Victoria's Secret


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Wednesdays were exclusive and exclusively valued.

Wednesdays were mine.

Accustomed to being there first I bought two large reds and tried not to wince at the mere coppers I got in change from a tenner.

Then my heart almost stopped.

A staggeringly, stupendously beautiful woman was strutting up towards me. She was tall, too, and height always did it for me. Being tall myself, tallest always still did seem best.

Maybe it's a primeval hangover but that's how it is for me. Tall guys matter not, tall girls . . .

Yes, yes, yes, every time and make that a please.

'Hi,' the towering beauty said, 'fancy seeing you here.'

I had never seen the woman before in my life. Trust me, I would have remembered. She was six foot if she was an inch and slender if not skinny. She additionally had the looks and presence of a catwalk model.

And yes, I know that's an overused term . . . it just happens to be correct.

The ass on her!

Fucking fit or what!

Part of me thanked the heavens for being approached. I'm not a girl unused to bar hook-ups but I am unused to hooking up with babes like that. Normally such encounters would be very much an end-of-the-night thing, where looks . . . and occasionally gender . . . didn't so much matter.

Fuck gender; Fit, Italian-looking and ten feet tall, what sort of chance did any man have compared to her?

I kid you not: my juices were flowing thick and fast.

But I was meeting with Hev anytime soon. How unfair was that!

'Nice to meet you,' I said reluctantly, 'but I'm waiting for someone.'

At which point my phone rang.

'That'll be her,' the vision of loveliness said, 'that'll be Hev.'

Chapter Seven

I took in more of the woman as I fished out my mobile and, recognizing Hev's number, accepted the call.

The woman really was staggering and stupendous. She had spiky, shortish brown, almost black hair that must have cost a packet. She had a long oval face with perfect, darkish skin, suggesting a dash of Mediterranean blood in there somewhere. Most noticeable of all, she had liquid brown eyes behind big, stylish, super-sexy glasses and a smiley mouth filled with a lot of dazzling white teeth.

Those glasses were, I thought distantly, probably no more than a prop. A girl looking like that . . . a girl reeking of well-maintained sophistication . . . Well, maybe laser eye-surgery had happened. Maybe these were just for show. If anyone's specs were for show, this was your girl.

And fuck me, didn't she show off well!

'Hi,' Hev's voice said into my ear. 'Is Vic there?'

'Are you Vic?' I asked the vision of loveliness.

'Yes,' she replied, 'that's me. And it's nice to meet you, Kat. I've heard a lot about you.'

'What is this?' I barked into my mobile. 'What's going on?'

'I've been called away at short notice,' Hev replied. 'But I owe you a night of sex. So Vic is going to take my place.'

Shit fire and save matches, I hadn't expected that!

Unsure what Vic could overhear of our chat, I glanced at her. She simpered a bit, shrugged and, for the first time, my eyes homed in on her tits.

Omigod, there was potential there all right. Two pointy torpedoes ready to be launched!

No, make that ready to be launched upon.

'Me and Vic have no secrets,' Hev went on lightly, as if she was discussing next week's weather forecast. 'And I've given her glowing reports about you. She's up for it. She's got my keys too, so feel free to use my bed and drink all my wine. My fridge is full of pinot. And you'll know where to find the red. All I ask is that you change the sheets in the morning.'

'Hev,' I said desperately, 'tell me this is a wind-up and you're ringing from just outside.'

'I'm in a London taxi,' she said, 'en route for London Bridge. Here, I'll prove it.'

I listened as she moved her phone away and said to someone, 'Say something in Cockney.'

'Gor blimey, strike a light,' a man's voice obliged.

I couldn't argue with that; the guy sounded like Chas and Dave rolled into one. That was clearly a cabbie with The Knowledge.

'I guaranteed you every Wednesday night,' Hev resumed. 'And you like different as much as I do.'

'Hev . . .'

'Vic's a bit out of practice,' she went on regardless. 'She knows what to do but she would prefer it if you led the way. I told her you'd have no problems with that.'

'Hev . . .'

'Stop whinging and give the girl what she wants. And we need to do Friday . . . me and you . . . to make up for lost time; maybe Saturday and Sunday as well. So I'll see you then. Ciao to Vic; give her one for me.'

And she rang off, just like that.

Stunned, I stashed my phone. Vic was watching me, still smiling but a little anxiously.

'So here I am,' she said.

'You can't possibly have agreed,' I replied.

'I'm here, so yes, I have agreed to something.'

'But surely not to the things Hev's just suggested to me.'

