Two Thousand and Ten Ch. 04


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"I'm... I'm really pleased to hear that Sandy." Peter said, kissing her gently on the top of her head.

"It would've all ended happily ever after but for one thing." Sandy continued, "He was called up to serve in Iraq. He was in an armoured convoy headed towards Fallujah to help fight the insurgents there but his convoy was hit by an ambush. One of the fighters shot an RPG at his vehicle and he was killed instantly."

"Oh God Sandy, that's... that's terrible." Peter said aghast at this latest revelation.

"I mourned him for over a year." Sandy went on, "But I knew he would've wanted me to get on with my life. He had broken the spell my uncle cast on me and I went into the world with a new confidence - I owe him everything. I've not been able to settle down because my work takes me all over, sometimes on very short notice. My sex life these days is just the occasional one night stand with other guys who live on the road too, but I'm happy. But I always felt like I ought to repay the debt I owed to the man who rescued me from myself. Which is why, once I heard you tell your story to me, I felt like I had to help you like he had helped me all those years ago. So, I feel happy now - happy that I helped you. And guess what?"

"What?" Peter answered.

"His name was Peter, too - I took it as a sign that you were the one who deserved my help."

"What an amazing story, Sandy." Peter said in genuine amazement, "You have done it Sandy, because of you I feel like I'm a new man. You've well and truly exorcised my demons - I owe you a debt of gratitude. I feel like it's only fair I show how grateful I am to you."

He lifted himself to his knees and parted Sandy's legs and buried his tongue into her still enflamed vulva. He gave her a deeply satisfying orgasm.

Wednesday, August 18th 2010 - 07:37am

'Bzzzzzzzzzzzz... Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...'

Peter was roused blearily from his slumber by the sound of something buzzing loudly somewhere in the room. For a moment he thought it must be some kind of huge bug that had crawled in through the air conditioning - something that wasn't entirely beyond the realms of possibility in this swampy part of the world. After a minute or so, it stopped suddenly, returning the room to silence once more.

"Mmmmmm..." Sandy murmured next to him as she rolled over into his arms.

It had been a truly life-affirming and trust-restoring night for him. They had made love almost continuously until the dawn began to burn through the inky blackness of night and paint the sky with a warm orange glow that matched Peter's mood perfectly. Spending the night with this beautiful southern belle had been just what he needed - the perfect antidote to what had happened to him in Nottingham - she was still there in bed with him for a start, so that had to be a good sign.

'Bzzzzzzzzzzzz... Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...'

There was that noise again, what was it??

Once again, after a minute or so it ceased. Only this time it resumed again only a few moments later. And it was then that he realised what it was.

"Shit!" He exclaimed as he reluctantly threw back the bedsheets and padded naked around the room hunting down his jeans that Sandy had taken off of him the previous night.

Finding them in a heap near the foot of the bed, he rummaged inside and pulled out his phone. As it vibrated in his hand the illuminated screen displayed 'LINDI - ANSWER?' He tapped the screen and held the phone to his ear.

"Hello." He answered tiredly and with a monumental yawn.

"Peter - where are you? Are you still in bed?" Lindi asked impatiently.

"Well, I was." Peter replied tiredly, "Where are you?"

"Right now? I'm stood outside your room! Can you let me in?"

Problem - right now not only was he not actually in his room, and completely naked, he was on a completely different floor.

"Erm... I'm not exactly decent at the moment." He said, noting his current state of nudity and the fact that he was in the company of an equally naked woman that currently lay slumbering on the king size bed.

"Clive wants to get back on the road as soon as possible to make the most of the swamp park - so get up sleepyhead! Come on, up, up, up!!"

"Can you give me half an hour or so?" Peter asked, "Give me some time to have a quick shower and a shave and I'll meet you down in the lobby."

"Sure, just be done as quick as you can."

"Aye-aye captain Lindi!" Peter answered, stifling another yawn.

"See you in a bit then!" Lindi said brightly before disconnecting.

"Who was that?" Sandy asked as she came and stood behind him.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him on the side of his neck. Her naked breasts pressed into his back and the fuzzy warmth of her pubic hair tickled against his naked buttock. Peter turned to look her in the eye and in moments they were in each other's arms.

"Mmmmm... Good morning my lover." Peter said softly.

"Morning Peter." Sandy replied, "Who was that on the phone just then?"

