Underestimating the Risks


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Jen looked a bit upset and confused, and kept looking back and for the between Mark and I. I said nothing. Settling on me she said, "We've come this far....."

Mark took this as his queue and again interjected into the conversation his next terms. "If you want me in bed tonight you'll have to tell him you'll be spending the night with me and that he'll be sleeping on the couch. If not, I'll leave right now."

This distressed Jen, but apparently not enough. She looked down at the ground for a moment and then looked at me and asked, "Hon... as we planned I'd like to spend the night in bed with Mark. I'm sorry, but would you please mind sleeping on the couch? I'll get you some blankets."

Mark looked mighty pleased with himself and pronounced, "Good! But not good enough." I don't want you to ask him. I want you to tell him. Tell him you'll be spending the night with me in bed and tell him he'll be sleeping on the couch."

I wanted to get up and punch him right then. But Jen turned to face me and with a resigned look on her face complied with his demand. "Hon - I'll be spending the night with Mark. You'll be sleeping on the couch." She turned back to Mark and asked, "Better?"

Mark smirked and nodded, then kissed her on the mouth. She accepted the kiss and then led him on into the bedroom.

A minute later she re-emerged with a couple of blankets and my pillow. I had been sitting on the couch the whole time, rather dumbly. I wasn't sure what to say or do. Jen bent down to kiss me, put her arm around me for a moment and added, "Sorry. And thanks." She then left to return to the bedroom.

I just sat there, not sure of what to do. I saw her enter our bedroom. She closed the door. I heard the click noise of the door being locked. I was locked out of my own bedroom by my wife so another man could fuck her all night long.

It was, at first, quiet. I could hear the occasional voice from the bedroom. After a few minutes I got up to turn the lights off. For some reason, the noises from the bedroom seemed ever so slightly louder in the dark. I stood by the light switch transfixed by the sounds emanating from the bedroom I normally shared with my wife. I couldn't make out what they were. Were they talking? Was that the bed creaking? It was impossible to tell, but my imagination was running wild.

I just stood there frozen by sounds that even my imagination could not decipher. And then I heard clear words. "Yes.... That's good. Right there." It was Jen's voice.

I heard a groan – and guessed this was her too. Was he eating her out? Using his fingers on her? All I knew she was enjoying herself.

I stood still and listened. I heard them talking but rarely could I make out the words. I did hear him say, "Good girl". She must be blowing him. Jen must have Mark's cock in her mouth.

I heard grunts. It was Mark I think. I heard what I thought were her moans. Minutes passed by. I then heard the bed creaking regularly. He was fucking her. The creaking increased.

I managed to end my paralysis and made my way back to the couch. The sounds of passion were now significantly louder; and clearer. I heard their words. I heard the sounds of the bed against the wall. He was pounding her. She clearly liked it. It continued on.

It ended suddenly. Jen let out a loud "yesssss.....'. A minute later they were silent – or at least quiet enough that I couldn't hear. My wife had again been fucked by another man – this time in my own bed – and this time with me locked out of my own bedroom.

More dismaying – instead of it being general lust, my wife had been lusting after a particular guy, targeted him and propositioned him. And she wanted him badly enough that it was no longer something I'd be watching; it was something I'd be excluded from. She needed to be fucked and needed a particular man – not me – to fuck her.

I pulled a blanket on top of me. I didn't have my pyjamas, so I l remained on the couch in my clothes. I lay there staring at the ceiling. There would be no way I'd fall asleep. Several minutes more passed when I heard the bedroom door open. A light was still on in the bedroom. I saw Jen's silhouette emerge. She went straight into the bathroom and closed that door as quietly as she could. She possibly though I was sleeping. A couple of minutes later she exited the bathroom and went directly back into the bedroom. Again I heard the door lock! Was she locking this because he asked? Or was she locking it to keep me out?

I'm not omniscient. But I felt emasculated. My hot wife needed another man to fuck her. This wasn't about playing the role of "slut" – that was an excuse. She had been lusting after Mark and wanted to fuck him, although married to me.

Now it was quiet, but I was having difficulty sleeping. I thought about masturbation, but was upset enough that nothing was going to go on down there. I gave up.

