Vaid Empire: Conquest Ch. 08

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Dominax Is Crowned, While Two Slave Sisters Are Purchased.
6.2k words

Part 8 of the 61 part series

Updated 03/25/2024
Created 09/21/2023
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Vaid Empire: Conquest is a massive fantasy series that aims to mix erotica with the quality of a published novel. New chapters and artwork are released every month absolutely free, with the completely optional possibility to receive early access. The Series focuses heavily on worldbuilding, story, and characters.

The world of Ayphieal is shattered and chaotic, with kingdoms and tribes of six distinctive races vying for territory amongst themselves. It is only when a young human warrior finally pushes back against the chaos that the world begins to shift towards order.


38th of Fonic, 4 BVE.

Lower Human Basin, Falexia.

Half asleep, Minax's head suddenly jerked up as he heard the dungeon door creak as it was unlocked. A damp draft wafted over his nude body, his wrists and ankles tender from the harsh metal clamps locking him against the stone wall. His slender muscles tensed in anticipation, knowing that he'd be virtually unable to defend himself with his arms locked above his head and his legs slightly parted.

Entering the chamber, Briza and Xenia swiftly resealed the door. Minax watched as they crossed the short distance to his helpless body, the gag in his mouth blocking his questions.

"How strange it must be, toppling from your throne into a dungeon." Xenia commented, her dark eyes studying the bound man. "Do you know why we're here?"

Minax cautiously shook his head, suppressing a trickle of panic as the sensual healer unsheathed a small knife.

"We're here to bring you an offer from High-Chief Dominax." Briza explained, folding her somewhat armored arms. The mention of the man who had usurped Minax forced his nostrils to flare in anger.

"Come now, don't be angry. You may just survive this little situation that your poor defenses brought you." Xenia chided, forcing a shiver through his body as her delicate fingers dragged softly down his side. "Our Lord Dominax can be merciful to those he believes are useful, and he has found a use for you."

"Don't tease him." Briza remarked, granting her female rival a quick glare before returning her attention to their prisoner. "A deal has already been struck with your former concubine, Niria. She has agreed to serve Dominax as Falexia's Regent under his rule, so long as you are spared from execution. If you behave, you are to remain a slave in the court of Niria."

Minax's heart fluttered, finally receiving confirmation that Niria remained alive.

"A gelded slave, little Minax." Xenia interjected, gently running a single finger down his exposed cock with a chuckle.

Fear gripped his entire being at the words, his eyes locking onto the small knife in her hand. Straining to free himself, his restraints dug into his skin without budging.

"I am truly sorry, though Dominax commands it." Briza replied with genuine regret as she looked upon his distressed expression. The castration of prisoners remained a common practice in human territory, yet she knew she didn't have to enjoy the act.

Xenia, contrastingly, smirked at her victim as she cupped the tight little sack that contained all that made him a man. "Don't worry dear Minax, I'll make it quick. One little flick and you'd be a good little slave, impotent and obedient." She teased, slowly stroking his testicles with the blunt face of the knife.

"This option is surely far better than execution." Briza reminded him as a bead of nervous sweat ran down his forehead. "You may have lost your title, though you'll still be able to serve the woman you love."

"You'll even be able to raise her child and heir, Minax. Of course, it will never be of your blood, however, as your line ends with you." Xenia explained in near sadistic enjoyment. "Your fertility will be destroyed in mere moments, though it will matter little. Lord Dominax has already granted sweet Niria a child, little slave."

Eyes widening in shock, Minax pulled against his restraints in utter fury as he cried out into his gag.

"Oh? Don't believe me? I witnessed it myself." Xenia taunted, subtly increasing her grip on his testicles. "I had your sweet Niria's face between my thighs when he bred her."

Briza watched in disgust as tears streamed down Minax's face, desperately attempting to free himself in consuming anger. Having reached her limit, she pushed the dark-haired healer aside and wrenched the knife from her hands. "If you won't get on with it then I will."

Despite his rage Minax tensed and froze as the blade was placed against the base of his sack, ready to geld him.

