Vaid Empire: Conquest Ch. 23

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Dominax Confronts Dorian, And Xenia Bathes With Her Slaves.
3.4k words

Part 23 of the 61 part series

Updated 03/25/2024
Created 09/21/2023
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Vaid Empire: Conquest is a massive fantasy series that aims to mix erotica with the quality of a published novel. New chapters and artwork are released every month absolutely free, with the completely optional possibility to receive early access. The Series focuses heavily on worldbuilding, story, and characters.

The world of Ayphieal is shattered and chaotic, with kingdoms and tribes of six distinctive races vying for territory amongst themselves. It is only when a young human warrior finally pushes back against the chaos that the world begins to shift towards order.


39th of Onis, 4 AVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Domani.

He could have been the embodiment of an angry deity, gazing down upon his people as Dominax stood atop The Grand Pyramid's unfinished form. Wrapped in his cloak, he studied the streets of The Capital with contempt, bathed in the warm breeze of the night sky. Nearly all of Domani's citizens had retired to their homes for the evening, aside from a few stragglers who went about their business.

Entirely healed from his attack, the only outer reminders that such an event had occurred lay in several scars where the claws of his would-be assassins had ripped into him. Regarding his mind, however, the memories of what had occurred had done their damage. He had trusted them completely, a mistake that had nearly cost him everything. The Empire would have shattered, dooming Magnius to a fate of endless conflict. Eight years since his first brush with death during the slaughter of Nitri and he had found himself once more shoved to the limits of human mortality.

There could be no further mistakes. He narrowed his eyes, gazing at the layout of Domani with the knowledge that any of its inhabitants could be a potential source of his death. An unnoticed citizen, a bribed guard, any could be lying in wait to gain their chance at slaying the very individual who had granted them their lives.

What good were his powers when the blade of a friend could slip into his back?

Dominax's cloak fluttered in the wind as he made his way back inside the oversized fortress, navigating its many hallways and stairwells down to the very heart of The Pyramid. His ire for his own people, for the very world itself, nearly boiled over as he entered the Vaid Pod.

"Dorian!" His voice boomed as he stormed to the center of the dark chamber, memories flooding freely within him. Briza's cold corpse, the mass graves of Nitri, the assassins' claws digging into his flesh as his ship burned around him. "I curse you, father! I curse the reality you have doomed us to inhabit!"

Slowly he sensed the presence of The Creator emerging, gathering strength until his eerie image faintly flickered into view.

"You've damned us all to suffer!"

The immaterial form of Dorian stood before him, his calm voice encircling The God Emperor when he opened his mouth. "My boy...what is troubling you? I see you have healed well...since last we spoke..."

"No thanks to you." Dominax nearly spat. "I've taught my followers that The Creator is all knowing, all powerful! Yet now I must explain why he'd allow his own son to nearly be killed!"

"You're aware of the boy. I am no more capable of protecting you...than the wind..."

"They are not aware!" Dominax shouted with frustration. "Some begin to question the web of fact and fiction I have carefully woven, yet why should they not? I've fai-" He suddenly cut himself off, choosing to begin again and strike directly at the source of his contempt. "The lengths I've gone to carve a new existence for my people, to free them from the horrors of themselves, it is a necessity born from the fact that you've produced a FLAWED reality!"

Dorian folded his ghostly arms, his solemn expression only partially visible beneath the hood of his cloak. "I will not deny that there is much about Ayphieal...I would have desired to change or correct...yet the time for such thoughts are millennia lost. This planet contains all you truly need to beings have done for a thousand years without my assistance."

"Yet you've left us as imperfect beings!" Dominax countered. "Humanity is left unfinished, alongside all five other humanoid species. Your creations are flawed, doomed to internal conflict and chaos. The result has been one thousand years of suffering and slaughter, a catastrophe that I shall correct!"

A low sigh escaped the ancient spirit, and Dorian moved towards the curved wall of the chamber where the otherworldly Orb had been placed atop an elegantly carved pedestal. "You...are powerful, yet you are also young and foolish." He said, activating the holographic globe that projected from the Orb.

