Vivian: Life in Estonia Ch. 26

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Raimond moves in to cohabit with Vivian.
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The 'Two at a Time' contest was over, as Angela Peterson was the declared winner. She was awarded the coveted TLR body chain belt emblematic of sexual prowess throughout the swingers community in the United States. Even swingers who did not belong to the TLR, by word of mouth communication were, nevertheless, aware of TLR activities and the significance of the TLR body chain belt. Any TLR member possessing the TLR body chain belt, attending a private swingers event was always accorded great respect and she would never lack for a partner who was thrilled to have sex with her.

As a result, Angela was totally geeked as her euphoria was making her giddy in excitement. Along with Vivian and Karen, the three of them had remained sitting cross-legged on Stage Three each sipping a glass of champagne in cerebration of Angela's victory. Walter Ruffing, the last partner had hung around, so he also was imbibing a celebratory drink with the three ladies. It soon developed into an impromptu celebration party as Henry Morgan joined in. By his comportment he had made no secret that he was at least for the moment smitten with Karen.

A moment later Jed Baxter also showed up. Vivian immediately brightened into a huge smile. In her mind this could only mean that he was serious in contemplating resuming a limited affair with her. And she was not averse to that. She amused herself by mentally concluding that now visiting her sister and brother twice a year would become a secondary purpose for her trips to the United States.

As the six of them were paired off and contemplating last minute sexual activity before calling it a night, they were approached by none other than Vickie Vargas with Andre Bouchard in tow. Also with them were Scarlett O'Hara and Jerry Aceti. Vickie said, "First of all, Angela, I want to congratulate you again on your most spectacular and well deserved victory. It was so thrilling to witness it. Scarlett and I have become desirous to partake in the activities for of this orgy, especially as our duties in overseeing this orgy is in abeyance for the rest of the night. I hope you all wouldn't mind joining in with Scarlett and I and our partners with a limited orgy."

Angela asked, "What now? Here on this stage?"

Vickie replied, "Oh no! I have something better in mind. As you might be aware bedroom number 10 in this hall, as well as bedroom number 1 in the Messalina Hall are somewhat larger in area than all of the other bedrooms in both halls. So, for the first time ever we have installed an Alaskan King size bed in bedroom number 10 in this hall. This bed of course has been produced and supplied by one of Jed's companies. By the way we thank you Jed as this product from our first impression seems definitely to fit the bill for the use that we intend."

Jed acknowledged the shout out with a wave of his hand. Vickie continued, "This bed is huge. Its dimensions are nine feet by nine feet. The intended use is to make available for those who would wish to indulge in a private mini group sex orgy apart from the context of overall general orgy activities of our weekends. As I had indicated it was just installed, actually two days ago, so it was too late to employ the logistical requirements to notify our membership of this new feature. We intend to send out a newsletter to every member announcing this innovation and listing the amount of extra charges to be applied for usage of this new innovative available service.

"Accordingly, I locked up bedroom 10 and displayed a sign of 'Occupied' on the door to prevent anyone from using this bedroom during this orgy. However, I have the card key for this room so that the ten of us could actually try out the room as to the efficacy of the bed to fulfill the supposed desired need. So, I ask you, are you all game?"

To this Angela laconically responded. "Is the Pope Catholic?"

Karen added, "Do bears crap in the woods?"

It was up to Vivian to respond, "Do cows moo?"

Jed Baxter contributed, "Does a horse neigh?"

Henry Morgan offered, "Does a bird chirp?"

And Walter Ruffing added, "Does a tiger roar?"

Vickie burst out in a full heartfelt laughter. She responded, "Well it's so nice that everyone is in full amicable accord. As you all seem to be paired off nicely, you ought to know I was impressed by Andre's ability to hold on to you Angela while fucking you silly. I have to confess, that I have always had a partiality for professional hockey players in the NHL. There is something about their athletic ability that renders me weak in my knees, whenever I imagine in being in a romantic situation with any one of them. I practically begged Andre to have sex with me."

At this point Andre chivalrously protested, "Any straight red-blooded male, whether American or Canadian would have no problem in acquiescing to having sex with the deliciously hot Ms Vickie Vargas. Whenever, she had indicated to me that she desired to sex with me, my only questions were when and where."

