Vivian Travels to Estonia Ch. 13

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Public sex on gondola in Venice, Italy.
6.8k words

Part 76 of the 76 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/19/2017
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The induction of Eino and Vivian into the Tenth Club aka as the Mile High Club in America, was the only incident of note which occurred in the Finnair flight to Rome. It seemed as though the flight attendant was unaware of the audacious public sex performed by Vivian and Eino or perhaps because of Carmen Kass' fame decided not to interfere with the goings on involving the world class model. During the layover stop in Helsinki, Carmen had alerted the other four passengers in the business class section of what Vivian the newly wedded bride was intending to do, and they graciously agreed not to make a fuss. As a result, Vivian and Eino arrived in Rome without anything untoward befalling on them.

As they departed from the plane, Vivian and Carmen exchanged phone numbers and agreed to keep in touch. Vivian had the premonition that she had possibly acquired a new friend to add to her list of prominent acquaintances. The model agencies involved in Carmen's model photo shoot had arranged for a couple of paparazzi to take pictures as she landed plus an impromptu interview was conducted by a fashion reporter. Vivian and Eino then were able to depart from the airport unnoticed.

Vivian had booked a room in one of the pricey luxury hotels in Rome, but this was immaterial considering the first item on her agenda for their honeymoon. Since from the time of the departure from the reception to the time to catch the early morning flight to Rome was relatively short, there was no opportunity to indulge in a marathon sex session. In Vivian's mindset, a marriage is not truly consummated until the couple spends twenty-four consecutive hours in bed doing nothing else but what just cums* naturally (*not a typo).

Accordingly, as soon as they were settled in their room, and the hotel porter had finished his duties, Vivian hung the ubiquitous 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the outside of the door. The only object Vivian removed from her luggage was her breast pump and its accompanying paraphernalia. Thereafter, by unceremoniously undressing herself, and letting her clothes simply drop on the floor, she was wordlessly commanding Eino to do the same. The first thing she did, when both of them were naked, she dropped to her knees right in front of him. Grabbing his surprisingly instantly aroused penis, and before popping it into her mouth, she declared, "As my sister says, 'good tasting cum is a terrible thing to waste'. And I mean to have some."

This sexual aggression by Vivian momentarily caught Eino by surprise. However, in retrospect, he shouldn't have been so surprised, considering his accumulated sexual experience with her to date. The Tenth Club experience on the Finnair flight, if nothing else should have alerted him. Nevertheless, Vivian's sudden act of fellatio did raise his libido so that he was quick to ejaculate into her mouth. Concurrent with the action of his climax. Vivian's breasts were leaking her milk supply.

Having swallowed all of his sperm, Vivian got up to gather her pump machine. She then proceeded to extract all the milk in her breasts that was available. She had brought the breast pump along to continue pumping her breasts to prevent her milk supply from drying up. It was her intention to resume breastfeeding Maia when she returned to the farm from her honeymoon. While she was pumping her breasts, Eino took the trouble of brewing some coffee from the coffee maker provided in the room. Seeing that, Vivian asked, "You take cream with your coffee, don't you?"

"Of course, you know I do."

"Want some of mine?"

"Sure! Why not!"

Thereupon as they each prepared a cup of coffee for themselves; they whitened it with Vivian's breast milk. As each of them found the ensuing taste satisfying to their palate, they saved any and all subsequent supplies of Vivian's breast milk. Thereafter whenever, they ate and had coffee or any food requiring a cream topping, they utilized Vivian's expressed milk which they had stored in an inconspicuous appropriate traveling mug.


After Vivian's blow job and a helping of coffee, Vivian and Eino got into the bed and remained there for the main part of the next twenty-four hours. They fucked virtually nonstop with allowances for rest periods for Eino to replenish his stamina. In this regard, Eino was remarkably capable of restoration of his libido with just a minimum amount of pause in between the actions. In addition, he was not shy in performing cunnilingus and anilingus, during the rest periods while his testes were busy producing more sperm. As a result, Vivian had no complaint as to lack of sex during this twenty-four hours of consummating the marriage within her definition. Actually, for a couple of occasions, she was the one requesting a momentary respite.

Thus, during this twenty-four hours of consummating the marriage in Rome according to Vivian's definition of the true required standard for the authentic consummation of a marriage, neither one of them left the bed except out of absolute necessity. Obviously, answering the calls of nature was one of the actions necessitating the absence from the bed. So did the action to fetch a glass of wine to sip during a lull in the action. Vivian did not have to leave the bed to pump her breasts when needed, as she could do so during one of the respite periods.

For meals they ordered room service, but as they were not overly hungry, they ordered snacks which could be eaten comfortably in bed. In the interest of modesty and privacy, they requested the room service to knock on the door and leave the tray of food outside the door. They promised the concierge that they would alert room service when they were finished so that the food tray could be picked up by the staff at their convenience.

During those twenty-four hours, the sex they indulged in was as varied as they could imagine. All kinds of positions were utilized. The very first position they tried occurred before Eino got on the bed. Standing at the bed with Vivian simply lying on the bed with her hips resting at the edge of the bed, Eino entered her from under her legs. Her legs were raised straight up and rested against his torso. After a few minutes of activity in this position, for variety Vivian bent her knees to draw her limbs towards her body, so she could place the soles of her feet against his chest. She loved this position better, since it forced Eino to bend further towards her which in turn caused deeper penetration.

