Until Tomorrow


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"Now you really got my curiosity up. You can't give me a little hint?"

"No, I'm not going to spoil everything now by giving you the slightest hint."

"Ok then, so we're are you, I think I hear some background noises?"

"I'm in the back yard. We just had a little cook out, dad and my little brother are tossing horseshoes, and mom is sitting on the porch drinking some sweet tea. I'm sitting on an old log, far enough away so that can't hear me, but can see me."

"You sure you can't give me a little hint?"

"No way! So you might as well stop asking." Giggling into the phone.

"Well, just for that, I might was well describe what I am doing right now. I just slid two fingers into my wet pussy, pulling them out slowly and letting each fingers slid alongside of my now swollen clit. Ahhhh yes... almost feels like it's your tongue now making small circles round my clit."

Dam you Kayla, you know I'm with my parents, and there is nothing I can do at this moment, you're driving me absolutely crazy. What are they going to think when I walk in the house and my crotch is soaking wet from my juices?"

"Oh Shannon, yesssss... I just slid them deeper into my pussy. Now I am sliding them slowly in and out, just like you did to me while staring into my eyes. When you pushed your hips down, how it filled me, stretching me open, filling my pussy with all your love..."

"God dam Kayla, I'm going to get you back for this, I promise I am going to make you pay for this, one way or another. My crotch is already so fucking wet."

"Oh, such naughty words from an angel. Oh darlin... Yes... I want to lick all your fucking girlcum off your pussy lips, taste the sweetness as it seeps from deep within you. When I slowly pull the dildo out, I see your face, the way you held your breath as it applied pressure to your slit. Oh yes, I am so close to cumming, rubbing my finger around my clit is like feeling your tongue on me..." as I heard a long moan coming over the phone.

"Oh Shannon, yes... yes... I cummmminnnng..." as my orgasm began to wash over me my juices began running down my slit, across my anus and dropping onto the towel. I then heard another long low guttural moan over the phone; knowing it was Shannon also having an orgasm just by listening to me have one myself. After a moment or two, I should really say after a few minutes of silence on the phone, I heard a faint:

"Mother fucker, Kayla I just came so hard, I feel like I actually squirted when I did, my pants are really soaked now. You fucker, you are so dead!"

As she was saying all this, I had pulled my fingers from my pussy and was in the process of licking them clean when she asked;

"If I had told you my secret, would you have still have made love with me over the phone?"

"Of course my darlin, that is all I've been thinking about since I got home was you, and that made me want to cum so bad, I couldn't help myself."

"When you started this little love session, I kind of figured that either way, it was going to happen. I just had phone sex, in front of my family, and not only that, I sat here masturbating myself with everyone basically watching, though they had no idea what the conversation was really about, or that I turned a little to my side, lifted my leg, half laying on it, while my other hand was between my legs rubbing my pussy, making myself cum when you did. You do realize I am going to kill you for this! I am so going to make you pay." I could almost see the shitty ass grin she had on her lips.

"I love you baby, doesn't that count for anything?"

"I love you also, but no, it's not going to save you, it's just going to make my little revenge plot that much more sweeter when I spring it on you."

We talked for another half hour, talking about what her and her family has been up to the past couple days. Seems on Wednesday, Shannon said that her mother wants to take her to Birmingham and have a little mother daughter time together before she has to leave. She also said that she was going to call me when she was boarding the plane in Atlanta, that way I would know when the plane was going to arrive.

After our little talk, I made myself a sandwich, then headed off to bed for the night. I woke at six, having another great night's sleep. Tuesday at work was not as hectic as it was on Monday, and I also was in a much better mood. Melanie only talked for a few brief moments, when she told me it looked like the world had been lifted from my shoulders.

Again on Tuesday night, Shannon and I talked on the phone, however we didn't have phone sex this time. I wanted to let her think I was letting her off the hook until she arrived home the next night, but little did she know I had something really wicked planned to have her juices running down her leg by the time I got her home.

