Vicki, Version Deux Ch. 02


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"For example, there was an incident with 'truth or dare' that he never forgave. Let's just say that he's glad to be sterile. That's all I'm saying. Okay, stop smiling! So, that was an issue between us when I found out that he's sterile. He fucking lied about it all along, I kid you not! Sorry, guess I still have a little rage left over from the marriage. More than I thought," Michelle blushed as she threw the empty apple pie pocket so far that accidentally hit a stranger in the ass. She ducked for a second to keep the victim from seeing her face.

"Yeah, you're still in love with Charlie. Don't feel bad about it. That's perfectly normal. The pain is still too fresh. I was the same way about Ty for the longest time, as I recall. Well, except that I'm not a very angry person by nature. I was still very hurt and bawled my eyes out for months," Vicki comforted her best friend.

"The biggest problem is the loneliness at this stage, to be perfectly honest. I feel like nothing is too crowded much of the time. I want a lot of company and noise, not peace and silence. It's eerily quiet at my place since the divorce. I just wish that I could live with you guys for a while, to be totally candid," Michelle mused about the other issues of her post-marital existence.

Vicki had a brainstorm right then and told Michelle,"Why not? I'll talk to Dan. So far, he's been very understanding and open-minded. There's certainly something in it for him, just as there is for me, in that you can babysit Trevor when I need someone on short-notice. Not that I would pass the buck, but every mother needs a break. Mind you, you'll have to share that honor with Daddy, as he loves to spend time with Trevor, too. You can be Aunt Michelle from now on, if Dan approves. Don't worry, I can persuade him. Not that he's weak, but he has no reason to object, does he?"

"Oh, Vicki, I'll love you guys forever, if you do that! I spoke in the abstract, but this is a dream come true. It's not about money. I'm okay there. I just need to come home to someone. I miss that most of all, I think. The sex won't hurt, either," Michelle beamed with delight.

"Yeah, well, I still need Dan's okay, but I can't see him turning you down, as I said. Dan's one of the two greatest men I've ever known. The other is Daddy. There might be some awkward moments, but overall it makes great sense for everyone involved. Here, let me convince my sweet fiance to take in a second lonely woman. He's taking me in and he has a heart of gold," Vicki told Michelle, which caused the other ladies to exchange winks.

They'd been kind of in their own world for a moment, but the talk of two women shacking up with a man got their attention. It sounded delightfully sensual and exotic to them, as in a harem scenario.

Vicki once again called her master to sell him an idea, and was not disappointed. Dan listened to her explanation for several minutes and grinned like a Cheshire cat. Between Vicki and Haley, his day had been one constant state of arousal. It was incredibly difficult to focus on work with all of this sexual stuff going on. He was tempted to call it a day or even a week, but a lot of work needed done. Haley had been called upon twice already to satisfy his carnal needs, much to her delight.

"Honey, I think that it's safe to say that I'm totally fine with this. We're both intensely attracted to Michelle and the feeling appears to be mutual. I haven't even met her, just talked on the phone so far, but she seems to be a girl after my own heart. Not as much as you, of course, but you get the idea. We'll have a lot of fun and also get an auntie for Trevor, as you said. I just hope that it's clear that she doesn't rule the roost. I am in charge, followed by you, and only then Michelle. It sounds as if she knows this, but I could be wrong," Dan stipulated.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure that she knows, given her impressive expressions of gratitude to me. Michelle never forgets a favor, from what I know of her. She can be a little prickly and aggressive at times, but she is fanatically loyal to those who treat her that well. I know, because I've seen her change from jaded or sarcastic to remarkably touched by such acts of kindness directed at her. How do you think that I won her over so easily? She's never forgotten it, either. She has the memory of an elephant and always repays a debt. Her sense of honor will make her comply, even when her impulse is to defy," Vicki clarified, much to Dan's relief. That resolved his only concern over the plan.

"I'm glad that I agreed, then. I just hope that Haley doesn't get jealous. She shouldn't, since she's had me twice today and always gets a turn when I'm at work. She calls herself my 'bitch', though I have no idea why that pleases her so much. She's oddly proud of that distinction," Dan relaxed.

