Varsity Low Ch. 11


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"Good to meet you Travis. Anders talks about you non-stop. I hope you like fried chicken, sweet corn on the cob, and okra, 'cuz I am making a welcome supper, just for you!" she laughed.

"That all sounds awesome, Lydia, I love it. Can we help?"

"You boys sit for a while, then you can shuck the corn and set the table with Anders. I need to get these things put away and organized."

Anders gave me a wink and a grin, "Chill out here on the porch Trav, I'll just put this stuff away." He followed them inside with the heavy grocery bags massing his awesome biceps. Duke sat between my feet, demanding to be petted.

Anders and I shucked the sweet corn on the back porch and then set the table. Lydia, busy at the range sang 'On the Sunny Side of the Street' for no other reason than just knowing the lyrics.

Food on the table, we gathered, Sam saying grace, quick and low key. "Lydia, your fried chicken is like, the best ever! What's your secret?" I asked.

"Thank you, Travis. I cook it slow, over a low flame, cool and drain it on a wire rack over a pad of paper towels. Never let the chicken touch the paper towels." We crunched on the sweet corn, Anders crunching the most, making quick work of three cobs.

Sam toasted my arrival with ice tea, Anders and I with bottles of Rolling Rock. I was peppered with questions; the drive out, final exams, campus life, Richmond, Vera & Jasper. They already knew a lot, as Anders had freely spoken of our Easter weekend at the Richmond place, and shown them pix of the house.

"I have fresh blueberries with vanilla ice cream for later. I went crazy at our neighbor's 'pick your own' blueberry patch yesterday. I will bake us a cobbler tomorrow." Lydia shared with us.

I piped up, "I've baked pies and cookies with Alva but never a cobbler. Could I help?"

"Why sure Travis, I will show you some baking. Who is Alva?"

"Our live-in housekeeper back in Richmond. She's been with us forever and is more like a really fun aunt." I answered.

Anders piped up. "Yep, Alva makes a fierce apple pie" giving me a wink.

"Well, if you know pies, you can do a cobbler." Lydia gave me a smile.

After supper Anders and I cleared up and washed dishes, dispatching Lydia and Sam to go put their feet up in the living room. I washed, Anders dried, as I did not know where anything went in Lydia's kitchen. Anders put a big hand on the nape of my neck and affectionately shook me. "Good work, Trav, They both really like you. I can tell" he grinned.

Later we dished up vanilla ice cream with blueberries, and the four of us enjoyed desert on the front porch. The berries were plump and fresh-awesome.


One morning Anders and I got his canoe down from its rack in the barn, and placed it on sawhorses behind the back porch, and hosed it down, wary of spiders. A tandem from REI in lightweight T-Formex composite. "Nice! When did you get this?" I asked.

"Mmm, thanks, got for my 16th birthday. Very lightweight, it can go solo or tandem. We are going tandem on the Yellow River, swimmer boy. Wear board shorts; there is a secluded swimming spot I know." he grinned.

Sam ambled by. "You boys going out on the river?"

"Yep. We'll need the truck for most of the day. I wanna go in from the launch by the old bridge." Anders said.

A flash of annoyance crossed Sam's face. Anders clearly had not asked him in advance to use the truck. I quickly reached in my pocket and got out the key and fob to my GTI and offered them to Sam, "Y'all can take my VW if you need to go out today, full tank of gas, feel free." I offered, grinning, hopefully sparing Anders a scolding.

"Why thank you Tav!" Sam said, taking the keys. "I'll run Lydia up to the WalMart in Plymouth and out to lunch. Your car looks like fun to drive." he grinned.

"I'm sure Lydia will enjoy that. Take her someplace nice for lunch. Have a good time." I assured Sam.

Sam headed inside, annoyance diffused. "You are one quick cool-headed player, Trav...kept me from a dust up about taking the truck. Thank you for that." Anders laughed.

"Mmm. Just remember how I saved your ass." I leered. "I might want it later." After changing into board shorts, we secured the canoe in the truck bed with Bungi cords. We rolled down the drive and headed out to the launch, which was just a wide cleared sandy spot by an ancient one lane bridge. Anders positioned the truck off to the side, so others could access the river launch while we were on the water.

He took the lead spot in the bow and I was back in the stern. On the water he instructed me how to sync up my paddling with his. The hardest part was focusing on my paddling, and not on the thick muscles working so perfectly in his wide shirtless shoulders and back, all accented with a fratty backwards baseball cap. Dude was country boy hot, and he was mine.

