Viral Armageddon

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One potential outcome from the Corona Virus spread.
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Jim sat behind his desk watching what passed for news now and wondered how the world came to this. He was worried about his students, his country, his school and the world in that order. It had been over a year since the Corona Virus first reared its ugly head in Wuhan, China. Contrary to promises made by nearly every world government and the various drug companies the virus continued to ravage the world unchecked.

Yet another proposed cure had failed tests. The mortality rates continued to climb, even in parts of the world with good health care. Those parts of the world once known as third world countries were almost completely unpopulated, the dead lying wherever they died, the few survivors unable to deal with them.

Current statistics showed the virus mutating and reinfecting many who had survived the original strain as researchers scurried to find effective treatments. China, Iran and North Korea were glowing, smoking charnel pits of nuclear devastation. Perhaps the world response to discovering they had conspired to develop the virus and release it on an unsuspecting world was unnecessary but it had occurred.

By the time the actual cause of the virus was discovered their population and even their armed forces were decimated by the disease. The disease mutated rapidly enough the previously developed vaccine intended for use on the population they wanted to save did not work. The world took no chances however and found the backbone to, once and for all, end the menace. All the nuclear powers launched simultaneously and overwhelmed what few defenses the "axis of evil" had, killing the leadership in their supposedly safe bunkers.

The remaining world powers had slammed their doors closed too late to stop international spread of the disease which had been carried across the world by purposefully infected carriers trained to dispense vials of the virus smuggled through customs. Stock markets plummeted, erasing trillions of dollars of value almost overnight. At first companies closed "for a short time" to prevent the spread of the disease, then, when their trained employees succumbed to the disease they closed for "an indefinite period".

Food delivery, then utilities ceased to function and riots became the norm. Now, any vehicle moving on the streets had several vehicles of armed guards just to make sure it arrived at its destination safely. This is the future Jim faced. He was Headmaster of a private school for girls located just outside Atlanta, Georgia. He had seen the writing on the wall and stockpiled several semi truckloads of non perishable foods and supplies then sequestered his charges behind the walls of the school. He hired 18 ex servicemen to guard the premises. They and their families, if they had one, lived safely within the schools walls.

Jim was lucky. The Board of Directors was in the process of firing him for the excess purchases and expenditures when they were attacked by a gang breaking into the hotel in which they were meeting. None survived.

Jim sighed and muted the TV before he turned to look out the window onto the school grounds. He was scared and at his wits end. Attacks on the school were becoming more common. Each attack came closer to breaching the defenses. Three of his guards were dead from the attacks and two wounded seriously enough they were ineffective. Others had minor wounds and could still do their jobs, albeit with reduced effectiveness.

Jim jumped when his Administrative Aid knocked on the office door and pushed it open. He swiveled his chair around rapidly when he heard her say, "Sir, you have a visitor. I'm sorry but he insists on seeing you immediately."

Before Jim could even ask how he got into the compound a tall well built man with silver hair pushed past her into the room. He was in Army combat uniform, complete with gear. Jim saw this, then the black Eagle symbol of his rank on his chest before he recognized the man standing just inside the door.

Jim jumped to his feet and smiled before he said, "Tom! What the hell are you doing here? And a Full Bull Colonel? You were just a Captain six years ago. Come in and sit down. What can I do for you?"

Tom (Thomas) Moore moved fully into the room and shook Jim's hand before he took the proffered seat. "I'm afraid I don't have much time Jim so I have to get right to the point. I wish we could trip down memory lane but we just can't. We're losing almost as many troops from combat as we do from the virus. The world has gone to hell and I'm in charge of trying to salvage something from all the chaos. That's why I'm here.

"What you've done here has made its way back to DC. You always were one of the best and you've proven it once again. We picked up on one of your battles with one of the satellites and did some checking. There are people who want your young ladies and the supplies they think you have stockpiled. Soon, enough of them will gather together and overrun your position if we don't do something.

"We're setting up enclaves across the country to move as many people to safety as possible. I have vehicles and soldiers available now to move you and your people to a secluded fishing lodge in the Ozark Mountains. The nearest town is nearly 40 miles from it and has been completely emptied by the Virus. We will move you, your supplies and even add some supplies for you, then we will leave you to sort things out, hopefully leaving you unnoticed by the few remaining people in the area. My men have spent the last two weeks eliminating every person we can find within 100 miles of your compound.

"We are setting up safe havens across the United States and moving people into them as soon as we can verify they are disease free. First priority goes to young people and highly educated ones. You qualify on both counts since this is a highly rated college prep school with outstanding teachers."