"That's easy to explain, honey. Women are drawn to you, magically as it were. It doesn't matter how or why. We just are. Some of us, like me, are more romantic about it. Others just go into heat like wildcats. Haley sounds like the latter, though I could be wrong. She seems rather devoted to you in her own way. Maybe it's the former after all. You know her better than I do, but you have some blind spots about women. All guys do, even the more clairvoyant ones like you.

"Oh, by the way, I told Michelle that I'm cool with you knocking her up if it happens. Same with Sandy and Julie. You can now add Haley to that list, as far as I'm concerned. Not that it's really up to me. What Master does with other women is ultimately his business, not his slave's. You know, all of this pregnancy talk makes me wet. If you don't have anything pressing at work, I'd love to meet you here at the Mickey D's next door to my office. Have you eaten lunch yet, dear?" Vicki encouraged her fiance.

"Not yet. I've just now caught up, due to two 'breaks' that I had today. My focus has been off today. I'm torn between working through the distractions and just calling it a day. It's not every day that so much happens, especially involving so many lovely ladies. Haley has thankfully been here for me in my hour of need. She's such a trooper. I'll join you for lunch and we'll decide what to do after that. I can't promise that I'll be good for much sexually, since I hadn't planned such a rendezvous. I'll do my best, however," Dan smiled at her risque suggestion.

"That's all I ask. Thank you, Master," Vicki made a kissing sound over the phone.

"I love you very much, Vicki," Dan turned serious.

"No more than I love you, Dan. I'm yours. Please don't forget it. Invite Haley along while you're at it, please. It's only polite," Vicki implored.

"How can I forget something so sweet and sexy as that attitude? You're right about being mine, 'cause you are. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to put my pants back on and head over in your direction. It remains to be seen if I can tear myself away from you after that. I'll tell Haley, but that will make it even harder to return to work, I have to warn you," Dan hung up with a smile born of sexual anticipation.

"Well, ladies, I think that we're in trouble. There's a tomcat on the prowl and he's headed our way," Vicki teased her girlfriends.

"Promises, promises. Just wait until I get my hands on this stud of yours at last," Michelle replied wistfully.

With that, the foursome broke out into one mutual laugh. They all hoped that this would continue to be as good a day as it started to be. Regardless of how much Dan could actually perform, they looked forward to seeing him and sharing his company. It was about time for the others to meet this mysterious man who made their Vicki so happy these days. If nothing else, their curiosity would be satisfied. That was reason enough to be impatient for his arrival. Anything else was just gravy.

When Dan and Haley arrived, each of the four partners rose and kissed them, again getting looks from the rest of the patrons, some of them dirty. Vicki in particular was turned-on when she saw how gorgeous Haley was, with her mocha complexion and her long, jet-black curls. Haley was too classy and professional to dye her hair a color that looked obviously fake. She, in turn, couldn't help finding Vicki and the others sexually attractive.

Nothing compared to the way that three of the women reacted upon meeting Dan at last. They got tongue-tied for a second, as if his charisma and supernatural sex appeal made them feel like schoolgirls with a crush. They understood Vicki's position a lot better now. They also grasped why Haley hung on Dan's every word. It was about more than her being his secretary. He didn't so much own her as possess her with an almost demonic force. Vicki was clearly under the same spell and they each found themselves yielding to its power without even token resistance.

"Okay, now I've not actually eaten my lunch, and neither has Haley. Haley, darling, I think that it's time to grab some food. I trust that you ladies don't mind waiting for me to get some food in my system. I still need a little time and energy to recover from my last 'performance', if you catch my drift. I bet that you're starving by now, aren't you, Haley?" Dan led his secretary to the cashier, whose eyes had all but popped out of their sockets from the earlier girl-girl kissing that he had seen. He hadn't heard anything, but he had witnessed enough to fuel his imagination.

"What do you want, Haley? It's my treat," Dan turned to Ms. Wilkes, who was rather hungry by now.

"A Big Mac, large Coke, and a large order of fries, please. You? I can hear your stomach growling, Boss Man," Haley winked at her boss/lover. She loved picking on him, though not as much as working for him and screwing him.

"Quarter pounder with cheese, large Dr. Pepper, and a large order of fries. Hey, kid, you heard us. I know that you're a little distracted by all of these gorgeous ladies, but you still have a job to do. Put it in the system. Don't worry, I'm not mad. Just famished," Dan paid for the meals and handed Haley her cup as they went to get their fountain drinks.

