Upon a Savage Shore Ch. 17


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Seschiqal did not understand the words the creature used, but he knew what they meant.

"None will molest you or your mates again," Seschiqal said loudly and cast a warning glance at his hunters. He lifted his spear above his head, showing it to the tribe, then broke its haft across his knee. "Take this as a sign of my pledge. Let us live in peace, mighty one."

Liam took the broken spear and looked the chief in the eyes for a long, hard minute. The chief did not look away and Liam nodded. He saw Wile E stir and sit up. Liam spit on him and kicked him in the face, laying him out again.

The tribespeople gave Liam and Rover a wide berth as they left the kraal. It wasn't until he had passed out of their sight that Liam clutched the wound in his side, staunching the flow of blood. He took the radio from Tem'Ma'tel's belt and clicked the transmit button twice.

"Commander, are you there? Over," he said into the mic.

"I'm here, Sergeant. You're injured," she replied.

"Bastard caught me in the side," he said. "I don't think it's too bad. Tem'Ma'tel took two shots to the head. She's not really conscious. Not responsive. I'm going to see how fast I can get her back to you. How's Clot'ilda? Over."

"Better," M'pel E'kmel said. "A small fracture of her skull and much swelling, but the drugs are already taking effect. My medical kit is healing the fracture and eliminating the swelling as we speak. I suspect she will be back to her old self in a day or two. Over."

"Thank God," Liam breathed. "We'll be there as soon as possible. Over."

"I will meet you on the plain," she said. "The sooner we treat Tem'Ma'tel's wounds the better. Out."

"Understood. Out." Liam clipped the radio to his belt and patted Rover on the side of his thick neck. "You did real good, boy. Saved Clot'ilda. You'll always have a place with us. Always."

Rover snorted and nudged Liam with his head, then broke into a trot, going as fast as he could without spilling the female from his back. Liam followed, trotting as well as he was able while keeping his hand pressed to his side. The wound was bad, but not the worst he'd ever had. He could get the med kit to stitch him up. He was just worried about Tem'Ma'tel.


"What are we to do with Stilmnah, now?" Sneisqlik asked. He and Seschiqal stood over the body of the dead huntsman, looking down on the broken, bloody form with a small measure of satisfaction. Stilmnah had gotten no more than he deserved.

"He shamed the tribe by breaking my peace," Seschiqal said evenly. He turned to the still shocked tribespeople. "What would you have done with Stilmnah's body? He who broke the peace. He who challenged my decree. He who brought this death upon himself."

Looks were exchanged among the people, but none spoke. They knew their own actions were nothing to be proud of. A few minutes ago they had all been pleased with Stilmnah and the prize he had brought to the kraal in defiance of the chief's decree. Now they saw the consequences of his actions and many felt shame for their part in what had happened.

"We must decide what to do with him," Sneisqlik said to the crowd. "Will none speak? Will the people leave this choice to the chief?"

"Take him across the stream to the edge of the forest," a young female said from the back of the crowd.

"Who speaks?" Seschiqal asked.

"Sscuha, mother of Chhal speaks," said the young female. "I was ward of Stilmnah. I say he deserves no better than that. His death was earned many times."

"He was huntsman of the tribe!" objected a young hunter.

"He was cruel and stupid," Sscuha said frankly. "My husband died because Stilmnah was stupid. From the time I became his ward until today I and my son have had to endure his cruelty. Ever he spoke to us as if we were the dirt of a path. He provided no more than what was necessary, even when he had plenty. My son has no bow such as his father would have made for him. My son has no knife. He has no spear. What other ward has done with so little as my son?"

"Sscuha speaks true," Ssteilssniq the hunter said, stepping from the crowd. "Stilmnah had two bows. He had many knives. He could have made a spear for the boy. I have seen Stilmnah kick dirt upon Sscuha when there was no cause for it. I have seen him push the boy from his hut, forcing him to feed his landstriders when Stilmnah could not be troubled to do so himself. These were not acts of a good steward. I have taught the boy what I could, as his father would have done. The huntsman would not stir himself to such tasks. He wished for no son and knew nothing of raising one. Take Stilmnah's body across the stream to the edge of the forest. Let the carrion beasts have him if they will."