Jim heard yelling and large vehicles moving in the compound while Tom talked. He took a moment to look out the window to see soldiers herding the students into drab military busses while others began loading several military trucks with stored items. He said, "You aren't even worried about asking whether or not we want to be moved Colonel? What about the girls parents?"

"Frankly, no Jim. None of you have a choice. Since we're under martial law you have no choice. And many of the girls parents are dead in any event. This is a matter of national survival. You have been called back to Active Duty as of this morning Major. Here are your orders."

"What? Tom, uh Colonel, what do you think I can do without a left leg and a crippled left arm?"

"Just what you're doing now Jim. Take care of your students, this time as Commandant of the school and surrounding area of your new compound."

The convoy left the school courtyard well before the sun rose the next morning. They were the only vehicles on the road, save for occasional military convoys. It took all the first day and most of the next night for the trip. Just as dawn was breaking the convoy lurched and bounced down a rough trail and stopped before a rustic looking group of buildings surrounded by an obviously new fence. There were defensive emplacements both seen and unseen.

The students were moved from the busses straight to their dormitories but staff was requested to meet in the lobby for a short briefing before they were allowed to rest. The soldiers began unloading the trucks during this time.

Col. Moore (Tom) walked to the front of the room and called for everyone's attention before speaking. "Quiet. Quiet please. I know you're all tired and probably upset because of this forced move. I'm sorry but it was necessary. The world as you knew it is gone. We're in survival mode here trying to preserve everything we can of our civilization, our way of life. You have been moved here for several reasons, not the least of which is your and your students safety. When my troops and I leave, you will remain here under the command of Major Moses. He has been recalled out of his well deserved retirement to active duty for the duration of this emergency and placed in command of this compound and the surrounding area.

"Your security detail, all of which were prior service or retired military have also been recalled to active duty and will be augmented by another dozen specialists when we leave. In addition to the extra guards, we are leaving a Physician's Assistant to care for your medical needs and to assist your nurse. You, your students and many other enclaves across the United States are the core of a new resurgence of the American Dream."

Later that afternoon Jim, most of the adults and several students watched the convoy disappear down the rough trail, heading into the chaos and uncertainty of the future.

The first order of business was to become familiar with their new home. To the disgust of most of the city people there was none of the expected modern conveniences even though much of the time recently the power had not worked and the internet was down. Here, there was no electricity except for solar power, power reserved for emergencies. All heating and cooking was done with wood. They were expected to raise as much of their own food as possible and hunt or fish to supplement their protein. Thankfully, a sergeant who grew up on a farm was left to guide them in their endeavors.

For the first year, Jim remained in radio contact with his superiors, learning things were not going well at all. Most of the cities degenerated into total anarchy, given up to the gangs that proceeded to kill each other off, then, those who didn't die violently or from the virus starved to death.

One morning, Jim stood on the porch and watched as several of the young ladies headed for the gardens to work. Everyone did their physical labor in the mornings and studied in the afternoons. It had been years now with no outside contact either by visits or by radio. They had sent scouting parties in all directions over the years and found no signs of human life. For all intents and purposes, they were alone in the world. Rarely, very rarely, someone thought they may have seen a contrail or heard aircraft but never anything to raise their hopes.

After the work detail was out of sight, Jim turned his attention to several toddlers playing in the front yard under the watchful eye of their teachers. Yes, people are people and after the first year several of the young ladies turned up pregnant when their birth control ran out. Some of them had been impregnated by a guard, some by the few male students (children of the staff that were allowed to attend the school tuition free). Jim had even given in to the constant attention of one of the older students and two of the younger staff and set up housekeeping. Two of the children he watched were his.

Their population was growing slowly and their standard of living had stabilized at the late 1800 to early 1900 level. It was a constant struggle to force the young people to learn all they could. He required half a day work and half a day study from everyone six days a week.

As he watched over his charges he heard a loud whomping sound, coming closer. Soon, a large helicopter could be seen approaching. Jim stood and yelled to the guards, "Missile ready, weapons locked and loaded. Don't fire unless they do. Get everyone out of sight and into the shelters NOW!"

The 'copter made a slow approach and circled the compound before it landed in a cloud of dust just outside the fence. After the engines stopped and the rotors began slowing down three men disembarked and moved toward the gate into the compound. They were stopped by the guard and asked for identification and the nature of their business.

None of the residents had ever seen the emblem or flag painted on the sides of the aircraft. There was a large U.S. flag with a bright orange red bird taking flight across it. Jim hobbled down the porch steps and toward the gate. After a heated discussion, the three men were allowed to enter the compound, without their sidearms, and to approach Jim.

