Vaid Empire: Conquest Ch. 57

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Dominax Breeds A Future Queen As His Plans Move Forward.
6.2k words

Part 56 of the 61 part series

Updated 03/25/2024
Created 09/21/2023
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Vaid Empire: Conquest is a massive fantasy series that aims to mix erotica with the quality of a published novel. New chapters and artwork are released every month absolutely free, with the completely optional possibility to receive early access. The Series focuses heavily on worldbuilding, story, and characters.

The world of Ayphieal is shattered and chaotic, with kingdoms and tribes of six distinctive races vying for territory amongst themselves. It is only when a young human warrior finally pushes back against the chaos that the world begins to shift towards order.


16th of Thriduin, 13 AVE.

Kingdom of Spirexia, Between Prismi and Drin.

"There it is." Hesin said as he stood beside The God Emperor, pointing across the wet plains. In the distance, a single structure stood alone, surrounded by miles of tall grass and occasional pools of water.

"Are you certain of the Truthseekers' reports?" Dominax asked, studying the building closely. He had dressed only in his one-suit and cloak, his hood pulled up in preparation for the meeting. "There can be no mistakes in this."

"Of course." Hesin said from behind his mask. A breeze ran up the hill they stood upon, overlooking the stretch of land before them. "The place has been deserted until this morning. He came alone, just as promised."

"Then we shall begin." A satisfied grin played across Dominax's face as he left his advisor behind, moving to descend the hill.

He followed the path they had carved for him, emerging onto the abandoned road. Old and forgotten, the rough cobblestones had evidently lost their battle to hold back the vegetation, appearing as little more than a neglected trail, rather than a road once used by hundreds of worshippers. The grass on either side had grown to just surpass his own height, creating walls of vibrant green stalks interspersed with red and orange offshoots.

The plants felt wet as he passed, running his hand along them, and knowing several of his Truthseekers remained hidden amongst the vegetation. At a single hint of treachery, they'd spring forth.

As he approached, the temple slowly came into view before him. Circular in shape, it had been built of three stacked levels, each smaller than the one beneath. The dome capping its top level had collapsed long ago, and the shattered remnants of the building appeared overgrown with vines as the land attempted to reclaim the structure.

Eventually he reached his target, the decrepit road leading him directly to the temple's entrance. The great doors lay rotting on the overgrown ground, their hinges long rusted away. He stepped through, emerging into the single chamber of the building. Two circular rows of pillars held up the top layers of the building, the ceiling gradually narrowing until it reached the shattered dome.

Sunlight trickled across the cracked tiles of the floor as he crept his way between pillars and rubble, his silver eyes falling upon a man as he neared the chamber's center.

Cloaked and hooded, the man was seated upon a large chunk of the collapsed dome. He appeared lost in thought before Dominax allowed him to hear his approach, immediately standing in preparation.

"Who do I find here, wishing to discuss betrayal?" Dominax's voice boomed through the chamber. He came to a stop before him, folding his arms, yet prepared to unleash a blast of electricity at the first hint of danger.

"Ah, you came. The God Emperor, I presume? Your eyes give you away, though one can never be too certain." The stranger questioned in a polite tone. He stood proud, hands clasped behind his back.

Dominax nodded before removing his hood, silvery hair shimmering in the natural light. "It's a dangerous thing to waste my time when battle lays upon the horizon."

"Indeed, yet I wouldn't have requested your presence if our interests weren't strictly mutual." The man's elegant accent flavored his words, yet he spoke the southern tongue with a familiar ease.

Dominax watched as he removed his hood, revealing a head of wavy dark hair, accented with hints of gray. Dark eyes peered from a calm and cleanly shaven face, lined with faint wrinkles that had only just begun to age his features. His tunic appeared to be made of fine fabric, modest, yet no doubt expensive, and embroidered with intricate green details. The item that caught Dominax's eye, however, was a small ring upon his finger, decorated with a green gem. "So your messenger claimed."

"Quinla is...alive, isn't she?" The stranger asked, concealing his concern from his face, though not from Dominax's senses.