I must have started to fall asleep because I was jolted awake by more "noise" starting up again from my bedroom. It took me a few seconds to realize they were again fucking. So I lay there once again wide awake listening to the noises of the bed, words that sounded like mumblings, and the occasional groan of passion. The bed itself actually became distinctly louder than the first time. I could only surmise that Mark was really fucking Jen hard this time.

Now you'll read some stories where the husband suggests that his wife fucking around really turns him on. I'm not that kind of husband - period. Sorry to disappoint. I was getting more agitated and more concerned by the minute. I felt completely inadequate as a man. My own wife has locked herself in our bedroom with another guy so she could get fucked.

I had two courses of action. I couldn't barge in on them. The door was locked. I could start a hissy fit. Alternatively, I could continue lying there and put up with it.

I really wanted to take the hissy fit and start banging on the bedroom door. But I'd look like such a jerk if I did! I agreed to let me wife do this. I agreed to the other guys. I agreed to it all. To through a hissy fit suddenly in the middle of the night would only show that I'm a jerk.

And so I lay there on my living room couch listening to Mark fuck Jen. I lay there for the duration. I lay there as I heard his loud grunts of satisfaction, knowing he was pumping her full of sperm. I lay there knowing it was what she wanted. Jen wanted to be fucked full of Mark's sperm. I could think of nothing else. This is what was on my mind as I drifted off into sleep.

Now a couch does not make for a good place to spend the night. It's good for a nap – but not for the whole night! I was actually a bit longer than our couch – so I had to curl up a bit. And the blankets kept falling to the ground. But I did manage to get sleep in bits and pieces. The lack of continuous sleep meant I slept in. This, in turn, meant I'd have the opportunity to be woken up by my wife again being fucked by Mark. Again, I heard the creaking bed. Again I put up with the mumbled words of passion. And this time I noticed the fact that he had lasting power. Jen and I usually finish within 15 minutes. With Mark, judging by the noises, they lasted over 30.

I found myself trying to decipher what I was hearing. I don't know why, though. Obviously they were going at it. Why did I want more than that? But I was intent on listening, regardless of the reason. It was a relief, when they finished, as it allowed me to stop concentrating.

Some fifteen minutes later, Jen emerged with Mark in tow. He was fully dressed in last night's clothes. She, however, had on just a pair of tiny white bikini briefs and a white tank top that left her belly button exposed.

Neither of them made eye contact with me. She walked him to the front door and let him kiss her – full on open mouth action. He asked her in a way so that I could hear, "So – did you enjoy yourself?"

She responded, "You know I did." I felt he was asking her only to make sure I heard.

Mark continued with his inquisition. "And are you happy I spent the night with you instead of a quick fuck?" he asked with a smirk.

She nodded and said, "Yeah."

They kissed again. But Mark wasn't finished. "So then, Jennifer, I gave you what you needed?" Again, she nodded. He pressed on, "So tell me what I already know – do you want to hook up again?"

Jen started to turn her head in my direction, but caught herself, and just said "Yes – and you do already know that."

Obviously, they had had this conversation in the bedroom. Mark just wanted me to hear of my wife's continued lust for him. He wanted to rub it in my face. He fucked my wife. Now he was fucking with me.

"Are you going to want it again?" Mark prodded. My mind hadn't gotten this far yet. Clearly they had enjoyed each other for an entire night. But she and I had had no talk of it going further than this. Then again, there was the precedent with "Jimmy" for a repeat.

Jen just couldn't stop nodding. "Yes – it was really good." Mark now wanted to finish his attempt at humiliating me by hearing more and asked, "So when you say you want to do it again, do you mean this year; this month; or this week?"

Finally Jen responded with some common sense and said, "I am married you know; I'd need to talk it over first." Finally – some reality back into this scene, I thought. But Mark wasn't done.

"No one but you should decide who you should go to bed with and when. It's your decision and your decision alone," he offered, as if being supportive of her.

She nodded to this a bit timidly. "So", he continued, "Do you want me in bed again, and if so, when? Be honest. You must have feelings on this. If you do really want me in bed again, when?"

Jen now paused. I could tell she was trying to take into account the fact that I was right there listening. "I am being honest," she said, and I'd like to see you again soon. Not next year."

