Virginia Plain


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"How much more?" she whispered before our lips could touch.

I looked down and answered, "A couple of inches."

"I can't take it all," she moaned sadly.

"I haven't hurt you, have I?"

"No, you feel wonderful. Just please go easy. I've never felt anything like you before."

My ego shot through the roof, and I started rocking into her. Her legs locked around my ass and pulled me into her, non-verbally urging me on.

"Kiss me, Viv. Please kiss me."

I leaned down and met her lips as she rose. I tasted the wine we drank with dinner as her tongue parted my lips. She had a gentle way of kissing. Much less aggressive than my ex, her sister, and her lips were softer--like two pillows that begged to be kissed.

My lips didn't leave the comfort of hers as I relentlessly pounded into her body, and her legs fell as she shook from her orgasm..

"Mm, ungh," she moaned into my mouth, our never-ending kiss had created a bond that seemingly wouldn't be broken.

Seconds later, I grunted as I released one spurt after the other into her receptive pussy. Her tight walls clamped onto me and she either had a continued long or back-to-back orgasms as she closed her eyes and her mouth broke from mine.

I slipped out of her as I set her down onto the bed. Her body tensed then completely relaxed as I moved her to the pillows at the head of my bed.

She looked well-fucked, but adorable with her sweaty hair matted against her forehead. She really was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen, and she could fuck with the best of them as well. I didn't even get to flip her into my favorite doggy position, and she still was in the top two of all the women I'd been with.

I eased out of bed and made my way to the kitchen to get a couple of bottles of water. I saw the cast iron skillet cooling on the stove and it looked pristine because she wiped some more oil onto the surface and heated it again.

I had no idea she was so domesticated. My assumptions as to who Virginia was couldn't have been more wrong. I had to admit, she did seem to have changed her demeanor completely just in the little bit of time I spent with her. That much was noticeable. I didn't think she could have been that good of an actress.

When I walked back into my bedroom, my soft cock swung between my legs, and she stared.

"My eyes are up here," I teased and sat against my headboard.

I handed her the cold water, and she took a large swig.

"Thanks," she breathed. "I needed that."

I nodded and took a drink of mine.

"Don't hate me, Viv."

I looked at her as if she were crazy. After what we did a few minutes earlier, I couldn't have been that bad. I certainly wasn't rough on her.


"Please, don't hate me. I took advantage of you and..."

I laughed, "You're joking? You took advantage of me? I was always in control, my dear."

"I started touching you when you were asleep. It's just, you were so hard. It was all veiny and purple-looking. I thought it might hurt, and you needed release."

I put my arm around her and gently pulled her into me. "It always looks like that when it's hard. It's just the way I'm built. I assume Brian wasn't the same."

She laughed, "He'd be lucky if he was half your size. He was all hustle and no bustle when it came to sex, if you know what I mean?"

"I get the picture," I grinned.

"Viv, I know one roll in the sack doesn't change things, but I'm hoping you can see how much I've changed."

I agreed, "I can see some change, but it's going to take some time. Believe me, I never thought I would be in bed with you, let alone on your second day here."

She smiled and snuggled into my chest, "You won't believe it, but I've always wanted this. I think the way I treated you, partially at least, came from jealousy of my sister."

"Oh, fuck off!" I blasted and pushed her off me as I slid out of bed.

"You were the worst kind of bitch to me for years, and I still helped you when you showed up on my doorstep."

"Viv, wait."

"I took you in and gave you a roof over your head. I bought you clothes. I got you a job. I'm fixing your fucking car, and now you want to tell me you were a world class bitch to me because you wanted to fuck me? Bullshit!"

I slammed the door to my bathroom and started the shower to wash her stink off of me. I was so pissed at her I considered kicking her to the curb.

The hot water falling over my body soothed me. it didn't calm my mind in the slightest, but it felt good on my weary muscles. I must've decided to kick her out a dozen times in my mind, before I talked myself out of it and struggled with why I was being such a pussy.

I dried and dressed, then listened at my door to see if I could hear if she left my room. Not hearing anything, I opened the door and saw she was gone.

I wasn't sure if I wanted her to be gone or not. I suppose I could've continued to yell at her, but what would that accomplish? It was a useless conversation.

She was a bitch. No matter how she acted with her hat in her hand at my doorstep. She was a user, and I was being used.

I sat on the bed and realized she changed the sheets while I was in the shower. It was something Jane always did as well. It was annoying at first when she'd jump out of bed and grab dry sheets immediately after making love. I got why she did it, for no wet spot, but I felt it was a little OCD.

I could feel the change flow over me. My mind calmed and my shoulders slumped in relaxation, a simple touch like changing the sheets for me changed my mind set and pushed away the anger.

I smiled as I moved my hand along the expensive sheets Jane loved so much. Then I heard, "Viv?"

I looked up at my doorway and saw Ginny dressed in one of my t-shirts.

"Viv, I'm sorry I ruined everything."

I motioned for her to sit next to me.

"Maybe, I overreacted," I answered.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you before."

I made to ask her to stop apologizing, but she cut me off.