Vickie simply replied to that assertion, "In this case it's now and in bedroom 10. So, let's all go there."

When they all got to the room, they found that sure enough, there was this huge bed as big as Vickie had indicated. There were lots of pillows and a few individual down comforters. The idea being that since mini group sex orgies would occur most would elect to remain in the room to sleep and they would not need to share a huge cover sheet for sleeping purposes. Karen had an idea and shared it with the other ladies who all agreed to her plan.

Accordingly, the ladies all rolled up five comforters, and then formed an inter over and under lapping pentagon. The comforters were supported by the large pillows. The plan was that each woman in a doggy position would hover with their stomach resting over a side of the comforter pentagon. Their breasts would be freely hanging beyond the wall side of the comforter. The pentagon was shaped in size to allow a woman to reach with her right hand to fondle the left boob of the woman to her right. Their left hand was this way free to stimulate their clit if so desired while their partner's cock was pounding away into their vagina.

In this configuration, Vivian was fucked by Jed as she was fondling Karen's left boob. Karen was fucked by her brand new admirer Henry Morgan while fondling Scarlett's left boob. As Scarlett was fondling Vickie's left tit, Jerry Aceti was fucking her with the determined intent of inducing her to fart. Vickie was massaging Angela's left mammary gland while receiving the cock of Andre Bouchard in her vagina. Angela was then caressing Vivian's left breast while being fucked once again by Walter Ruffing.

All the ladies each did stimulate their clits to bring about a glorious orgasm for each and every one of them. And yes, Jerry Aceti was able to announce, "Oh wow! That was something. And did you guys hear Scarlett fart?"

Henry Morgan harrumphed. "Yes, I heard it, but I didn't detect an odor. It doesn't count as a truly great orgasm if she doesn't stink up the joint."

Now Scarlett did blush a little, but she was by now quite used to the banter accorded to her for this peculiar proclivity. Since her flatulence in sex rarely emitted an off putting smell, she sensed there was no malice intended in their jocularity. So, she mildly protested, "Come on fellows! You guys are exaggerating. I don't always fart when I fuck. Why in my twenty years of marriage, I don't believe I've farted even once during all of our sex acts."

Vickie couldn't resist quipping, "Ah! Now we know why he divorced you. You didn't fart for him!"

Amidst the ensuing laughter, Scarlett sheepishly responded, "Maybe there's more truth than poetry in that last remark."

There was wine for everyone to imbibe during the afterglow respite. A consensus was reached by all that they ought to have one more of this intriguing group sex setting except that the ladies would be sodomized. For logistic purposes the room was equipped like all other rooms with Vaseline lubricant and a strap-on dildo. The latter item would not do, so Scarlett rang up the staff and had them deliver five ordinary hand use dildos, so that ladies could achieve penetration in both of their nether orifices.

Once the dildos had arrived and everybody was sufficiently lubricated, the five couples were in place for their group sodomy sex. For variety they changed partners: Jed took on Vickie; Henry Morgan took on Scarlett; Walter Ruffing took on Karen; Jerry Aceti took on Angela; and Andre Bouchard took on Vivian. This unique original sexual activity stirred the imagination and as each woman used their dildo to produce satisfactory climaxes for all. And yes, Scarlett farted right after Henry had finished spurting his seed into her ass. The power of her fart expelled his cock from her rectum. Everyone applauded.

At the end Angela was the first to figuratively wave the white flag of surrender, as she was thoroughly fatigued. The window of the room was opened as it was a hot and muggy night. Angela eschewed a comforter and unceremoniously fell asleep on a pillow virtually in the middle of the bed once the comforters were returned to their normal form. The rest coalesced around her haphazardly to form a dog like pile of sleeping human beings.

In the morning Vickie and Scarlett were gone to tend to their management duties. That left five men for the three women to enjoy the initial sex of the day. The three ladies played, a three-way "Rock Paper Scissors" to determine which one of the three would have only one gentleman for her morning sex, while the other two would do threesomes to start the day with a bang. It was in the third try where there were two winners, one loser via rock crushing two scissors. Karen had scissors, but as the loser, by mutual agreement she got to choose. She chose Jed.

Vivian straddled over Henry Morgan facing his feet. She lowered herself and inserted his penis into her anus. Jerry Aceti then directly facing Vivian plunged his cock into her pussy. Angela was on her hands and knees providing fellatio to Andre Bouchard, while being fucked Walter Ruffing à la doggy style.