"I would not harm a prisoner without first learning her value. What is she to you? A lover? A bondmate? Perhaps a..." An awareness began to claim him as he studied the man's face. Slowly, he closed his eyes, sensing the man's spiritual bonds. They connected to a father, unknown to Dominax, yet clearly deceased. Beyond was a grandfather, extending down another branch to a daughter, then a granddaughter. He had met her, knowing the composition of her soul. He smirked as he opened his eyes. "Ah...a cousin, then."

The man hid his surprise well, his expressions controlled. He swallowed, choosing his words carefully. "We've heard rumors, of course. The one who sees what others cannot."

"You're royalty." Dominax stated with a grin. "Yet which one, I wonder? Your family tree appears to have grown dangerously sparse. I see only one possibility."

A light chuckle eased from the man as his posture relaxed. "I would have liked to retain my anonymity for a moment more, yet I suppose proper introductions are in order. I am Rolir of House Stire, King of Spirexia."

Dominax watched him bow, unmoving. "A king conspires against his own throne. How very curious."

Rolir raised a finger, nearly sounding offended. "With good reason, mind you. I don't gamble frivolously with the fate of my kingdom. I know the price of what I intend to propose, yet the outcome may be grand indeed."

"Then make your proposal, unless you desire to delay me until your army arrives."

He shook his head. "I assure you that deception remains far from my intentions. I've halted my men for the day, else they'd have stormed through this ruin by now. No, your majesty, I've come to seek an end to this bloodshed."

"You know how this may end, Rolir. Kneel before me. Swear your allegiance to my throne before the masses." Dominax explained, beginning to circle the man. "I'm not a beast that cannot be reasoned with. I have no desire to slaughter beings that may soon lay under my domain. You may even retain your crown, should you agree to certain requirements."

"Ah, were that it was so simple. To surrender Spirexia without resistance? The population would demand my head! They'd have it too, eventually. Be it years or decades, someone would find their way to me. I'd never have peace. Not entirely."

Dominax traced his fingers over the passing rubble as he continued to circle. "You'd cower from doing what's necessary out of...fear? What is inner peace to a ruler when he holds the fate of countless within his grasp?"

Rolir's face hardened. "You may judge me all you like, yet I know my people well. You've conquered two of our prominent cities. That's notable, to be sure, yet hardly a total victory. Many rightly believe we'll withstand your invasion, and nothing short of taking The Capital will convince them otherwise. We aren't alone, after all, as The Kingdom of Harin is prepared to send aid. Yet another reason it's become critical for us to speak, as we must act before they arrive."

"Then you had better explain what you intend."

Apprehension claimed the king as he sighed. "I...propose a deal, and one that can never be learned by anyone but ourselves. My army marches to meet yours. This I cannot prevent, yet I can lead them into mistakes that'll prove to be devastating. Afterwards, you must march upon Spiri. The Capital is well defended, yet Quinla shall provide you with directions to a hidden tunnel near the lake for a group of do you call them? Truthseekers? It should prove to be a relatively simple task for them to undermine our defenses from within. The city shall fall with little loss of life, and we'll surrender to you. Do this...and I shall send proclamations to every corner of Spirexia to lay down their weapons and submit to your rule."

Coming to a stop, Dominax tilted his head in curiosity. "Quite an unceremonious end to a proud kingdom. A moment ago, you were certain you could stand against me. Now, you eagerly accept the inevitable."

"My reasons extend beyond what I've shared, yet I assure you that this would be in the best interest of all involved."

Dominax waited, his piercing eyes demanding more.

Reluctantly, the king gritted his teeth before continuing. "When all is settled, I ask only that you allow me to retire from court life. Grant the crown to whoever you desire, and you shall never hear from me again."

Utterly baffled, Dominax stepped closer. "You'd willingly relinquish your claim to your ancestor's throne?"

Rolir nodded, yet when he saw that his answer wouldn't satisfy his foe, he sighed once more. "You've ruled for many years yourself. Tell me, in all that time, did you never once consider tossing aside your crown and leaving it all behind?"

Dominax squinted. "There were moments that tested me, yet a being of worth does what's necessary."