At that the smile widened and the anxiety vanished. 'I agreed to all sorts,' she countered. 'Maybe we should find somewhere to sit and talk.'


I selected the most isolated table in the pub . . . not very isolated at that time of a Wednesday . . . and we sat at opposite sides, sipping the Shiraz I'd so considerate bought.

'I still think this is a wind-up,' I began.

'This is typically Heather,' Vic replied, 'wouldn't you say?'

'So what did you agree to?'

'I agreed to drinks in here, curry at the Shama and a night in Heather's bed.'

'Did you really? Is it as simple as that?'

My heavy sarcasm was lost on Vic.

'Heather did exert certain pressure on me, including showing me photos of you.' She chuckled. 'I was impressed by them, I must say. Some of them were, to say the least, risqué. And I am even more impressed by seeing you in the flesh, obviously.'

I shrugged that off. Everything about the situation seemed contrived. Surely Hev was somewhere outside the pub, giggling into her hand and wondering what intimacies I'd confess to this . . .

This . . .

Well, to this exceptionally beautiful babe. Looking at Vic just once stopped my heart but hers was the sort of beauty that got better with every second glance.

She was well-presented too. No earrings, just gold sleepers and hardly any cosmetics other than a hint of eye shadow and possibly mascara.

Or maybe her lashes were always like that.

And those eyes . . . There I'd been, thinking Hev's were hypnotic, and these were even worse.

No, scrap that; these were even better.

'Heather did observe that I was due a change,' she added. 'No, she pointed out that dodo eggs had been laid more recently than me. In a way that made it into an offer I couldn't refuse.'

'You keep calling her "Heather",' I observed smartly (or so I thought).

'She always tells people that she's Hev to friends and lovers.' Vic chuckled again. 'But she has always been Heather to me. And I've been her lover far longer than almost any of the others.'

I always shortened my name for friends and lovers. When I'd said so I'd made Hev laugh, so we evidently had the saying in common. And Vic evidently knew Hev well. Giving her some benefit of the doubt, I played along.

'If you're Hev's lover I take it that you don't expect us to do a lot of sleeping in her bed. Assuming this isn't a theatrical show of Barnum and Bailey proportions.'

'I have spent hundreds of nights with Heather and hardly ever slept. Trust me, Kat, I'm a big girl; I know what I'm getting into. Heather and I have no secrets from each other.'

'So she just told me,' said I. Studying Vic's face I could see no imperfections whatsoever. And her voice was without an accent, much like Hev's. 'You said you've known her a long time,' I said in a probing sort of a way. 'Were you at school with her?'

'I wish!' Vic laughed. 'Believe it or not I'm . . . Well, let's call it a couple of years older. And my old alma mater was nowhere near hers.'

I was surprised but sensible enough to drop that line of interrogation. Judging on appearances I'd assumed Hev was younger than me. We had already had the "age conversation" and I now knew she was pushing thirty-seven and proud of it.

There again, why shouldn't she be? She had the body of a twenty-year-old and stamina to burn.

Mentally I supposed a cagey "couple of years older" put Vic into her early forties. Not that I was in any hurry to point that out.

'You look good for it,' I said instead.

'You too,' she replied. 'I meant it when I said I was impressed by seeing you in the flesh. Having sex with you is not going to be an ordeal.'

I shook my head but didn't manage to clear it. 'Has Hev some sort of hold over you?'

'Yes, but not in a nasty sort of a way; what we have is . . .' Vic shrugged. 'Our relationship is not exactly an everyday one, but it works for us. And as I said before, I'm here, aren't I?'

Words momentarily stuck in my throat. I had to literally force them out: 'Can you honestly assure me that you . . . that you want to . . . to go ahead . . . of your own free will?'

By way of response she leant across the table and kissed me. Her lips were soft and her kiss was softer still. In every respect she was mild, gentle and very, very thorough.

It was the sort of kiss that was impossible not to respond to and bugger all the other customers. If they didn't like what they were seeing they could eff off to the Bingley Tavern, across the street.

Or maybe to Mars, for all I cared.

I know I keep losing track of time but God only knows how long it was until we took a breather. By then Vic was smiling again and I was struggling to believe she'd ever seemed anxious.

'Wine's all gone,' she said. 'I'll get more before we move on to the Shama.'

Chapter Eight

At the bar, viewed from behind . . . and I was by no stretch the only viewer . . . Vic was possibly even more alluring. You already know what I think about her ass but the rest of her was equally good. Seen from behind her body looked slender but was definitely not skinny. It also looked to be long, tapering only slightly from narrow shoulders to a very slinky waist. Surprisingly curvy hips connected to legs that went on forever and ever, amen.

