Virgin Fix Pt. 02

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Sally needs a serious talk with Chris.
8.2k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/26/2019
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Continuation of story Virgin Fix. Please read earlier part first.

Any similarities between this and real people is coincidental. If you recognise yourself here, feel privileged.

All sex participants are adult age.



It had taken most of the week to talk with her two best friends separately. For some reason Sally had become very popular with various groups at school and the swimming club, so whenever she managed to get time with Corinne or Darlene someone else decided to enter her conversation. Sally knew both Corrie and Dar would want to try it, but she had to make sure they really did, and that the ground rules were understood. It all came down to timing. She and Chris were amongst the oldest in their school year and thus had turned eighteen before almost everyone, including her best friends. So she needed to set everything up for when they had their next birthdays. Corinne was first with her day being just a few weeks away. She just had to make certain her boyfriend would be on board for this as well.

Chris also found his status had changed as many kids would greet him around the school and at the pool. He even got invitations to join various groups and individuals at lunch and recess times. He found the attention disconcerting after the ridicule he had suffered for so long. Although he tended to respond to any friendly overture with a smile, nod, wave or verbal 'Hi', he found himself quietly seething inside. Whilst a lot had never even acknowledged his existence many had openly demeaned him or just laughed in the background. It was only when he could be with his girlfriend, he loved being able to say this, that he felt relaxed. As relaxed as a guy can be with a stiffness in his groin. He had to keep at least one hand in a pocket whenever he wasn't just sitting with Sally near him. Even small cocks can be noticed and be embarrassing, maybe more embarrassing because it was small. He could not ignore all that had happened to him and the topic of the abuse, so he still had a major hangup centred around his boyish appendage.

Of course not all attention toward Chris was positive. He still had his enemies in Trent and Joseph, made worse by the events at the party a few weeks ago. Corinne and Darlene had dumped them after their over the top taunts towards Chris. Sally had even rudely rebuffed Trent's attempt to get her to go out with him. The two boys made his life difficult as often as they thought they could get away with it. He found himself being jostled in the hallways between classes by the pair. Then by Trent in the pool during breaks or in the middle of lap swimming. Butterfly stroke was the worst as it was all too easy to 'accidentally' bump together as they passed in opposite directions. As well as that pair, he had started receiving similar treatment from the elite kids. These considered themselves above all others, and any above average looking female should only consider them as dating material. So a short skinny guy never before been noticed suddenly dating one of the top looking girls in the school was too much for their sensibilities to cope with. Fortunately for Chris this only amounted to two additional boys, so his torment at school now only came from four.

As if coping with school and swimming every day, he had to listen to his parents rave about his new girlfriend. It was all 'how wonderful' and 'what a great girl' and so forth. Of course this was always followed with how important her parents were in the town; and did Chris know if they would be invited to their next party; when should they invite them over for a get together. He learned to shut his hearing off and just nod or shrug in a non committed way when the discussion paused. He got some funny looks from them when he responded the wrong way, like nodding when he should have shaken his head, but overall he survived the onslaught. The final inter-club swim competition was in a couple of weeks, which meant he could then break from the intensive training as the summer season ended. It also opportune that he could tell his mother and father that they could catch up with the Masons then. This seemed to mollify his parents and gave Chris some peace for a while.


It was at the end of that week that Chris found himself caught in a busy passage heading towards his last lesson before lunch. Concentrating on manoeuvring through the throng of students he found himself being pushed around. The only warning he received was a whispered greeting from behind.

Trent was getting his attention, "Well hello my little favourite Cliss. Look out for the floor."

Chris was confused at what was said until he found himself bodily picked up and flung to the ground like a rag doll. He skidded across the floor to the middle of the hall colliding with several unsuspecting students. In all five kids were tripped to the floor, fortunately with little or no personal injury. Only the books and utensils they carried were spread around the floor.

The comments being directed at him were more along the lines Chris was used to receiving, as those affected blamed him. Almost nobody had taken any notice of what had been done to him, so he had to take the verbal abuse as he was so used to doing. Anyway, he was too stunned to understand what was being said in any detail, only the tone of the voices. Fortunately Corinne had seen Chris a little earlier, and was in the process of intersecting with him so they could walk together to the next class. She witnessed everything and the petite redhead rushed to his aid.

She may not be very big, but her voice rose above the surrounding voices, "Knock it off you dingbats. Can't you see Chris has been injured. It wasn't his fault he had been pushed into your way."

This at least got the crowd's attention and diverted their anger from being directed at Chris. Blood running down his face helped stem the comments as well.

She continued, "Can someone help me get him up? I need to take him to the nurse."

Chris found himself once again being held and moved without his own effort being needed as he was lifted to his feet. Peter, another student in their next class stepped up to help support Chris as Corinne was handed the stuff he had been carrying. Corinne had pulled some tissues from her satchel and got Chris to hold them against the scrape on his forehead. She never stopped quietly talking to him as the three made their way slowly to the main school office. On the way Ms Smythe, a teacher, joined them sending Peter to his class. Corinne refused to leave Chris, much to the amusement of the teacher. In the office the first aid attendant patched him up with some disinfectant and sticking plaster. He had just gotten a small cut from some jewellery or other sharp object. A small bruise was already beginning to show.

