Vivian: Life in Estonia Ch. 27

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Vivian and Raimond double date with Natasha and Boris.
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Natasha resumed her pitch to establish a chamber music festival in Estonia as she said, "In addition to Anne-Sophie Mutter I've also received a commitment from Ophelia Hartley, the Canadian cellist, to perform in my proposed festival event. I confess that four years ago, when I first met with Ophelia in Sydney, Australia, we struck up an intimate relationship, and we've become BFF ever since. As a result, like Anne-Sophie Mutter, she will have her agent cancel any commitments that would conflict with my proposed festival.

"As for a violist, my agent, who is my mother by the way, has obtained an agreement with the British violist, Lawrence Power to commit to contest in my proposed festival. Mr Power has won many viola competitions, so I guess he couldn't resist a brand new competition to conquer."

At this point Vivian protested, "Well what you envision and assuming you manage to pull it off, it will easily dwarf our existing chamber music festival which has been going on with a modicum of success for the past fifteen years. Your festival will then kill it off, and as an Estonian that would not be a happy conclusion to contemplate."

Natasha rebutted, "On the contrary, Minister. Since each festival has a different agenda there is no conflict that must dictate one of them would survive and the other must perish. In a nutshell, my proposed event has the purpose to eventually putting Estonia on the map as a prominent cultural attraction for classical music in Europe equal in quality of reputation as to those in Austria and Germany. The existing Estonian festival has at its purpose to ensure that there is a venue for Estonian musicians to aspire to achieve world wide prominence. I submit my proposed festival will help achieve such goal.

"So those are not competing aims. I would plan that all of the competitions and performances of my festival to occur at night. In the afternoons we would provide workshops possibly at the same venues your festival utilizes, for violin, viola and cello Estonian musicians to hone their skills and receive invaluable tips from the established international musicians. It can only be mutually beneficial for both events. Actually, I'll probably be in touch with the Estonian festival organizers to work out a mutually satisfactory arrangement."

Vivian responded, "That certainly does sound exciting. So, exactly how will this chamber music festival unfold?"

Natasha replied, "It will be more than just an exclusive chamber music competition. I've been in touch with the conductor of the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (Eesti Riiklik Sümfooniaorkester or ERSO). I plan naturally to feature typical competitions for individual performances in the violin, viola and cello plus string quartets and trios. In addition, though, with the ERSO I intend to award separate prizes for best performances of a violin concerto and a cello concerto.

"For the opening night I plan to introduce a brand new composition and I expect that I'll do so for each annual festival thereafter. By the way, that is the reason why I was successful in getting Anne-Sophie Mutter to agree to participate in my proposed festival. You may be aware that though her repertoire includes many classical works, Ms Mutter is particularly known for her performances of contemporary music. Several pieces have been specially written for or dedicated to her. So, when I told her of my plans, she agreed to participate on the condition that she would perform my music on the opening night.

"Naturally, I had expected to so myself, but I realized since Ms Mutter's reputation and international renown dwarfs mine, it would enhance the importance of my work if she were to perform the world premiere of my composition. After all, I'm only twenty-three years of age, and despite my concert performances and recording successes, I don't believe music critics would be inclined to pay much attention to my compositions, as of yet anyway. That was certainly the case with my hit CD recording of Enescu's Sonata. I received rave reviews for my performance of that music as well as my effort in Sarasate's Zigeunerweisen but not a peep mentioned for my own original composition which was also included in my CD."

Vivian chuckled as she opined, "I can now understand that your appeal to induce Ms Mutter to appear for your project was based on solely true artistic opportunities. You were not required like, I daresay I believe I was, to offer extraneous incentives to entice Ms Mutter to appear."

Natasha coyly replied, "In that regard, I did indicate to Ms Mutter, that since for preparation to my festival, I would out of necessity spend some lengthy time in Estonia, after assuming I've procured the necessarily approvals. Hopefully, that would give me sufficient time for me to obtain an appropriate escort for the duration of her stay in Estonia."

Vivian assured, "I think you can count on me to offer assistance in that matter."