No wonder everyone in the barroom was lapping her up.

Or is that an unfortunate turn of phrase?

No, is it fuck unfortunate in any way. I was still halfway between disbelief and hope, but edging for hope faster and faster.

Who the heck is she? I asked myself. Like Hev, she was dressed pretty much as I was: short, thin skirt, smart white shirt and dark jacket. But my clobber was reasonably expensive off-the-peg. I'd have put a pound to a penny that Vic's was extortionately expensive and tailored.

Must be a barrister or a solicitor, I concluded.

That was it! I was being solicited!!

Hopefully not at two hundred pounds an hour . . . or didn't legal eagles break it down into chunks of four minutes? Hadn't their hourly rates got even higher?

When Vic came back to our table she sat beside me, depositing two brimming wine glasses and putting her hand on my knee. I didn't object.

'So everything's positive,' I said.

She kissed me again, softer, gentler and ten times as thoroughly.

'I'm up for anything,' she said as she finally drew away, smiling as always.

That made two of us.

'Who are you?' asked the last rational cell of my brain.

'I'm Heather's long-running girlfriend. I'm a girl who will do anything for Heather. Not that tonight's entirely for her.' Vic chuckled her endearing chuckle. 'It's going to be a kick, isn't it? The two of us shagging on her bed while she has to watch cable porn dubbed out of Danish or German.'

That aspect hadn't previously occurred to me. And I admit I found it amusing and arousing.

There again, I found everything about Vic arousing. Small wonder Hev had been fucking her for years.

'Who are you?' she asked me, taking me aback. 'You have an Aussie twang to you. Or is that due to all the travelling?'

Taking myself aback even more, I gave her a potted profile.

'I class myself as a Yorkshire thoroughbred,' I told her, 'but I was actually born in Lancaster Royal Infirmary. That was my mother's fault. At eight months pregnant she insisted on Frontierland and a ride on the Cyclone. I arrived a few hours later. And I was a big baby for a month early. She still hasn't forgiven me for that. Guess she never will.'

'You don't sound close.'

'We're not. We haven't spoken in three or four years. She went off on one when I came out, you see . . . meaning sexually, not out of her womb. She never has accepted me. While I was at uni her letters all used words like "slut" and "whore", and since then it's only got worse.'

'That's awful. My mother couldn't be more understanding. In fact even though she's straight she carries a flame for Hev. I keep an eye on them whenever they're together. Buckets of water have been needed to separate them. There again, Mamma looks like Gina Lollobrigida when she was twenty-one. She stops traffic everywhere: London, Paris and Rome.'

A bit like you probably do, I thought but didn't say.

And that was before I googled "Gina Loll 21" earlier today.

Fuck me!

Yes, please!!

'What's your dad been like?' Vic asked. 'Is he as misunderstanding, or . . .'

'My dad's a rock,' I replied, gulping down a lump in my throat. 'He paid off my student debts when I graduated and gave me a bit extra to go travelling. And, when I was cyber robbed in Sydney, he came up with ten grand in ten seconds flat.'

'Cyber robbed?' Vic seemed alarmed. 'Did you get your money back?'

'Eventually, but it took time. My dad saw me through the rough patch.'

'And he doesn't mind you being a lezzie?'

'In some ways I think he's glad,' I said after due consideration. 'He knows that I've had one or two boyfriends and doesn't seem to approve. But girls aren't a problem; not to him.'

Vic emptied her second glass and smiled at me. Fuck, but she was getting lovelier and lovelier by the minute.

'I don't drink like Heather,' she said.

'Not like a fish, you mean?'

'No, not like that at all. I'm not too bothered about curries, either. Can I make a suggestion?'

Was I likely to resist?

Make that a no.

'Suggest away,' I invited.

'It's seven o'clock, said Vic, her eyes holding mine helpless. 'Let's skip more drinks and skip the curry. Heather's got wine in and I can always make us a midnight snack.'

In spite of my ever-rising excitement I laughed. 'Midnight snack,' I said, 'have you ever looked in Hev's fridge? We won't have any problem finding wine, but snacks . . .'

'I've looked in her fridge many times,' said Vic, smiling as per always and patting her immensely expensive handbag (one that would have cost me a couple of month's salary). 'I've got provisions for all possible contingencies.'

'And you've got Hev's keys?'

'Oh yes. Her keys are Contingency Number One. And I'm on first name terms with all the geese. Shall we go for it?'