Again on Wednesday, things were kind of slow, and talking to Melanie, I told her I had a friend flying in later in the afternoon, and if it would be alright if I took off about an hour early to go and pick her up, which she said no problem. I had everything laid out on the bed at home, an elaborate ruffle fringed mini-dress with a wide V-neck dipping down showing upper half of my breasts and neck in a flirty light pink chiffon. I had a very sexy sheer panty and bra set trimmed with lace, also in a light pink to match the dress. I was hoping that with my olive skin complexion, the light pink would further enhance my legs and breasts, really getting her juices flowing.

Standing in the airport, I watched passengers arriving from every part of the country and the world actually. I had left on my coat, hiding my dress. I didn't want Shannon to see it until we were away from the airport and I could keep her attention. I soon spotted Shannon walking down the exit ramp, wearing a white button down shirt, with a grey vest and designer slim leg jeans. That alone was enough to start my juices flowing. I stood off to the side, as I watched her walking towards me, her eyes shifting from side to side in search of me. When she was a few feet from me, I stepped out in plain sight where she could see me. Her eyes lit up with a sparkle I could see from where I was standing. She quickened her pace, rushing into my arms for a long needed hug. I gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Welcome home my love, I've missed you so much."

Stepping back, "Kayla, oh god how I have missed you so." She then pulled me back into a hug, kissing my cheek and neck.

Stepping back again, I took her by the arm, "Let's get your luggage and get out of here to somewhere quieter so we can talk. I've made diner reservations for us, since I know you have not eaten since this morning, and neither have I."

"I am hungry, but I also want to get you behind a locked close door to show you how much I've missed you."

"Honey, we've got all night, well most of it anyway, I do need some sleep, but I promise you, by morning you'll be totally satisfied until I get off work."

We only had to wait a short time for the luggage to arrive, then taking them out to the car. The restaurant I had picked was actually half way from the airport to my home. Parking and letting valet part the car. Once inside, I was again feeling the juices starting to wet my pussy lips in anticipation of Shannon's expression when she saw my dress. As the Maitre'D was seating Shannon, I undid the buttons on my coat. When I had her full attention, I slipped it from me shoulders, letting her take in the dress and my body. Her eyes became as big as saucers, her mouth gapped open as she starred at me. I just stood there a moment, smiling at her; taking my coat I hung it on the back of the chair. Turning in my chair, I crossed my legs, giving her a full view of my tights. As she was looking at my legs, I took her hand in mine, holding her hand to my knee.

"Honey, is everything alright? You haven't said a word since we were seated." Giving her my million dollar smile again.

"You are so bad! You have any idea what you're doing to me right now?"

"I'm not doing anything actually. I just put this ole dress on, and taking you to diner after your long flight home," while trying to give her my most innocent look.

The waitress then approached the table, and then got a look at my leg, showing almost everything. The dress had risen up, and if I slightly parted my legs, both the waitress and Shannon would have looked, they both would have been able to see my pink panties.

"I'm hm... hm... I'm Ellen..." She stammered while her eyes were fixed to my legs. "I'll be your server tonight. Is there um... anything I can get you from the bar, wine, cocktail or maybe something else?

We both ordered a glass of merlot, then picking up the menu to look at it while she went to get our wine. I had decided that maybe I would give our waitress a little break and put my legs back under the table, knowing full well it turned her on. I could just imagine her rubbing her legs together, trying to put a little friction on her pussy to make herself cum, even while here at work.

After she had brought our wine and took our order, I told Shannon that I had to go to the restroom and would return in a moment. As I stood and turned to head to the restrooms, I purposely put a stride in my step so that it would cause my ass to wiggle a little more, causing my skit to flip side to side. As I turned the corner, I noticed Shannon had her eyes glued to me as I was walking away from her. Once in the restroom, I rubbed my pussy, making sure the panties had soaked up my juices. I then took them off, wadding them up in my hand; I exited the restroom and headed back to the table.

As I got back to the table, Shannon was just about to take of sip of her wine, when I laid the panties on the table in from of her. If only for the fact that she had the glass to her lips, and had yet taken a sip of wine, otherwise it would have been all over the table by now.

"Oh my God! Are these really yours?"

"Yes dear, smell the sweet aroma, and feel how warm they still are, having just taken them off."