While he was being attended to, Corinne had messaged Sally on her phone about his little fracas. Withing sixty seconds of the lesson finishing she was storming into the office frantically searching her injured boyfriend. They actually got some chuckles from the office staff as they really were an odd match, although nothing was heard by the pair. Sally hovered around Chris making a fuss of him, to his joy at her caring and embarrassment at being in public. Chris made certain that teachers and staff only heard about him falling over by accident, knowing that saying what really happened could only land him in deeper shit. When he related how Corinne had come to his aid, she received a hug from Sally and sincere thanking for her part in the drama. Chris only hoped Corinne would not tell a different story to what he had said.

When they were allowed to leave the office it was lunch time. After grabbing food they went to their normal shady spot under a tree where they were joined by Darlene. Here Sally managed to browbeat the truth from him about what had really happened. She wasn't that silly to not notice that his story was incomplete. It took some work but he managed to calm Sally down as she fumed about Trent and the others. How they should not be allowed to get away with it. Chris had to assure her that he would get them, but just had to work out how and when. The other two girls were bemused at their friend's reaction to Chris' problem, but more so at how he could calm her down and show some control over her. They had never seen her back down from anything before, let alone a guy asking her. Even seeing how happy Chris had made Sally, this example of her listening and complying to his wishes demonstrated exactly how much she was enamoured with him.

Chris had to explain his thoughts to the girls about how he had to deal with his haters, "Look, I can't just go up to a teacher or headmaster and complain about the bullying. I tried explaining things to my father when it all started and he just shrugged and said it was character building. This is partly why I just tried to ignore everything as I was still in awe of him then. Even our coach laughed when I mentioned some problems I was having, getting a bigger shrug than father did. I had to face things then that I wasn't a little kid anymore and nobody gave a shit about me unless it affected them directly," at which point he heard some sympathetic sounds from his companions.

Continuing his words, "I know we all have to grow up at some time, and that was then for me. I did learn to ignore everything and accept my lack of, anything, in the world."

Sally put a hand on his knee as she butted in, "You're not alone now Chris. You have me," and hearing a couple of meaningful coughs she amended her last statement, "You have us."

Chris looked with surprise, put a hand over Sally's and smiled at each of the three girls, "Thanks, it means a lot to me. Anyway as I was saying, I thought I was doing well, and not having a social life helped with schoolwork. I hope now to get good enough grades to get into university. Just not sure what to study yet.

"As far as my annoying non-friends go, it is obvious I cannot just ignore them anymore after the stunt they just pulled. I still have most of this year still to go and things will probably get much worse from the way things have been. There is no point in complaining to anyone as it would just be me being a cry baby, and probably make me worse off with how everyone would treat me. Nobody likes a snitch, even if bullying needs to be stopped. I cannot take them on in a fight as I have no idea how to fight, and they definitely have the advantage in size and numbers. If I even got one alone and won, I would still have them gunning for me. Two or more at once would not be good for me. Considering the self proclaimed king of the school, Dale and his neanderthal offsider, have joined in with Trent now. They sort of make me feel like a hobbit when around as they are so big. So I have to be smart and get them to do something where they will get caught without being able to blame me for it. Not sure what yet, but I will think about it."

Sally added, "We will help too. Remember sweetie, you are not alone anymore. I also think most kids are getting to be okay with you too."

The other two girls nodded agreement with Sally as Chris responded, "Thanks guys, and it does seem some here at school and in the pool have stopped their pestering. It's strange not being the butt of all the jokes all the time."

It was at that moment the siren went for end of lunch and the four cleared their rubbish and returned to classes. Chris didn't notice the looks he received from others as he made his way to the next lesson. Most were indifferent, just seeing a fellow student go past. A couple were angry looks from the boys who saw Chris as inferior and not suitable for having a girlfriend like Sally. One was especially curious. Angela Houston was the queen of the school, the one who would be voted the most wanted by the male population if they had elections for that type of thing. Unlike some countries this one did not have a home coming tradition or such like, so no crowns were passed out to the beautiful or the popular. She was the diva of the senior year.

Her curiosity was also based on wondering how such a small fry could land a woman almost as gorgeous as herself. He must have something going for him. Just not the big something she would have immediately thought of, if the rumours and taunts were true. One thing she did know, if she wanted something all she had to do was ask. Looking at the short dweeb he would be putty in her hands so she could easily satisfy her curiosity. Angela doubted if it would take more than a couple of minutes of her time, no boy ever said no to her. Now she just had to figure out when and where so it wouldn't look like she had gone out of her way. He was a dweeb, after all.


Friday evening saw the two lovers together. After training he drove the three girlfriends to Sally's home where they had dinner with her parents. June and Peter Mason had always liked Corinne and Darlene, and now wanted to include Chris in the family events. Friday night was pizza night, and the pizzas were like nothing Chris had ever tried before. He had only had a few growing up, as his parents did not consider any fast food as proper nutrition. Even the times he had eaten pizza, none had been made in a top star restaurant with the finest ingredients like these. The Masons always bought plenty of food having experience with a competitive swimmer in the family. With four swimmers at the table the amount of food available was staggering in Chris's experience. June and Peter had only a slice of pizza preferring to eat mostly salad to maintain a reasonable body shape. Tonight was going to be the younger ones at home as the older folks were going out to the theatre.