Dominax watched in cautious curiosity, never failing to be drawn in by the stunning mystical image of his world. He gritted his teeth as he held in his anger, watching as the globe slowly rotated. The continent of Magnius claimed the majority of Ayphieal's forward facing hemisphere relative to Dominax's position, more familiar to him than his own reflection. He had studied the surface of the continent in exquisite detail over the years, developing potential strategies of conquest and development. Just as he was well aware, the globe revealed nothing aside from a vast and empty ocean as it rotated to reveal the opposite side of the planet. Only a single continent lay upon Ayphieal's surface, a mind-numbingly large land that would one day be entirely consumed by The Empire. That is, as long as a blade did not cut Dominax's life short beforehand.

"You've intelligence that has made me proud...yet you know...nothing..." Dorian stated as he outstretched his hand towards the globe. The translucent image slowly began to blink, before solidifying with the form of an entirely new and foreign landmass.

Looking at the map in utter surprise, Dominax glared. "This...has been hidden all this time? A continent on the far side of the world?!"

" boy." Dorian confirmed nearly in a whisper. "You gaze upon my shame..."

The prospect of an entirely different and separate land from his own had never truly been thought to exist by his people, nor had they ever tried to find one. Tales of Arkos and Tazik explorers setting off from Magnius had spread throughout The Human Basin for nearly two hundred years, yet none had ever returned.

"You stand upon a land that I may be proud of...yet Magnius was not the first..." Dorian explained grimly. "The failed fruits of my original efforts...lay upon the opposite side of the world. There I experimented...hopping to forge creatures of my own. The results...were monstrosities."

Dealt a heavy blow at the knowledge, Dominax remained momentarily silent before speaking. "We...were not the first of your creations?"

Dorian shook his head. "Not all, in fact. My boy...I sought for decades to spawn creatures of sentience, yet I was met only with savagery and malice. In the end...I looked back to my own species, leading forth ten thousand humans from my original dimension..."

"What madness is this..." he asked, staring at the ghostly figure in disbelief.

"To create sentient beings requires...a higher skill than I could muster." Dorian continued. "Through gene manipulation I created my masterworks...Dril, Arkos, Lanthians, Tazik, even Lish. You all stem from a common boy."

"Gene manipulation?"

Dorian waved his hand in dismissal. "The specifics may be left for another time...yet for now, understand that your rage is misplaced. Humanity is flawed...yes, though flaws are as natural as the setting sun."

"Natural or not, such flaws can be found as the source of untold suffering and destruction. Is it not our duty to negate said flaws? To boil them down and cut them away at the source?" Dominax questioned, notably more controlled than his previous outbursts.

"You may I have. Though I did not originally create humanity, I've made...modifications. Slight changes in the hopes of perfecting what humans could become." Dorian began, not bothering to explain the meaning of DNA to a man who had never encountered its definition. "For example, your complete lack of body well as an optimized digestive tract...that produces no waste and requires less sustenance. Humanity upon FAR different from your original source. The biological gifts I've granted your people...must surely count for something."

Dominax bit his lip, releasing a breath of frustration. "I...apologize, Dorian." He said in a rare act of humility as he closed his eyes. "Do not think I'd forget what you've given us, yet this world takes its toll."

Slowly, Dorian's ghostly form swept over towards The God Emperor. "I boy. I know..."

Though he felt nothing but a cold chill, Dominant watched as the immaterial arms of the old man wrapped around him in an embrace that neither of them could feel.

"Had I been able to...I would have done anything to protect you...from your Arkos assassins." Dorian said.

"I'm certain you would." He replied coldly, stepping through the translucent old man.

Dorian paused as he turned to look at his son, only to nod somberly. "I must boy, and rest..."

"Very well, yet if what you've said is true, then I must adjust my plans to include the conquest of an additional continent."

Dorian's eyebrows raised in alarm. " boy, you must never seek out the first continent. Only beasts remain...with no hint of civilization. All who sail towards its shores never return...and for good reason."

"You spark my interest, only to strike it down?" He asked in confusion.

