Vampire Cruise Ch. 05

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A new world begins for Matt amid the vampire apocalypse.
4.1k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 02/23/2024
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I'm not sure how long I continued licking her. I lost myself completely in her taste and the high for what seemed like ages. I know I dosed off eventually because I eventually woke up. When I opened my eyes, I was still tucked between Julia's thighs. My lips still rested against her folds and I started to worship her again lightly. I didn't want to startle her or be a bother but I couldn't resist her taste.

I estimated about an hour passing before she stirred and squirmed a little with pleasure and soon she lifted the blanket that was around us both and opened her legs. My lungs welcomed the extra air and I only lapped at her more passionately.

"I could just keep you there forever, you know that?" She said and petted my head.

"Please?" I begged and continued to worship, excited my the idea of this high and her taste never leaving me. It was truly all I needed. She and Sydney were all I would ever need again. She giggled.

"I could..but then I couldn't reward you for being so sweet to me despite how mean I've been," she said with a somber half smile. I looked up from between her thighs

"You're not mean. I..enjoy your cruelty. I want it," I said, and worshiped her more, hoping to drive the point home.

"I know," she said, surprising me. "That turns me on more than I want to admit. But it doesn't mean you can't have something that's just for your benefit every now and then. I'm feeling sentimental."

She pushed my mouth away from her and stood up. Before I knew what had happened, she had picked me up from the bed mat and put me down on the sofa. My breath caught in my throat. I had forgotten that she was so unbelievably strong and fast. Being physically moved around the room with such ease excited me and made my dick begin to stiffen and rise up between my legs. Julia glanced at it and smirked.

"I want a re-do of my first day as a vampire. I couldn't control my blood lust and I ruined your first blowjob with all my biting. It's just so sad!" She said half-seriously as she got on her knees.

"Well I, uh.. I don't think I'd say you ruined it," I stammered as she wrapped her hands around my cock. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as she pressed her soft lips to the side of my shaft, her beautiful eyes locked on my face. She let out a soft giggle.

I groaned as her tongue glided from that spot all the way to my tip. She stopped there and licked the broader side of the spongey flesh repeatedly like it was a lollipop.

"Oh wow. Good morning!" Sydney exclaimed from the bed mat, despite it clearly being evening. Sydney was wrapped around Chad, who was still sleeping. Julia smiled over her shoulder at her before completely immersing my dick in her mouth and bringing it back out slowly.

"Oh God!" I moaned.

"I don't think God has anything to do with this, do you?" she said and let a fang lightly drag across my skin as she dipped my cock back in.

"No," I barely breathed. These inhuman beings that my friends had become were certainly not anyone's definition of godly. But what she was doing felt so right.

In the blink of an eye, Sydney had taken Chad by the throat to the wall to the side of us. Their size difference was on display with his muscular frame against her slender curves. He woke, surprisingly not startled but immediately aroused. She pushed him down to his knees until he went to sitting and began pleasuring her between her thighs. She rapidly turned around and pinned his head between her hips and the wall, bending over to give him access to his drug as she watched Julia suck me deep.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You're not going to cum until we find somewhere to stay, are you?" Julia said, lowering one hand to cup my sack. She applied pressure gradually as she stroked my shaft with her other hand.

"No, goddess." I said through gritted teeth.

"Mmm, I do like the sound of that. So if you can't cum. I guess maybe you get.." she started to say and licked me from just below where her hand had squeezed all the way to my tip. " last lick. That way, you don't cum until it's time."

She released my member from her grip, throbbing and completely unsatisfied. Sitting back on her knees and giving me a cruel smile, she looked like she was searching my face for a reaction. My breathing was heavy but I didn't say anything.

"Guess you end up with your blowjobs from me ruined one way or another, huh?" She said and cackled. To the side of us, Sydney ground her ass against Chad's face as she came using her fingers. When she finally released him, his face was slick with her and he had that dazed look that I'm sure I also had after having my fill of their wetness on my tongue.

It was then I noticed something on the end table near them. It was some kind of hand-made flyer. I got up without saying anything to get a closer look at it.

"No borders, no coercion, no Dominion! We want communion! SYMBIOSIS! Vampires and humans will make the next world together! Follow the signs," it read and beside the words was that red chalice symbol again.