For their singular coitus Jed and Karen sat on the bed facing each other with legs toward one another. Their arms were placed behind them to support themselves. They moved together by crawling like spiders until she reached his penis. Karen ended up with her hips between his spread legs. Karen's knees were bent, so that her feet were outside over his hips and planted flat on the bed.

Thereupon Karen and Jed commenced their congress consisting of mutually rocking back and forth. There were no sudden sharp thrusts of his penis to disturb their long lingering copulation. They maintained eye contact, constantly smiling at each other all the while enjoying the delicious tingling erotic sensations. Their climaxes were pleasantly subdued capping off a most exquisite sexual intercourse.

They were all sporting happy smiles as they all were in agreement that this was one of the best orgies each of them had attended. The men meandered downstairs to find a free shower room and partake of some brunch as it was nearing noon. Karen, Angela and Vivian remained in the room to partake in a shower together. Considering the amount of sex, they had already experienced, they refrained from being sexual in the shower; perhaps another time would be more expedient. Instead, they assisted each other by washing each other's body in places hard to reach on their own. Each woman could sense that a permanent camaraderie had been established notwithstanding there diverse residences.

After a sumptuous brunch and a final quickie with Jed Baxter, it was time to go home. Erica with Maia in tow greeted Vivian at O'Hare. They could see that Vivian was lot more ebullient on her return from Dallas than when she had left. In a subsequent conversation, Vivian informed Erica that she believed that she and Jed Baxter had rekindled the fire of their past affair and passion. Of course, he was going to remain married to Felicia, while she was going to remain living in Estonia. However, in her semi annual trips to the US, Vivian would include in her itinerary at least a one night tryst with her billionaire lover during each visit.

Erica cautioned, "If what you say is true is that good enough for you? The world would view you as his slut and whore; just a bimbo who is easily available. Perhaps he even considers you as just that."

Vivian replied, "I can't control what other people may think of me, and if they think so meanly of me, I'm determined not to let it get under my skin. I have a wonderful life in Estonia, and I think I'll have a great lover in Raimond Kruuse, and if not, well I'm sure there's plenty of fish still in the seas and some of the really good ones haven't been caught yet.

"As for Jed I'm convinced that he is in love with me and that I'm a most significant woman in his life second only to his wife Felicia and of course for that matter his daughter Trudy. I have no hang ups with his marriage. I've only met Felicia twice, and although I naturally didn't think much of her character, I can't deny that I'd probably would have acted much the same were I to have been in her shoes.

"In any case, he had assured me he had been prepared to leave Felicia for me, but then I disappeared from his life and married Sam Crawford instead. As I told you I had sex with Jed two years ago in Tallinn which at that time I advised him of my reason for ending our affair. He retaliated by assuring me that if I'd have informed him that I wanted to become pregnant by him he would have had his vasectomy reversed. I believe him and of course I've been kicking himself ever since for missing the opportunity to have had Jed Baxter exclusively in my life."

Erica replied skeptically, "Well talk is cheap. One can say anything if there are no consequences. He may have said he would have done this for you, but since you can no longer conceive, he can't be called to prove it."

Vivian replied, "I can't be that cynical. After all he did give you a loan without expecting repayment, so that it made it easier for you to start 'Erica's'. There is no other explanation for that generosity but to say he must have truly loved me."

Erica agreed, "Well, there's that, I guess. I just want you to be careful and not to have unreasonable expectations so that you don't get hurt. You know I wish you all the best."

"Thank you, Erica. I'm naturally disappointed that things did not work out with Eino, but I've truly moved on. I have a comfortable home in Tallinn, and I have a great position in the Estonian government not to mention an owner of a very successful beer company. I'm pretty sure I've got a great reliable boyfriend in Tallinn and a magnificent extra lover in the United States. And although I can't have any more children, Maia is most precious to me. I can't be any happier with my life."