The river was August shallow, with an easy current. We were paddling upstream, which took some effort. At some spots fields and pastures came right up to the river banks, but mostly we went through a tunnel of untouched old growth forest; cool, green, primeval.

We came to a wide place in the river, the current slowed, Anders steered us to a beach-like low bank of packed sand. "This is the swim spot." he said turning back to me with a lusty grin.

We beached the canoe, stowed the paddles, and kicked back on the cool packed sand, gulping bottled water from his pack. Farther up the sand bank, a circle of ample stones had contained many a campfire. The spot was secluded, quiet, mysterious. Generations of country boys had made their way here before us. It was a secret place to drink beer, fish, share both truths and lies, swim, smoke weed, enjoy some furtive boy sex, kick back in a cool spot during the heat of the day.

"We can swim naked if you want." Anders said, the words alone getting us both up and shucking off our board shorts and wet sneakers. In the green river water we swam, splashed, laughed. He would have me get up on his wide shoulders, carry me for a while and and then toss me off backwards into the water. It was pure joy to swim naked together, outdoors, on a hot day. Blue sky, green leafy trees, only the dragonflies bearing witness.

After swimming we sprawled back on the sandbank, warming naked in the sun, in no hurry to get back into clammy board shorts and wet sneakers, both caught in a trance of warm sun. I reared back on my elbows to see that Anders had a thick chub going on, seven inches of girthy uncut male splendor, jutting up along his furry belly from his untrimmed sandy blond jock bush. "Go down Trav. Be my hot suck boy." he growled, not even opening his eyes, so confident that I would eagerly service him.

I went down, licked his big fuzzy balls, scent of river water, sweat, wholesome young male musk. I took his thickening pudd in my mouth, working the foreskin over the blunt glans with spit, tongue, lips. "Unnngh!"...he liked that. I went deep and held, slow, fast, edging him, making him want it. He put one hand in the brush of my blond buzzcut, held me halfway down and shot his jizz in my mouth, low grunts indicating his horny joy. I stayed on, swallowed it all, working out some post cum. I eased off and moved up, kissing him gently, my lips still cummy with his sperm.

Without asking I propped up his head with the backpack, straddled his chest, and fucked his mouth rough with my 7.5" cut inches of pink blond dick. I was rock hard and pre-cum drooling, horny-crazed from having just serviced him, his taste in my mouth. I shot hard after only a few strokes, cumming so big my entire body shook. Anders took it all, swallowing like a champ. I fetched around and pulled out, cummy spit on those awesome pink full lips.

"Whoa. Swimming naked seems to agree with you, Trav!" he teased.

"Fuck yeah, sorry for the rough, I just, like...had to." I was suddenly bashful after using his hot jock mouth so richly.

"No worries, Trav. I'm all yours, all the time. I fuckin' love you."

"I love you too, river boy. Thanks for bringing me here. This place is magic." I said, looking around at our river spot.

"I knew you would like it. Glad it got you so ramped up; a win for me. Let's go back in the water, wash off the sex, cool off before we head back. We'll be going with the current going back to the launch, steering with the paddles, not much work." he said.

We swam some more, dried off, reluctantly got back into board shorts and sneakers. We cruised back down river, barely even having to steer with the paddles, the slow river current taking us back to the old bridge, the launch, Sam's truck.


Another hot morning after breakfast Anders asked, "You wanna go swimming today, Trav?"

"Yeah, it is already Hades hot. Where do we swim?" I asked.

"The public beach at Lake Max in Culver. We can hit Stan's Barber Shop and get fresh cuts, then go set up on the beach, kick back, swim, get chili dogs at the root beer stand."

"Yeah, that sounds awesome. Lake Max?" I asked.

"Lake Maxinkukee. The public beach is part of a park in Culver. It is a natural lake, deep, spring fed. The water can be bit cold, but that sure works on a scorcher like this."

"Cool. Let's go." I grinned.

"Great. Board shorts, sneakers no socks, sunnies. I'll find the old army blanket, pack some water in my back pack. We'll take the GTI, so gran and gramps can have the truck if they need it."

Anders drove, and we cruised into town, which had a 'Mayberry' vibe. Flags and wholesome people with happy kids and dogs on a hot August day. Anders snagged a parking spot without even trying in front of Stan's, which was a time warp from the '50's.

Stan cut my hair first, buzzcut, finished the nape with hot foam and straight razor, He had a gentle, yet confident touch. After being neatly shorn, I sat and pretended to look at my phone, really watching Anders in Stan's chair. I got a chub when Anders put his head forward, the foam and straight razor on his thick muscular wrestler's neck.