Tugging at the warrior's arm, Xenia snatched the knife back and shoved her rival a step back. "Careful Briza, you may be skilled with a sword, though I can handle a knife just as well as you."

"I won't stand idly while you torment him, Xenia. Finish the job and be done with this." She replied, unable to hide her disdain. A shaky peace between them had persisted for some months now, though she could no longer hold her tongue.

Xenia's eyes narrowed, allowing Minax's slender muscles to slightly relax as her knife was brought away. "So, Dominax's favorite little trophy gives orders now? How easily that can change..."

Unsheathing her sword Briza pressed the end of the blade against Minax's testicles, once again drawing a muffled whimper from his lips. "Trophy? How little you know healer. I've fought beside Dominax FAR longer than you."

Xenia placed her finger on the tip of the sword, drawing it away from their prisoner's skin with a coy smile. "Yet your loyalty couldn't prevent him from planting his seed in my womb. Tell me, why do you think that is?"

Briza loosed a humorless chuckle. "You believe that makes us equal in his eyes? He uses you, Xenia, just as you use him. You are merely a womb to him, a pretty body that he may lay with. Simply ask yourself a single question, who's child do you believe he'll name as heir? The daughter of a healer, or the child of the woman he was raised aside?"

The subtlest twinge of doubt fell into Xenia's slender stomach, and her eyes narrowed nearly imperceptibly. What a simple question could do to an individual, solidifying decisions in mere seconds.

"What? No longer in the mood for discussion?" Briza scowled as she returned her sword to her belt. "You should know better than to question my commitment to Dominax."

Xenia returned the knife to its position on Minax's skin, prepared to castrate the man. "So be it, Briza. Let's finish this." She replied, allowing her anger to show in her tone though careful to hold her tongue. There was now no question of what she must do, choosing instead to remain silent. Her response would not come as a verbal thrashing or a physical fight, but rather from behind. She could no longer avoid the simple fact of her female rival's threat to Vixin's future. Xenia would be able to sway Dominax's favor towards her own daughter, though certainly not while Briza remained.

A quick slice of the knife was all it took for Minax's transformation into a eunuch to be complete, ending his fertility. As his muffled screams of agony rang through the chamber, Xenia held only one thought.

"Briza must be eliminated."

49th of Fonic, 4 BVE.

Lower Human Basin, Domani.

"No, no you're adding too much!" Lalian said, rushing to stand over one of the hundreds of workers that toiled away at the foundations of the colossal pyramid fortress.

The worker sighed with exasperation, standing to meet the Lanthian's green eyes. "Ahhh would it not be possible to lay these stones without mortar? The strength of twenty men could not force a single one of them to budge!"

With the nearby stone block standing taller than both men, Lalian placed his hand lovingly on its white surface. "They are heavy, yes, though I designed that mix of mortar for a purpose. Does it mean nothing to you that you have the privilege of constructing the greatest structure to ever grace the face of Magnius? To serve your Lord Dominax?"

The mention of their leader forced the worker to stiffen in righteous fervor. "Of course I care, Lanthian! You dare question my faith? I have witnessed his powers in person!"

"I question your skill, not your beliefs. Though since you rightly speak of faith, let me remind you that your efforts are in service to a God. Only the greatest standards of material and skill shall enter this project, and thus, the mortar you hold has been designed to possess twice the strength of human mortar." Lalian explained, placing his hand on the man's shoulder. "All we do here shall endure the assault of time, my friend. I shall hear of no further complaints."

The worker swiftly returned to his tasks as Lalian backed away, taking in the sight of organized chaos. Hundreds of Men and women had eagerly volunteered to work on the pyramid, emboldened by their strange beliefs in Dominax's Godhood. He had shown them powers they didn't understand, leaving them to rampant speculation.

Lalian had been placed in command over the project, carefully planning and controlling how his masterpiece would become reality. An insect-like organization had been carefully implemented as dozens of groups hauled the massive stone blocks arriving by both land and water from the lesser settlements, utilizing techniques devised by Lalian himself to move them into place.