"Look at this. I think there might be a way for us to stay together," I said. Sydney walked over and took the flyer from me.

"It's a little hippie-ish.. but maybe that's the kind of people we need to befriend to get what we want," she said.

"Let me see," Julia said, taking the flyer from her. "Well, it's better than losing y-I mean, our pets."

Sydney smirked at her. Chad and I packed some food and water that was left at the gas station and the four of us set back out on the road. The billboard outside had another detail I hadn't noticed before. Under the chalice symbol was an arrow, seeming to lead us further down the highway.

I walked next to Julia this time. For a while, we were quiet. It was as if she didn't know what to say to me or there was too much she couldn't allow herself to say. I was fighting some of my own feelings. Feelings I knew might never be reciprocated by the two of them. Finally a question found it's way to her lips.

"Do you like serving us? Like, is this something you would have wanted..before?"

I thought about it for a moment and instead of answering I asked my own question.

"You know I understood you were deliberately using my money and status, right? I wasn't stupid."

"But it wasn't just that. I know I play like I'm soulless, but we both really liked our relationship with you. We..still do."

"I know. Or at least I always hoped," I said and gave her a warm smile. She returned one of her own. "I ask because, whether or not I would admit it to myself I enjoyed the dynamic. I sometimes think where we are now was always our destiny. It feels right to give you everything I have to offer."

She giggled and said, "Now you sound like the hippies who made that flyer."

"Maybe they're onto something," I said with a smirk and then my face softened again. "I don't have to be literal property to be yours."

"Oh your ass is our property, Matty," she said as she grinned. "That's never going to change."

I let out a breathy chuckle.

"That may be true. But it doesn't mean I can't choose it for myself. That's what I mean."

"Why are you so cheesy?!" She asked through her laughing.

"My secret's out. I don't have to hold anything back anymore about how I feel," I said, inching so close to a truth I swore I would never speak aloud. Her laughs quieted and she leaned over and kissed my cheek. My face heated and we both looked away from each other.

It was quiet for a while longer before I noticed Sydney running ahead to a small sign in front of an exit to a dusty decrepit road. It had the red chalice symbol next to the exit sign arrow.

"It's another sign from the hippies, guys!" she shouted back to us.

"Shit if this is a trap, I swear.." Julia said. Sydney pursed her lips as she considered that.

"I think we have to take the risk. Where else do we go? These boys can't stay out here in the elements forever," Sydney reasoned. Julia looked at me and took a gulp of air.

"Yeah. Let's go," she said quietly.

The sun started to rise on the horizon filling the sky with a faint glow as we kept travelling. I noticed something interrupting the streams of light. It looked like a structure or maybe multiple structures. I pointed at it speechlessly, looking to Julia. Our gait slowed as we got closer and realized we were approaching a crudely pieced together wall of sheets of steel surrounding what looked like a run down motel.

"Are you vampire or human?" A woman's voice asked from behind the wall.

"Both? Um, two vampires and two humans," Sydney said.

"Wait there," the woman said. An opening appeared in the wall through a metal scrap I hadn't suspected was a door. A petite black haired woman walked out carrying a rifle.

"You with the Dominion?" She asked gruffly.

"Does it really look like we're with them?" Julia responded sarcastically. "We haven't met many of them but they're usually more..uniformed, aren't they?"

"Meaner and not nearly as pretty either," Sydney added. The woman smirked with a stifled laugh.

"Guess you're right. We just can't be too careful. My name's Charli. I guess you followed the signs here?"

"Yeah. We were on a cruise that landed in L.A. we just barely escaped before they.." Sydney started to say and her breath caught for a moment before she retained her composure. "They wanted to take him --both of them, from us. We saw a flyer and thought maybe we could find somewhere safe to stay."

My heart flip flopped hearing Sydney talk about me. She may prefer Chad sexually but she had to feel something for me. Even if I was just a friend she let eat her out. I could live with that, couldn't I?

"You're not one of those human refuges are you?" Julia asked. "Because we're a packaged deal, you know."

Another flip flop.

