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Violet nodded enthusiastically.

"I'd very much like to hear what you have to say," Jon said, releasing her from her instructions and thus concluding their game. He was very pleased with the end results.

"I have such a huge crush on you right now!" Violet exploded.

Jon laughed out loud. "I'm glad, pea. I like you too. Do you feel better now?"

Violet took one step forward, buried her face in his shoulder and hugged him in response.

"Do you think you can wear it all day?" Jon asked as she pulled away.

"Of course I can," she responded. "And I will. I love it." Violet was smiling broadly, but this time not at Jon, just in general. Jon took her hand in his and kissed it.

"Good," he said. "You may put your dress back on."

Violet picked her clothes up off the floor and slid back into them. The rope harness was hidden perfectly under her dress. She touched it absently through the fabric of her dress, lost in her own thoughts, then furrowed her brow with some apparent internal conflict.

"Jon," she started, using his name for the first time that morning, "I... we just..."

She struggled for words, which out of character for her. Jon took her chin in his hand and made her look at him. He was concerned and she was avoiding his eye, which was even more out of character than being at a loss for words. She looked genuinely stricken, then swallowed hard and continued.

"Thank-you, I mean. For being the kind of friend you are. I don't know what came over me today, I just..." She struggled with the words. "Richard and I... these things we're trying are changing so much about our marriage, and I don't know how I feel about that yet... you've been so patient with me, and you've taught me so much... I'd just hate to think that I'm not good enough for you either, or that I've made you unhappy and pushed you away too... or..."


Jon cut her off with a finger to her lips because he knew where she was going with her revelation, and as much as he cared about her it wasn't his fight to have. He held his finger to her mouth while he spoke, trying to maintain the subtle edge of authority that he knew she responded to best.

"How I feel, or how your husband feels, is not the only thing that matters. If your feelings aren't being considered, why are you playing along?"

Her eyes said she had no answer.

"You are not property, and you are not a slave... some people like being crushed and humiliated, but I don't think you're one of them. And some people who try to be on top don't really know what it's about either. They don't know the difference between dominance and abuse and they need it pointed out. I know how you like to play, you wear it right on your face Violet. You are more in control than I am even when you are submissive. What I do, or what Richard does to you at home, we do those things because you allow them to happen. And you can put a stop to it just as fast."

Jon nodded at her to confirm that she understood, and Violet nodded back at him. Jon removed his finger from her lips.

"Nobody gets to make you feel like you don't have that choice anymore. If they do, you walk right out of that room and drive straight over to my house, and I'll be more than happy to be the one who gets to see you naked instead."

Her smile immediately came back and she laughed out loud, mostly to choke back a totally different emotional outburst.

"We can have a pajama party?" she squealed.

"Yeah," Jon laughed. "Something like that."

Violet leaned in to hug him and whispered in his ear. "I sleep naked."

Jon hugged her back and stifled a cough. "Is it hot in here to you?"

That one caught him off guard. He was pleased with her. She let go, smiled sweetly at him one more time, then turned to open the door and leave. She stopped with her hand on the door knob and turned back.

"Meet me here at 6:00 and I'll give you your rope back," she said, gleaming mischievously and winking at him.

Jon grinned back at her. "Sweet pea, you just gave me a reason to not go home at noon."

Violet left the room, and he followed her out. They walked side by side to the hall, saying nothing, and exchanged knowing glances as they went their separate ways to their respective workstations. Jon felt like today was going to be a good day for both of them.

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JudyLeeJudyLeeover 8 years ago
Play at work

Is risky. Jon seems to be very much in control, however. Is the story going to continue? Will Violet confront her husband?if Violet shows up on Jon's doorstep how will Amy take it? Judy

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