It was typical of Haley that she turned this action into a way to get everyone's eyes on her, both male and female. She knew how to move her ass, much to the cashier's delight as he leered at her. Then again, Dan had a little more fun, since Haley leaned in close to him as they poured their drinks and whispered a rather steamy fantasy into his ear.

The four partners were all stuffed by now, of course, so they watched Dan and Haley patiently, understanding that they had other needs besides sex. This didn't mean that they sat idly by while Dan and Haley ate. On the contrary, they laughed and exchanged suggestive smiles with each other. They also played footsie with each other and with the new arrivals. They found excuses to rub their hands and arms against them and each other as well. The sexual tension grew by each second. Finally, once Dan finished his meal, he decided to speak up.

"So, Michelle, what exactly do you do for a living?" Dan asked, it occurring to him that her occupation and her schedule had never come up, yet she clearly had some means. They weren't anywhere in his league, from what he could tell, but she didn't lack for funds.

"Well, I'm an exotic dancer, as a matter of fact. That might shock you, but I only got into it toward the end of my marriage. I wanted money to pay a better lawyer than a housewife could afford, in case I got served divorce papers. I was right to do so, as Charlie already made up his mind to leave me by then. Surprisingly, despite my age, the club owner took just two minutes to hire me. That might have had something to do with my dance moves from before my marriage or perhaps the special attention I gave him afterward.

"Yeah, I was a naughty wife toward the end of my marriage. I've been friends with Vicki long before that and I'm glad that she didn't drop me like a bad habit. I hope that you don't hold it against me, either. I still sleep with the club owner now and then. I don't know if it helps my career, but it doesn't hinder it. Would I need to change jobs?" Michelle explained, hoping that Dan didn't get upset as some men did.

She might not be his fiancee/slave like Vicki, but she worried about how he would take this news. Michelle also felt herself automatically craving his approval for her own sake. It was strange, but it was a very real phenomenon, so she chose not to ignore it.

"Hey, you do what you must. It doesn't bother me any more than it bothered Vicki. Did you get a good settlement from the divorce?" Dan showed a keen, non-judgmental interest in her affairs, much to her relief.

"It was nasty. He filed on the grounds of adultery, but we both had our peccadilloes and plenty of evidence of them, so my lawyer was able to neutralize that issue. I counter-sued for desertion, fraud, and mental cruelty, which I was able to demonstrate. Since he didn't have too much money and we had no kids, it wasn't about the financial side of things. I just wanted vindication, to be perfectly blunt.

"I couldn't take him to the cleaners if I wanted to, and in fact had to fight off paying him alimony due to my new job. My past dependence on him luckily canceled out my sudden windfall, as I was able to prove that it was recent and he had made more over the course of the marriage.

"In the end, it was a bloody stalemate, with only the lawyers doing well. I'm just grateful that it's over. Community property was the final result, with no alimony going either way," Michelle sighed as she recalled this recent courtroom battle with her ex.

"Scorched earth, with plenty of hard feelings, huh? He must have hurt you badly. Very sorry about that, but those days are over. You'll live with us indefinitely. In fact, you don't ever have to leave. That's up to you. If someday you tell us that you've found a great guy or gal and want to move in with him or her, I will respect your wishes and not give you a hard time about it. I'm sure that Vicki will do the same, right, dear?

"If Charlie comes crawling back and you decide to reconcile, that's also okay, as long as it makes you happy. On the other hand, if you grow old at our place, that's also cool with us. There will be absolutely no pressure put on you, either way. You're a close and intimate friend of my Vicki, so you count as mine, too. I hold no one against her will. It's not my style. Sometimes, it may hurt, but I learn to simply bounce back. Just wanted to be clear about that," Dan informed Michelle with Vicki's obvious support.

"Thank you, Dan," Vicki and Michelle spoke at once, with plenty of gratitude showing in their voices.

"You're both very welcome, girls," Dan assured them with the calm authority of an aristocrat.

"So, you really are that great! Haley, does he treat you this well?" Sandy asked Ms. Wilkes, eager for an excuse to converse directly with the lovely secretary.