"My friend Lindi - she and her boyfriend want us to get back on the road ASAP." Peter replied sadly. "I said I'd meet them in the lobby in half an hour."

"What a shame." Sandy said, also with genuine sadness in her voice, "But I don't know about you, but after last night I need to clean up a little. Interested in a shower for two?"

To make her point about exactly what 'a shower for two' might entail, she took hold of his penis and gave him a couple of soft strokes. Peter replied with nothing more than a warm smile and a soft kiss.

Wednesday, August 18th 2010 - 07:52am

"Thanks... For everything." Peter said as he pulled up his jeans and buckled his belt.

Somewhat inevitably, they had ended up having sex in the shower - using the last of Sandy's six-pack of condoms in the process. She sniggered to herself as she pictured the hotel maid coming across six used condoms in the trash. Peter, having put his boots back on, came and stood before the still naked Sandy for one final time.

"And thank you Peter." Sandy reciprocated, "I really enjoyed last night. You were wonderful - my first ever uncut guy."

"It seems... I dunno, really horrible of me to just up and leave you like this." Peter sighed.

"That's okay - we both knew this was only ever going to be a one night only thing." Sandy assured him, "But it was definitely a night I'll never forget."

"Me too." Peter agreed, "I won't forget it either. It was... well, the most amazing night in my entire life. And I mean that - I mean it with all my heart."

She broke their embrace and stepped over to pick up her purse from the floor. She bent over seductively, allowing Peter one final lingering view of her lusciously soft bottom and the dark puffy lips of her labia. She remained naked entirely on purpose - she wanted his last memory of her to be an image of her naked beauty. Peter felt a lump rise in his throat - and something else rise in his pants.

"Here." She said as she stood up and handed him her business card, "Feel free to email me any time. If y'ever want to stay in touch that is."

"Thanks." Peter said as he took the card from her hand, "I'd give you one of mine but I don't carry any when I'm on holiday."

"That's okay." Sandy smiled, "Now you better run along and meet up with your friends. You don't wanna keep 'em waiting now!"

Peter took her in an embrace one last time and they kissed each other goodbye.

Wednesday, August 18th 2010 - 08:40 am

Peter, having sneaked back to his room and thankfully not having bumped into Lindi or Clive on the way, spent a hurried few minutes changing clothes, shaving and generally straightening himself out after his night of almost continuous sex. He packed up his things and gave his room one last check to be sure he hadn't left anything behind, which was a very simple exercise since he had in actual fact spent less than an hour in his room during their entire stay. He then hurried downstairs to the lobby where he reunited with his travelling companions.

"Ready to go see some 'gators?" Lindi asked as she greeted him with her usual friendly peck on the cheek.

"Sure!" Peter replied.

Wednesday, August 18th 2010 - 2:09pm

The Okefenokee Swamp Park had been an enjoyable excursion - the humidity had been somewhat uncomfortable, but the opportunity to see alligators in their natural habitat more than made up for it. Indeed, they saw several of the reptilian beasts basking in the sun as their guide took them and a group of other tourists out on a boat into the swamp itself. But reluctantly they had to tear themselves away from the natural beauty of the swampy woodlands and get back on the road - they had to get themselves to the city of Savannah, their next overnight stop close to the state line with South Carolina over 120 miles away.

They needed to stop for gas before heading back to the coast to pick up I-95, which would take them to Savannah itself, and so they found themselves at a quaint little 'mom and pop' gas station-cum-general store a few miles down the road. Lindi and Peter headed inside to grab some snacks for the next leg of their journey while Clive pumped gas outside on the forecourt. A little string of small bells attached to the door jingled as they opened the door and went inside - it was as quaint a place as one could possibly imagine. It was one of those places that seemed to sell pretty much everything under the sun, from food and drink, to household goods, gardening utensils, hunting and fishing gear and pretty much anything and everything in between. The old wooden floorboards creaked and thumped beneath them as they walked. The whole place had a distinctive dusty, woody smell about it but the store was spotlessly clean and obviously lovingly taken care of. Everything had its rightful place and although at first glance the range of goods on offer appeared chaotic and disorderly, upon closer inspection it was all meticulously laid out.

They stepped over to the chiller cabinet and grabbed a few bottles of diet cola - a brand neither of them recognised - but they were at least blissfully chilled. An obviously ancient air conditioner whirred and rattled just above their head as they stepped over to browse the snacks that were on offer.