"Two speak of the same mind," Sneisqlik said. "Do others say differently of Stilmnah's body?"

Again the people looked from one to the other, but none spoke.

"Let it be so, then," Seschiqal declared. "Hunters, take him away and be quick, lest his ill luck infect the tribe further."

"We must decide what is to be done with Qlikchissal, cousin," said Sneisqlik as the hunters gathered up Stilmnah's corpse. "He also broke the peace. He must be dealt with."

"Take his name away," the chief said without hesitation. "He will be known as Qlik until he earns a new name. Let none harbor him. He must earn his place again. He will live among the youths. He will have no landstrider. He will keep only a bow, bolas and spear. No more than the youths."

"It is just," Sneisqlik said with a nod of his head.

"Send for our wives. We must consider what to do about Sscuha," Seschiqal said. "She cannot remain without a steward. It is not right."

Hours later, when the sun was halfway down the sky, Sscuha was summoned to the long hut. She expected to wait until called in, but the chief's wife, Qlikssuqss, met her outside and placed her arm over Sscuha's shoulders in a motherly fashion. Inside the long hut Chief Seschiqal, Keeper of Wisdom Sneisqlik and Sneisqlik's wife, Ssusstilha all sat waiting around the low fire near the back of the hut.

"Come child," Qlikssuqss said gently. "There are choices to be made. Things you must consider. Much has changed this day."


"How could you be this stupid?" demanded M'pel E'kmel examining Liam's side. He was pale and shaking from loss of blood. "Are all males fools no matter the species? Sit down!"

"It's not bad," Liam slurred in protest. He felt fine, didn't he? "Let's get Tem... Tem..."

"Oh shut up and quit moving!" M'pel E'kmel snapped. She shoved him down, none to gently, and pulled his shirt up. Blood dribbled steadily from the wound just above his hip and she shook her head. "Just as well I brought two stretchers. Let me get this in place and then you can lay down, Sergeant. Rover, keep watch."

Rover blinked at her. Couldn't she see he was already keeping watch? He huffed out a breath and stood up, taking a few paces back towards the kraal and sitting down again. Maybe that would satisfy her.

"For the love of the Forger and Builder," M'pel E'kmel hissed, packing gauze into Liam's wound. "You would have bled out before reaching the gate if you'd kept on."

"I would have made it," Liam mumbled. "We need to get... get... somewhere."

"Sergeant, as a commander I am ordering you to be silent," she said. The blood had more or less stopped flowing, but the gauze was already soaked through. She wrapped a bandage around his waist with quick, sure hands. Liam's trouser leg was soaked through all the way down to his knee. She pulled a hypo from the med kit and injected him with a light sedative to keep him calm. Covering him with one of the thermal blankets from the kit she said, "You're in shock, Liam. Lay still. I'll get you back to the villa and patch you up properly. Just lay still."

She helped him lay back on the stretcher and then had to fumble with the controls, smearing them with blood as she tried to remember how to activate the impulsers. Finally the stretcher rose on its gravitics, rocking to an even keel as it adjusted to the weight distribution.

"Tem'Ma'tel, can you hear me?" the commander said into her marine's ear. She used a thumb to open Tem'Ma'tel's eyes and check for dilation. Nothing out of the ordinary. That was something, at least. M'pel E'kmel set the med kit on Tem'Ma'tel's chest and applied a sensor to her temple to monitor brain activity. Readings indicated nothing too severe had occurred, but she couldn't waste time out in the middle of the grassland to find out more. They were far too vulnerable here.

"Rover, come on," M'pel E'kmel called to the beast as she activated Tem'Ma'tel's stretcher and pulled it alongside Liam's. "We have to get going."

Rover rose and walked beside her as she struggled to push both stretchers at the same time. Finally she gave up and moved to the uphill ends of them, dragging them as she should have done in the first place.

"If any of them die, Rover, what will I do?" she worried. The thought of losing even one of her companions terrified her. What would they do? What could she do but try to save them?