The decades that would be required to bring such a structure into being called for the necessity of a temporary stronghold, which had been the first to be constructed near the edge of the slowly forming base that would one day make up the very bottom of the mountainous pyramid. Intended to be consumed and incorporated into the enormous fortress, the stronghold currently possessed a throne room of average size. The left section of the hold held living quarters, while the right contained a large but simple dining room.

Lalian clasped his hands behind his back as he observed, sneakily peering at the females. Both men and women had stripped down to only their lightest tunics during the laborious work, while a growing number of others had simply removed the entirety of their clothing altogether. The beauty of human females drove Lalian's Lanthian mind wild with fantasies, his small castrated cock lightly twitching. Had he still possessed his testicles, he'd love nothing more than to knock up each woman he encountered with his hybrid children. Having studied Chief Manith's newborns mere months ago he knew what to expect from such pregnancies, the children seemingly inheriting the mother's species while retaining the father's features. Yet, his fantasies could never be fulfilled.

"The High-Chief's ship is entering the port!" A man exclaimed, interrupting Lalian's thoughts as many began to make their way towards the river. Crowds began to form to welcome their victorious leader home from yet another successful conquest, filling the riverside port with hundreds of loud citizens. Many of them no doubt expected to see the return of their warrior family members, though Falexia had claimed many souls.

Guards moved quickly to form a wide path for the disembarking warriors, roughly pushing back the rabble. Many bowed as Dominax passed by, the soft breeze of the day picking at his white cloak. Discreetly, he made note of those who appeared less pleased at his return.

After quickly retrieving his gift for his returning master, Lalian rushed to intercept the march of the small army. Utilizing the small amount of prestige granted to him by his position, he managed to make his way easily through the guards' protective defenses. Upon seeing him Dominax immediately ordered his warriors to halt, stopping hundreds of men in their place.

"High-Chief Dominax, allow me to personally welcome you home." Lalian said over the noise of the crowds, lowering himself to one knee.

"You may rise, Lanthian. I wish to rest before the coronation." He replied as a nearby guard harshly kicked back one of the women who had drawn in too close.

Rising from the reddish dirt, Lalian held out the gift, theatrically granting the surrounding sea of people a full view of the object. In his green hands rested a helmet forged to provide both protection and the appearance of a crown, its top lined with several arrow shaped spikes.

Dominax carefully accepted the helmet from the Lanthian's grasp, studying it intently. Exquisitely detailed, he'd need only to transform it into chimira steel. "Ah, a crown worthy of a king. Was this your doing, Lanthian?"

Lalian watched as the crown was handed off to a servant that cradled it gently in her arms. "On my orders, yes my lord."

"How well he plays the part of the humble servant. He must know that my success directly facilitates his own." Dominax thought to himself, placing a firm hand on the green man's shoulder. "Very good, Lalian. Though come, there is much to prepare for. A king shall rise on this day."


As the sun hung over the horizon thousands of Domani citizens crowded the exterior of the stronghold, intermixed with individuals originating from across Dominax's newly forming realm. All wished to be present to witness the birth of a new kingdom, yet only the most important beings were fortunate enough to find themselves within the actual throne room. A crowd so numerous, many were pressed against the white stone walls just to make room.

Seated in a throne neatly carved from solid rock, Dominax scanned the noisy gathering with visible satisfaction. He picked out Dunith in the crowd, cradling her son. Kixanil, with 'his' hybrid son. His advisors, his most skilled warriors, all in attendance. Even Xenia carried Cendra and Vixin as she stood off to the right of the throne, holding the two beings that would benefit the most from this particular event.

The entirety of the crowd kneeled at his command, looking up to him in joyous hope. "How very fitting that they should obey, for they must know that my actions shall bring them peace." He thought, an insidious grin spreading across his face. "Their descendants shall live in prosperity and comfort, and they shall thank mine."

Holding the crown, now the pure white of chimira steel, Briza crossed over to the throne from the left. As instructed, she presented it to him, allowing him to take it before returning to her position beside him. He held it over his head, moving slowly to enjoy his triumph as he lowered it. He had intentionally chosen to crown himself, sending a clear message to both those under his rule, and those soon to be under his rule.

