Unintended Consequences Ch. 03


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"I don't know how I'm going to behave around Mom," I said staring at his reinvigorating cock.

"Mom wasn't very happy with me yesterday," Adam said, solemnly.

"Not happy about us?"


"Hmm; she was relatively understanding with me when we spoke on the phone. Maybe it's a good thing I'm going."


Back in the bedroom, it was clear Adam wasn't going into decline. As I sat on the bed in front of him, his cock bounced as we planned how to approach mom. Without giving him any notice I took him into my mouth and pulled him onto the bed.

"Oh, fawk, Zane," he exclaimed as I worked him. He struggled a little at first, but then accepted my advances. My hands pulling his hips forward and downward into my throat. I could feel the bulb of the head pressing further into my throat as Adam strained to complete his climax, but I held him at bay a while longer and finally accepted his load.

"You didn't let me have any, earlier, and besides, we can't have you showing up at Mom's all hot and bothered," I explained, when he'd finished and lay there looking at me questioningly.

Adam just smiled and shook his head at me. "Well, I love how you do that!"

"Yeah, I noticed."

We each dressed in light summer clothing and got ready to go. Adam moved his things from the back of his truck into the apartment, to make space, and we started off for Mom's a little before noon. I texted her as we pulled out of the driveway and she texted back that she'd have pizza for us at the house. Her text seemed happy that I'd be back, so I guess it really was good that I was going.

The trip went by quicker than when I'd driven down alone. Adam seemed to keep his speed right at two miles over the limit. It surprised me a little, because he'd always been such a daredevil and a bit of a lead-foot. I guess that was the 'old' Adam, but that 'party guy' was gone and I liked this Adam much better.

"What are you thinking over there?" he asked, as we approached the exit to our old house.

"Just how much you've matured and how much I like it," I said, a little self-consciously.

"It took me a while to realize what I wanted, in life," he said, as he patted my knee.

"Yeah, me too, I guess..." I trailed off.

We arrived at Mom's to find the curbside loaded with big black garbage bags. She was obviously cleaning house. Inside, we found her -- sitting on the floor, eating a slice of pepperoni pizza, and drinking from a water bottle.

"Hey, you two. Have a seat," she said getting up to greet us.

Her mood seemed much improved from the last time I'd been there. She hugged me first and kissed both of my cheeks. Then she was hugging Adam with no sign of trouble. I wondered if my presence was having a calming effect or if she'd just become more comfortable with the idea of us together.

"Thanks for coming back; have a seat and eat before we get to work," she said, as she sat back down on the floor. She popped the lid on the cooler and asked, "What do you want to drink? I've got water, juice, soda, or beer."

Adam shot me a glance of surprise. "I'll just have juice, thanks. We can have a beer when we're done."

"Yeah, me too."

We both joined her and grabbed a slice of pizza on a paper towel off the roll she had there. I was glad for the food and the uptick in her mood.

"You seem much happier today, Mom," Adam blurted out.

I about choked on the bite I was chewing. I was frequently the one who was blunt, but today, he was taking over as I'd held back my thoughts on her mood change.

"Yeah, you're right, sweetie. I had a good night sleep at the hotel and got over here by nine. Then I threw a bunch of shit away that I've wanted to get rid of, forever, and I perked right up."

Now Adam was the one coughing upon his almost swallowed juice. "Cough -- I -- cough -- can see that," he finally got out.

"You know, Mom, Adam and I were talking -- "

"So, that's what you're calling it?" she cut me off and we all had another laugh together.

"Yeah, well -- um," I said as I regained my composure. "Anyway... we were talking and we thought why don't you just come stay at my duplex apartment until this sells? It's close enough you can keep tabs on it, and you won't need to pay to stay in a hotel."

"Oh, sweetie, are you sure? I don't want to get in the way, especially with --"

Adam interrupted her, "You won't be in the way and we won't be crazy; we're all adults here."

I agreed and tried to calm her concerns, "Right; we're not going to be overtly groping and --"

"I don't know. It's a very kind offer; let me have some time to think about it."