I was pretty sure she was trying not to make an immediate commitment to him. He was having none of this though. "Are you wanting it next month?" he asked. Next month was only a couple of weeks away.

"No," she said, "sooner, if we can work out when." "We are busy next weekend," she added. She paused for a second and I thought that would be the end of it – but she went on: "But I'm free the weekend after, assuming I get some buy in. I'll ask him", she said, referring to me.

"It's not about asking," he scolded. "It's about telling." They kissed again for my benefit – a long open mouth kiss. His hand disappeared into her panties to grab her ass. When the kiss ended, she said, quietly,

"I'll tell him."

He gave her a light spanking, kissed again, and left with "Good Girl." He was out the door.

Jen turned to me and tried to say something, but nothing came out. She came right beside me and sat down. Her first word was, "sorry".

I was having none of it though. I asked, "What are you sorry about?"

Her reply was, "what happened." That wasn't good enough for me.

"What about what happened are you saying sorry for?" I asked.

She looked down but wasn't sure what to say. I wasn't going to let her off that easy. "Are you sorry for making me sleep on the couch? Are you sorry for keeping him here all night instead of just an hour? Are you sorry for locking me out of my bedroom? Are you sorry obeying his every command in front of me? Are you sorry for telling him how good he was in front of me? Are you sorry for agreeing to see him again without even talking about it with me? Are you sorry for telling me that all you wanted was to play the slut once in a blue moon, when in fact you've really been lusting after him for some time? Are you sorry for allowing him the opportunity to rub it in my face? You said you were sorry, too, when "Jimmy" locked me out on the balcony, but you left me out there so he could fuck you again. And you said you were sorry for it but still went on to fuck him the next day."

Jen saw I was angry. I hadn't intended to let loose like that, but I have to admit it felt good. I continued, "I agreed to you and I having experiences together where you sometimes were fucked by another guy. It had to be in my presence. It had to be with my consent. I agreed to nothing more than this. I did not agree to allow my wife to pursue guys she finds hot so that she can spend the nights with them instead of me! And I certainly didn't agree to let you fuck another guy whenever you want."

To her credit Jen tried to diffuse my anger. Yes, she admitted to lusting after Mark and didn't see anything wrong with that. It certainly didn't contradict her desire to play the slut. Sluts do lust after guys. She also pointed out that she discussed everything with me up front, for both Mark and "Jimmy", and while things didn't go exactly as planned, the basic plot remained the same – namely that she would have sex with them with my consent and my presence. True – she agreed – I wasn't in the room with them. But I was nearby – nothing was done in secret or behind my back.

Jen added that she was surprised by both "Jimmy" and Mark. Each time she had anticipated me being in the room, but she understood why a guy might not want that. And surely I should understand that part of her sexual attraction to these guys were that they were aggressive studs who didn't want other guys around. She hadn't anticipate their actions, but decided that the type of guy she was attracted for this purpose was probably the type of guy who didn't want another guy around, certainly didn't want a husband around, and wanted to be acknowledged as a complete stud.

It was normal and healthy that she would be attracted to many men, she argued, so she didn't see why it would be wrong to be physically attracted to Mark. Even I should admit that it was okay for a girl to find him attractive. Surely I was objective enough for that.

Jen continued, calling me her "silly man". She pointed out that of course she wants to play the slut – but that means playing the slut for a guy she finds hot! She doesn't want to do it for some slob. Mark fit the bill. She realized it after our last trip – but never acted on anything without my consent and knowledge. She kept me in the loop the whole time and I agreed.

She really was sorry, she said, for keeping me locked out on the balcony and out of my bedroom the whole night. In both cases, the guys dictated the rules of engagement and wanting it to actually happen; she was reluctant to disagree with them. Jen added that it really couldn't have been that bad to have slept on the couch, and she really didn't want to leave me locked out on the balcony so long – but was surprised (she admitted pleasantly) when "Jimmy" wanted a second round. After he left, she found me sleeping so she decided to wash up a bit first, so that she'd be a little bit fresher after her encounter.

