Unconscious Revenge


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I replied "I never got to be the loving husband nor had kids. He took that away from me. Those three years I will never get back."

Maria looked at me and said "If I agree to your terms, you will drop the law suit and take care of me and my kids?"

"Yes" I said.

"How often can I see my kids?"

"Once a month. Maybe a little more if say I am working offshore or there is a special occasion."

"What if he does not agree, or worse abuses the kids or does not properly take care of them?"

"Well, if he does not agree, I will continue the law suit; you will most likely be out on the street and in worse shape. If he does not properly take care of the kids, we can send them to boarding school. If he abuses them in anyway, he will go to jail and they go to boarding school. Hell I could even hire a nanny but will not want his children around me, at least not for the time being. You and I will have several months of alone time. I may want to have a child or children of my own. Those we will raise together."

"I would at least like some time to digest all of this and think about it" Maria said with a smile.

"You can if you want, but there really is nothing to think about. I am offering you a new and better life and exacting my retribution at the same time. It is a win-win situation. Sure the kids may lose some time with their mom, but would be better off in the long run."

"Mr. Matthews, can I ask about your background? I would at least like to know more about who I am getting involved with. How do I know I will be any safer with you?"

Luke went on to tell him about his childhood, his education, his relationship with Kay prior to the accident and answered all her questions. He did not tell her the full extent of his net worth however. Finally he said "Look, come with me tonight and see where I live. Tomorrow, if you want to come home, you can. I will just go on with the suit. The choice will be yours."

"One more thing. What happens if Kay were to come back or you meet someone better down the road? What happens to me then?"

"We will cross that bridge IF it ever comes up. You will be taken care of however. You will have fulfilled your part of the agreement."

"Well let's go talk to Bill."

Maria and I laid out the conditions whereas I would drop the suit and most likely consequences if I didn't. Bill got all pissed off and blustery. "There ain't no way and hell you are taking my wife and kids."

"You're right" I said. I am only taking your wife. You get full custody of the kids. She leaves with me tonight and will have supervised visitation, once a month, until the divorce is final and we are married. After that, the supervision stops. If after that, she leaves me to go back to you, I have the resources to track her down, and you DO NOT want that to happen. As for you, I don't give a rat's ass what you do. You need to think about what's best for your kids. You wife will be better off, and your kids' futures will be better as well. I will tell you what I will do. If she agrees, before we leave, we can all go back to the bedroom and you can fuck her one last time."

Bill slumped back into his chair with a defeated look. He asked Maria "You actually agree to this shit?"

"Bill" she said. "This is what's best considering the situation. I have to look out for our kids. I have to look out for myself. If there was some other way out I would take it. I love you and always will. Maybe in time, circumstance will allow us to get back together. Who knows? I will agree to allow you to make love to me one more time if you want." Tears were streaming down her face.

Two hours later, after a lot of crying and tearful good byes, we left. I had gotten my retribution. Why did I feel so empty?

Maria filed for divorce on irreconcilable differences. She moved in with me. She was overwhelmed by the size of my cabin compared to her trailer. This was the biggest house she had ever been in.

We she was good about the arrangement. The things she could do with her pussy muscles were incredible. What she could do with her ass was probably illegal on four continents. One night, we went out to a club. She was in her little black dress which really showed her tits and legs. She was sitting at the table smoking a cigarette (no she did not quite completely and she only smokes when she drinks) and at least a half dozen guys came up and asked her to dance. She shot them down politely but definitively.

After about two months, she was becoming withdrawn and depressed. I gave in and we had her kids over every other weekend. With the large acreage they were in heaven.

It was after one of these weekends when another major turn in our lives occurred. We were taking her kids back to the trailer and when we arrived; there was no one at home. A letter was taped to the door.

"My Dearest Maria:

If you are reading this, you know I have left. The thought of you living as the wife of another man is too much. I realize that I have failed you miserably though in my defense, I was trying to earn a better living by driving more. I am going to try to start a new life for myself.

I have given my attorney the OK to act on my behalf. Power of Attorney I think is what they call it. Anyway, when the divorce is final, he can sign the papers for me. Please do not try to find me. I have only taken a few personal things from the house. You may have it, sell it or whatever. Tell the kids that I love them and hope in time they will forgive me.

Tell Lucas that I hope this gives him peace of mind.

I will always love you.


She read the letter and sobbed. I went over to try to comfort her. She began hitting me and yelling at me "you bastard" over and over.

About 15 minutes later, she calmed down and we drove home. I guess the kids would be staying with us now after all.

The next morning, Maria came out of the bedroom dressed in blue jeans and a tank top. I looked at her and asked "What's this?"

"I feel like being dressed today with the kids and all"

"You know the rules. If they stay with us, that won't change. It looks as if I will be raising his kids so the no clothing rule stays or it will be boarding school. It's your choice."