"Okay, it's an open offer, you can decide any time you want. Adam and I want to support you any way we can."

"You guys are doing loads by being successful in college; you don't know how proud that makes me."

We finished eating our pizza and picked up where Mom had left off. Piles of old clothes and useless items were going to be hauled off to charity. There were more bags to put out on the curb for pickup. There was no telling how much stuff might be things Dad would have wanted and I frankly didn't care. What he'd done hadn't been fair, and he'd clearly removed the things he valued in the small truck Mom said he'd brought to get them. And on top of that, he'd left her to clean the place up and get it ready for sale. I supposed it was more likely that they'd not fight if he weren't here, but his lack of help didn't sit right with me at all.

As the evening wore on, we finished most of the clean up efforts. We helped Adam put his things in his truck. It wasn't much, some boxes of clothes, his bed and a dresser. When we were all done we sat back on the floor to have some left over pizza and I had a beer. Adam said he was driving, so he would abstain. After we'd all finished and Adam put the empty box into the trash, we stood there a little awkwardly.

Mom kept looking at the two of us side by side and finally said, "I hope you two really think about what you are doing. I'm not trying to change your mind, I just worry about your futures, apart or together."

"We are --" we both said and stopped.

I giggled and said, "I don't know what to say. If I could explain it, I would."

"I'm not going to try; I love Zane," Adam said very emphatically.

"I know, I know. Don't hurt one another," she said and stepped in for a big hug.

When I was done, she had some tears in her eyes and Adam gave her a big good-bye hug. The tears lessened a bit and she smiled. "Be safe driving back," she offered finally.

"Come stay with us," Adam said. He squeezed my hand and whispered to me, "You never did talk to her alone."

He kissed Mom and walked out to the truck to let me speak with her alone. I didn't know what to say, but I started with, "You know you can talk to me. I mean, about anything. I can't imagine what it is like for you. You don't have to tell me anything, but after what I've told you, I don't know what could be -- more -- um -- personal -- or maybe -- delicate."

"I've said what I need to, about you two, for now."

"I was referring to your divorce and whatever is going on between you and Dan."

"There's nothing going on, between us."

"I thought you said you had feelings for him."

"You said that. I just asked how you knew."

"Okay, you're splitting hairs. You don't have to talk about it. It's none of my business. I'm here if you want to talk."

"Maybe, I will in time. I'm too afraid to even examine my feelings right now."

"That, I understand," I said and gave her a kiss. "Adam is going to visit NC State for a couple of days. We could chat then, or whenever. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie."

She locked up and we walked out together. I watched her get into her minivan and I got in the truck with Adam. I couldn't tell what was going on with her and my imagination ran wild with what may have occurred -- or might yet occur -- between her and Uncle Dan. Why was she open, before, and not now? Had Adam and I changed how she felt?

"Y'all spoke?" Adam asked.

"Not really; she's working through lots of different issues," I said, not revealing her tacit admission.

"You were in there a while," he countered.

"It isn't really any of my business. I offered to listen, if she wants to talk."

"Okay, that's all you can do I guess," he said and followed Mom from the driveway.

At the exit to our neighborhood we parted ways and began the nearly silent trip back to my new apartment. We arrived back around dusk and quickly unloaded Adam's stuff into the spare room. At his suggestion, we went ahead and set up the bed in case Mom decided she would take us up on the offer to stay here rather than wasting money at an extended stay hotel. I hoped my suggestion that she visit while Adam was in North Carolina would be accepted.

We spent the rest of the evening having pre-departure love making sessions as we had the night before last. In between rounds, we talked about the various thoughts we'd had about our relationship during our time apart. It was odd to hear him tell me about his inept chase. I couldn't quite remember him coming into my room while I was dressing, during that Christmas vacation a few years earlier, but I wondered if I too had tried to repress the incident. I knew that seeing him jerking off, while calling out my name, had triggered my most recent response. Maybe our attraction had begun earlier, and I just hadn't noticed. After the third round of sex, we fell asleep in each other's arms. I knew I was going to miss him while he was gone.