"Damn straight, he does! There's a reason that I'm his booty call. Another man would use a girl and then think less of her the next day. Dan doesn't let that lower his estimate at all. He will also literally give you the shirt off his back. I know this for a fact. Mind you, he has to find you at least somewhat likeable first. He's no doormat or milksop. Of course, it doesn't hurt that he's great in the sack, too," Haley smiled as she recalled several steamy encounters with Dan.

"Thank you, girls. Now, how about them Rangers?" Dan changed topics in haste, which only amused the ladies.

"See what I mean? He gets visibly uncomfortable with praise, even as he exudes a mystical power that trumps mere confidence and charisma. He's a strange fellow, this stud of ours, but it's a nice kind of weirdness. I ain't complainin', that's for sure," Haley winked at Dan as she complimented him once again.

"Flattery will get you everywhere," Dan grinned.

"As long as it gets me in bed with you, I'm satisfied," Haley shot back.

"My sentiments exactly," Vicki concurred. The other girls nodded their agreement.

"So, it's kind of hot and humid, isn't it?" Dan tried valiantly again to move on to another subject.

"I have an announcement, by the way. Try not to get too excited, Dan. I skipped my period, so I took a pregnancy test. It was positive, so I took another. Same result. I'm pregnant, about a month along. I'm keeping it, too. I hope that you don't mind giving me maternity leave for the baby. I'll miss working for you during those six months. You know that I'm not lazy. On the other hand, I plan to be around you a lot, anyway. It will just be off the clock. This is your baby, Dan. It's our child in my womb. I assume that you're happy about it," Haley glowed with pride at the idea of having her boss's baby.

"Haley Jane Wilkes, what kind of man do you think I am? I don't doubt for a second that this is my baby. If you give me your word, that's good enough for me. I've known you, including in the biblical sense, for a long time now. I trust you completely. I believe you. This child is mine, or rather ours. I'll be there for the kid, just as I will be for Vicki's kids and any others in my family.

"As for maternity leave, that's a given. Take as many months as you want, though I'll miss our workplace arrangement. Since I am opening up my home to various women, I think that it's only fair that this extend to any mother of my children. This part is not up for discussion, though I hope for and would appreciate a positive attitude from my whole household. It's an invitation as my own prerogative and it's the right thing to do. Not that you wouldn't be welcome, anyway," Dan declared with a mixture of authority and affection.

"Hey, don't look at me! Any lover of Dan's is a lover of mine. I'm gonna be his wife, but I've already convinced him to take in Michelle. He has the final say and I wouldn't oppose it, anyway. I owe him so much already and he is only doing the right thing, even if there is something for him in it, too. Then again, there's something in it for me as well. I finally get to meet the young woman who has done so much to help him on the job.

"He's my master and what he says goes. I have to warn you, honey, that this means a heavy concentration of estrogen and some delays from that many women primping. Thank God you have a lot of bathrooms, that's all I have to say. In any case, if I'm cool with you knocking up Michelle and keeping her at our place, I have no reason to oppose Haley. She's a sweetheart, I can already see. Not to mention that I hear that she's bi. She'll fit right in with us," Vicki put in her own two cents with a lustful smile directed at Haley.

"Sorry, if I offended you, Dan. I didn't want to take anything for granted. Not to misjudge you, it's just that the particular circumstances of having a black mother, well, there are always concerns about it. I gladly accept your invitation to live with you, Vicki, Michelle, and Trevor. It might be a full house, but I think that we'll manage. I'll do my part to make it work out, whatever tensions might arise with so many people, especially women. Then again, I guess that a lot of men in one house would have their own problems, too.

"Thank you so much for everything, Dan. I'm glad that you understand and want to raise the child, too. You'll make such a great daddy, both for our baby and for the others. You proved once more that you can always surprise me. I only expected the maternity leave and child support, maybe some visitation. This is a step further. I'm proud to have your baby, Dan. It's an honor," Haley Wilkes told everyone, but especially her boss.

"Hey, I have a crazy idea. Bear with me. I'll understand if Haley tells me, 'hell no', 'cause she don't know me from Adam. It's not a love match in the traditional sense, since we just met. However, we'll have the same man and wife in common. I want to really piss off Charlie and also openly embrace my Sapphic side, so it here goes.