"So I have." Rolir opened his hands in exasperation. "For years I've withstood the duties of the throne without complaint. Every grueling meeting, every endless feast with nobles seeking my favor. The population pesters me daily to oversee matters hardly more noteworthy than farmers asking for subsidies. It's enough to drive a man mad, yet I endured. Now, I shall have my peace, for is a man not entitled to a life of his own design?"

"Many would gladly take your place."

"And many would crumble sooner than I." Rolir readily replied. He paused to allow his passions to dampen, regaining a calm control over his tone. "They'd seek a blessing and discover a curse instead. The crown is weary of me and I of it. I've stored away a small fortune in preparation for a departure I've never truly thought I'd make until now. Take the kingdom, every mile of it, for they'll be better off under your rule in any case. For myself, I envision only a home beside the lake and fresh air. Perhaps then I'll discover some small quiet."

Dominax stroked his beard. "And of your House? Do you hold no concern for your family's legacy? Do you scorn your ancestors' achievements?"

"Scorn? Kindly, don't insult me." Rolir attempted to remain polite. "As you've seen for yourself, our numbers have faded over the generations until only Quinla and I remain. There's very little of my family left to 'scorn'."

"Then your duty would have been to sire as many children as is required to ensure your House survives." Dominax stated firmly.

"I should add additional responsibly to days already torturously long?" Rolir shook his head. "I think not. No woman nor children at my side vying for my attention. Grant me peace and quiet over all that any day."

Entirely baffled, Dominax controlled a steadily rising disgust building within him. Every being supposedly desired to breed, yet here stood a man that went against everything he valued. No mere Foin who had relinquished his fertility to rule, but a man that cared neither for a crown nor a bloodline. "What is a man who possesses neither family nor duty? A man without a legacy or purpose?"

"A man that may truly rest." Rolir replied plainly. "Even still, I hold no animosity towards my ancestors for placing me upon the throne. Thus, I've provided a compromise in the form of Quinla. We were both aware of the pattern you've displayed before she agreed to intentionally allow herself to be captured. Many have heard the whispers about the kings beneath your rule, and of their true paternity. You allow us all to speak the obvious, yet rumors aren't enough to threaten your rule. A clever maneuver, if I may say." The king smiled. "I possess no daughters, and thus I offer what you would have taken anyways; Quinla. Place her upon the throne as you've done our fellow northern princess Felza and sire her heir. She's eager to continue our family line, and I'll wash my hands of the entire ordeal."

A thought of the seductive hybrid ran through Dominax's mind, and he allowed an intrigued smirk to ease his hard expression. "A worthy compromise. You may take your rest, Rolir, for I must have a king with ambition upon your throne. Not a ruler consumed by a craving for power, but a being willing to act when necessary. A being eager to provide order and stability, despite what it demands of him. That isn't you, and thus, you shall have your hut beside your lake."

Rolir nodded gracefully. "Then we have an accord?"

"Of course." Dominax chuckled. "Our differences notwithstanding, one can hardly deny an offer such as this."

Relief crossed the king's face as he reached out, offering a hand. "My surrender must appear legitimate. Make me a man pushed to the edge of defeat, relinquishing my crown for the wellbeing of my people. Perhaps history will speak of my selfless decision. Perhaps not. It matters little, for I merely want my peace and quiet."

"Then you shall have it." Dominax accepted the hand, grasping his forearm in the human tradition. They shook once, sealing their agreement. The king moved to drop his hand, yet Dominax held tightly, pulling him closer as his piercing silver eyes stared into his. "Yet I shall warn you, Rolir. No hint of deception or incompetence on your part shall be tolerated. We must proceed carefully, and when all has settled, there can be no loose ends. Do you understand?"

Feeling a shiver, Rolir nodded.

Satisfied, Dominax released his arm. "Then we're finished here. I suggest you return to your army quickly, for we have a battle that requires your defeat."

17th of Thriduin, 13 AVE.

Domani, Capital of The Vaid Empire.

Light moans echoed quietly through the throne room.

"Almost...ahh...there..." Vixin muttered, gripping the throne beneath her. "You're doing...well..."