Thunder rumbled in the distance and a light rain began to fall again. The journey back to the villa was the longest M'pel E'kmel had ever undertaken, followed by the longest night of her life.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

Love the names Liam gives to the guys as he kicks their asses. LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story.

I have read it nonstop from chapter 1.

I am not sure if you want to be informed of errors so they can be corrected.

I always think the better the writing, the more glaring the mistakes. Even insignificant ones lessen the whole story.

You wrote of an animals gate. I think you meant gait, as in its walking style.

I am not sure it was this chapter or a previous one. That's what happens when you can't stop reading.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Liam makes up for in heart what he lacks in brains :/

You gotta love an anteater-dog with human intelligence... right? lol


sviedsviedover 7 years ago
Great fight

Would have been extremely viscerally satisfying if it weren't for the fact that I have learned to tone my outrage down when it comes to stories. It would have been a sweet moment when he went all hulk on loki on him. I've just had to mute my reactions because authors have decided to be real jerks to the characters for extended arcs and getting physically violent over a fiction I'm reading seemed like a little certifiable.

Really good stuff though. Wish I had let myself get angry. Totally rereading this someday.

Peace and Love, ✌


toesocks451toesocks451over 7 years ago
Re: Anon 6/12/16

I believe Kizkiz was referring to the weight of a large male gazelle being upwards of 160 lbs as evidenced by the following passage:

"I was surprised the centaurs were so light, as even a large male gazelle can clock in at 160, and these guys have 4 legs and 2 arms right? "

Though I do believe that the faun are not centaurs and do not infact have 4 legs but only 2 since rover refers to them as bipeds and therefore it is not surprising to me that Liam is able to toss the idiot around like a ragdoll.

During Liam's meeting with Stolk he also comments on how lean and wiry Stolk looks.

Also to the author: This is one of my favourite stories on lit and this is probably my tenth reread.

As with every story there are parts that I do not like, though it is minor.

I read the intro to your newest story and it prompted this latest reread. I hope that as you explore this story universe further it will answer some questions and make the appearance of **SPOILER** feel less abrupt even though you did a good job of foreshadowing it.

firezenukesfirezenukesover 7 years ago
Re: Anon 6/12/16:

It is an alien on an alien planet, it can go as fast as the author wants it to. Lol. herpa derp.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Anon 6/12/16. It's his story, they can run as fast as he wants them too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
No, KizKiz...

A gazelle CANNOT run 160mph, not even 160km/hr, it can only run 60mph which is 80km/hr. It can, however, outrun a cheetah doing 75mph by outlasting the cheetah if it can dodge and evade the claws long enough, the cheetah cannot maintain its 75mph for more than 30 seconds.

You also missed the description of the High Grass hunters, they are not centaurs with 4 legs and 2 arms, they are fauns with 2 legs equipped with hooves and are much smaller, more like a 2 legged goat than a horse.

By kicking the hunter's ass with their own weapons and tactics Liam proved he was not a coward and earned the respect of everyone in the tribe without causing them to fear him as an enemy, just a person defending his family, thus keeping the peace.

SarnlestSarnlestalmost 9 years ago
Best Character Ever

Rover is the single best character in the history of Literotica, or literature as a whole. I love his attitude.

cyberwraithcyberwraithalmost 9 years ago
To anon below.

It's strange how you go from praising a wise tactical decision to praising stupid overconfidence. An experienced warrior with very little experience using a particular weapon against two people that are trained from childhood with it is not a smart tactical move. Add to that the fact that Liam could not be sure how many others might support his enemy it becomes even more ridiculous.

The tactical decision would be to use a weapon that would prove his power to the tribe, while also exposing himself to the least risk. The gun. This was the only chapter I didn't like of the series precisely because Liam went from a smart tactician to a complete idiot in a few minutes.

And before anybody says it, even heat of passion is no excuse here. He had enough presence of mind to not attack the person HITTING HIS WIFE WITH A STICK. He was completely in control when he did something a marine would never do. Something a veteran of 43 battles would never do.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
what wins most fights?