She just glared at me and said "Maybe I should just take my kids and go live with my parents. I am not sure which is worse; you or the cartels. Go ahead with your suit. I have nothing left anyway. Yea, my husband fucked up really bad. Yes, it cost you considerably, but none of this is my fault. I didn't do anything to deserve this except marry a good and decent man who made a very bad mistake. Yes living with your would be better for my kids and maybe even me, but not like this as some kind of chattel. It's like living in the fucking Middle East sometimes. You know what? Just forget it. I will do what you want. I really don't give a shit anymore." There were no tears, just anger and resolve.

Well we continued living as normal as possible for the next several months. It had been about a year and a half since I had awoken from the coma. I was sitting in the great room reading the paper when the doorbell rang. I answered it and stood there in shock. There stood Kay with a baby and what appeared to be a black eye.


"Luke. May I come in?"

"What happened? How did you find me? Why are you here?"

About that time, Maria walked in and with venom asked "Who is this?"

"Maria, this is Leah Kay Skolfield. Kay this is Maria Mercer."

Maria smiled and asked" Leah? Your first name is Leah?" She was kind of laughing.

I looked confused and asked "What is so funny?"

Maria looked at me and said "Luke and Leah. You don't get it? From Star Wars. Luke Skywalker and Princess Leah."

OK, the bell went off and Kay and I had a good chuckle.

Kay then said she would like to talk. I motioned for her to have a seat. Maria excused herself and went back outside.

Kay began "Luke, I need to explain some things. I never stopped loving you. I was devastated after the accident. I had lost the baby; OUR baby. I had lost you. It was the general consensus that you would probably never wake up after being comatose for a couple of months. Richard saw me crying and remembered me. He held me and asked me to dinner as a friend. Well he would see me at the hospital and we talked and sometimes had lunch or dinner. Finally he asked if I had considered moving on. I guess I was in a vulnerable state so we began dating, eventually marrying."

"When you regained consciousness, I was confused and didn't know what to do. I love Richard and was married to him, but loved you too. I could not be unfaithful to Richard even though part of me really wanted to. I had actually thought about asking for a separation in order to sort out my feelings. I was pregnant however and was not sure that a separation was right either. Then you asked to speak to me and told me what you wanted me to do. I began to feel something for you that I had never had felt. Pure contempt. I understood you wanting me to leave Richard. But asking me to give up my baby was just too much. You wanted me to kill it? I left and never wanted to see you again.

As I grew bigger, Richard wanted less and less to do with me especially after you had him fired. Even after the baby was born he stayed away. I don't know if it was post-partum depression or what but Richard and I began to grow farther apart. We got into a big argument a couple of weeks ago. That is when I began to try to find where you live. Well yesterday during another big argument, I blurted out that I wish I had never left you when you asked me to come back. That sent Richard over the edge and for the first time ever he back handed me. Now I have this shiner. It was then I realized I need to try to get you back. I will do anything short of giving up my baby to make that happen. I don't know if you are married yet or moved on yourself. I suspect you may have judging from the nude woman who came into the room. Why is she naked anyway? Did I interrupt something? Anyway, that is my sorted tale. I hope you can forgive me in time."

I stared dumbfounded. I took a few minutes to get my thoughts together. Did I want Kay back? Where would that leave me and Maria? We had not married yet. Given the choice, I am sure she would rather be with Bill, wherever he is. If I could find him, would he take her back?

"Kay", I said "After I tell you how Maria and I came together, you probably will want nothing further to do with me." I then proceeded to tell her my plan for revenge. She looked at me kind of in a trance. A look of disbelief was in her eyes.

Kay looked up with tears in her eyes and said "I guess I kind of fucked up 3 families. First were yours and mine. Even though you were in a coma, I should have been more patient. Then Maria's and Bill's. And finally yours and Maria's. If Bill only had not been high and driving that damn truck, who knows where we would be."

Maria came in and unbeknownst to us had been listening. She said in a somewhat angry voice "This man had had a lot of things happen to him. While I may not agree with how he went about it, I now understand the why more clearly. After I moved here and especially after my husband left, Luke has been nothing but a gentleman and great provider; even to my kids whom he did not have to. Over the past few months, I have come to love him and will fight to keep him."

This stunned me totally. I looked up astonished. Maria smiled.

Maria continued. "There is a reason I continue to go nude, even in front of strangers. I was afraid this day would come and he will have to choose. I hope it is me, but if not I understand. Luke has promised to take care of me and my kids should he choose you or someone else. No one has ever treated me with the respect that he has even with the conditions of dropping the suit. He has provided for me and above all has cared about me and my future. Bill loved me but fucked up royally and that cost all of us. Now the question is, what does Luke truly want?"

Kay was sniffling. "Luke, if you let me raise MY baby, I know you don't want anything to do with it, I will leave Richard and move in today. If you want your own child, I will get pregnant as soon as you can make me. If you want to wait awhile I will get a nanny. I make my own money and have a good paying job. If you want the nudist lifestyle, we will live that way. I should have never given up on you and help to ruin other people's lives. Maria, if you want to try and find Bill, I will pay for the investigation. I guess Luke; it is up to you now. Which do you want?"