"No, I need to say it, and you need to hear it. If I'm going to be able to live under the same roof with you, we need to be able to talk about it. It was inexcusable, but it happened, and I'll have to find ways to show you I've changed."

"Ginny," I said and took her hand, "I don't know how you can ever show me you've truly changed. I can't see how I'll ever not think it's a trick."

"All I ask is that you're open to me," she whispered. "Just give me a chance."

She stood and walked over to my window. Her eyes stared into the night and she continued, "You have no idea what I'm going through. You have no idea what it's like to have the world by the balls and want for nothing. I had money and power because of my husband. I had friends in the highest levels of the social echelons in Chicago and Washington. I was going to be the First Lady if my dumb ass husband wouldn't have gotten greedy."

A tear fell from her cheek, but I didn't feel sorry for her.

"Viv, I had it all, and it made me the biggest bitch in the world. Did you know before he died my father told me I disappointed him?"

I shook my head. She didn't see me. She still stared out into the darkness.

"Yeah," she continued. "He told me to leave Brian and run away. He said Brian changed me into a horrible person, and all I did was laugh in his face. I threw my money and power back at him and he shrugged it off. He didn't care about that crap. He didn't respect money or power. He certainly didn't respect Brian."

"That's because Brian was a Democrat," I countered trying to lighten the mood.

"Ha! You have no idea what hell I went through for marrying a Democrat. I've never been political, but daddy was a hard-core conservative."

I nodded, remembering some of the conversations I had with her dad over the years before he died. He was a good man but set in his ways and stubborn as hell. We shared a dislike for politicians in general.

"You remind me of daddy in many ways. I think rebelling away from his overbearing personality set me on a bad path, and you're so much like him it's scary. You even look like him."

I couldn't believe she was going to try and play the daddy issues card on me too. I groaned inwardly.

"I think since I could never treat my father like shit, I transferred that onto you. I gave you all of the resentment I wanted to give him but couldn't."

That made more sense than her treating me that way because she wanted to screw me. I could actually buy that excuse, but ultimately, it was just an excuse.

"Look, Ginny, your father loved you. You have to know that."

She turned and smiled, "I know he loved me. That doesn't change the fact I disappointed him."

She walked over and took her spot next to me again.

"Please don't ask me to leave, Viv."

She put her hand on my knee as if to punctuate her request. I didn't move, nor did I move her hand.

"I wouldn't put you on the street before, and I won't do it now," I said meaning it.

She leaned her head onto my shoulder and cried.

"Thank you, I can't tell you how much I want to make up for..."

"Enough of that, okay? Can you please just let it go?"

"Okay," she answered meekly.


....and on we went.

She eventually got a decent paying job, and she told me she wanted to pay me back for all of the things I bought her.

She had been living with me and off of me for six months or so, and I helped her get a more reliable car and some more clothes. I tried to decline, but she was insistent. We agreed on a simple payment plan, and she was happy.

I could always tell when she missed the days of designer dresses and thousand-dollar spa visits. Those days she got sad, she tried to wear a little more makeup and dressed a little better. I thought it was silly, but she looked damn good, so I didn't complain.

We continued to sleep together in my bed, and she continued to try and make up for her old ways by screwing me into the mattress. I didn't know if we would ever become a couple or not, but she seemed to think we were, and I went along for the ride. She even started hanging out with my friends' wives, and they actually like her. Maybe she changed after all?

They're putting the hard press on me to make an honest woman of Ginny but I wasn't sure I'd ever be ready to marry another Keller sister. It didn't go so well the first time.

I got out of my truck and took Ginny's hand as we walked into the fancy restaurant. It was the one-year anniversary of her showing up on my doorstep, and I thought we needed a nicer night out.

She looked stunning in her little blue dress, and obnoxiously expensive heels. I didn't complain, I even paid for the spa visit that morning where she got the works done. She made my mouth water.

I fidgeted with the little box in my pocket. I saw the waiter walk over with the bottle of champagne I preordered and smiled at Ginny who was oblivious to what was about to happen.

"What do you think about splitting the lobster tail and getting steaks?" she asked.

I took a deep breath and slid out of my chair.

"Viv?" she asked without looking up, until she noticed me kneeling next to her.

"Viv? Did you drop something?"

I smiled and said, "My hesitation about marrying another Keller sister."

Her eyes went wide when she realized what I said. The waiter had to get another bottle of wine because before I could ask her to marry me, she tackled me into him and sent the bottle flying ten feet into the air.

I think somewhere in there she said yes, and I never even asked the question.

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ttjbjr54ttjbjr5424 days ago

Great story and well written. How about a sequel where the two of them visit both cons in prison. Make sure Ginny has a baby bump.

Congratulations once again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I had to upgrade my rating to 5 stars because you accurately assessed the political parties .

I hate leftards .

