Undoing the Wrappings of Lies


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Mary had come into the kitchen to see what was taking me so long and had heard part of the conversation. I said goodbye to my daughter then explained to both Mary and James what Mae had disclosed.

"Dad that clears up a lot of questions," James said. "Aunt Mary at least we know what the truth is. Dad let go of the past and get rid of the hurt as soon as you can."

"Where did that wisdom come from," I asked?

"Your mouth when I was dealing with betrayal," James said. "The best advice I got at that time."

With knowledge comes freedom. I knew going forward there would be moments but I unconditional love and support to help me through them. Mary just wrapped her arms around me tight for a few. I told James to refresh our drinks and make himself one.

The three of us sat around talking and planning out our Saturday. I told James to accept all the hours he could for now because they would not last. I disclosed that the property was still in the family trust which I now controlled and would not be part of the divorce.

"Kim has screwed herself big time," Mary said. "Thomas by the time June gets done with him won't have much left either."

Both watched me as I turned the cell phone off for the night as I said, "If June has heard from her husband then Kim knows they have been caught. I'm not going to wait for her to call."

I then plugged it in to charge. Mary asked if we had an extra charger for her phone. James went to the junk drawer and pulled one out. She shut hers off and she set hers beside mine after plugging it in to charge.

One she had finished her drink she said, "I'm going upstairs are you coming."

I talked to my son for a few just to reaffirm that he was okay with it before heading up. Mary and I did not want to sleep in the master bedroom until we were completely done removing all of my wife's stuff out. I discovered that Mary had already changed and was in bed. I went into the bathroom and changed into some pajama bottoms before joining her.

We started slowly just cuddling each other and sharing soft kisses. Both of us in our way were exploring the other's undiscovered country. We had to discover for ourselves what turned each other. It was fun feeling like a young inexperienced teenager again. I do not know when we fell asleep but we both awoke with smiles on our face and picked up from where we had left off.


It was a perfect Saturday morning for both of us. It was a nice quiet intimate time. Two lovers each enjoying the first few hours surrounded by the love created by the two. It was almost noon before we got out of bed.

Mary turned her cellphone on as we waited for the coffee maker to make the first pot of the day. She had two messages on the answering service one each from both her sisters. The sixteen text message left reflected the panic one of them was in.

She called June first and put the speaker on so I could hear both sides of the conversation. June answered on the first ring and spoke first before Mary had a chance to say anything.

"Where are you? I went by your house after Thomas called to talk to you," June said. "To find that you were not home."

"I am right where I should have been years ago," Mary said. "So, what did you want to talk to me about."

"Thomas is saying nothing happened that they're only sharing a two-bedroom suite," June said. "I told the lying bastard that I didn't believe him because I was looking at the hotel's web page which showed what types were available and hung up on the asshole."

"We found out that our sister admitted to Mae that Thomas was her biological father," Mary said. "He only went after you so he could keep in close contact with both Kim and Mae. Their current affair started just after Mae turned sixteen."

"Hold on you said we," June said. "Does that mean what I think it does?"

"Yes," Mary giggled. "I've already started moving in."

"Congrats sis, hold on to him. He has always been one in a million," June said. "At least this time you're starting your relationship with each other with honesty and not for ulterior motives. Is Russell as good as we thought he would be?"

"Better," said Mary, which had me blushing.

"Ok enough talking. I'm coming over I expect the both of you to be dressed by the time I get there." June said before hanging up.

Mary and I looked at each other and started laughing.

After a few more kisses I turned my cellphone as we were sipping our first coffee. I had five messages left on the answering service. One each from each of my daughters and two from my soon to be ex-wife. Mary listened to them with me via the speaker.

The first message from Kim just let me know that she was stuck in place and that the hotel was not going to charge for the room. The second one was emotional because she had learned that we had all had found out. She asked me not to do anything until she had a chance to talk to me.

I thought to late you stupid bitch. Don't you realize that I know you have been lying to me all our married life?

"That's enough of her bullshit," Mary said. "I'm going to take my sister down."

With that she sent a text message that read; I made love to my future husband thanks to you twice last night and once this morning. He knows about your affair. In front of him this morning I threw away my birth control pills. Expect to be served before you finish the fourteen-day quarantine.

"Someday I will have to thank the stupid bitch for bringing us together," Mary said. "Right now, I want her hurting as much as possible because of all the things she's done."

I did not say a word I just took her into my arms and gave her a very sensual kiss. After we broke it off Mary said, "If June was not coming here, we would be heading back to the bedroom."

I called Mae first. Mary got in on the conversation. By the end of the chat, Mae was on board with everything. She had called her sister and explained everything she knew as of last night. They had taken it hard and found it hard to believe. All agreed that their mother had thrown her marriage away.

Mary answered all of Mae's questions and the two of them were still talking when June showed up with both of us still half-dressed. When she walked into the kitchen she broke out in a huge grin.

