Valentine's Interrupted


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"Why didn't you say anything, we could have helped you out." I would have paid far more than twenty dollars to get rid of him at that moment.

"Nah, bro, there's no way I would have let that cunt rip you off like that. Friends don't let that shit happen." Friend? What the hell was he talking about? Did he consider me a friend? "So, you gonna make room for me, or not?"

"Absolutely no—"

"Sure," interrupted my wife. She put her hand on my arm, and said quietly to me, "Come on, darling. It's just until his friend picks him up. Would you be more comfortable if he kept lurking around until his friend arrives?"

"No," I admitted, although I really didn't like the idea, "I suppose not."

"Great," said Brad. "Scoot over, bro."

I hadn't even considered what Brad would be wearing, when he was already pulling off his shirt and undoing his pants. Sam moved from her spot on the opposite side, and sat down right next to me. Sitting upright on the bench meant we wouldn't be able to be submerged in the water anymore, and the air felt especially cold on my shoulders. With his shirt off, I could see Brad's ripped upper body, muscles visibly bulging on his arms. I wasn't complete out of shape, but I wasn't anywhere near having a taut six pack like his.

Brad tossed off his shoes and socks, and then hooked this thumbs under the waistline of his pants, and promptly pulled them down. It turned out he was going commando. Maybe it was because of the fact he was completely shaven, but even flaccid his cock seemed enormous. I wrapped my arm around Sam protectively. He climbed into the tub, and sat down. Fortunately, his privates were covered by the bubbling water.

Brad sighed loudly, and said, "Damn, this sure feels great." He stretched out his arms around the rim, and laid back his head, eyes closed—the very picture of relaxation.

I sat there awkwardly, unsure how to react to this intrusion. I had waited all week for this, and really didn't want this jerk to ruin it. Sam adapted much better, and snuggled into my shoulder. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, as long as Brad just sat there like a statue. We could just sit here, and wait for his friend to arrive. Then he'd be out of my life forever. The mood was definitely ruined for now, though. After Brad left, I would hopefully be able to rekindle the romance. I was yearning to finally release all the pressure that had built up over the week.

"Why so tense, bro?" Brad's question interrupted my thoughts.

At first I wasn't going to say anything, but after hesitating for too long, Sam nudged me in the side. I assumed she was just as pissed as I was, and wanted me to give him a piece of my mind. "You kind of interrupted us, you know?" That came out weaker than I had intended.

"Oh shit, sorry. I totally forgot it was your birthday today. Totally slipped out of my mind, with the whole Amy being a bitch thing." I was getting angry again, that "bitch" was my sister, after all. "Come on. Lemme make it up to you."

He grabbed my shoulder, and started pulling me towards him. I shoved away his hand. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I protested.

"Chill, dude. I was just gonna give you a nice shoulder massage, since you're so wound up."

"That won't be necessary." I turned to look at Sam, and shot her a get-a-load-of-this-guy look, but she didn't seem concerned.

"Well, if you don't want a massage," he turned to my wife, "how about you? I took a class once in college, no need for these hands to go to waste." I snorted silently, wondering what kind of college he attended that offered "massage classes," and how often he'd used that pick up line on some floozy who believed him. Then I was angry again, realizing the floozy in this case would be my wife. He couldn't honestly believe a dumb trick like that would work on her.

"Why not?" replied Sam, to my utter amazement. She turned to me, and said, "It's just a massage, honey." I gazed into her doe brown eyes, and some of my anger ebbed away.

"You got nothing to worry about, bro," added Brad. Sam was a smart woman, and I trusted her with all my heart.

"Fine," I relented.

Sam beamed at me, and then slid along the bench to sit next to Brad, with her back to him. Brad put his meaty paws on her shoulders, and started massaging with his thumbs. I watched like a hawk, making sure that he didn't defile her with his touch.

"Oh man, this is really good," Sam sighed deeply.

"Told ya I was good," bragged Brad, and shot me a huge grin. "See what you're missing out on?" I had to admit, it did look like he knew what he was doing.

This went on for a few minutes. Brad's hands massaged other areas, but everything remained above board, and I didn't want to look like a jealous husband. Sam seemed to be enjoying herself, letting out a sigh here and there, whenever Brad really dug his fingers in.

I had just started to relax a bit again, when all of a sudden Brad tugged at the string on the back of Sam's bikini. The bow that held the back of the piece together unraveled, and the fabric fell away.