I smiled and said tongue in cheek "Why can't I have both of you?" I was expecting to be hit but instead, Maria and Kay looked at each other.

After a few minutes, the both smiled and said "OK."

Kay moved in that day and after her divorce was final I married her. She was after all my first love. Maria stayed as my other wife. I still believe she harbors some resentment toward me about what I did to her original family. We held a private "wedding" for Maria and I and Kay was her matron of honor. About a year later I was to become a father in my own right. Note to other guys lucky enough to have two wives: Don't knock them up at the same time. The hormones are a bitch. Nine months later, about two weeks apart, I had a son by Kay and a daughter by Maria. It was then I decided I had a total of six kids. It took me awhile but I took them all as my own to the delight of each of the mothers.

It was three months later when I received a call from my attorney. Bill's attorney contacted mine to let him know Bill was killed in another auto accident. It seems we was drunk and ran off of the road. The road was unfortunately in the Colorado Rockies.

Richard got a job as a paramedic in California. He met some Hollywood want to be and seems happy. He has yet to come back to see his child.

As for my parents, Dad was happy for me. Mom never did like either one of the girls. Any woman who would live like that is a tramp. Mom eventually stroked out and croaked. Dad sure seems a happier person now. Well it took many long years but I now have one big happy family.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I have read many stories with heartless, cruel, hateful bitches who cheat, lie an take advantage of good people but all those pale in comparison to the reprehensible monster that is Luke. As some other comments say, he should have died in the wreck or been shot dead by Richard or Bill. And the preposterous proposition that either of these women could get over the ugliness of his character to find love for him is incomprehensible.

kamdev99008kamdev99008about 1 year ago

not a revenge or payback ............ just insanity

Kay was innocent, so were richard and maria

bill was somewhat responsible.......... but the revenge was brutal and illogical

our emotional sympathy with the victim was till he didn't started his insane revenge......... after that, he is more a villain than hero.................. the most negative character of this tale

cybertron84cybertron84over 1 year ago

jesus christ this thing needs to come with a bottle of jim bean... the gallon size...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What he did went way beyond revenge. Border-line insanity is a closer guess, I think. I agree, Bill was some kind of an asshole, and would probably go off the deep end, eventually, and Richard was a scumbag too, taking advantage of an emotional situation, took Kay at her most vonerable time. Her man is in a coma, and a baby in her belly; instead of helping her through this nightmare, he sticks his cock in her. Then there is you, Luke, quite possibility a bigger bastard than the other two, put together. Why do I think that this ain't over, and there won't be 'They lived happily everafter' to this story.


ManoBlueManoBluealmost 2 years ago

He should have just die, he was trash

amygdalaamygdalaover 2 years ago

Jesus Christ what the fuck did I just read 💩💩💩💩💩

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was just sick

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sadly dismal writing with confusing changes of point of view.

B3ndoverB3ndoverover 2 years ago

This author is one sick twisted asshole. I thought I would give him one more chance what a mistake. Does he think he is god or something. Dealing out punishment and not giving a shit who he hurts or how he treats women. I think anal sex is something he really wants. He is so obsessed with it. I would be surprised if his little Dick was big enough to make into anyone's ass. The way he sounds sounds to me he enjoys anal sex... as a bottom

timrivtimrivalmost 4 years ago

What a total asshole. To bad Richard or Bill hadn’t shot him dead. That would have been the best ending for this creep. When an author writes a story like this one has to wonder what type of person he is to write this shit.

Jhbrown27Jhbrown27almost 5 years ago

Really need to have someone edit the story and correct the grammar and spelling. There are a lot of mistakes. As to content I find it too improbable. 3+ years is a long time to wait for recovery. Then I find the main character some what despicable, making life pretty much miserable for every one around him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Most unrealistic story on this site

No one talks like this. No one acts like this. Has the author ever experienced a human interaction in his entire life?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

If anyone knows assholes it's you, you are a complete asshole head to toes and everything in between.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Yeah, life fucked the guy over, but seriously he's a total asshole.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 7 years ago

You know this was an interesting read but totally preposterous. Still it was better than most tales coming out now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

The retribution in this tale really over the top.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Where To Start

First off, that accident must have really scrambled that guy's brain. He thinks it's okay to blackmail two different husbands for revenge just because he was in a coma for 3 years and his fiancé moved on. One or both of them should have just beat the holy cowboy shit out of the stupid bastard. Maybe he would have gotten the message he should just be glad to be alive, and move on with his own life.

Pulsifer42Pulsifer42almost 8 years ago
Well Disciplined Author

You did very well to sustain the story line with all the twists and turns. I could not read fast enough. Most enjoyable. Thanks

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 9 years ago
poorly written from a bad idea

To start with the trucker really wouldn't need to do meth.

There are so many jobs for CDL drivers, for example I looked in a small city newspaper, during the worst of the Great Recession, of the 21 jobs listed that day 18 were CDL required, most days were pretty much like that.

The old advice "Write about what you know" would be better put as:

"Don't write about what you don't know."

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