Natasha smiled as she enunciated, "As we're both aware, Ms Mutter is no longer a spring chicken. Some years back, when she was 43 years of age, she appeared to have indicated in an interview that she would be retiring when she turned 45. However, subsequently she said that her words were 'misinterpreted' and that she would continue to play as long as she felt she could bring anything new, anything important, anything different to music. From that I infer, and I'm thrilled to believe that my proposed music festival falls into that category which keeps Ms Mutter interested in adding to her storied career accomplishments."

Vivian then responded, "Wow! That's quite a spectacular cultural proposal you have outlined from which I can't see contains any downsides to it. Since you've made this appointment with me, you must be asking for some money to pull it off. I'm enthusiastic enough of your plans, that I'm prepared to approve so long as your demands are within reason. So, tell me how much are you wanting?"

Natasha smiled, as she realized that her major objective to procure her event in Estonia was achieved. Vivian appeared ready to go further than what Natasha needed her to do. Accordingly, Natasha replied, "I don't really need any major financial aid from the Estonian government for the expenses in running my proposed festival. Aside from the personal contributions from myself and my friend Boris Varennikov, I've secured two substantial commitments in America from the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, MI and Baxter & Sons in Chicago, IL.

"I've also acquired a pledge from my alma mater, the Bienen School of Music at Northwestern University that they would hold a fundraiser for my proposed festival. They could see that for me as a former student to be able to present a successful international music festival can't help but enhance the international reputation of their school of music. They could claim, they were an indirect influencer in producing such a world renowned musical event. Based on the experience of the school's past fundraisers it would not be out of line to expect a million dollars to be raised. "In addition, I've lined up in Europe for BNP Paribas, France's largest banking house to sponsor my proposed Festival. Also on board would be Allianz, of Munich, Germany, the world's largest property and casualty insurer."

Natasha continued, "As you can see the financing is there in place to ensure a world class spectacular classical music event here in Tallinn. I do desire that my festival would be outdoors in a picturesque sylvan setting. In this regard Yuri Rublev, a contractor and that aforementioned relative of my boyfriend Boris Varennikov, would undertake to construct a suitable outdoors stage and seating at a deep discount. He will bear the labor costs in exchange for receiving the funds to pay for construction materials.

"So, all I'm asking from the Estonian government, is funds to meet the cost of constructing the stage pursuant to satisfactory arrangement with Mr Rublev. I would also need to secure the necessary approvals and licenses, plus a lease of land sufficient to contain the stage and seating for at least 20,000 to 40,000 audience. I might as well dream big."

Vivian was delighted as she could foresee terrific beneficial results from Natasha's proposal. So, she answered quickly, "I think I can get you what you want. I'll certainly discuss it with my appropriate cabinet colleagues to get it done. Do you think you'll be ready for this year's August?"

"Yes! Assuming satisfactory conclusion of funding, Mr Rublev can start construction by the beginning of April."

Vivian then concluded the negotiations and changed the subject, "OK then, consider it done. My department will be in touch with you or your representative plus with Mr Rublev in due course. By the way since you're from Chicago and you've mentioned your mother, I have to ask is her name Vera then, and is she an accountant?"

Surprised by the question, Natasha responded, "Why yes! Do you know her then? Have you met her? I haven't heard of you, although I guess I'm not familiar with all of my mother's acquaintances."

Vivian replied, "Your mother first came to my attention, as she was the accountant hired by Jed Baxter to investigate the financial records of Baxter & Sons. She was able to uncover a significant embezzlement crime perpetrated by the CFO, Sam Crawford. Sam happened to be my first husband, and he was arrested by the FBI within two hours after our wedding ceremony and he died four days later in prison, murdered by his cell mate. You could say that my marriage didn't last too long, but nevertheless, Sam is the father of my only child, Maia."