We paid, said thanks to Stan, and headed towards the beach, where Anders had still more great parking karma. "Whoa, I like this place!" I said, grinning at Anders, the lake sparkling thru the leafy green ribbon of park.

"Yep, I knew your would, swimmer boy." We spread the blanket and set up our gear. We lounged and then went in to swim some laps parallel to the shore. Anders churning the water with his chunky muscular crawl while I did an easygoing backstroke. The water was pretty cold, but was a respite from the heat.

We sunned on our blanket, watching a flashy, powerful speedboat tow a water skier. We were in and out of the water several more times to cool off, then dozed, tee shirts over our faces.

"Are you getting hungry? I sure am. Let's head over to the root beer stand; get some chili dogs." Anders said.

"Yeah, I am starving. Let's eat some dogs!" I answered.

"We can leave the blanket and stuff here on the beach, no one will mess with it."

Shirtless, we ambled through the ribbon of lake front park and across the road to the root beer stand which appeared to be a vintage drive-in from the 1950's. Anders ordered for us, and we snagged a picnic table in the cool shade of the carport-like structure. Chili dogs and onion rings in red plastic baskets lined with wax paper, frosty glass schooners of excellent root beer. We dove into our food.

"Fuck me, this is good. Thanks for bringing me here." I said. Grinning Anders had chili smeared all over his sexy mouth.

"Mmmm, yeah, we had to come here. Nexus of the Culver universe in August. Should we get two more dogs?" He asked.

"Yeah, and more root beer. No more rings. You need money?"

"Thanks, no, I am good." he grinned. I looked around while he got the dogs. The place was busy; flirty local teens, young families with happy kids, an elderly couple enjoying big root beer floats. Simple joy of a summer day. Anders returned with two more dogs and root beers, which we both demolished. Sated, in cool shade, we were in no hurry to head back to the beach.

"Have you heard from Grif?" he asked.

"Not since right before I drove out here. He and Jose were headed down to the Outer Banks." I responded.

"Mmm. Jose. Trouble on the hoof. I kinda' know him. Griffin is a player, but Jose plays on a whole 'nother level. Boys, girls, couples, small villages, faculty. Dude is a Minotaur posing as an undergrad. He gets himself talked about. Parents are loaded and he's real flashy with money. There's rumors in the athletic department that Jose and the LAX coach have hooked up. Lots." Anders said, leaning forward, voice low.

"Yikes. I guessed some of that, but did not see it all. Grif seemed pretty smitten when we had dinner after finals. Do you think he will get his heart stomped by a pair of expensive LAX cleats?" I asked.

"Maybe. Grif is whip smart; he will probably read the writing on the wall and back away slowly before that happens. I hope. We should say nothing at this point, but be there for him if and when things go sideways. Who knows? Grif might be the one to hold Jose's attention for awhile, or longer; tame the chaos. People can change, sometimes even for the better." Anders shared.

"OK, Very wise. You've known Grif longer than I have; I will follow your lead. You might wanna visit the boy's room and wash the chili off your mouth, my adorable summer werewolf boy." I teased.

I took a rather excellent two-headed shirtless selfie of us in front of the root beer stand road sign, and we headed back to our beach spot.

We kicked back, and I texted Vera:

ME: chili dogs, rings, root beer at the lake; it is like the 1950's here

(selfie attached)

VERA: golly, you boys look all brown and mid-west healthy

ME: must be our fresh barber shop haircuts

VERA: nice cuts. we all miss you at the firm, I hired a new girl who does nothing but spill coffee and make personal calls; even so she has somehow managed to jam all the printers

ME: LOL, truly impressive! keep her away from my spreadsheets

VERA: r u ok for money? lmk

ME: I am good, thx, u r the best stepmomster in the history of the world

VERA: LOL, u know it! have that carved on my tombstone

ME: LOL, don't be indulgent

VERA: never that! XOXO

Anders was sprawled out next to me on the blanket reading an old paperback edition of 'The Catcher In the Rye'.

"Is that from the reading list?" I asked.

"No. I reread it every summer. Holden always has something new to say to me." he replied. Whoa. Another glimpse of Ander's secret wavelength. "We should head back soon. Gramps might have chores for us before supper." closing the book and looking at me over his lowered RayBans. "That haircut makes you look totally fearsome and boyish cute, all at the same time."

"Thanks. Your haircut makes me wanna hold your head down on my big hard dick." I teased.