"Looks like the honeymoon has started before the marriage," June said with a giggle. "My early wedding present to both of you is that I am becoming Russ's lawyer in his divorce against my sister."

Mae heard what her aunt had said and said via the speaker. "Jesus Fucking Christ it's going to be a nightmare."

The three of us broke up in laughter.

After we had calmed down, Mae said goodbye after making sure I would call her sisters. What happened next took me by complete surprise.

"Sis I expect you to convince him to keep our agreement," June said in all seriousness.

"Russell please do me a favor and kiss my sister as you did me last night and this morning," Mary said. "After you do, I will explain what I agreed to."

June you must understand even though she was the oldest of the three sisters in build seemed to be the balance between the two. She was and is designed to keep a man warm during cold nights. Kim my soon to be ex was more pear-shaped. If I had got involved with either of Kim sisters before she got knocked up, I would have been trading up.

So, when June stood up and came to me to share a kiss I was surprised when she took the lead and shoved her tongue into my mouth. I could not stop myself from responding. I expected the kiss to be short, but it was not. I soon found myself responding naturally. When I did June pulled me tighter into her.

"June, reach into his pajama bottoms," Mary said. "Lead him to our bedroom and make love to him until he needs to rest."

"Russel until my older sister finds a lover, I told her that if we ever got together," Mary said. "that I would share you with her."

June did what her sister suggested. So, did I. As June undressed in front of me, I thanked the gods for arranging my son James to be at work. As soon as we fell on the bed, she was all over me. That afternoon I learned that out of the three sisters she was the wildest one.

She rode me cowgirl style at first then for the second time we went at it missionary. We were both lying their exhausted in the afterglow when Mary slipped in and lay beside me.

With her sister and me, half asleep Mary said. "Do you think my dear future husband and father to be of our future children that you can manage being that and having my sister as your permanent mistress full time.

I didn't know the answer to the question, but I knew I was going to die trying.

Mary and I just kissed and cuddled. At my age, it took quite a while for me to recover. Once I did Mary slid out of her nightgown and lowered herself down on me. It was our coupling that woke June up.

When I finally came back downstairs both of the ladies were busy making supper as nothing had happened. I went to say something, but I thought better and was glad I did because June spoke first.

"We all realize that we're going to have to have a delicate balance going forward," June said. "Russel, I love you just as much as Mary does. In the future, we will not be making love in this house its Mary's domain and I respect that."

"June and I agree that she needs private time with you at least twice a week," Mary said. "to look after those chores most husbands do. We will work it out if it is acceptable to you."

I was not going to start arguing with these two women after what they had shown me over the last day so I said, "As long as you both agree that you Mary come first I have no problem with it."

To show their pleasure in my statement both took their turns sharing a deep kiss with me.

I told them I was going to go into the den and call both Tammy Lynn and Betty Joe. James came home from work while I was doing that. He had gone into the kitchen to find his two aunts preparing supper. His aunt Mary had insisted that he bring me a drink. I was just saying goodbye to Betty Joe when he came in.

"Dad, what's going on," He asked? "I've never seen those two so happy in my life."

"The best way to explain it," I said. "is that both ladies are seeing the best days of their lives ahead of them."

"Could be," He said. "When I see some female that happy, I just assume she had been well fucked. You didn't get much stuffed moved care to explain why?"

"Your aunt June has agreed to become my lawyer," I said. "We spent most of the day working on the paperwork for the divorce petition."

"Part of the problem is that Mary and I did not get up until about noon," I admitted. "Then June came over. I had to talk to your three sisters, and they send you their love."

We were all sitting at the table eating supper when Kim called. I had been ignoring her attempts to contact me all day. Partly because most of the day I had been busy elsewhere. I turned the speaker on.

I answered it as coldly and distant as I could, "Hello Kim. What do you want."

"We need to start working this out," Kim said.

"Work what out," I said. "I had a long talk with Mae. She has agreed to get me a notarized as soon as possible. I think that's enough reason to be granted a divorce."

"What does she claim she knows," Kim asked paying done.

"That Thomas is her biological father," I replied., "and that you renewed your affair with him when she was sixteen years."

There was nothing but silence coming from the cellphone. "Kim it is clear that you lied about the paternity to con me into marrying you. I've got one of the toughest lawyers in the county representing me so be prepared for a dirty expensive battle."

"Who is it," Kim asked? "Maybe they will be willing to be reasonable and work thing out in negotiations."

"I don't think so, I think my lawyer will be out for every ounce of blood she can suck out of you," I said. "Based on what I know I would not blame her a bit."

"Why do you make it sound like she's going to out for revenge," Kim said. "Whatever did I do to her?"

"Oh, a lot," I said. "Your lover and the father of your firstborn is soon to be her ex-husband."

"OH God you didn't, you can't be that cold," Kim said.

