, Bailey realized. But I don't think I ever closed my eyes. Didn't want to miss it again, I guess.

Bailey turned her body away from him and backed into his embrace, forcing her eyes toward the white board.

"Thirty four left," she noted.

"Soon as I get that pic, yeah," Kent agree quietly, his arms wrapping tightly around her chest.

Almost done, she nodded in satisfaction, just a few more days.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Honestly it’s a beautiful story

They are all adults but still quite sexually naive. The internal monologues give depth to the characters making the whole thing very plausible.

Fingers crossed that they can carry on exploring their sexual needs and fantasies after the debt is paid in full. It would be a nice touch to leave $1 of the debt outstanding, in a sense making it like a safe word.

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

That was very nice of Kent to pleasure Bai with his tongue. A good start, so to speak :)

I'm expecting them to return their favors step by step to each other. Even with Laura would fit into the journey of little discoveries

xtorchxtorchalmost 5 years agoAuthor
"... shouldn't be hard for them to explore ..."

That's the thing, though, isn't it?

It often is hard for people to honestly talk about their sexual desires, especially the ones they're raised to believe are outlandish or sinful.

Bailey, Kent and Laura, however, managed to find a way to communicate their needs just well enough that everyone is getting a little of what they want - while finding out other things they didn't know they wanted.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I’m All In

I love the way this is developing, seriously though it really shouldn’t be this hard for them to explore their sexuality they’re all adults.

I sincerely hope that Bailey doesn’t end up pregnant from this, it’s technically possible from what they’ve done so far. Maybe it depends on how strong his swimmers are.

I absolutely love Laura’s international monologue!

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Laura is gonna be devastated when she finds out how much debt is left. Devastated and desperate.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

OK, Bailey is in a rush. She wants to drain as much $ as possible in a short time and wants to raise the stake. Under this light, the scene feels natural and plausible.

Though otherwise it feels unmotivated to go into this sudden bondage thing. I am not complaining from the naughty-story perspective, I like it! But it feels strange from their way since chapter 1.

Second thing is that this part reads, as if you would have skipped some aspects, deleted paragraphs.. simply it feels artificially short? I can't really name it, but it feels as if something is missing between the lines.

Perhaps the rush is causing an appearant lack of depth?

desertratazdesertratazalmost 5 years ago

This is my favorite and most highly anticipated story to see updates from.. I thought for sure there might be a tip slip in this installment but it Is great with or without the tip! 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the great read!

xtorchxtorchalmost 5 years agoAuthor
I wanted this to be a Fetish/spanking story...

... as opposed to a BDSM/spanking story (not that I'm opposed to BDSM, it's just not one of those stories).

Kent wanted to arrange a safe word, because he thought Bailey wanted one and he'd heard about that sort of thing.

Bailey pointed out she only needed a safe word if she wanted to pretend this was happening against her will, which it very specifically wasn't. She also wanted to have a re-do to erase the anxiety Kent had caught coming from her.

As for the reason for Bailey's rush to the end, well ... that's the whole thing, isn't it? She doesn't even know what comes at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

So whats her hurry all the sudden? Wants to get on with intercourse but without the money hanging over her head? Want to cut the other woman out of the picture and start a relationship? Maybe just over it?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I like her safeword. :D You made me spill my tea while I was laughing.

Ooooh, I like that scene very much. It's so much against all sub/dom play like everything else in their relationship!

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