Understanding Mother-In-Law


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Fortunately, I got her clothes off without ripping them; my shirt buttons and boxers didn't survive but that was very acceptable collateral damage. Rather than fucking her on my bed I lifted her up holding her thighs, pinned her back against an interior wall of my bedroom, snaked my cock into her still moist vagina, and then proceeded to fuck like a jungle cat.

Cheryl whimpered, choked, yelped, and mumbled as I pistoned in-and-out of her tight pussy. I came with a grunt loud enough to match an entire pen full of hogs while she came simultaneously with her scream muffled by my shoulder. My legs were weak from the intensity of my climax, but I was able to stumble back into my bed and hold her tight on top of me.

When we disengaged we lay side-by-side with smiles on our faces.

"I've never been ravished before," she chuckled.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"I surely did -- but I'm not sure that I could take it on a regular basis. I'm completely drained and I feel like my spine has turned to jelly," she laughed.

I massaged her back, and then she massaged mine. We had probably been in bed for an hour when she asked "Am I interfering with your plans for the day?"

"Hmmm," I replied. "I guess that my plans for the day changed after last night. Let's go see a movie tonight."

Her smile was as bright as a lighted Christmas tree. "Instead, why don't you come over for dinner and we can watch a pay for view movie on my big screen TV?" she inquired.

"Sounds like a plan," I chortled. "When should I come over?

"How about 5:30; you can help me cut up some vegetables; I make a wicked stir fry."

As Cheryl drove away from my apartment I took a moment to reflect. "What the fuck are you doing, asshole?" I asked myself. "It's your damn mother-in-law! How fucked up is that, let alone what effect it's going to have on her relationship with her daughter if June ever finds out. Plus, she may already be in love with you, and do you really want to hurt her since she's the best woman you've ever met in your life?"

Thinking that last statement caused me to drop my face into my hands and mumble "Oh shit! And you fucking dream about her!"

After my mind stayed in turmoil for the next half hour I finally decided to kick the can down the road. "I'll just go with the flow this weekend, and come to some conclusion later," the competing factions in my brain finally agreed.

Kicking the can down the road did result in a wonderful weekend. We had a fun time preparing dinner together Saturday night -- she provided all of the expertise. We made it through half the movie before we fucked on the couch in her den. We actually made love in her bed Saturday night, we went to the health club that she's a loyal member of to work out late Sunday morning, we went on a hike in a local wilderness area that afternoon, despite how sweaty we were we fucked in the back seat of my car in the forest preserve before we left, and then made love again Sunday night in her bed.

When I woke up Monday morning I was the most serene that I had ever been in my life. That serenity was destroyed shortly after breakfast when Cheryl asked if we could have a talk before I left for work (I had brought changes of clothes to her house Saturday night).

"Brian; will you please listen to what I have to say before responding or asking questions?" she asked in a timid voice. "This is really hard for me, and I have to just say what I planned without interruption."

"OK," I smiled, while squeezing her hands.

After a long sigh she started in and didn't stop for fifteen minutes, barely even breathing she was so intense, and not stumbling on words but making herself completely clear. Her first words were "I've loved you since the first time that I met you, and you're the only man I ever loved!" After expounding on that she continued with how she knew that a long term relationship with me wasn't possible because she was eleven years older, her relationship with June would be destroyed, she could never give me the kids that I wanted, and she knew that I could never love her like she loved me. She concluded with "I will take anything that I can get from you, however. I will always be available to you."

I was flabbergasted. Pursuant to her wishes I hadn't said anything while she talked. When she finished she said "Go ahead off to work; sorry to lay so much on you."

I kissed her passionately. Then I stared into her captivating eyes and said "I have a lot to think about. Please don't be upset if I don't see you for a couple of weeks; while I'm normally a decisive person this weekend has completely scrambled my brain and I need to unscramble it."

She smiled, kissed me quickly on the lips, stood up, pulled me up, and then playfully pushed me out the door.


I wasn't exaggerating when I said that my brain was fucked up. Over the next two weeks whenever my mind was not fully occupied with work or some other activity it went to Cheryl, June, sex, and anxiety. It didn't help that almost every night I dreamt of not only fucking Cheryl but making love to her, travelling to exotic places with her, snuggling with her, and in one disturbing dream having a dozen kids with her.

While I didn't see Cheryl, I called her every day just to chat for five or ten minutes. She never pressured me or got serious during our phone calls; except that she said in passing that the last time that she saw her daughter, June asked if she was dating someone because "You seem as happy as I've ever seen you, Mom." Cheryl said she just demurred.