I shrugged and went for it.

Well, it wouldn't have been polite to drag my feet, would it?

Chapter Nine

To my delight Vic didn't spend the taxi ride talking to the driver. Instead we sat in the back sharing another mild, gentle and extraordinarily thorough kiss.

Then suddenly we were outside Hev's farmhouse and Vic was warding off geese.

'It's only me,' she said confidently. 'Go back to your nests.'

The seven angry sentries gave her beady-eyed glares before obeying. Glad she was there with me, I tugged her towards Hev's front door.

'Let's get inside,' I said, 'and let's make it quick.'


Vic suggested wine but I pushed her in the direction of the tasteful open-plan staircase. Then we were in Hev's bedroom, me pressing Vic back against the internal door, kissing her fiercely; very, very fiercely, mildness and gentleness nowhere to be seen.

'I'm a bit . . .' she began when I at last unlocked our mouths.

'Out of practice,' I finished for her. 'Worry not; I'm as practiced as can be.'

And I'd like to think I then adequately demonstrated I wasn't fibbing.

First I slowly, considerately removed her ridiculously costly jacket and threw it onto Hev's chair. Then I removed my own (within budget) jacket and threw it on top of hers.

Intuitively, I knew that was a sign of intent. Intuitively, she did too.

And she bought it, hook, line and sinker.

'Unfasten your blouse,' I commanded.

She obeyed and those torpedo tits of hers were superior to my mind's best imaginings. Supported by a bra as they were, I deemed them equal to Hev's. But Hev's were proportionate to her body's size and shape. Vic's seemed massive on her relatively slender frame.

Vic's seemed even more kissable.

Unfastening her bra took me all of a second. Kissing, sucking and nibbling might have taken me a year or more. Fuck time when a girl's enjoying herself. What has time got to do with the price of chips?

'Stay there,' I said after a pause, still in commanding mode.

Vic's eyes were more enormous that ever. She stayed right there and watched me slowly strip.

'Nice,' she observed, more than once.

'Not as nice as you,' I countered, naked and closing in.

Looking back I believe she knew what was going to happen. Good old No Secrets Hunter would have told all about our tit-rubbing exploits, wouldn't she?

Well who cared if she had? Not me. Me gripping her tits, Vic gripping mine, we proceeded to rub and rub and rub.

And I sincerely don't know if she came. She sounded to, several times. As for me I did so for sure and not once or twice, but thrice . . . Thrice and very, very, nice.

Then I unfastened Vic's skirt and let it fall away.

What a sweet sight she was!

At that stage she was still in her heels, self-supporting nylons and miniscule panties, all in tasteful black.

And I did actually dither over the difference between thong and panties because the front triangle was . . . Well it almost wasn't there at all.

'Stay right there,' I commanded again. 'I need to remind you how this is done.'

Vic laughed. 'Go for it,' she said huskily, 'remind away.'

Sinking to my knees I tugged elastic, ran my nose up and down her thin and tidy landing strip and got a hold of her tight and so-sexy buns. I had intended to eat her through those panties but all of a sudden I couldn't wait. Two seconds and I had pulled them off her and was circling her opening with my tongue.

Mmmm, what a pleasant taste that was.

And what a surprise I had when I eased into her, only to release a torrent of hot, wet appreciation. I was instantly flooded; chin, chest, tits . . . She even managed to drench my legs.

Or maybe I managed that for myself.

'Don't stop,' she gasped, moving against me urgently. 'Please don't stop.'

As if! I hadn't even started!! Gripping her buns ever more firmly, I set to work with a will.


After making my new lover cum six hundred and twenty-three times and throwing her on the bed, I took care to kiss every last inch of her body. And trust me, I got every last inch. Toes, tail and armpits were all included. Then I peeled the nylons off of her and did it all again, in reverse, very slowly and revisiting all my new favourite sites.

Vic seemed to like that a lot.

In all honesty I did too.

(I'm exaggerating about six hundred and twenty-three times, by the way. Some of her cums were a little uncertain. It could have been as few as six hundred and nineteen.)

Next I detoured to Hev's toy drawer and selected her favourite rabbit. That little gem has as many as seven different patterns and three different speeds. Needless to report, I tried all of the twenty-one combinations on Vic.

And, as I did her inside, outside and both at once, I gave her sixty-three varieties, even more than Heinz!


Vic's call for a "Midnight Snack Timeout" sort of surprised me. We'd started early, hadn't we, and the night still seemed young. But when I looked at Hev's alarm it was just shy of one o'clock.