"There we go," explained Brad, "the strap was in the way."

"What are you doing?" I asked, sternly. A massage was one thing, but undressing my wife was quite another.

"Relax, bro. It's just a massage, don't be a douche."

"Sam?" I tried. Surely, she'd be just as shocked as I was.

"Like he said, it's just a massage, darling. Besides, he can't even see anything from that side." She still didn't sound concerned at all.

I sat there, transfixed. On the one hand, I really didn't like what Brad was doing, but on the other, they were right. Brad definitely couldn't see Sam's breasts, and it's not like I wasn't here. I watched Brad work his hands lower down her back, kneading the freshly exposed skin. Sam's nipples hardened visibly, but that was probably just because of the cool air.

How long had it been since he came back? His friend would be arriving soon, hopefully.

Then he did the unthinkable. His hands slowly reached around her side, as if in slow motion, and wrapped around her breasts. I wanted to protest, but my throat constricted, and I couldn't produce a sound. I wanted to intervene, but my muscles didn't seem to respond.

Brad squeezed Sam's breasts, and pinched her nipples between thumb and forefinger. Surely she would freak out at any second now, and tell him what he was doing was wrong. No such thing happened, though. Her eyes were closed. Her mouth was open. She breathed deeply. Her chest expanded with every intake of air. My hands felt clammy all of a sudden, even though they were submerged in the hot water.

Paralyzed in place, I watched one of Brad's hands trail down my wife stomach, and disappear in the bubbly water. Sam gasped, and I could just make out the silhouette of his arm pointing down toward her crotch beneath the swirling water. Brad leaned forward, and nuzzled her neck. His arm was rapidly gyrating back and forth, and Sam was actually moaning. His other hand kept playing with her tits, alternating attention between each nipple.

What the hell was happening? My sister's ex-boyfriend was fingering my wife right in front of me, and I couldn't seem to bring myself to stop him. Worse still, Sam seemed to be enjoying herself—immensely.

It only took a minute or two—much, much faster than I ever managed to—before Sam's back arched, and with a wordless scream, her whole body shuddered. Brad's arm kept moving the entire time, and it seemed to take forever for Sam's scream to die down and her body to slump limply against the wall of the tub.

"Oh god," sighed Sam, her face a mask of ecstasy. "I've never orgasmed that hard before."

Brad sat up on the rim of the tub. His cock was only semi erect, but already larger than mine. And thicker. His smooth shaven balls hung over the edge, dangling there like a prize bull's testicles. Sam was still slumped against the wall, recovering from her orgasm, when Brad grabbed her ponytail, and roughly pulled her face toward his crotch.

Sam reacted instinctively, and wrapped her lips around his meat. She could barely fit half of it in her mouth, and had to stretch it wide open to encompass the thick cock. What started out as a maybe six inch semi erect cock grew right before my eyes into a seven, eight, nine inch monstrous beast. Large veins protruded along the shaft.

I couldn't look away, as Brad pushed and pulled my wife's head up and down his cock at a rapid speed. Sam started gagging when Brad pushed down hard, and saliva poured out of her mouth and down his rod. I knew from experience that Sam liked giving blowjobs, but she never had any problems deepthroating me. My own penis felt miniscule compared to Brad's gargantuan equipment.

Still holding her by the ponytail, Brad pulled Sam to her feet, and then ripped off her bikini bottom with such force the strings on the side snapped. Her nude, wet body was exposed to the world, and just between her legs I could see the dark patch of pubic hair I loved so much. Brad must have pulled on her hair, because she stumbled backwards, and thumped against his chest, knees bent, her crotch just above Brad's cock.

Brad grabbed her thighs, his hands nearly circling around them, and spread her legs—wide. Her labia were still red and puffy from the intense fingering, and a small rivulet of juices ran out of her spread pussy, dripping down into the water. I had never seen her so wet before.

Brad's biceps bulged, and he lifted her up, guiding the entrance of her hole over his thick, bulbous, saliva-coated head. Sam reached down, and pushed the head into her lips. I watched in horror as it sank in between the folds, and disappeared inside her.

Spread eagled, Sam slowly descended. Inch by inch, his rock hard dick pushed into her. Sam let out a pained moan, her face a mixture of pain and pleasure.

"Oh fuck, it's so big," she groaned.

"Goddamn, your cunt is tight. Haven't you ever been fucked?"