"I reveal all of this to the hopes that you may learn from my mistakes. There is no perfecting humanity...only the possibility of improving them." Dorian said, straining as his concentration began to wane. "Your Empire may dominate them...yet their flaws will always peak...through the veil of your...control..."

Dominax watched as the old soul slowly faded, returning once more to his slumber.

19th of Senin, 4 AVE.

Kingdom of Vaidrin, Domani.

Each of Lalian's cautious footsteps echoed quietly through the cramped passageways. Just wide enough for an average man to comfortably stroll through without either of his shoulders gliding against the hard walls, the hidden tunnels ran throughout the entirety of The Grand Pyramid.

Comforted by the knowledge that only the fortress's designer and The God Emperor himself had any idea that such tunnels existed, Lalian snuck through as though every sudden turn and narrow passage spoke to him. For in fact, he had memorized every inch of The Pyramid, leaving no chamber of his masterwork personally uninspected.

There could only be one target that fit his interest at this time of day, as he carefully crept to a stop. Then, as he faced the wall, he pulled aside a slim piece of metal fastened to a sliding hinge and peered through a tiny peephole in the stone, revealing a luxurious bath house on the other side.

A nervous grin spread across his face, just in time to hear the heavy doors of the chamber creak open. As he had fully expected due to her typical schedule, Concubine Empress Irith stepped into the room. She remained flanked by several guards as per his holiness's command, all required to be female in order to enter the royal bathhouse.

She walked towards the water, dipping a toe into it to test the temperature as the guards moved to take their places along the outer wall of the chamber. Thankfully for Lalian's sake none of them detected their hidden intruder, all due to the strategic placement of his peephole.

Seeming to deem the water as acceptable, she began to remove her clothing. Lalian's breath deepened, hot against the cold wall as he intently viewed her disrobe. Sliding her top down her sensual form, her voluptuous breasts were slowly revealed. Utterly flawless in both shape and firmness, they hung as though they were orbs of fertility.

A shiver ran through his body as he secretly observed her, feeling his castrated Lanthian cock hardening at the sight. Her delicate hands unfastened her belt, allowing her flowing skirt to slip down her womanly legs.

His breath caught in his throat as the alluring valley between her legs was revealed, complemented by her childbearing hips. Every inch of her screamed femininity, seemingly designed to be bred.

"Thank The Creator...for such beauty..." Lalian managed to whisper, his erection hard enough to nearly be painful. How could Dominax possibly be fortunate enough to mate with such a gorgeous being, even as God Emperor? Jealousy radiated throughout Lalian's green body, flush with consuming desire.

She took a step into the water, then another, and another until she had sunk waist deep into the peaceful pool. A slight jiggle rippled across her firm breasts with each step, hardly noticeable.

Lalian lifted his tunic, allowing his small erection to peak out as he watched her. The cramped tunnel around him seemed to melt away, as only the view through his peephole became his world.

Cupping her hands to collect water, she poured it down her right shoulder. The tiny trickles ran across her soft skin, rolling down each womanly curve of her body.

His hand slowly reached for his manhood, only to freeze as the large doors opened once more. Curious, he watched as Xenia entered the room along with her twin slaves.

"Oh, we didn't expect to find you here." Xenia stated coldly, her hips swaying as she entered.

Irith turned to face her fellow Concubine Empress, unknowingly granting Lalian a perfect view of her half-submerged rear. He shuttered, a twitch running through his cock as his gaze fell upon each round cheek. "You know I usually bathe this hour; what do you want?" She asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Can't a few women enjoy the baths together?" Xenia replied with a smirk before gesturing to Pria and Pilsi. "You wouldn't mind if these beauties joined you, would you?"

"You're free to do what you wish, only Dominax may control you." Irith said, resuming her bath.

The trio slowly removed their revealing clothing, granting their unknown watcher three additional views of near art. The sight of the three women who had humiliated him filled his cheeks with a deep green shade of anger, a storm of rage and lust stirring inside his loins.

Entering the water, they kept their distance from Irith as Xenia seemed to eye the many guards lining the walls. She turned to her twin slaves with a disappointed scowl, hushing them with a subtle shake of her head. Whatever they had planned could not come to fruition, for The God Emperor's paranoia extended even to the baths. Instead, they merely watched the nude Empress with interest as they went about their business, granting her occasional glances.