~ Adam ~

Anxiety awoke me before the alarm, Wednesday morning. I turned it off half an hour before it was to go off, slid out of our bed, and headed to the bathroom, leaving Zane asleep. We'd been up late, so I closed the bathroom door quietly, trying not to wake her. The last time I left had been rough, and this time might be worse. I knew being apart, just then, was not what either of us wanted and, to a certain extent, I felt I was going through the motions with this trip to NC State, solely for Zane's sake.

Somehow, to me it had become far less important that I choose the right school for me, which was what she was insisting upon. I was very uncertain how to reconcile the two choices, especially when picking NC State would essentially separate us again. Turning on the shower, I stepped in and let the warm water sooth my worries, while the need to satisfy both constraints disappeared momentarily as I washed. Absently, I re-lathered my already shampooed hair when I heard the shower curtain open, then close, and two soft hands gripped me about my waist.

"I'll be okay, I promise," she whispered to me.

"I just know when I came home, Monday night, you were pretty upset," I said, as I rinsed the shampoo from my hair.

"We had yesterday together, Mom seems okay with us, and we're going to be fine."

I turned to see Zane staring into my eyes, and the love that was mirrored there told me her words were true. After a brief embrace, she turned me around to scrub my backside in silence. When she finished, I gave her the same treatment, washing her front first, then scrubbing her back and even lathering up her hair. We each took a turn rinsing under the shower-head and finally climbed out. She went about drying off and proceeded into the bedroom while I took up my razor and shaved closely for my campus tour and introductions to occur later on that morning.

Back in the bedroom, I dressed, picked up my travel bag, and then gave her a kiss by the bed. I could see there was some concern in her eyes, but she lovingly hugged me and wished me well. It was a long lonely drive that followed, as I drove back toward our family's original home outside Raleigh, finally turning south toward North Carolina. I'd been a kid the last time I'd come this way, although it was a pretty direct shot down I-85.

Around the time I reached South Hill, I felt like I should just turn around and go back to her. There was no point in continuing with the charade, but the promise I'd made to Zane nagged at me. I debated with myself and noticed my gas was down to a quarter tank.

"Why did I agree to this, again? Oh, yeah; because I'm an idiot!" I said aloud as I pulled off at the exit.

I pulled into the nearest gas station, got some gas and a bottle of water. I started my truck and got back on Hwy 58, but when I got back to the I-85 interchange, I debated on heading back north. At the last moment, I decided a promise is a promise and followed the southbound on-ramp. The fact that she wanted me to make sure was about the kindest thing I could imagine. She was willing to risk that I might go rather than have me look back at some point and ask What if I had gone to NC State? Everything would have been great then... Zane was smarter than me about a lot of things, and this was probably one of them. So, I was happy with my choice; at least it would satisfy her.

Another hour and I was getting off at the exit for NC State and I soon found myself driving past the bell tower. It was impressive, but didn't seem as regal as The Rotunda designed by Thomas Jefferson, at UVA. Of course, the buildings wouldn't be the deciding factor for me; the tour and interviews would be my only guide. Okay, maybe there would be some weight from my love for her. I wouldn't let it be the predominant factor, but I might let it be a tiebreaker. I had already decided I thought I could work with Professor Joan Abrams because her work was very interesting to me and that was supposed to be the most important factor.

The first day was much the same as my previous tour. They were very proud of their campus and their sports teams, but none of those held any real interest for me. My experience on the track team had put me off sports, for the most part. I liked to exercise, run, swim, and bike, but this was all about constructing the knowledge and skills needed to do research.

Most of the buildings were in a similar shape to those at UVA and the people were very friendly. Everyone I met wanted me to come there and I knew that, if I did, I would feel welcome. There was a lot of bio-chem stuff going on, but nothing that split into the bio-engineering area that I wanted as my focus.

In the evening, once we were free, I took a run to calm myself. The warm spring weather was just about perfect for me. I got to see parts of the campus that weren't on the tour, and located the tennis courts for future reference if I decided to come here. There were lots of people out biking, jogging, playing basketball and tennis. The dorm was nice too, my room had a private shower, but I don't think that was the norm and I wouldn't be living on campus if I came here. Everything felt like it was trying to make me believe this was the place. Just before I went to dinner, I texted Zane, "Why did you make me come here? It's very nice."