"No. We're sympathetic to humans trying to survive what this world has come to but we have a different goal. We believe that nature didn't intend for vampires to be parasites. At least, we don't have to be. We can coexist with humans, if we work at it," Charli answered. "We're a collective. Some are calling it a 'communion'. Either way, we give what we have to offer freely and take what is given freely. If you want to be inside these walls, you'll have to bring something to the table."

"Do you need money?" Sydney offered. "That's frankly how we escaped Los Angeles. The banks seem to still be running."

"Yes they do.." Charli mused. "And probably not for long. There are still some towns in rural areas that are untouched by the Dominion and aren't human refuges checking for vampires yet. They're trying to do business as usual even amidst the spreading apocalypse. They're stupid but we can take advantage of that while it lasts if you want to help us. But you'll also have to contribute to the work. This isn't your permanent vacation home."

"We can do that." Sydney said.

"Good. Follow me. We just started dinner..or breakfast. Whatever," Charli said and led us through the makeshift door and into the parking lot of the motel. "What's your names?"

"I'm Julia, this is Sydney and these guys are Chad and Matt," Julia chimed in.

"The boys aren't too talkative, huh?" Charli stated more than asked as she raised an eyebrow at us.

"Sorry, uh, ma'am," I stammered nervously. "Chad can't..speak anymore. I just didn't want to offend," I croaked.

"Offend?" Charli scoffed and turned around to look me in the eyes. "Let me make something clear. You are no one's slave here. You serve no one but the collective, unless, ya know, you want to. You're free to go and we'll make sure no one stops you. All that vampire superiority shit is for the birds, man. We don't do that here."

"No men serve a vampire?" I asked.

"Well, yeah some choose to. Some vampires are submissive too. The end of the world tends to bring out people's kinky side. Some just want to offer the ones they love what their bodies provide. Some offer those things to the collective."

"To the collective? How?" I asked. She smiled coyly "I'll show you."

She led us to a portion of the parking lot that was covered with a canopy of tarps and sheets. There was a large group sitting around picnic tables. Some, mostly men, ate a soup and bread. Many women drank from blood bags and cups filled with red. I looked over to see that there were a few men taking turns filling those cups from their hands before being healed by the blood of a vampire who waited on them to finish.

On other end of the room, a woman sat on a short concrete wall, bottomless and showing her pussy openly. There was a line of men and even a couple of women waiting to lick her for a just few minutes each. She tilted her head back, letting the people in line bring her to orgasm after orgasm as they got their fix.

Further in, I noticed some outdoor lounging chairs and sofas where vampires fed and humans licked. People were fucking and sucking in all manner of positions, dynamics, and gender combinations.

"So, maybe we're kinkier than the average community," she added with a nervous chuckle. "It makes for good scenery, yeah?"

We sat down at a table, in awe of the spectacle around us. A slightly older man approached Chad and they walked off to a lounging area together. I grinned, watching them smile and laugh as they were probably bridging the inevitable communication gap. He deserved to be happy and to laugh. He deserved so much and I really hoped this place would offer it to him.

Sydney brought my attention back to her, grasping my hand across the table.

"I'm not really hungry yet. Do you want to..maybe get some alone time with us?" Sydney asked. My mouth started to water as I hoped to get the opportunity to worship them between their legs again and maybe get a release.

"God, I'd love that," I sighed.

"Excuse me," Julia flagged down Charli as she walked by. "Do you have somewhere we can stay?"

Charli grinned at us knowingly and gestured for us to follow her. We went to the motel where she unlocked a room for us and then simply walked off. The room was decorated like it was the 80s but the bedding looked new and clean. It was like a perfectly preserved time capsule. The lamps on either side of the queen size bed glowed dimly. On the far side of the room was a small bathroom. Sydney walked over and opened the door.

"Wash us?" She ordered more than asked. Julia walked past her and turned on the water. I watched in awe from the doorway as their clothes fell to the floor and revealed the masterpieces that were their bodies. Julia chuckled at me and gestured for me to shed my own clothing as she and Sydney entered the shower bath. I snapped out of my stupor, quickly undressing, and joined them.

The space was small but they left room for me between them. Sydney handed me a loofah that already had soap on it. I almost didn't want to interrupt the flow of water as it artfully sluiced over their curves but I washed them both, taking turns with each. Gently, I rubbed soap from their chest to their stomachs, their arms to their armpits, their shoulders to their asses, and finally their legs and feet.