"Hmm... What have we here..." Peter hummed as he perused the bags of potato chips and other assorted corn and maize based snacks that were on display on a long rack of old wooden shelves, "What d'ya fancy Linds?"

"What have they got?" She asked him.

"What haven't they got more like!" Peter chuckled, "Steak 'n' cheese, Honey Roasted Ham, Dill Pickle, Sweet 'n' smokey barbecue..."

"Dill pickle sounds interesting." Lindi said, "Never come across that flavour before. You didn't spend last night in your room did you?"

"Well, I've never come across that flavour either... I'm sorry, what did you just say?!?" Peter replied.

"Oh come on Peter, I'm not an idiot!" Lindi chuckled, "I can tell you weren't in your bedroom last night. You got lucky, didn't you! Come on, out with it - what was her name?"

"How... how did you... how did you know?" Peter gasped in reply.

"Female intuition. Well, that and the look on your face when you came down to the lobby this morning - you looked like you were on cloud nine." Lindi said, "Plus, the fact that when I was talking to you on the phone I put my ear against your bedroom door and it was obvious that you weren't in there at the time. So come on, who was the lucky lady?"

Peter stalled for a moment in disbelief at Lindi's deduction.

"Sandy." He admitted reluctantly.

"What was she like?" Lindi asked nonchalantly as she browsed the shelves.

"She was... well is, really beautiful." Peter answered with a sigh, "Tall, long brown hair, great... er, boobs. She was a... well, a beautiful southern belle I guess you could call her."

"And what was... y'know... it like?" Lindi enquired, "I take it there was plenty of sex involved."

"It was... well, it was fantastic if you must know." Peter replied wistfully.

"I bet it was!" Lindi chuckled, "Did it help? Y'know with your trust issues vis-a-vis women?"

"You could say that." Peter replied.

He filled her in on exactly what happened during the night before. He left out the more graphic parts, for the sake of common decency, but he told Lindi pretty much everything else.

"So when I spoke to you on the phone this morning, you were stark bollock naked?!" Lindi giggled, obviously picturing the scene of her friend completely nude whilst talking on the phone.

"Well, yes." Peter replied sheepishly.

"Seriously Peter, I'm really pleased for you." She said, placing her hand on Peter's arm, "I knew you'd change your mind about women eventually."

"I know - I was being a dick." Peter sighed, "I shouldn't have let the actions of one naïve and stupid girl taint my entire perception of women."

"That's okay - you went through an absolute nightmare." Lindi said comfortingly, "I'd probably be the same if something like that happened to me."

"Thanks Linds - y'know, I really don't deserve to have a friend like you." Peter said.

"Yes you do." Lindi insisted, "You're a good man Peter - don't let anyone make you feel otherwise."

"All done?" Clive asked as he approached the two friends.

"We can't decide between Dill Pickle flavour or Sweet 'n' Smoky Barbecue." Peter replied.

"What the hell, we're on holiday right? Let's get 'em both!" Clive said brightly.

Evidently Clive had had a good night too, Peter thought to himself, judging by his current demeanour and his body language. They took their snacks and drinks to the cashiers desk. A man in his 60's, balding slightly but with a kindly looking face and dressed in a red and white plaid shirt and blue denims, sat on a stool next to an ancient looking cash register.

"Say, is that yer 'Stang out there?" He asked as he rang up their purchases.

"Rented actually." Peter explained, "We're on a road trip - Orlando to New York."

"You folks from overseas huh?" The man behind the counter asked brightly, "Where y'all from?"

"England." Lindi replied, "A little town on the south coast."

"Well mercy me, I never met anybody from England before!" The man said with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes, "Mah Daddy served in England during the war. He was stationed in erm... Hampshire I think, just 'fore D-Day. Is that anywhere close to you folks?"

"Not far." Peter said.

"We don't get many folks from England around here. Royston, feller that owns the tire shop down the road a ways, he had a couple from London a few years back when they had a blowout on their left rear tire. And Mary who runs the diner in town sometimes gets a few Brits come through her place, but I ain't never had the pleasure myself up to now. Wait'll I tell the guys in the bar tonight I had a pretty English lady and two smart English fellers in mah store today!"

"I'm sure they'll be pleased for you!" Clive said with a smile.

"Is she a '67?" The cashier asked, nodding in the direction of the cherry red Mustang out on the forecourt, "I had me a '69 back in the day - owned a couple Pontiacs 'n' a Charger over the years but nothin' comes close to a Mustang."