Lifting the panties to her nose, Shannon took a very deep breath, closing her eyes and letting a soft moan escape her lips.

"You are so naughty. What on earth am I going to do with you?"

"The thought of running your hand up the inside of my leg, and telling me what you find might be a good start." Thankfully for the ruffles off my neckline covering my breasts, you really couldn't see how hard my nipples were, with the idea of her hand on my wet pussy.

"Feeling the dampness of these panties in my hand, there is no doubt that I would find a very wet bald pussy, just waiting for me to make love to it."

Before I could get out my response to Shannon's last comment, our waitress Ellen was about to give us out appetizers when she suddenly spotted the panties sitting on the table in front of Shannon. She had almost dropped the plate in her hand as she gasped for a quick breath. Shannon moved the panties aside, placing it on the corner of the table closest to the waitress, where she continually starred at them while serving us our appetizers. We both giggled as she walked away with Shannon saying;

"We're going to have to give her a good tip for putting her through all of this."

"Yes, I agree, but isn't this so much fun teasing the poor girl."

After finishing my appetizer, I noticed the Ellen standing at her station, wiping something in her hand while casually looking at us. I began to notice her body, around five foot five, narrow waist, and what looked like a D or possibly DD breasts. I wondered if my hands would be able to completely cover the areolas of her breasts. With a mischievous thought, I discretely pulled my dress higher on my lap to prevent it from drooping between my legs when I spread them wider. I started talking to Shannon on the pretense of not paying attention while opening my legs wider. Watching her out of the corner of my eye, I noticed her eyes getting bigger and her mouth gaping open, which just told me she was looking at my wet pussy. Just the thought of showing my wet pussy, excited me even more making my juices flow over my lips. She put down what she had been wiping and headed to the restrooms. I noticed she had the towel in her hand as she went.

"I'll bet you anything our waitress just went into the bathroom to masturbate and cum all over herself."

"No way! What makes you say that?"

"I had spread my legs and was showing her my wet pussy. After she starred at it for a few minutes, she took off for the bathroom, and I bet she's not bringing out the towel she went in with."

After about five minutes or so, she did come out of the restrooms, and she was not carrying the towel she went in with. She looked a lot more relaxed and seemed to have a little surer of herself.

"See, no towel. I bet if you went in there, you'll find it in the waste paper basket, and it'll have a strong smell of our waitress's sex on it."

"You think?"

Before I could say anything more, Shannon jumped up and headed to the restroom before anyone else went in. She wasn't in there a minute when she came out carrying the terrycloth towel at her side.

"You were so right. I found it exactly where you said it was going to be. Smell it, you definitely can smell the sex on it. I bet see wiped her fingers off first, then cleaned her pussy with it." As I saw Ellen bringing our entrée, I pushed Shannon's hand with the towel under the table so the Ellen couldn't see it.

We took our time eating and talked through the rest of our diner, even ordered a second glass of wine. I told Shannon all about my attorney, and her being a lesbian, and the lady who runs the detective agency I hired is her wife. I told her that I had just sent over all the paper work she had asked for, and once she sees the pictures and finishes the back ground check, I'll know more of what's is store concerning the divorce.

After telling Shannon all of this, I now wanted to get her alone and make love to this woman beside me. I nodded my head towards Ellen, indicating that we were ready for her. Walking up to the table, "Is there anything else I can do for you ladies, would you like a cup of coffee or some dessert, we do have a few specials I think you would enjoy."

Looking directly at Ellen, I smiled and slowly shook my head no, "I think we'll just go home and enjoy this dessert..." as I pulled the towel out from under the table and brought it to my nose to smell.

Ellen dropped her head and immediately turned red, even in the dim light you could distinctly make out the blush. I handed her my credit card saying; "We're ready to go, please use this."

As Ellen came back to our table dropping off our check with my card, she still had a rosy glow about her cheeks. I signed the check, leaving a normal tip on the recipe, but then I slipped an extra forty dollars inside my pink panties into the folder, hoping she would see both tips and knowing the cash and panties was strictly for her. As we were walking out of the restaurant, I noticed a name and phone number on the recipe. I showed it to Shannon. She looked at it, knotting up her forehead, "so are you going to call her?"