~ Katherine ~

Wednesday morning arrived, and I just wanted to lie in bed. The mattress and linens were cozy and it seemed to make it even more difficult to motivate myself out of bed that day. Really it'd been fairly challenging to motivate myself for the past several weeks, likely due to not getting much sleep. Tuesday had been the exception; I'd been up early, anticipating how I would deal with the kids. I knew they weren't kids, but they'd always be my kids, and things had gone fairly well. It would definitely take some getting used to, on my part, and I worried.

All the work I'd done at the house, the past couple of days, was taking its toll on me, but I had a fairly hectic schedule to attend to, before noon. There was a meeting with the lawyers, dealing with my PO Box, some checks to mail, and arrangements to be made with contractors to ready the house for sale. If I were honest with myself, I could sometimes admit I was probably depressed. The next few hours were going to be tough, but I was looking forward to getting this over with, so that pushed me forward a tiny bit.

My feet hit the shallow pile of the carpet in the extended stay hotel room and I made my way to the bathroom where I found the large tiled shower inviting me. I made a mental note, that I wanted one of these in my next place, wherever that might be. I turned on the water, allowed it to warm and then stepped in letting it flow over me. The dinky bathroom in our house was probably the biggest issue I'd have selling the place and, as I washed in this luxurious one, I wondered how much it'd cost to get it refurbished. Nothing as opulent as what Dan had in his house down in Corpus, but something nice...

The thought of Dan's place ran through my head for a while as I ran the washcloth between my legs. The soapsuds clung to my thick blonde bush, and my hand lingered there idly as I cleaned myself. I hadn't spoken to him about the visit I was planning; it was going to be a surprise for his birthday, but I was actually thinking of living there, a while, to get my life back on track. Now, however, I wondered if I should take up the kid's offer to stay at their place while I did that.

Maybe I should just visit Dan, rather than imposing upon him. We'd seemed to have grown apart over the last several years. The last time I'd seen him, things had gone a bit astray -- well, I guess I'd strayed, inadvertently. I definitely had some guilt about that, but I'd also rationalized it, a bit, with Jim's neglect of me for years before that. We hadn't had much of a sex life after I lost our third child, about three years after Adam.

I finished washing and stepped from the shower to dry.

At some point between sales, Tuesday, I'd been complaining to Adam about how big a blow it was to my psyche that their Dad was with a young woman that couldn't have been much older than Zane. Adam had asked me a fairly innocent question. Now it played over and over, in my head.

Didn't you know something was going on?

It seemed like a dual edged question about both situations, their Dad cheating on me, and the developing love between him and Zane. Maybe somewhere deep in my subconscious, perhaps enhanced by my dyslexic intuition, I had known about the cheating. Was it possible that innate knowledge emerged after drinking with Dan? Had that led to our encounter? If so, why had Jim's admission and immediate request for a divorce, hit me like a ton of bricks? I wondered.

Now, having missed this forbidden love developing right under my nose, I didn't seem to care about the bricks. However, at the time, the earth had seemed to be rushing up at an incredible pace and only Adam's strong arms had prevented my fall. I didn't know how else to react, than to feel like I'd failed. Was I sleepwalking through my own life? I'd put all of my energy into making sure Zane and Adam were loved and well prepared for life.

Drying my hair, I thought about the parts of my life that I wished I could have relived or done differently. If only I'd known that Jim was already stepping out on me... What might I have done? Or could I have done something that would have avoided this whole thing? Initially, I'd wondered if what I'd done with Dan, during my visit to his place, was somehow the cause.

There was a problem with that theory, though. Even if Jim had somehow learned of that one crazy, drunken night I'd spent in my brother's bed, with Dan making such passionate love to me that -- even though I couldn't remember the night -- I felt its aftermath deep inside me for the entire flight home, Jim had been shagging his then twenty-two year old engineering intern a full year before my visit to Corpus. Seven years of infidelity? Perhaps I had, indeed, been sleepwalking.