Natasha guffawed at the nonchalant remark emphasizing the brevity of her first marriage. At the mention of Maia, Natasha's attention turned to the provocative pictures prominently on display on the desk of the Minister of Culture. One of them brazenly portrayed Vivian breast feeding Maia while nude and the other picture featuring in Narasha's perception of Vivian breast feeding simultaneously two babies. Curiosity got the better of her, so Natasha inquired, "Speaking of your daughter, I have to ask about those pictures on your desk. The first one which you apparently had it taken when you hadn't had the time to get dressed, shows you breastfeeding a baby who I presume is your daughter. However, the second picture shows you breastfeeding two babies at once. Were you then a wet nurse in a former time in your life?"

Vivian chuckled good-naturedly as she didn't take offense. She replied, "You're quite right about the first picture, it is indeed me and Maia. But the second picture is not me but of my sister breast feeding both her daughter and mine who were born mere months apart. My sister boasted she should be labeled as mother of the year to be able to breast feed two babies at once. However, I was able to duplicate the feat later on when she was in heavy sleep. Rather than wake her I fed both my daughter and niece at the same time."

Natasha peered at the pictures closely and exclaimed, "Yes I can see now that the pictures are of two different women but there's no denying that the two of you are similar enough in appearance that one can easily mistake one for another."

Vivian elected to pass on that comment, on the supposition that it would embarrass Natasha further if she was forced to confess, she had made a patently obvious error in thinking the pictures were of Vivian exclusively. Natasha then followed up by returning to the subject of the indirect connection with Vivian to her mother. She continued, "In any case, that's quite a coincidence between the relationship of my mother to you and thus to me. Did you know of this connection when you agreed to see me?"

Vivian replied, "As I told you before I do love classical music and I have that remarkable CD of yours with its photogenic cover. Needless to say, the music was what is most sensational about the CD but then again, the album cover shall we say is very noteworthy."

What Vivian was alluding to, was the fact that the album front cover was a photograph of Natasha standing naked, holding a violin to cover up her vulva and the bow covering just her nipples and areolae. The back cover pictured her upright ostensibly preparing to play the violin with the view of her complete naked backside. Natasha laughed unembarrassed, as she replied, "To be fair, I actually did record this music in the buff, and my accompanist was also naked while he played the piano. So that justifies the photos, especially since it was the necessary catalyst for us rendering the superb performance."

Vivian electing now to address Natasha less formerly said, "Whatever Natasha! In any case, when I first became aware of you at the time, I had obtained your CD, I'd forgotten your mother's name. So, I didn't make the connection. It wasn't until last July, when I was in the company of Jed Baxter, when in the course of our conversation he made me aware of your mother's indirect connection to me."

Natasha exclaimed, "You know Jed Baxter? You're acquainted with him?"

Vivian coyly answered, "You could say that. Actually, it is yet another indirect connection between your mother and me. According to Jed, your mother had an affair with him, apparently just after I ended my affair with him."

Natasha exclaimed, "What! You got to be kidding! What a small world this is! Of course, I knew my mother had an affair with Jed Baxter. Why you see this gorgeous necklace I'm wearing, and I only wear it on very auspicious occasions. Well, this necklace was Mr Baxter's gift to my mother when he ended the affair with her. My mother was so furious with him because in her mind she felt cheapened by the gift as it signified that she didn't mean anything to him notwithstanding their hot affair."

At this point Vivian was thinking out loud and uttered, "Hmm. Now I understand what he meant."

Natasha was nonplussed, as she asked, "Huh! What did you say?"

"Oh nothing. It's just that when Jed was here in Tallinn three years ago, he asked me why I ended our affair. He intimated to me had we parted on more amicable terms I would have gotten an expensive parting gift. Now looking at your necklace, I kinda wish I would have ended the affair a bit more diplomatically."

Natasha was now getting curious. So, she asked, "You saw Jed Baxter three years ago and then last year as well. Is he then in the habit of coming to Estonia more frequently than one is likely to expect?"

Vivian answered, "Jed's trip to Estonia three years ago was definitely a most rare business trip indeed. But last year I met him in the States. I come to the United States twice a year to visit my family. My sister lives in Chicago, and my brother lives in Wisconsin on the farm where we grew up. My parents live in Arizona in a retirement condominium facility. I don't visit them there as they usually come to my brother's farm to coincide with my visit."