Lalian watched as the twins bathed their mistress, their seductive hands gliding over her fair skin. He bit his lip, both wishing to strangle the woman who held the focus of his resentment and desiring to plunge his little impotent cock into her fertile body. The contradiction served little in the way of dampening his arousal, instead seeming to drive it further.

His fingers brushed his shaft as he watched Xenia relax, both Pria and Pilsi serving to clean her. A shudder ran through his body, seizing his breath for a single instant.

"Leaving so soon?" Xenia asked with a slight moan as Irith made her way towards the steps leading out of the pool. Pria's hand glided over her mistress's nipple, flaring each nerve within the sensitive little bud. "You could of course join us...if only for a little longer."

"There is much to be done Xenia, I don't wish to leave Dominax alone for too long in his current state of mind." Irith said as she slowly emerged from the water, accepting a long chimira-silk shroud from one of the guards. She wrapped it around her body, the thin fabric leaving nothing to the imagination as it hugged her curves.

Xenia shrugged in mock indifference, returning her attention to her slaves as they began to gently kiss and caress her body. "So be it."

Lalian could hardly contain himself, stimulating his cock with only the lightest of touches for the time being. There was no rush, as the three women slowly entangled themselves within the water.

The moment the door sealed behind Irith, Xenia glared in utter disdain. "The slut dares to lecture me? I've been by Dominax's side from the beginning!"

Pria nuzzled her mistress's neck, hands exploring each curve of The God Emperor's prize as she dropped into a low whisper. "Worry not, she can't escape us forever. Let her prance about, for these guards won't be around forever."

"Indeed, beautiful." Xenia replied with a smirk, pulling her in for a deep kiss as Pilsi brushed her naked navel against Xenia's hip.

Nearly trembling, Lalian wrapped his hand fully around his painful erection as Pria's hand slithered down Xenia's front to seek her tight tunnel. A gasp of anticipation escaped her as the girl's fingertips made contact, gently parting her supple lower lips.

Pilsi dropped her head to her mistress's breasts, suckling her hard nipple as if she were Princess Vixin. Xenia held her to her chest, running her fingers through the girl's silky hair.

Their lips parted, allowing Xenia to gaze into Pria's eyes. "You two are magnificent..."

Lalian slowly began to jerk his manhood, watching as Xenia leaned back against the edge of the bathing pool for support as she slightly parted her legs. Pria wasted no time, sinking her fingers into the woman's aching vagina.

Xenia moaned, feeling Pilsi grind her womanhood against her side like an animal in heat. She reached down, taking a handful of her toned ass in her hand as the other fondled Pria's waiting breast.

A light squeak escaped from Lalian's lips, and he quickly covered his mouth. None of the three seemed to notice through the thick walls, allowing him to slowly continue pleasuring himself to the nearly divine sight.

Thoughts of sliding his cock deep into each if their warm vaginas seeped through his mind, entirely consuming him. Their bodies would swell with the children he could never grant to them in reality, continuing a bloodline that had ended the moment the blade of his former masters had reduced him to a tormented eunuch.

Each thought rested merely in fantasy, for he'd never betray The God Emperor in such a way. The envy of breeding the three goddesses before him only fueled his lust, knowing he'd never be permitted to touch their soft skin.

A moan escaped his lips, his cock twitching in jealous submission as thoughts of his own children growing within their wombs melted away, replaced by the all too real memory of their past pregnancies. Dominax had knocked each one of them up, while Lalian's useless cock remained entirely unable to sire a single child. The thought nearly forced him over the edge, causing him to momentarily pause the movements of his hand to calm himself.

Hands running over their mistress's body, the two sisters did their best to pleasure the woman who had granted them their lives. Pria's finger pressed against Xenia's most sensitive internal area, gently caressing it as she drew out her aching lust.

"Yeeesss my girls...I have taught you well..." Xenia moaned, lightly bucking her hips. "There is no...aaahhh...replacement for the sensation of a cock, yet only the touch of a woman may be this skilled..."