"Not with something this big."

I blinked, and a tear rolled down my cheek. Sam kept breathing faster and faster. Still unable to find the strength to move my leaden limbs, I watched as Sam came to rest at the base of Brad's cock. I hated seeing the woman I loved impaled on a stranger's cock. That was supposed to be something reserved only for me.

"Oh, oh, oh, oooooooooh..." Sam screamed with eyes closed, and for the second time that night, her whole body shook with euphoria, while she was squeezing her own nipples.

Seemingly without caring about her state of mind, Brad lifted her up again. Sam's shrieking intensified, and it looked like her legs were struggling to break free, but Brad's iron grip held them steadfast—still spread wide apart. He started thrusting with his hips, and his balls swung back and forth, while his rod plunged in and out of my wife's pussy, squelching loudly with every thrust.

Against all logical reasoning, my body betrayed me once again. My own penis stirred in my trunks, and the fabric soon pressed against my erection. I looked down, and sure enough, there was a noticeable bulge. A barely noticeable bulge, compared to Brad's well defined, veiny, thick monster—now jabbing mercilessly into Sam's vagina. Something that should have been mine, and only mine, taken away right in front of my eyes.

With a guttural grunt, Brad's muscular, ripped body flexed, and with one final, deep thrust, he pumped his seed into my wife. Sam was laughing breathlessly, hands rubbing all over her body, still impaled on his dick.

Brad hoisted her off his pole, and carelessly dropped her into the tub. Sam stumbled forward, and crashed into me. As if the spell had finally been broken, I reached out and caught her in my arms. She was burning hot to the touch, despite the coolness of the air.

Sam kissed me, fiercely and passionately, shoving her tongue aggressively into my mouth, with the ferocity of a hungry lioness on the verge of starvation. She broke the kiss, and then opened her eyes to look at me. Her beautiful, brown eyes were fixed at some point off in the distance, her mouth was slightly parted, as if she wasn't really looking at me, but was lost in a delirium of her own.

"Oh god, Tom, you have no idea how amazing that felt. I never knew sex could feel so good." Her words cut deeply into me, and I blinked away another tear, but Sam was too far gone in a world of her own to notice.

Brad chuckled. He had retrieved his phone from his pants, and held it to his ear.

"Yo, Dave, you can turn around, I won't need that ride after all." His cock wasn't as hard now, but it was still massive, glistening with Sam's juices. He turned around, and went inside the house. Just before he disappeared through the door, he turned around, and asked loudly, "Sammy, you coming?"

I was speechless, and held on to my wife for dear life. Sam extricated herself effortlessly, and stepped out of the pool. Before she could take a single step, her legs wobbled and gave out, and she fell down on the ground.

"Sam, you ok?" I asked, concerned, but urgent. "Come back in the water, we need to talk about what just happened!"

"We can talk later, darling."

She tried to get up again, but her legs faltered once more, so she simply got up on all fours, and started crawling towards the door. With her wet ass pointed straight at me, I watched her disappear, all the while Brad's creamy white cum dripped out of her.

Then I was alone.

I sat there, stunned. On Valentine's Day, my own birthday no less, I had just watched the love of my life being savagely fucked by another man—willingly—right in front of my eyes, and I had been unable to stop them. My dick twitched at that moment, as if to remind me that I had also gotten hard watching Brad's massive cock pump my wife full of cum.

Despite all of that, I still loved her. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like without her. Without seeing that cute face look at me when I woke up in the morning. Without feeling her soft body press against me, and her tender lips on mine when I came home every day. Without the smile on her face when she experimented in the kitchen. Without the smell of her essence lingering in every room of the house.

After a few minutes, I managed to muster up all my remaining strength, determined not to lose her. From inside the house, I heard a painful yelp that sounded like it came from Sam. Wet puddles trailed on the ground where she had crawled, leading all the way to the kitchen. The sound of meat slapping on meat was audible long before I turned the corner, and saw Sam bent over the kitchen counter, with Brad standing behind her, thrusting like a madman.

"Faster, faster, faster, faster, faster," moaned Sam, over and over.

I gripped the doorframe for support, and watched in helpless terror as Brad continued pumping. The dirty plates and glasses inside the kitchen sink rattled.