Democommies suck trans poop-wounds

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Ginny was a complete bitch, but she was also cute and endearing after losing all the things that made her feel superior. Underneath all the bitch was a good woman

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

seemed a little rushed. She disrespected him for year and after giving him some pussy he's ready to marry her lol

InfosaugerInfosauger4 months ago

Why do most of the political points in the story say the Democrats a assholes and Republicans are the good ones? As far as I know each political side is corrupt the same. But from outside USA it seems in the last few years or decades the Republicans were better on hiding it. Otheriwse it wouldn't be possible for people with common sense to elect someone like the sociopath Trump into the White House.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy605 months ago

I had to downgrade it to 3 Stars because I hate these Neo-cons. Rethuglians suck whale shit.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So you repair elevators eh, what's that like? Oh you know, it has its ups and downs. *crickets* I'll show myself out, thanks.

Anyway I could practically taste the disrespect from his wife and the disdain from the sister-in-law. Christ sakes man, grab your balls out of your wife's purse and man up. No surprise she was having an affair. Guess she needed more a big dick. Man what a dumb, greedy slut she turned out to be. Enjoy prison bitch.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wonderful story, 10 stars! Jane screwed up, because she wanted the "good life" from that scumbag predator, that her sister already had. After losing everything, Ginny, with no other choice, tried to make amends with her sisters' ex- husband. After Viv realized she'd actually changed for the better, finally was convinced that he had found his wife, Ginny. Maybe she'll give her "real husband" a new name, "daddy", and she will proudly be "mommy"!!

XluckyleeXluckylee7 months ago

5 stars from Xluckylee

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Lot of commenter seems to misunderstand Jane's motives for cheating. It was clearly all about greed and lust for power. Not only was she banging Brian before the "big d$ck" comment, but she was clearly banging some of her firm's clients for advancement and money. She probably kept some of her bonus money hidden from the MC. She married the MC because he was the best for her in bed with his large endowment and his excellent lovemaking skills. Giant had never experienced anything remotely like what Viv gave ger that first time. Brian was my comparison a loser. Not just being smaller but a pump and dump guy. Brian didn't turn Jane into a shrew. She already was one but kept up the pretense because she needed a steady dose of loving from Viv while ahe entertained her clients. However, Brian offered a door to a huge potential wealth and power. Of course while Ginny was clueless of the affair, she knew about Brian doing nefarious things with campaign funds before (see his comments about "skeletons in the closet"). Ginny and the MC were naive (Ginny more so) about Jane living in a townhouse with Brian during the election year. The MC knew things were in bad shape early with no communication. Surprised that he didn't hire a PI. They weren't discreet about stealing money since it was easy to discover in divorce proceedings, then why woukd it be so hard to find out at least the first six months. Anyways Jane was just a plot device. After she goes to.jail, she is hardly mentioned. Story was interesting and author writes well but the followup romance, meant to be the centerpiece was too shirt and would have benefited from more events to prove that she indeed has changed.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This was great! Can we get a part 2 plz? I want Viv and Ginny to rub their happiness in Jane's cheating bitch face. It would also be cool to see how Viv and Ginny's romance blossoms, and the inevitable troubles they'll face thanks to how Ginny used to be

Tossmysalad66Tossmysalad668 months ago

Good story needs a follow up when Alicia gets out of jail, that dynamic and also dickhead looking for revenge

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

To the commentor who said "It feels like a few of the LW crowd cruised by and commented even though this was in Romance", they did. The author primarily posts in LW and therefore their 'fans' followed them here.

To me this was a sub-par romance because it needs more time to develop the love, more learning, more loving. It actually felt like an LW story with a romantic trim. A chapter two, concentrating on the romance and the building life, with troubles caused be her former choices could possibly help.

Nevertheless, thank you for the story BH76.

olddave51olddave5111 months ago

I'd like to see a part 2 how the make it a loving marriage

The karma that Jane gets when she gets out of prison seeing her sister married to her ex.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartabout 1 year ago

5. Interesting story with some pretty interesting characters. I didn't expect her denial about loving him for his big johnson would come into play later, though ultimately I guess she loved power more. Was wondering how things were going to go, pretty well figured the wife was going to cheat but wondered if she was going to try to keep her husband on a leash as a "boytoy" and the sister-in-law after seeing him in the nude would try to seduce him but no, the wife's downfall was pretty remote from the marriage. She didn't even seem to care about the marriage and its end until money got involved. Kinda find it interesting Brian seemed to have turned both sisters into shrews, he might not have been much downstairs or with the hip action but clearly his power and wealth had its own appeal. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Brian was definitely a Republican. His penchant for rear entry would have been enough, but the fact he was corrupt, a thief and a cheater absolutely nailed it.

oldsage_1oldsage_1about 1 year ago

Thanks for the read. It feels like a few of the LW crowd cruised by and commented even though this was in Romance. Sure wish some of the critics would submit their own version but of course they wont. Any way thanks for another well written fantasy.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


enderlocke77enderlocke77about 1 year ago

ur MC was funny i know we are all just genderless blobs these days but a guy named vivian that wears mesh shorts and tank tops lol riot

mrdata9770mrdata9770about 1 year ago

(4/30/2023) Perfect, loved it! Thank you for submitting your story. Five stars.

teedeedubteedeedubabout 1 year ago

Well spun little tale. Always like your stuff.

EmotionalEmotionalabout 1 year ago

Great little story, loved it

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