After two weeks I asked Cheryl to dinner on Saturday night. She was pleased to accept. Although I really didn't plan on it -- I was just trying to see how compatible we were out of bed -- I ended up staying the night in her bed and making love twice, and fucking once. I knew that I was actually falling in love with her but because of the eleven year age difference -- and mostly because she was still my mother-in-law -- I could not be my normal decisive self.

Our relationship at least survived my divorce from June becoming final. Cheryl took June on a week-long cruise starting the weekend after it was final because June was upset. When Cheryl returned she said that the cruise had helped June a lot and that her acrimony toward me for "throwing her to the curb" had diminished to the point that it was almost completely gone and that she knew that she had only herself to blame.

"Did she inquire about your possible love interest?" I inquired.

After a long pause Cheryl answered "Yes."

"What did she ask, what did you say?"

There was another long pause before Cheryl responded. "I said that I was happy, that I didn't know if I would have a long term relationship, that she may not be happy with the guy, and that I had no plans to introduce him to her anytime soon."


My indecisiveness may have continued for many months -- even years -- if there wasn't a cataclysmic event. I had correctly concluded that I loved Cheryl, and we were together at least three nights a week and talked on the phone every day. Even though I had loved being married to June for five plus years, if I was honest with myself my relationship with Cheryl was much better than it had been with June. While despite her age Cheryl was sexually inexperienced the first night we spent together, now she was not only experienced but as expressive, loving, adventurous, and vigorous as humanly possible.

My first indication of a cataclysmic event occurred when Cheryl called my office early afternoon on a Friday. That night we had plans to go to a play and then -- of course -- play hide-the-salami that night. She was in tears and begged me to come over to her house as soon as possible. I was able to conclude what I needed to at work, and get to her house, by a little after 3 p. m.

When Cheryl opened the door it was obvious that she had been crying and immediately rushed into my arms. I let her cry on my shoulder for a few minutes then carried her to a couch in the living room.

"Alright -- tell me what's going on," I said while holding her hands.

"I swear that I didn't plan it..." she sobbed, and then continued in sentence fragments like "...I didn't know that it was possible..." "...please don't hate me..." and "...you can just walk away..." I had no clue what she was talking about.

I finally calmed her down, squeezed her hands, looked her straight in the eye, and said "Stop! Tell me what's on your mind. I have no idea what you're talking about!"

She sniffled, took a deep breath, and said "I'm seven weeks pregnant."

That was news to me; Cheryl had told me several times before, and lamented it to me because she knew that I wanted kids, that she couldn't conceive. She had tried with Sam and it never worked out, and some doctor had told her after she delivered June many years ago that for some reason that she no longer remembered she likely could not conceive again.

Since I was stunned I didn't say anything for a while, but I'm sure that my eyes got big. Cheryl took this to mean that I was upset and would now certainly jettison her, and she started bawling so hard I thought that she might have a health emergency.

My mind suddenly became clear. I loved her more than I had ever loved anyone before; I did want at least one kid; I didn't care if she was older than I was; it was time to make a decision and the decision was clear.

I took her face in both of my hands and wiped her tears with my thumbs. "Stop crying Cheryl; I have something to ask you." After repeating that about a dozen times she finally stopped. When she did I asked "Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Apparently that didn't register because I had to ask two more times before she realized what I had asked, smiled, and said "Yes!"

Her tears dried, we snuggled, I told her how much that I loved her, she told me that she was the happiest she had ever been the last six months and was even happier now, and then we heard the front door open and "Mom, are you here?"

We were like startled rabbits as we turned toward the sound and saw June walk into the living room. She was just as startled as we were. June spoke first. "What are you doing here Brian?"

I couldn't answer. Suddenly words that I'm sure Cheryl didn't mean to say at the time popped out of her mouth: "I'm seven weeks pregnant with Brian's baby and we're getting married."

A small smile came across June's face; obviously she initially thought that it was a joke. When she saw how big my eyes were, and saw my intimate embrace with Cheryl her smile disappeared and her eyes started to glass over. I immediately jumped up and caught her before her head hit the floor.

I lifted June up and moved her onto the couch, which Cheryl had just vacated. Cheryl sprang into action. She got some smelling salts and a cold compress. Before administering them to June she turned to me and said "I think that it's best if you go before she comes to." Then with a smile she asked "Can we go shopping for engagement rings tomorrow?"

"You bet," I replied, giving her a big kiss. "I'll give the tickets for the play tonight to a friend. Just give me a call what time to pick you up tomorrow."

We kissed again and I left.

I did give my tickets to a friend and his wife, who were happy to get them, and even babysat their five and seven year old kids (a boy and a girl) to get me in practice (ha, ha).