Kneeling before her, a slave girl continued her work eagerly, face buried between the princess's spread thighs. Vixin clenched up, releasing a squeak as she reached her limit. Squirting, she drenched the girl's pretty face, her breath catching in her throat.

Finally, she eased, relaxing into the throne with euphoria. Her womanhood tingled, delighted at the aftermath of her release. "Ahh...good girl...thank you..."

The slave smiled, beginning to clean the princess's juices from the surface of her father's throne. She then moved the groin of Vixin's leotard back into place, concealing her royal loins.

Granting the slave a nod of gratitude, Vixin required a moment to calm herself. The embarrassment she felt at knowing the guards were watching had been diminished each time she had used a girl to release her stress. Now, sensing their arousal, knowing they had heard her moans, she couldn't help but feel a hint of excitement.

Easing her breaths, she composed herself before gesturing to a guard beside the side entrance, granting permission to bring in the prisoner. They hadn't been waiting long, yet she couldn't delay her duty any longer.

The guard ushered in a pair of legionaries, dragging a woman forward as they approached the throne. No ordinary prisoner, she was the only other Lanthian Vixin had ever seen aside from Lalian.

Doing her best to appear every bit as royal as her station demanded, Vixin straightened up as she peered down from atop the throne. Her mind stubbornly lingered on the slave, already missing her mouth, yet she felt a sudden shift of interest as her silver eyes studied the prisoner.

Wearing only a loincloth as her golden armor had been stripped away, the Lanthian straightened up defiantly after the guards pushed her to stand before the first step of the throne dais. Vixin couldn't help but study her, assessing every alluring curve of her athletic yet feminine body. As typical of her species, her green skin came in two shades, dark and light meeting in the center. A deep green breast, and a fairer green breast, each round and perky. Her lithe curves stirred Vixin's already moist loins, reigniting her desire, no less due to the chains binding the woman's wrists and ankles.

It was an odd thing to see a female of Lalian's species, recognizing features she had become familiar with on a single person over the entirety of her life, yet she was still fascinated at the differences. Unlike her father's green advisor, Vixin noted that the woman retained her large, smooth wings extending from her back. The right remained tucked neatly behind her, while the left appeared to twitch in visible pain. It was no wonder, for she could clearly see a large tear in the green skin. She doubted the woman could fly with such an injury, yet the guards escorting her each held the end of chain leashes connected to a collar around her delicate neck.

"Welcome to the heart of The Vaid Empire." Vixin greeted her as she opened her hands invitingly. When the woman merely continued to glare, her smirk dampened with a hint of embarrassment. "Do you have nothing to say for yourself?"

"My lady, we captured this one near The City of Luxi." One of her guards began to explain after further silence. "We've been unable to determine if she understands our tongue, as she's offered little but the anger you see now."

"Luxi?" Vixin repeated, masking her astonishment. "That's quite far into Empire territory. How did you manage to evade capture until now?"

Again, the woman only glared, attempting to move aside a strand of green hair dangling over her eye. As if to match the dual shades of her skin, she had styled her hair in two. The left side came in long flowing waves, while all traces of hair on the right side of her head had been entirely removed.

"You will answer when the princess speaks!" The other guard commanded, yanking the leash hard. The woman turned her fury upon him, unleashing a flurry of harsh words in her native tongue.

Vixin raised her hand to stop him. "That's quite alright. If a translator is truly required, it may be some time before we locate one. Still, I'd like to be certain." She said as she stood from the throne, descending each step with a seductive elegance until she stood just a step above the prisoner. "If you can speak our tongue, do so now, and I vow that your fate shall be fair."

The green woman hesitated, a faint hint of fear flashing through her eyes before she suddenly burst into another flurry of what could only be insults in her vicious tongue.

Vixin stopped her by cupping the prisoner's chin, adopting a calm expression as she peered down. The woman would see only a mask of royal arrogance, rather than the uncertainty she truly felt.

"She was traveling in a group, my lady." The guard explained, attempting to break the tension of the moment. "Archers were able to subdue four of her companions, though only three survived their injuries, including this one."