Jen added, though, that she wasn't saying sorry because she enjoyed her encounters with "Jimmy". She had asked me permission for the second encounter and I had given it to her, so I shouldn't criticize her for it now – that was unfair. She wasn't apologizing for wanting him on a second occasion either. The first time was really good. If it hadn't been, she obviously wouldn't want another.

Further, she wanted me to know she wasn't saying sorry for thinking that Mark was hot. Jen said it would be wrong if she wasn't supposed to be honest. She made a point of saying it didn't me she didn't find me sexy, but I've got to know she finds other men sexy too. Yes – she found Mark very hot. And she advised me that she really liked him in bed – he lived up to her expectations. But she shouldn't have to be apologetic about this. She told me as her husband she should feel at ease being fully truthful with me, and if she had a great time in bed with Mark she should feel free to share this with me.

Basically the gist of her speech was that she was sorry it didn't go exactly as planned, but wasn't entirely unhappy as to how things did transpire. She thought I should chill a bit. After all, she's with me and Mark has left. There is no threat.

I had one last card to play – because ultimately she was right on all these points. What was there to argue? But I pointed out to her that she shouldn't have set a date with Mark without asking me too. I said it was hurtful that she would not only say she wanted to see him again but that she would see him again in two weeks and would just tell me (as he commanded) without asking.

Here Jen and I couldn't agree. First, Jen argued that Mark was insisting on an answer. She was indeed interested in seeing him again, and soon, but wasn't going to ruin the next weekend's plans with me to do so. Second, it was part of Mark's stud nature that he wanted her to tell me not ask me. The idea of the attractive other man's wife obeying her stud boyfriend's commands turned Mark on, obviously. She could always back out – but did add that ultimately it was her decision as to who she would or wouldn't fuck.

She told him that she'd see him again in a couple of weeks, but could always cancel. And whether she had talked about it with me first, or as she did, it amounted to the same thing. Yes – she'd like to see him again for a repeat in a couple of weeks.

He was hot. The sex was really good. She wants a repeat. Jen was quick to add she still isn't doing this behind my back. She said she still loves me and love sex with me, but she definitely wants to hook up again with Mark.

She paused from her lecture – and I took the cue to ask her about calling him a "boyfriend". Her answer seemed reasonable but was inwardly troubling to me. She said that we – her and I – have an unconventional marriage where she sometimes seeks out sex with other men. Given she was talking about seeing Mark a second time; it was sort of like he was her boyfriend on the side. It didn't mean anything other than that she would see him on occasion. I asked her if this meant she was thinking about seeing him on an ongoing basis and she said – no – she hadn't even thought about it. She'd only thought about seeing him one more time in a couple of weeks, but added, she wasn't opposed to the idea of there being an ongoing thing either, if it continued to work out well.

Jen reached over and kissed me. She said she should probably take a shower as she had sweat and his DNA all over her. She offered to give me the lowdown of what they did in bed when she was finished.

She went off to the bathroom, leaving me with the sinking feeling that Mark's DNA would be all over her with some regularity going forward.

Later on we did indeed discuss what they had been up to all night and there was nothing so particularly surprising. It went down the way it had sounded to me. He was a great fuck. She thinks he's super-hot. He's apparently well hung. He has stamina. Not news I felt like hearing.

Neither of us mentioned Mark again until the Thursday, some 12 days later. We had just finished dinner. I had gone over to the couch and was about to turn on the television. I hadn't forgotten about Mark, but given I wasn't hearing about him I was kind of thinking they just never arranged anything. Wishful thinking, this was.

Jen sat down on my lap and pulled the converter out of my hand. "Let's talk first," she said. "I heard from Mark today. He and I are going to hook up on Saturday."

She paused, but I said nothing. Jen wanted to move forward before I would object and added, "A couple of things I want to tell you: First, he wants to go out with me beforehand!"

This was clearly crossing the line and I jumped – "You mean you are planning on a date with him?"

Jen always tried to disarm me with her reason and her soft voice. "It's okay for me to fuck him but not okay to eat with him? Surely it should be the other way around?"

She giggled in a way that suggested she thought I was being silly and added, "Mark is putting conditions on this. He doesn't want to be treated a second class by anybody. If I want to see him again, I do have to address how he feels. If going out with him makes him feel better for later, I'm for it. If you want to call it a date, I can live with that."