Speaking of a reliable boyfriend, it turned out that Vivian's instincts concerning Raimond Kruuse proved to be right on the money. He was there at the Tallinn airport to greet Vivian and Maia and drive them home. It was clearly obvious to Vivian that he was overjoyed to see her return, apparently having missed her more than he would have liked. That supposition on her part of his total devotion towards her was reinforced by the ensuing weekend. Once again, Vivian was able to prevail on Hele Mölder to look after Maria as a sleepover companion to her daughter Riina, from twelve noon on Saturday till two in the afternoon Sunday. It was helpful that Maia and Riina had become fast and inseparable friends.

What delighted Vivian most about Raimond Kruuse was that he was not the jealous type. He really wasn't disgusted with her recounting of all of her antics at the TLR orgy. In fact in his mind, he benefited from Vivian's attendance at the TLR orgy, as she became sexier than ever. Having heard of her exploits, Raimond was most interested in replicating some of the more intriguing sexual positions which Angela had engaged in, plus trying some other positions. One of them was the wheelbarrow position but rather than standing up, Raimond sat on the edge of the bed. Vivian positioned herself so that her hips were on his lap and planted her hands firmly on the floor. She stretched her legs out behind his waist as he held on to her thighs while he pumped away. This position allowed for deep penetration, plus resulted in a workout for her arms.

Another position they both loved had Vivian lie on her back with her legs resting on each of Raimond's shoulders. This sex position was awesome especially for Vivian because when she raised her legs, it narrowed her vagina and helped Raimond target her 'G' spot. Her 'G' spot was effectively stimulated as he rocked her in a side-to-side motion as well as varying it with an up-and-down motion.

The position the two of them tried, which they found very erotic because it was completed in an unusual and ostensibly in a most uncomfortable location: i.e. the tiled kitchen floor. Vivian laid on her back on the swept-up floor. She raised her legs and folded them making contact with her torso. Then she placed her ankles on either side of her head. She used her hands to prop her back up off the floor, so as to maintain her body upright and prevent it from collapsing onto the floor.

Raimond, thereupon, squatted over her. He was partially able to hold onto her hips by contact with his bent thighs to help keep her folded body perpendicular. From that position he drove his penis in and out of her vagina. Aside from continuous direct eye contact, the extra rush of blood into Vivian's head increased her sense of ecstasy. To make this coitus hotter, Raimond, holding on to a bottle of chocolate syrup dribbled some of it into her mouth. The sweetness of the syrup and the manner in which she received it got more of her senses involved, complementing a uniquely sensuous experience.

In Raimond's mind the most novel position for him which he enjoyed the most, occurred when Vivian laid flat on her back on the bed. She raised her legs up and folded them back towards. She raised her head between her calves to cause her ankles crossed behind her own head. He entered her from a missionary position. She periodically using her fingers would work on her clitoris. In those instances, he would ride her low directly stimulating her 'G' spot. When she withdrew her fingers from her clit, he would ride her high, thereby rubbing his pubic bone against her clitoris.

As a result, Vivian's clitoris was continuously being stimulated, keeping her in an agitated frenzy. This particular copulation was one in which Vivian was the most animated and her orgasm was most violent. In a reflex reaction to her climax caused her to pound her fists against Raimond's back. This occurred as he was ejaculating. Raimond was most pleased with this sexual intercourse, as he had never experienced such high passion on display from any one of his female partners. Vivian's orgasm for this copulation was certainly the most memorable for Raimond. He fondly recalled this particular sexual intercourse for the rest of his life.

In this fashion, the sexual marathon of that weekend continued exceeding twenty-five hours in duration. Just like in their previous initial weekend at her home, Raimond and Vivian remained totally naked throughout their rendezvous. Since such was the modus operandi for TLR orgies, for Vivian this was not a novel experience. But for Raimond it was a novel experience. He had never been naked before a woman except for sexual activity, and in that case never beyond such activity.

He had never been in a sauna naked with a naked woman until he had met Vivian. Obviously, that meant having sex with Vivian was the only time he ever had sex in a sauna, and thus that meant a fulfillment of a hypothetical sexual bucket list he might have wished to have compiled or contemplated. Actually, considering the variety of sex that occurred that weekend there would be no need for him to draw up a sexual bucket wish list. He truly felt that anything he could possibly wish to experience in sex were he to compile such a bucket list had been fulfilled that weekend. In fact, every conceivable sexual position he could have imagined surely had been tried that weekend. In fact, the only sexual position he knew of that was not experienced was the traditional and most common: the ordinary missionary position the quintessential vanilla sex action.