He laughed, "OK, horny swimmer boy, plenty of time later for naughty hanky-pank. Let's go in the water and cool off before we head back. No lap swimming; I'm still full of chili dogs." We swam out, tread water some, and back to the blanket, drying ourselves in the hot sun, then breaking camp and heading back to the car and the farm.

Sam was working in his small office off the mudroom. He had no afternoon chores for us, and happily declared us free men until supper. We had ice tea and Lydia's excellent chocolate chip cookies at the kitchen table.

On the back porch, Anders said, "Damn, it is hot today. Let's check out the AC in the cabin-house. I tested it when I put it in, but a scorcher like this is the real test." In the cabin house he locked the door behind him and put the AC on while I closed the windows. "Whoa. Cooling down fast." he grinned, clearly pleased with himself.

"Yeah, good work stud. Thank you."

"Anything for the comfort of your serene blond hotness." he mock bowed.

"Nap in the coolness, then bath before supper?" I suggested.

"Yes! I need to get spooned and nap, then we can wash up." He got right into spooning position, and I scooped him up, knowing just how he liked to be held. Muscles relaxed and his breathing slowed. My face against his freshly clipped nape, smelling of witch hazel from the barber, lake water, and clean summer sweat. I tumbled into deep drooling nap sleep, my splendid boyfriend safe in my arms.

I awakened on my back to find Anders blowing me, my 7.5" of blond dick wet with his spit, his full pink lips wrapped around my shaft. He was slowly ramping up, using the easy southern style I had taught him. I kicked back and let it all happen, putting one hand in the freshly clipped hair on the back of his head, moving down to his thick muscular wrestler neck, his total masculinity making his servicing even hotter. He went for the close...."Unnnngh!" my grunts low as I spilled my sperm in his mouth, he gulped my load down like a champ. He stayed on my dick, getting all the jizz, letting me come back to earth.

He reared back, wiping his mouth with back of a big fist. "Whoa. Somebody needed head." he grinned.

"That was an awesome way to wake up from a nap. What got you ramped up?"

"What you said back at the lake. About holding my head down on your dick; you made me want it." he said.

"Can I return the favor??" I asked, trying not to leer.

"No thanks. I'm savin' my load to fuck you later tonight. Did you bring the Speedos? Can we play 'Swim Team'?" he looked all cute and boyish, asking for his slice of wholesome kink.

I laughed. "Yes, and yes. Anything you want, stud. I wanna be your swimmer slut boy."

We got up, I started the bath, he turned down the AC, as the two rooms were at the right level of cool. I had packed some of the same honey bar soap that Griffin used, and we lathered each other, rinsing with the hand shower. After washing and rinsing his beefy ass, I went in ears deep and tongued his clean pink bro hole. "Ahhhh! Yeah, lick me Trav!" I gave him just enough rim to get his girthy 7" uncut dick hard.

"Save that dick for later, varsity boy. You'll get more rim, I promise." We got out of the big tub and dried each other.

"Shit. I have to go up to my room get on some real shorts and shirt. No board shorts or tank tops at supper table; we don't want Gran to get all prickly with us."

"Got it. Never that." I grinned, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Meet you in the kitchen, we'll set the table and see if Lydia needs any help with supper."

After supper we cleared up the kitchen, shooing Lydia into the living room to put her feet up and watch TV with Sam. At the big sink and drainboards Anders and I worked well together, shoulder to shoulder, he washed and I dried. I had learned Lydia's tidy kitchen well enough to put things away without asking where they went. 'A place for everything, and everything in its place' was her mantra.

"This drain is getting slow again; I will have to snake it out before Gran gets after me." Anders mused. It was cool the way he looked after the old place, as well as Sam and Lydia.

With the kitchen ship-shape we headed out to the front porch. I kicked back in one of the old wicker chairs, while Anders lit the citronella candles on the railing, the nubby glass jars glowing with flame. "These things are kinda stinky but they do keep the bugs off." Anders chuckled.

"Mmm. Smells like summer. I like it. Should I fetch some weed?"

"No, Not up here on the porch. That would be a bridge too far for Gramps and Gran. Would you like to do a shot or five of Jack?" he countered, wicked grin.

"Hell yeah. Jack and I are old friends. We go way back." I drawled. He fetched a bottle of Jack Daniels and two shot glasses out from the house, and we did three rapid shots each.

"Whoa. Let's slow this down to warp speed. I don't wanna get too drunk to fuck you, swimmer boy." he said low and even.

My face was getting warm from the whiskey. "Mmm. Lead me astray. I wanna be your slut boy. Beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks." I clowned for him.