After that of their initial climax, Eino got on the bed to fuck her in the traditional missionary position. For this coitus Vivian crossed her legs behind his back. After this they took their initial respite break and imbibed a glass of wine.

They tried a position technically known as the coital alignment technique, which was a modification of missionary position. Vivian held her legs together while Eino's had his apart. He then used his legs to move his entire body in penetrating her vagina. In this position he only could penetrate an inch or so into her vagina, but he was feeling her thighs everywhere. Vivian held on to his shoulders and received exquisite pleasure as her clitoris was per force fantastically stimulated requiring no assistance from her own hand.

In another position, Eino laid flat on his back as Vivian hovered over him. He brought his knees to his chest, and Vivian then then squatted down onto him, having his legs wrapped over hers. Later on, when they tried this position again Vivian was facing away from him. This position oddly enough has a name: the Amazon position.

In another position Eino laid down on his side while Vivian laid down on her back. She put one leg over his hip and the other one wrapped around his lower leg to pull him in close. For Vivian the stimulation of her clit was most pronounced. In another position, again Vivian was on her back while Eino knelt before her. She placed one leg on his shoulder and the other around his thigh, forming a small tight valley to maneuver his penis effectively. For comfort Vivian added a pillow under her for cushioning to make the experience even better.

Another position they tried was known as scissoring. Vivian was flat on her back as Eino entered her from his side. In this fashion their legs were intertwined like a pair of scissors with her legs on top of his. This position offered the greatest stimulation of her clitoris, because of the angle of entry. His penis had to make contact with her clit for each stroke.

Naturally they tried the doggy position in two variants. First with Vivian on all fours, and the second with her face resting down on the mattress. And finally, they tried the two positions of Vivian riding him à la cowgirl style: facing him or with her back to him. Eino appreciated these positions at it required less effort on this part plus providing an erotic view of her luscious naked body at work.

In addition to the vaginal penetration sex, Eino also sodomized her twice and again in two different positions, (a) doggy style position and (b) missionary position with pillow under Vivian's rump for easier access to her anus. For each sodomy Vivian was so wet that she did not require any lubrication.

During this twenty-four hour period of their virtual non-stop sexual marathon, neither of them fell asleep for any prolonged extended period of time. Instead, what happened, was that they periodically succumbed to short naps, lasting less than thirty minutes, usually occurring after an especially euphoric mind-blowing and debilitating sexual climax. Uncannily, on each of such occasions they napped together in unison. At the end of the twenty-fours period by early Monday afternoon, they each had logged in not more than three hours in total time of their slumber. Consequently, they then mutually fell into a deep sleep lasting several hours.

When they woke up, it was early Monday evening. They showered together without resorting to fondling each other's body. Now thoroughly refreshed they agreed to proceed in a more regular touristy fashion, curtailing their sexual activity to a more reasonable frequency; i.e. not exceeding say four separate times in a twenty-four hour period. They had a wonderful meal that night and did some dancing, before retiring to bed. This time they indulged in only two sexual activities before experiencing a full one night's sleep.

The next day, Vivian and Eino started an eight day orthodox touristy vacation in Rome. They bought tickets and went on all kinds of tours to see all the famous sites: the Vatican, including the Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica; the Colosseum including the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill; various museums; a day trip to Pompeii to see Mount Vesuvius; a day trip to the Tuscany Countryside including lunch and wine tasting, and definitely not to be missed, food tours of great restaurants.

Then on Thursday of the following week, it was on to Venice for a three days vacation before returning to Tallinn. Naturally when in Venice, a gondola ride in the canals was mandatory. In the case of our heroine, a special gondola ride was a must. In negotiating an hour's tour with the various gondoliers, most of them could speak at least a smattering of English to enable to purchase a ticket. However, it was difficult to determine how strong of a command of English any particular gondolier possessed, in order to be able to negotiate a successful sensitive request.

To expect a gondolier to be able to speak Estonian was out of the question, but that some gondoliers probably could speak German fluently was likely. Furthermore, Vivian reasoned that for any Italian to take the trouble of learning to speak German would be more conscientious in mastering the language as opposed to those who learned enough English simply to get by in dealing with English speaking tourists. In growing up and even in her adult life, Vivian spoke in German exclusively with her mother, and so she was confident of her own expertise in speaking German.

After discovering a gondolier conversant in German, Vivian negotiated the terms of the ride. After being apprised of the price for an hour's ride, Vivian said, "My husband and I are from Estonia, and we have just been married and are on our honeymoon. While enjoying this ride we might wish to be a little more romantic than most other tourists. Would that be possible on your gondola ride?"

With a remarkably blank countenance, the gondolier replied, "For an extra eighty euros, I will not be able see anything happening during this ride on my gondola."