When the men neared Jim, he saw a Major's emblem on the chest of the lead soldier who stood to attention and saluted Jim before he held his hand out and said, "Good morning Colonel. I'm glad to see you made it. Do you have somewhere we can talk? I have several things we need to discuss and we need to make arrangements for your reintegration into the new society."

After they entered Jim's office and dispensed with the greetings the Major began briefing him. One of the first things he did was give Jim his promotion orders, first to Lieutenant Colonel, then, later ones to full Colonel.

"OK, so I'm a Colonel. Whoopee. Is that supposed to make me happy we have been abandoned for almost five years with no contact or for the almost two years before with only radio contact? We could have died here and we're just damn lucky we didn't."

"No sir, I know you and many of the others in the same situation are upset. It couldn't be helped. Shortly after you were left here a new more virulent form of the virus mutated and there was a 75% casualty rate. We survived as a nation by the skin of our teeth. We lost track of many of the enclaves because records were lost or the bases in which they were stored were depopulated.

The country fell into anarchy and suffered invasion from the south as well. After those problems were addressed, we then waited to contact the enclaves until we had finally developed a vaccine to insure you and others that were secluded didn't catch the disease. Once you caught the virus from the last mutation, you developed a permanent immunity but those who have not had it can and do still become ill and many of them die."

"Ok, so why did no one at least keep up radio contact and what the hell is that flag on your aircraft?"

"There was no contact because we had more important things to do. As for the flag, that is the flag of the New United States. You recognize the original flag underneath the Phoenix rising from the ashes, a symbol of a resurgence from the ashes of the original USA to our new one. This new country now encompasses all the land in North and South America. Unfortunately, the entire population of the Americas is only about 1/4 that from before the Armageddon Event. Thankfully, the better educated and those with better healthcare were among those who survived easier so, technologically, we haven't regressed very far. Fortunately, international wars are a thing of the past. The remaining militaries are involved with recovery of their countries and suppressing gangs trying to carve out their own "new" country."

"So, what's in store for us when we get wherever you are going to take us for "reintegration" whatever that means?"

"You will all be put to work in suitable jobs. Your students will be tested for abilities and given options for further education or positions in the slowly reviving economy. You and your security will be given jobs commensurate with your training and abilities."

"Well that's just fine, great. Just what are those jobs if I may ask? And don't we have any say in things like that?"

"Those of you recalled to active duty for the duration of the emergency are still subject to the orders of your superiors so no, not much. Your non military staff will have some say, depending on the availability of jobs they are qualified for as will your students."

"Humphf. Ok, I suppose I can see that. Now, we have had several new family groupings here since we were dumped. What about those? I wouldn't like to think you planned to split up the families that have formed here."

"We anticipated that sir. No. Families will be kept together if at all possible. Now, sir, if you have no further questions, may we have a meeting so I can brief all of your people?"


Jim looked out the window of his new office overlooking the runways of what was once Little Rock Air Force Base and was now the capitol of the new State of Arkansas. The sign on his door read Brigadier General James Moses, Military Governor, State of Arkansas.

He was tired, so tired. He was 63 years old now and wanted to just sit and relax but that wasn't possible. 15 years after their "Reintegration" he and his charges were still working six days a week trying to learn and keep civilization from slipping farther into the dark ages. They were, with the help of a few million others spread across the globe, slowly succeeding but it was a constant struggle. They had learned one thing, however, international strife was a thing of the past. Many of the most violent countries had slipped so far into barbarism they were once again fighting with knives and swords and bows and arrows. The few highly industrialized countries did better but they just did not have time or resources to fight and try to impose their will and beliefs onto others. Maybe this time around, mankind would make it safely into whatever future faced them.

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SELSTIMSELSTIMalmost 3 years ago

August 31, 2021. Well, that's one scenario. Reading some of the comments from a year ago, I wonder if some of those readers would like to change what they wrote. It sounds like your story is based on the virus was manufactured and weaponized which to date has still not been determined. I'm not ruling it out, however. Look at China, to combat the population explosion in China, families were forbidden to have more than one child with strict penalties for disobeying. Maybe, they realized that all that did was allow other countries' populations to keep growing, increasing their military might while China's numbers remained the same. So, if the rest of the world was not going to police their population growth rate, they would. We've all seen those projections that if the Earth's population growth rate remains the same that we will need two more planets the size of Earth to sustain us by 2050 ( this varies depending on the source). I'm not saying that China is trying to decrease the world's population though I have heard people blame China for manufacturing this virus. I'm not that cynical but since this pandemic started I've come to realize that people aren't near as smart as I gave them credit for. People don't seem to realize that as long as one coronavirus organism is alive it will continue to spread mutate and multiply and this new D variant of the virus is attacking and killing our children with healthy immune systems. Those that aren't vaccinated have the worse symptoms and most likely to die. But Americans don't like others telling them what to do. They just see that the first two vaccinations didn't work so what's another going to do? Unfortunately, other countries don't have the same civil liberties that we do, like Communism. The government says get in line for vaccinations and they must comply. A lot of people in India died because there wasn't enough vaccine. A lot of Americans and their children have died, most weren't vaccinated (so we've been told) but they died for their right to choose and they chose not to get vaccinated. Survival of the fittest? Thank you, SMH for another thought provoking story. How do you say Good-bye in Chinese, Russian, or Korean. And, in a year, hopefully, I will come back and reread my comment and realize how naïve I still am, didn't have a clue, or at least find out what others think.