We did not go ring shopping on Saturday. Cheryl called me up about noon and told me that June had stayed overnight and that they probably needed all of the rest of the weekend to work things out. I couldn't argue with her. I told her that I loved her and as soon as we could go shopping together we would.

Cheryl terminated the conversation by telling me what she would do to me the next time that she got me in bed "Which hopefully will be Monday," she chortled, before hanging up.

Since I wasn't there, I don't know everything that Cheryl and June talked about. What I do know is that Cheryl loved June as much as a mother could love an adult child despite her lapse in judgment with George, and that June and Cheryl had been a team for many years before I met them. Cheryl told me that she was completely honest with June about her long-term feelings for me, that she never had any romantic or sexual contact with me until she knew for sure that my marriage to June was over, how she knew how awkward her marriage to me would be for June, but how she needed June in her life just as much now as ever.

I have to give June credit. While she was sad about the situation for herself, she was happy for her mother who she knew had never had true love before, and was pleased to have a little sister or brother. While June and I were never going to be good friends in the future I made it clear to her that I harbored no ill will toward her, that I would always treat her with respect, and that nothing I did was to hurt her -- I just couldn't help falling in love with her mother.

Cheryl did reduce me to ashes after her weekend with June, and a weekend later I moved into Cheryl's house. The only problem we had -- if you could call it that -- was that this pregnancy ramped up Cheryl's already high libido. "I have two decades of unfulfilling sex to make up for," was the way that she put it, and who was I to demur. We kept at it steadily until she was eight months and one week pregnant, when we had to cool it until two months after our beautiful little girl Alicia was born. During our sexual hiatus Cheryl chirped "Maybe June will take up the slack for you."

I almost had a coronary before she laughed "Gotcha," and then snuggling her eight+ months preggo body up to me said "No one will ever have you again. I'll give my life for you!"

Cheryl and I got married in a simple ceremony -- she had gotten her big wedding thrill when June got married to me -- two months before Alicia was born. Giving June all the respect in the world, she was the maid of honor.

While I had fully forgiven June, my approach to George -- her co-worker lover who, according to Cheryl, she never had sex with again after I started divorce proceedings -- was different. I kept an eye on him electronically, and even once in a while a day or two with a P I. When I found out that he was getting married I sent his fiancé a complete dossier on his relationship with June while she was married to me and how it broke up our marriage. I was pleased to see that George's fiancé dumped him within a week of receiving my missive, and shortly later he transferred to another city.

After Alicia was born we decided we'd like her to have a sibling. However, at that time we did not consider it safe or desirable for Cheryl to have another pregnancy, especially since she would have to get pregnant right away again. Since Sam had left her lots of money we had one of her eggs harvested and impregnated with my sperm in a lab, and we hired a surrogate. When Alicia was fifteen months old the surrogate delivered our second, and last, child, a little boy who we called Aaron.

As I write this my kids are now five and six. I'm more in love with Cheryl than ever; I didn't think that a relationship could be this good, or that we could sustain our sexual relationship with the intensity that we have.

One more thing; June has remarried a guy that Cheryl and I both like and she is due to deliver a little girl next month. I tried for a while to figure out what relationship her daughter would have to my kids. I gave up; all I know is that she will be loved just as much by Cheryl who seems to have an infinite capacity for love.

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oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

A nice little story, basic but strings together well

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

Enjoyed this Love Story and feel it had a great outcome. It may seem impossible, but I feel it has actually has happened in real life. Thanks for your writing.

nixroxnixroxabout 2 years ago

4 stars - weird but OK.

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

I liked it……


iameaseliameaselabout 2 years ago

Decent enough story but his marriage to June was more like an after thought that was thrown in.

Felt absolutely nothing for those two, so him banging mom felt more like a "here's a sexy take on a mom in law fetish" than it did a love story.

AileyInnAileyInnabout 2 years ago

One f your best! 5*

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 2 years ago

"I don't see how, especially since her take on things is that I'm over-reacting." - Good point; it's hard to forgive someone who won't take ownership of their actions.


Heh, for a moment I thought that June was going to be the surrogate.

FireFox59FireFox59about 2 years ago

I found the story to be very dry and emotionless. While I didn't have a problem with him hooking up with Cheryl I would have liked a lot more info on his break up with June. Yeah, he got some revenge on George but that to was also emotionless, dry, and wimpy.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 2 years ago

Not much emotion from any character except maybe the mother. June and George walked. Why did June cheat? Why did June forgive her mother? Would have been a little better if June had been the surrogate. The surrogate child added nothing to the story whatsoever.

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