"He didn't hire me, Kim I'm doing it for nothing," June said. "I am going to do whatever it takes to take both you and Thomas down as much as I can. Thanks to the virus you and my husbanded outed yourselves."

Kim ended the call. Notification of that fact came up on my cellphone's screen.

James said, "A legal catfight between two women is going to be interesting to see."

After dinner, we took the truck over to Mary's place and brought back more of her stuff. While there we decided that her bedroom furniture she had bought after her divorce would be better in our master bedroom.

Sunday ended up being a day where we were moving furniture from house to house along with all the linens and such stuff. James asked me why we were doing it. I responded that women have a thing about using other female's stuff.

If we had not done this over the next few months, we would have spent a lot of money replacing everything anyway.

By the end of the week, we had a full house full of people who were trying to adjust to our home's new reality. All three of my daughters had come home to finish their school year online. It was home but it had changed. My son and I had moved a lot of furniture, as a result, most of the main living area has a new feel to it.

Each was developing a new relationship with Mary. If my children had been in contact with their mother, they did not disclose it to me.

Three-quarters of the staff under me had been laid off. The rest were using permanent time off earned for the period. I had my pay cut by fifty percent and was now working from home also. Mary a Doctor of Optometry had her retail shop and office in downtown Cape. She was at home because it was not considered an essential service. She had laid off all of her employees also.

For the six of us, there were some tense discussions about the consequences of long term behavior and how the truth always seems to come out when you least expect it. Each of my daughters during private times said they had never seen Mary and me this happy. Betty Joe said that Mary was bringing a side of me out that she had never seen before.

I said, "Perhaps it a bit of both. You have been away for about seven months and things have happened that have changed my life in a lot of ways. Perhaps we are both seeing each other in a new light because of that."

"No, dad, I have heard Mary and you say I love you more times since I have been home," Betty Joe said. "Then I ever heard mom and you say that in my life."

"Really," I said in total surprise.

"Yes dad, that tells me that this relationship is about real love," Betty Joe said. "Not what we force ourselves to believe love is."

I guess I was showing some emotion because my daughter came over and hugged me. "Dad love I learned this week when it is real with someone seems to bring the best out in each other. Both Mary and you the way your showing that makes it obvious to us who know you that the relationship is based on a love that is real."

Over dinner that night with June and her children home it was a madhouse. The cousins were catching up. All were relieved to learn that there still had not been one new case reported in our county. Mary and I learned that she had found a way to have both Thomas and Kim served. She used a courier so they both had to sign for it.

We were thankful that Mary's house was empty because that was where Mary had me meet June for some private time. When Mary and I headed to bed on those nights. She made sure I went to sleep exhausted.

The day Thomas and Kim got released after having been declared virus-free Kim called Mary to see if her house was available for her to stay in. Mary said no but agreed to help her get some of her belongings whenever she got herself settled. Her parents reluctantly allowed her to move in with them.

Part two will be about a month down the road.

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jlg07jlg0727 days ago

Please don't forget to do a part 2!

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades2 months ago

Thanks for your writing, please start again.

Pinto931Pinto9315 months ago

First page rant was a waste of electrons. The middle of the story was interesting, the ending was just a teenage boys fantasy.

Ocker53Ocker535 months ago

A teenage boys fantasy ⭐️⭐️⭐️

pranavn0pranavn08 months ago

I don't want to be mean but i didn't expect that after all that bluster and the indignation in the author's note, the actual story would be so bland and unoriginal. I'm not even remotely intrigued about a second part. It seems like what you actually want to communicate doesn't belong in this category and you should probably post all that in the reviews and essays category.

weatherman70weatherman709 months ago

whatever happened to part 2?

Thwacksy058Thwacksy05810 months ago

This story would have been worth 5 ⭐️ But it lacks a part 2

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades12 months ago

Enjoyed the story. Thanks for your writing.

Tundah50Tundah50about 1 year ago

Well it's been three years, think it's safe to say a sequel isn't coming anytime soon

myassisdraginmyassisdraginabout 1 year ago

It's now more than 3 years, where is part two????

Russ43ChandlerRuss43Chandlerabout 1 year ago

Looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

I skimmed through from page one. It never caught my interest. It made my head hurt. I don’t wanna work that hard. The tone was strange, too.

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

I skimmed through from page one. It never caught my interest. It made my head hurt. I don’t wanna work that hard. The tone was strange, too.

mattenwmattenwover 1 year ago

Amazing that an author talks about ethics, moral principles and belief in law and order and then writes a story in which the protagonist himself becomes a traitor to his principles.

Or is it part of his self-image that he, although still married, has sex with two sisters-in-law? Or that he allows his future wife to also sexually serve her sister, even if they are already married? Amazing that such developments come mainly from people who always act as if they were the cornerstone of morality and are in fact only hypocritical!

DAWG8265DAWG8265over 1 year ago

When can we expect part 2? Great story so far. Thank you.

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