Natasha became a little suspicious, and so asked, "Well I buy that if Mr Baxter finds himself in Estonia for a rare business trip, that he would look you up for a harmless get together to reminiscence old memories. I also get that you would want to come to visit your family occasionally. So how do you come to arrange to see Mr Baxter during these family visits? Oh, wait a minute you did say your sister lives in Chicago, so I guess there's time to fit in a brief innocent reunion. Somehow, I'm beginning to suspect that these meetings are not so innocent. Not mind you that it's any of my business as I certainly do not wish to pry."

Vivian giggled as she was getting to like Ms Natasha Starikovich very much. She coyly answered, "Actually, I did not meet Jed in Chicago last year."


"Before I go any further, I have to ask are you familiar with the TLR the acronym for the Texas Love Ranch?"

Once again Natasha was nonplussed with what seemed like a non sequitur question in their conversation. Assuming Vivian knew of the TLR, as why else would she have posed the question, she answered, "Of course I'm very well aware of the TLR. After all my mother and I were awarded each the TLR body chain belt for winning the 'Mothers and Daughters' contest a couple of years back on the Mother's Day weekend shortly after the death of one of the co-founders, John William St Clair. What's your point?"

Now it was Vivian's turn to be startled by Natasha's response. As she had known of Vera Starikovich's membership from Jed Baxter's information during that last TLR orgy she had attended, she hadn't considered that her daughter had also become a member. Accordingly, she replied, "Oh I see, forgive me for my ignorance. I was actually aware of your mother's participation in TLR orgies before Jed had informed me that she was the accountant to have exposed my first husband's crimes. In fact, I've actually met your mother a couple of times at a TLR orgy so I'm aware of her appearance and I can see her resemblance in you.

"Although, when you secured the appointment to see me, I suspected that you were related to the female member of the TLR whom I knew on that basis alone. But of course, knowing that Vera Starikovich was also the accountant who did my first husband in and was the subsequent mistress of my former lover made me more curious, but still I wasn't aware that you would also be a member of the TLR so hence my question.

"Now that I'm aware of your TLR membership, I can tell you I met Jed Baxter last year in July at the TLR orgy in Dallas. And yes, we made love during that orgy as well as the time I met him here in Tallinn three years ago. I wouldn't say that we are steady lovers having revived our passionate affair about a decade ago. I wouldn't want to presume too much. Still, we seem to have an understanding that whenever I'm in Chicago we might have a rendezvous or then again, we might find ourselves at a TLR orgy again. Such trysts are matters up in the air. I did 'see*' (*air quote) him again last November during my visit to my family for the Thanksgiving holiday."

At this point Natasha was completely flabbergasted by this information. So, she responded, "Wow I'm completely shocked. You see my mother had told me that Mr Baxter had dumped her because his wife had become sexual and was able to satisfy him sexually. Previously his wife had been frigid and apparently with good understandable justification. That was the reason he had committed adultery with other women to have sex including not only with my mother but apparently with you as well. My mother told me that he ended their affair because his wife had undergone successful sex therapy and was now able to participate in sexual activity as expected of a wife. So, he longer needed to commit adultery and he would henceforth remain faithful to his wedding vows.

"But now you tell me you have had sex with him since that breakup with my mother and you say it's an ongoing affair. I can tell you that would not make my mother a happy camper."

Vivian replied, "Well for what's it worth, Jed has confirmed to me that his wife has definitely become sexual and that they do have a happy sexual relationship in their marriage, which he is quite content with. Why he still commits adultery occasionally is up for the psychiatrists or psychologists to figure it out. I don't delve into it too much since I'm not exactly lily white in this matter. I have a wonderful man in my life. He satisfies me in all ways as far as possible. And yet I do cave in to my lusts for Jed Baxter whenever possible. At least I can say this much that I do not keep secret my trysts as I tell Raimond, that's my lover, everything I do in sex beyond my time with him. That way he does not harbor jealousy because he's assured that I view him as 'THE MAN '* (*emphasized air quote) for me. I believe Jed does not advise his wife of my presence in his life."