Putting my hand on her elbow, I stopped walking and turned her towards me, "Shannon, what we did in there, teasing that poor waitress was a lot of fun, and I do admit, it did excite me a little, but I want you to know, I'm taking you home now so that you'll be the only one sharing my bed, tonight or any other night as far as I am concerned. Shannon, I don't want to share you with anyone... ever!"

We stood, facing each other. Shannon lifted her hand slowly and brought her fingertips to my cheek, lightly caressing it with the back of her fingers.

"I don't want to share you either. I want you all to myself for as long as I can have you." We gave each other a hug, and then taking her hand lacing my fingers between hers, we started walking to my car.

Once in the car, Shannon leaned over the console giving me a kiss, while sliding her hand over my knee, her fingers on the inside of my leg, giving me lite squeezes as she slid it higher and higher making me moan with each squeeze. I spread my legs, making it easier for her, and just as she was about to touch me she pressed her lips to mine as she cupped my pussy, pressing against my clit. Pulling back, "hurry, let's go before I take you right here and now."

"Ok, give me directions, I have no idea where you live."

"I have to stop by the office for a minute, would that be ok? I promise, it'll be quick."

Once at the apartment building, I parked in my regular spot, but was surprised when Shannon asked, "pop the trunk please, I need something out of it."

She pulled out her suitcases, and started to towards the elevators. Standing there a little dumbfounded, I had to run to catch up with her;

"What are you doing? I thought you needed something from your office and then I was going to take you home. Why the suitcases?

As we stepped in the elevator, she simply looked at me, "I'm staying with you tonight."

Because she was standing in front of the panel, I didn't see that she had pressed the third floor button. Suddenly the door opened on the third floor, and now I was even more dumbfounded than before. As I stood there, she pulled out a key, unlocking the door, and started walking through it taking her luggage with her. I followed and when she turned on a light I saw that it was a small efficiency apartment.

"Welcome to my humble home. As I said, I'm staying with you tonight, because you're to stay here with me." Standing before me, the most devilish grin spread across her face. Shannon grabbed my coat lapels, pulling me towards her pressing her lips to mine. Her hands found their way under my coat around my waist, as her fingers began reaching down and caressing the globes of my butt. Slowly I felt my skirt being lifted, and being a mini, it didn't take long to feel her fingers on my naked ass, her nails sliding up and down the crack of my ass, squeezing and pulling as our kiss deepened. Her tongue was doing a fire dance with mine, causing moaning coming from the both of us. That smoldering feeling deep in pit of my stomach, was now heating up to become a raging infernal.

Pulling back to catch my breath, I took her face in my hands, holding her while gazing into her eyes, I saw within them, a glimpse of peace and happiness. My chest fluttered, as a warm glow began to overtake me. I knew I had felt something for Shannon, but this was much deeper and stronger. I think for the first time in my life, I knew what love really felt like. Not so much as being loved, but feeling the love for someone else. As I stood there, I felt the tears forming in my eyes and slowly falling down over my cheeks.

"Kayla, what's wrong baby, why are you crying?"

"I think for the first time in my life, I now know what it really feels like to love someone, and to really be in love. Shannon, I love you so much! I knew I felt strong feelings for you before and called it love, but now... today... looking into your eyes, I felt something I never experienced before. I scares me a little, but I know it's a good thing, so I'm not afraid of it." Wrapping my arms around Shannon's neck, I pulled her in tightly, squeezing, afraid she might escape.

I started feeling Shannon starting to slightly jerk herself. I then felt a tear on my neck, falling down to my shoulder. I realized, Shannon was now crying.

"Don't cry my love, I love you."

"I know baby, but it was the way you said it, the way you looked at me when you said it. Maybe I now know what it really feels like to have someone love me as much as you do. I just want you to know and feel the love I have for you."

"I do Shannon, I really do." Softly pressing my lips to hers. I continued kissing her lips, letting my tongue slid back and forth across them, lightly biting her upper then her lower lip.