"Ho. Ly. Shit. Your asshole is tiiight!" he yelled, and his muscles grew taut once more, while he grunted loudly. As he pulled out and stepped away from Sam, her asshole, gaping wide open at first, closed right in front of my eyes. She had never even let me do that, even after I asked her many times. My chest ached with the thought of another man having taking her anal virginity before me.

Brad grabbed a beer from the fridge, and twisted the top off. He walked over to me while taking a long draught from the bottle, and clapped me on the shoulder. Sam still laid bent over on the counter, with a glazed look on her face.

"I actually thought you were kind of a douche today, Tom, but it turns out you're a real good friend."

I wanted to tell him to go to hell and never come back, but was unable to get out as much as a peep. Brad grabbed Sam's arm, and dragged her towards the bedroom. She stumbled after him, and never even so much as looked at me in passing. With a click, the bedroom door closed behind them.

The kitchen still stank of sex and sweat. I got a beer out of the fridge, and the cool liquid felt good in my parched mouth. I sat down on the couch in the living room, and turned on the TV. Without paying any attention to it, I zapped through all the channels, but my mind was still reeling from the emotional devastation. With the TV off again, I could hear Sam's screams through the thin walls, and wondered how Brad was pleasuring her at that moment to produce the kinds of noises she was making.

Once again, my penis hardened. I pulled down my trunks, and started stroking myself. In my mind, I pictured Brad's incredibly thick, hard cock sliding in and out of Sam's hole, and the intense pleasure visible on her face. It felt good to see her so happy, she deserved it. Still listening to my wife's screams of ecstasy from the bedroom, I came, spilling the seed I had saved up all week over my stomach. After climaxing, I felt absolutely exhausted, and drifted off into sleep, just as Sam started another round of loud moans.


That was one and a half years ago. Sam had found me the next day, cum still splattered over my stomach, and told me that she still loved me, and wanted to make our marriage work. She told me the thing with Brad had been just a one time thing, and would never happen again. I was willing to do anything to keep her, and accepted. Brad disappeared for a few days, but I quickly found out from my parents that he and my sister had gotten back together, and he actually proposed to her.

Our relationship changed, after that day, though. Sam wouldn't let me have sex with her anymore. She said it didn't stimulate her enough. She insisted I eat her out until she comes, and then as a reward she jerked me off, letting me finish on her breasts for special occasions. Despite what Sam had said, Brad, while engaged to Amy, still came over two or three times a week, and fucked Sam senseless. I didn't like seeing him enjoy what she was denying me, but I loved the way she always smiled afterwards, and wanted to keep her happy.

Brad and Amy got married exactly one year later, on Valentine's Day. And my birthday, of course. Brad claimed that it was the one year anniversary of when he discovered no other women satisfied him as much as my sister did, and he really loved her. After the wedding, Sam took off with Brad and Amy on their honeymoon, against my wishes. Two weeks later, they returned, and Sam told me that her period was late.


Now I look at her sitting on the sofa in the living room, humming a little tune. She looks absolutely radiant, even with a stomach as big as hers. I put my hand on her belly, and feel the baby kick. I kiss my wife, and know that I'll take good care of our child, no matter who the biological father may be.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Brad would of found out what carving knife is all about on the first night! Then divorce the witch! As for Amy never speak to her again! And that would be too soon!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Soon Tom will be sucking Brad's cock like he should.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

You’re really saying that Sam would not only cheat on her husband despite their strong, lifelong relationship, but with his own sister’s ex, on his birthday…the same guy who ruined his dinner and she herself called a slimeball?

The cock isn’t lining up, but Rarmons fucked this story anyway

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I always hate stories like this, not because of the cheating wife, that goes with the LW territory, but because of the backstabbing family. How can Amy do this to her brother. If she and Brad want to have a threesome or be in a polyship which they clearly do by taking Sam on their honeymoon, surely she can pick someone who isnt her brother's wife. I know not all families are perfect, my own relationship with my siblings can attest to that, but even I know that no matter our faults we would have each others back when it really mattered. Brad is an arsehole, Sam is a whore, Dave is a wimp, but Amy is a psychotic bitch for doing this to her own brother.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

That's not love, it is pure whipped dog material. You might as well have been her slave or pet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

5 star on stupidity and I have met some very stupid people.

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

Confusing Femdom agitprop. I don’t understand how this could happen except in a cartoon version of Life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

that was some great trolling

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You make me puke as a writer. He should have shot the ashole!!

I’ll never read your Scumball shit again!!!

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