An old scared man once told me, speed and quickness. Sgt. needed to get to the scene very quickly, to prevent serious injury to his wife, to apply sufficient force to accomplish his mission, rescue, to not let them get setup for him, so the protection of armor was not as important as getting there right f------now, a wise tactical decision, of the type sargents are trained and experienced in. Why not just shoot? He is a Very experienced close combat warrior who had No doubt about his ability against 1 or 2 opponents, all that opposed him, until he became to busy to go for his pistol.

KayakbabeKayakbabeover 9 years ago
I love the character progression

I love the character progression in this chapter . Sargent is becoming more feral and adapting to his primitive surroundings. His responses to danger to his family show he is also becoming more emotionally involved. It will be interesting to see how his women get his head back on straight. (Figuratively not literally).

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 9 years ago
I love Rover!

He makes me wonder if our pets think about us like that!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Ur comment is valid, but as someone practiced in gearing up it can take five min or more depending on how complicated the clasps and buckles and ties are. In five min u could have lost a limb, and adding in the factor of emotional feeling and the dread that is a byproduct of such feelings it is easy to see why Liam Carter would have felt the need to forgo any additional waste of time. Also to address the issue u raised about tactical assessment and why he didn't use a gun? Simple. A secret is only a secret and suprising once. If he felt comfortable enough in his abilities such as we've seen during his and Tem'Ma'tel's fight he is a capable fighter. I'm not sure if uve ever seen or been on the giving or recieving end of crav maga (wrong spelling I'm sure) it hurts and is highly effective. Add in any additional street knowledge and u have a very dangerous fighter not to mention the experience as a veteran. Instead of waltzing in and killing everyone he walked in and challenged them for his mate.

Now idk bout u but that makes lots of sense to me.

Big shout out to RipperFish I'm amazed and enthralled keep it up and consider doing a zombie survival story next

Ur fan BRKR5298

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
No gun?

I've loved the story so far, but this part was very inconsistent in terms of how the Sargent behaved. Before this, he's been very tactical and strategic, and though each situation through as much as possible. But here, you have him running into a village of potential enemies without taking the 2 to 3 min. to don even a part of his armor and then when he arrives, rather than firing a shot to destroy something to let them know he is an avenging God, he as a fist fight ignoring his gun like he was an angry 8 year old. It was well done, but very out of place and does not fit with his character so far.

kizkizkizkizalmost 10 years ago
I could have seen it either way

My own thoughts were that most primitive societies rely heavily upon myth and magic, so if they saw a man capable of conjuring fire and killing with a wave of his hand...well I wouldn't fuck with that guy. I'd bow down and worship him. There's also the "shock and awe" strategy. I do agree that Liam has never been a big strategic thinker nor someone perhaps who'd cleave to those strategies.

I hear what others are saying that its either an irrational emotional response or calculated military doctrine or both. That might be.

I do buy that Liam's sole concern was the immediate health of his wife, and it hasn't been established how long it takes to put on the armor. Or even the helmet with scanner. Meh.

As a reader I interpreted this as character growth away from a more cold calculating marine and towards something else...hearth protector?

I was surprised the centaurs were so light, as even a large male gazelle can clock in at 160, and these guys have 4 legs and 2 arms right?

Anyway, all storycraft aside, great chapter. great character development and nice suspense

Steve150177Steve150177almost 10 years ago
I'm going out on a limb here --

Since CH18 is already in the pipeline I can make my prediction without influencing RipperFish.

I predict that the ward of the dead hunter will be sent to live with Liam. Because,

1] This is Literotica and another female would add to the spice.

2] This is smart for the chief.

. . . a] She would not be seen as being as threatening as a male.

. . . b] She would learn his language [or he hers], ending the language barrier.

. . . c] The chief would have a spy in the "enemy" camp so he could learn things.

. . . d] She and her son would not be a burden on any male in his tribe.

. . . e] We might see it as an arranged marriage to bring a war to a close.

3] It is smart for Liam too, for many of the above reasons.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Please post another chapter.

The suspense is killing me, please post the next chapter! Thanks!

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