"She certainly is a beast!" Peter smiled in reply.

"Tsk, boys and their toys!" Lindi said, rolling her eyes.

"Anyways, that'll be forty-five, fifty for you nice folks." The cashier said.

Clive paid the man in cash, counting out four $10 bills, one $5 bill and a half-dollar coin.

"Thank you very much - now y'all make sure you nice folks drive safely now!" The man behind the counter said warmly in his distinctive Georgian accent.

"We will - thanks. Have a nice day!" Lindi said as she grabbed the bags of potato chips while Peter picked up the drinks.

"What were you two talking about just then?" Clive asked Peter and Lindi as they walked back out to the car.

"Oh, just chewin' the fat." Lindi said enigmatically.

"Lindi was just telling me about what a magnificent cock you have Clive." Peter teased with a wink as he unlocked the car door.

The look on Clive's face for a split second was priceless, before he realised Peter was joking.

Tuesday, August 24th 2010 - 08:42 am

The trio stood in the entry line of their final theme park of the trip - Oak Springs Pleasureworld, situated in the leafy New Jersey countryside a few miles off the I-295. They had reached their hotel late the previous afternoon after a 160 mile drive from Washington DC where they spent the previous couple of days seeing the sights including the White House, Capitol Hill, the Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington Monuments. They spent almost an entire day exploring the vast Smithsonian complex of museums and galleries and took a pleasant stroll along the banks of the Potomac River, past a series of baseball fields where some of the denizens of the capital whiled away the afternoon playing the national pastime. There had been a brief flurry of excitement between the three of them when they noticed the President's helicopter, Marine One, flying overhead towards the White House.

Leaving Washington, Peter had insisted on taking a longer easterly route towards New Jersey, through the states of Maryland and Delaware so he could drive across the fabled Chesapeake Bay Bridge - reputed to be one of the scariest bridges in America. Despite it being a little narrow and the heavy traffic hampering their progress, Peter couldn't see what the fuss was about, but was nonetheless impressed by the feat of engineering.

The countryside they passed through as they briefly travelled through Maryland and Delaware was pleasantly green and leafy and the late August sun shone brightly in a perfectly cloudless sky. The climate here was much more comfortable than the more sultry climates of Florida and Georgia and the weather so far on their trip had been wonderful. The only day when the sun didn't shine was during their second day spent at Adrenalineville USA in North Carolina when there had been a brief, but intense - and slightly scary - thunderstorm.

They arrived at Oak Springs Pleasureworld early, having pre-booked their tickets several weeks in advance. They would be spending a full two days taking on as many rides as they possibly could before heading towards their final destination of New York City. The park didn't actually open until 9am, but already the line to get in was already quite long. Peter's main objective was to ride the park's newest and scariest ride, the Inferno - a volcano themed roller coaster with a 250 foot first drop and no fewer than 13 inversions, all built around an impressively constructed mock volcano, complete with jets of fire that erupted every time the train passed by.

Peter could tell that Lindi and Clive had been having sex almost every night during their trip, but following his encounter with Sandy back in Georgia, he didn't feel quite so left out. In fact, during this trip he had warmed to Clive himself quite a bit. When he had first met him, just after his release from prison, Peter had a sense that there was a darker side to Clive's personality - something that might cause Lindi some emotional, if not physical harm. But Clive hadn't displayed any signs of abusive tendencies during their trip, so Peter was beginning to see what it was in him that Lindi loved about him.

But part of him, some deeply buried and repressed aspect of his psyche still yearned for Lindi. That night in her living room as they had watched the Italian vampire movie, when Lindi's hand had accidentally landed on his crotch which resulted in her giving him a handjob, still resonated deeply within him. Something had changed between them since beginning of the year - something that could be either wonderful or very dangerous. Something that could strengthen their relationship, or destroy it completely. Deep in his heart he knew he wanted her, but he also wanted to keep their friendship exactly as it was. It was a dilemma that gnawed away inside him but above all, what he wanted more than anything else was to see her happy. And seeing that she was happy with Clive helped to calm his inner demons down somewhat. His night with Sandy had given him a newfound sense of confidence and he was now certain that once they returned to England he would have no trouble at all finding a girlfriend. Maybe the four of them could go on a double date, he mused to himself, as they waited patiently in line for the gates into the theme park to open.