MasterpuppyMasterpuppyover 3 years ago

COL Thomas Moore, Really?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Thank our lucky stars.........

that this is fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Some Of These Things I Can See

I see such military-educational facilities being established. I see camps established in the desert areas of the Southwest to hold "refugees". I see massive deportations. I see massive numbers of ghost towns. Some ethnic groups will be totally decimated. We will see many new laws become the norm and many old laws repealed. Justice is always good...Laws are often bad. So when Justice and Laws clash, Justice will prevail. Family groups are sure to undergo changes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Highly educated ones ???

So no one who was a technical worker (mechanic, carpenter, electrician, plumber, fitter and turner, metal worker, etc etc) was welcome, wonder how long in reality the "highly educated ones" would survive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Since the virus killed off 25% of the USA population,

we can only hope the virus was selective and most of the low IQ far right conservatives died because they were told by their fearless leader that the virus didn’t really exist.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
If only

If we only could nuke the rednecks who think nuking anyone is a good idea

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This story sucked big time

You took something from present day, fed on the unfounded fears of the uneducated, threw in the presence of an all powerful and uncaring military/government and tried to make a conspiracy story out of all of it. No plot, no character development, no purpose for the story. It read like a cheap zombie movie filmed by middle school students.

I would expect more from you.

gemman1gemman1over 4 years ago
Interesting Story

Maybe you could make this one into a series?

There is still not much published to the public about this Virus and it will be interested in seeing where it goes. Even if the mortality rate stays at 2%, that is over 7 million people in this country that could die. In one year, that is enough to profoundly effect the economy of this country much less the rest of the world. Look at what it is doing tot he Chinese economy and the effect it had on the Italians. This could get a lot uglier before it gets better.


sdc97230sdc97230over 4 years ago
The only real issue that is causing all of the panic is that we haven't got a cure or a vaccine to prevent it, yet.

That's all the reason I need.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveover 4 years ago
You know more than I do RABSTA

What is your source for saying that covid-19 is a variant of the flu virus? Everything i read says it’s like a cold virus. Very different beasties... and fatality rates? I have read and heard that the WHO offer higher death rates than the usual flu rates of .1 or .2%. Over 3%, though that could be revised downwards. So what is your sourcing for that?

By the way—thanks for the story SWMOH.

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 4 years ago
Well told

and a sobering story.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 4 years ago
Full bird colonel

Interesting story

RABSTARABSTAover 4 years ago
The Coronavirus is a variation of the flu virus.

Since it is most dangerous to the old & infirm or those with weakened immune systems, it is not likely to be any worse for most healthy adults than flu or even the common cold all of which are related to the coronavirus.

My wife is an R.N. who has worked in the local hospital for over 35 years and the only real issue that is causing all of the panic is that we haven't got a cure or a vaccine to prevent it, yet.

So far in 2020 in the U.S., the percentage of people dying from the flu is about the same as those dying from the Coronavirus. I think the latest numbers of deaths from the flu including those who got the flu that developed into pneumonia is around 20,000 in the U.S.

I think most of the problem is the news media going crazy about the Coronavirus out of ignorance. Most people who are found to contracted the disease survive with no more inconvenience than they have when they catch cold or flu.

IainmoreIainmoreover 4 years ago
Maybe this time around, mankind would make it safely into whatever future faced them.

I don't share your optimistic opinion of humanity and certainly not when there is one nasty warmongering psycho British Tory left alive. Coronavirus to them is just another means to making money or getting more power. They would sacrifice us all to those ends.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Damn! Nothing like a little bedtime story.

brownmobbrownmobover 4 years ago

Good story nicely written, this is a scary option which we have no idea about as yet given the early stages the world is in, thank you

P.S Don't forget to buy the dunny paper on the way home :)

iowa25iowa25over 4 years ago

whats a full bull colonel?

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