To demonstrate that the teens were trustworthy, they were playing doubles on the pool table as the parents were leaving. Of course in this house having sex wasn't the sin as expected in most families, but even the teens could be trusted not to be silly about it. After all, Sally's two best friends were still seventeen. As Corinne kept wishing loudly for weekend after next to arrive for her eighteenth birthday. Darlene always pointed out hers would be soon after that, acting grumpy at being the youngest one of the group and always missing out on any fun. They would laugh between them as their bonds of friendship were as tight as they could be, nobody would miss much that they could all join in with.

Chris was a little distracted tonight allowing the team of Darlene and Corinne to beat him and Sally. The three girls were wearing skirts that barely made it to mid thigh. While taking their shots at the pool table Chris noticed they each tended to bend at the hips as they checked various possible shots. Nothing abnormal in this he thought, except it was always in front of wherever he was waiting. They also took a long time over this, even going to the extent of rocking from one foot to the other. This had the effect of rocking their buttocks. The skirts also pulled up each time allowing him a good view of their upper legs, without ever showing panties. It made interesting viewing for him, even embarrassing at stages as he tried not to perv too long and make Sally mad at him.

Another favourite was for each girl to check their shot from the opposite side of the table from him. Each had a low cut shirt giving him a clear view of their cleavages. He was pleased to see that his girlfriend had the largest of down-blouse views whilst the diminutive Corinne was least. Now, to his inexperienced brain even her boobs were a decent hand full, and bent forward like she was presented a wonderful sight of breast spilling out from lacy bras. It got to the point he was always hesitant about standing to take his turn. Sally was always there for him making sure she was hiding his boner by wedging it into her behind. This made the other two girls laugh as she had a way of over emphasising moving with him to keep his crotch hidden between her cheeks. In the end after a few times of everyone laughing he gave up being worried and just stood displaying his small bump to all. It didn't stop him from blushing, to the girls' amusement. After a while of not receiving any negative or derogatory comments even his blushing stopped.

Later, after Darlene and Corinne had left, Sally was cuddling Chris in bed after a satisfying round of sex when she explained to him about the girl's behaviour, "They are my best friends and like whatever makes me happy. That means you Chris, as you make me happier than I have ever been. Tonight they wanted to show you that they are so comfortable being around you that they can have a little fun teasing you. They knew you would never take anything the wrong way. In fact you were great about it all, even to displaying your appreciation of what they were doing."

Chris was curious about what she was referring to and questioned her, "What do you mean exactly Sal?"

"Well, what did we do to you all night?"

Chris thought for a moment and replied, "The three of you kept bending over in front of me to show me your upper legs, or over the table to show down your shirts."

"Good boy, you did notice," with a giggle, "Yes and then you would get all embarrassed and I had to help you to take your shot."

"Ohh yes," laughing as he said this, "I did enjoy that bit Sal. You wriggling your beautiful butt on me."

Sally laughed with him and grabbed his dick for emphasis, "Then you stopped being all 'blushing bride' like and just stood to take your turn. Your dick was still as hard and showing in your pants the same, but you acted all unconcerned about it."

Chris thought about it and nodded his understanding of her words as she continued, "Well, that gave the girls proof that you noticed and appreciated their efforts. When a female goes to lengths to get a guys attention, she wants to know she got it it. You standing, and even strutting around in front of us, gave them really good feedback that you thought they were sexy women."

"They are sexy women."

Sally gave him a threatening look, "What do you mean sexy? You think they are sexier than me!"

This made Chris bluster, worried he had said something really wrong and tried to huff out an apology. Sally broke out in laughter telling him she was just joking and agreed that they were sexy.

He smiled and grabbed her in both arms pushing her onto her back, "You vixen, I'll show you sexy,' which he did for a long time using his mouth, hands and eventually his cock. They both managed to climax before slumping on the bed to rest and snuggle before Chris had to go home.


Swimming training was easier in the final week as they prepared for the final competition that weekend. Monday evening session was put aside for time trials for the swimmers vying for spots on the team. This normally got a good turnout of parents to help with the stop watches and recording of times. It became a carnival atmosphere as they would cheer for their friends and favourite swimmers. There were very few changes in the team line up as those expected made the best times. Chris made the fourth member of the men's open relay teams whilst Sally, Corinne and Darlene continued with their normal individual and relay events. Chris was amazed that Sally and her friends were wanting to be associated with him, after all they were amongst the better swimmers in the club, and he was only a necessary extra to make up the numbers. His experience with his peers was jaded by the way everyone had treated him over the past couple of years. He was overjoyed at his luck at Sally wanting to be with him, just amazed that it had happened. Even Trent's actions couldn't take away his happiness at having a girlfriend, plus the other new friends as well. At least with so many parents around he was spared Trent's bullying for the night.