As the crown was placed firmly onto his head, the tall chamber erupted into cheers and shouts, a clambering noise that spilled out through the open doors and seized the surrounding sea of humans in ecstatic celebration. The Kingdom of Vaidrin was born, and with it, yet another step in his lofty plan was finalized.

"All hail King Dominax!"

5th of Fixuin, 4 BVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Domani.

In the days that followed the Coronation of King Dominax, Domani had been enlivened by seemingly endless festivities, and Xenia found that she could hardly squeeze through the gathered crowds. Vividly colored powders had been shipped into the city and distributed, their contents hurled through the air in a traditional celebration for such a historic event. Clouds of bright oranges, blues, reds, purples, yellows, and greens permeated through the streets, raining powder down onto the naked bodies of the dancing crowds.

Concealed in a black cloak with its hood pulled over her head, Xenia found that she didn't quite care for the lively tradition, even looking forward to the next rainfall that would wash away the colorful stains. Yet all was not unappealing to her, as there was no end to the naked bodies that grinded and gyrated against her, with men and women openly engaging in public breedings. She passed such a group on her way towards the docks, biting her lip and pulling the cloak closer around her as she viewed the couples locked together in pleasure, striving to conceive soon after the coronation in the hopes that their children would be blessed by their otherworldly ruler.

After what seemed like an eternity she found her target, her cloak coated in the colorful powders. Making her way quickly towards the docked ship, she nodded towards the slaver's hired guards as she boarded, joining the small contingency of other interested purveyors. Lined across the deck and dressed in nothing aside from a slave collar, several slaves of both sexes stood on display. A chain leash secured each of them to the wooden deck, preventing their escape.

Throwing her hood back Xenia located the captain, a short man with noticeable muscles. His bald head was badly scarred, with a white robe wrapped around his body. He bowed his head as she approached. "Ah, Lady Xenia. We've been expecting you."

"You've received my letter then?" She asked, casually moving her shoulders to allow the cloak to move to her back and expose her sensual form.

"Yes, my Lady. I assure you that we have included our best selection of slaves that fit your description." He replied, his eyes taking a hungry glance at her flawless body.

She nodded in response, ignoring his barely concealed glances as she moved to the beginning of the line. "She certainly looks capable."

The captain turned to the first slave, an Arkos female with one eye as the other held a large scar. "Ah yes, this one is quite deadly with a whip. Of course, being an Arkos, I'll have to charge double."

Xenia waved her hand in dismissal, moving down the line.

"Though, if you were to tell me your intentions, I could be far more useful." He stated, following closely behind.

"I've given you enough information, captain. Beauty and skill, that is all you need to understand." She explained, her eyes moving from one slave to the next. She briefly paused as she reached a heavily muscled man, standing a head taller than her.

"Ah yes, he is intended for our other buyers. He could of course make a great pleasure slave, if you so desire..." the captain explained, nodding to the slave's oversized manhood.

Chuckling, she resumed walking. "The King's touch is all I require, slaver."

"Yes, well..." He replied, visibly disappointed. Then as she reached a certain slave he snapped his fingers and pointed. "Now this specimen fits your description perfectly!"

The slave appeared to be quite a young and beautiful brunette, until Xenia's eyes fell onto its tiny cock. Clearly a eunuch, she shook her head in dismissal. "I require a female, captain."

"You requested beauty and skill, did you not? This one has ample skill when it comes to stealth!"

Xenia's soft lips pulled into a frown, studying the slave. Skilled enough to assassinate Briza? Possibly. Yet she'd be unable to gift the slave to Dominax as a cover, as he would never accept a eunuch as a pleasure slave. Or would he?

She shook her head, dismissing the idea as she moved on. She knew her king better than that.

The next two slaves were immediately recognizable as twins, nearly identical were it not for their differing tattoos. Each with short black hair draped over one eye, they appeared to possess the slender bodies of trained dancers.

"Ah, the twins. I must say that I am particularly proud of these two, as they have both been trained to handle a knife." The captain stated.