Julia pulled me to her, my back facing her. Her soft curves pressed against my shoulder blades. She kissed my neck, letting her fangs scrape my skin slightly and making me shiver. Sydney took the loofah from me and ran it over my chest and my arms. Julia then took my arms behind my back as Sydney proceeded to lather my cock in soap. I groaned as she gave me a devilish grin. She gave me a short kiss before spinning me around to face Julia. Julia pulled me into a kiss as Sydney washed my backside.

After she finished, she put the loofah up and kissed my shoulder. The feeling of their two mouths on me sent lightning through my body. Added to it was the feeling of Julia's chest against mine and Sydney's against my back. Fueled by the arousal, I passionately kissed Julia, my tongue desperately seeking out hers between us. Julia backed off finally and smiled warmly at me. We used the towels that were stocked in a cabinet to dry off and headed into the main room.

"So you can do anything here. You really choose to still serve us? To submit to our will?" Julia asked as she sat down on the edge of the bed. Sydney joined her.

"Without question," I said without a second thought. I was ready to follow them wherever and through anything, no matter if they felt the same way about me. It didn't matter anymore. It wouldn't change what I was compelled to do; what I had always been drawn to do. I'd give them everything I had and take whatever I was lucky to get from them.

"Really?" Sydney asked. "We're not, like, the worst friends ever and you hate us?"

"No, you''re not. And yes, I will serve you to my last breath. You will always be my goddesses," I said, almost choking up with the unfettered emotions that were welling inside me.

"Show us. Start here," Sydney said and pointed to her feet. I dropped to my knees and bent over to her perfect feet. I kissed them, first with only my lips and then with my tongue. I moved to Julia's and repeated the action. I looked up at her with a hot fire of longing. I kissed up to her knees before going back to Sydney's legs. I spread her legs and kissed her sleek thighs with reverence, doing the same to Julia's thick ones.

I kept my eyes fixed on Julia's eyes as I tasted her outer lips. They were already wet with her arousal but I didn't move my eyes even as the effect of her drug moved through my body. She took in my actions with an intense stare as she looked down at me. I wanted her to understand that this was not just a sexual act, not even mere worship, but a vow.

I made that same vow to Sydney, willing myself to separate my lips from one mound to worship the other. She looked on at it me with some emotion I couldn't understand. It looked It didn't matter if I was just seeing things. I made my vow just the same. I was hers and I was Julia's. Forever.

"Matt," Julia said. I made myself stop lapping between Sydney's legs to look up at her.

"Matt, would you ...would you fuck me?" She asked. I furrowed my brows, thinking I had heard her wrong. I looked to Sydney who smiled and nodded reassuringly.

"Come here," Julia said, pulling me by the hand onto the bed with her. Still unsure, I cautiously positioned myself kneeling between her open legs. She brought me down into a kiss and my steel hard member brushed against her wetness on the outside of her folds, sending my head spinning. Her kiss grounded me as she caressed my face with one hand. With the other, she grasped my throbbing cock and pressed it to her.

"Do it. Fuck me Matt," she said. Those were words I never expected to hear from probably anyone; not Sydney but especially not Julia. Her mask was off and the cold walls were down. I knew they had been crumbling but this proved that they were gone and this was her being real with me.

I pressed my hips forward letting the steel push past her soft opening. She kissed me again as I kept going until the full length of me was inside her. My universe shook and tears started to form. The drug and the slickness of her walls that massaged me drove me to insanity. I pulled back and thrust into her again and then another time. Before I could even comprehend what I was doing and feeling I found myself pounding into her with a steady rhythm.

She looked up at me, her body shaking with my impact. She looked down between us and then smiled at me.

"How does it feel?" She asked.

"I ...oh fuck!" Was all I managed to say. Julia's warm smile lit up with amusement.

I felt my brain was melting with wave after wave of pleasure as it spiked through my body. My breathing increased as I felt something hot rising in me.

"I'm gonna.." I started to say. Within a blink of an eye Julia brought me back to my knees and out from inside her.

"Uh uh. Not yet, Matty." She playfully scolded. I looked over to see Sydney on her side and playing with herself. She smirked at me and then laid back, spreading her legs.