Vivian did not deem that the price was too out of line, in consideration from what she was benefiting in return. She cheerfully handed over the total agreed fare accompanied by a saucy wicked wink. The gondolier returned a warm smile. In due course, during the ride after having freed Eino's cock from the confines of his trousers and briefs, Vivian bent down to suck on it to arouse it. Despite the intimidating factor of the risky public exposure, paradoxically Eino's mind was more excited than fearful. Besides, his recent experience in the Tenth Club episode had emboldened him sufficiently to risk engaging in public sex once again. Consequently, Vivian was successful in inducing a serviceable erection fairly quickly.

Not surprisingly, Vivian was free buffing for the occasion. Accordingly, as she lifted her skirt in mounting him, she had an easy time of it in impaling herself on his penis. Thereupon Vivian clung onto Eino in a very tight embrace with her chin resting on his left shoulder. In this manner she was able to move her hips in a very slow languid pace in effecting their sexual congress.

It is not unusual to spot couples in Venice, embracing themselves, and or even kissing each other, while they're passengers on a gondola ride. That being the case, the sight of Vivian ostensibly merely sitting on Eino's lap did not draw any particular notice from the passers-by on the sidewalks of the canals. In fact, when Vivian discerned even a slight possibility of eye contact, she smiled brilliantly and waved. The fact that the gondolier was absolutely impassive in his demeanor while directing his vessel through the waters, tended to remove even a hint of suspicion from the minds of anyone who happened to have spotted them.

The scene became surreal in the minds of both Vivian and Eino. They were enthralled by the realization that they were fucking, actually fucking, in broad daylight. They were in public view by hundreds if not thousands of people all around them. They could not imagine acting any more brazenly in indulging in sex than this. That thought alone provided the sense of euphoria which overwhelmed their minds. The pace of their coitus was slow, perhaps done deliberately, perhaps done inadvertently. In either case the main purpose was to prolong this obvious once in a lifetime experience.

When they finally simultaneously climaxed, the prevailing languor of their public sexual intercourse action retarded any outward display of their emotions. Instead of a very vocal or any other visible reaction from their climaxes, a warm fuzzy feeling had overcome their senses. Vivian did not separate from Eino and resume her seat until a couple of minutes before the end of the ride. As they were leaving, Vivian tipped the gondolier an extra twenty euros, and said, "Thank you kind sir. I'm sure I'll remember this ride forever."

The gondolier graciously replied, "Grazie, signora. May the two of you have a very happy and memorable honeymoon. And may you have the happiest of marriages."

And so, the wonderful two weeks honeymoon vacation was over, and the return to everyday living was at hand. For Eino the experience was an exhilaration which he had heretofore been incapable of imagining. He couldn't be more grateful to his bride for the opportunity to engage in an enjoyable occurrence outside the purview of the normal routine of his life. For her part, Vivian enjoyed the honeymoon apart from its inherent pleasures, for the occasion to remove the last vestige of bitter disappointment in the collapse of her first marriage.

Once they returned to the farmhouse in Valgamaa, one of the first thing Vivian was called upon to do was to breastfeed Maia. Vivian was pleased to discover her milk supply had remained intact, despite the two weeks honeymoon period. That she was still able to nourish her baby was truly a blessing. This maternal chore eased the transition from the hedonist pleasure of frolicking carefree during their honeymoon vacation to facing everyday practical concerns in daily living.

The other immediate concern for Vivian was to bid farewell to Erica, who departed to return to Chicago the day after Vivian and Eino had returned from their honeymoon vacation. Vivian was thankful that her sister and Angela were able to make it for the wedding as it would have been an otherwise overwhelming event for which she was almost like a guest rather than the center of attention. She was also very grateful Erica stayed for the two weeks, the happy effect of which allowed her to continue breast feeding her baby daughter despite the two weeks honeymoon vacation.

Before Erica departed, Vivian gave a list of which personal property she wished Erica to immediately forward to her. Vivian's lease to her Chicago apartment would end in November so she could herself arrange to deal with the rest of her property when she returned to the United States for her first visit after her marriage. Erica assured Vivian that she had been pleased to stay that extra two weeks, since it solidified her knowledge of her Estonian ancestry. She was also delighted in conversing exclusively in Estonian as her command of the language had become rusty from lack of use.

With Erica gone and the honeymoon over, Vivian started her married life in earnest. The next three years were a marvelous time in her life. Their first evening of their husband and wife lovemaking at the farmhouse was a significant precursor to their sexual married life: in a word fantastic!

When they retired to the master bedroom, Vivian first went to the ensuite bathroom to freshen up. When she returned and while still fully clothed, they just stood there and stared at each other momentarily. Vivian was thinking, 'This is it. I'm in a normal situation. I have my wonderful husband before me. We're going to have sex. Regular husband and wife sex. Sex in the bedroom of our home. Oh yes, I'm normal! No longer a slut and a whore. My husband thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. Of course, I'm not. But in his arms, `I don't care! It's enough that he thinks it to be true!'

Vivian continued staring at her husband while simultaneously slowly disrobing. She never took her eyes off him all the time she was removing her clothes and dropping them on the floor. Eino reciprocated her actions by also not taking his eyes off her while wordlessly undressing and dropping his clothes on the floor. As soon as Vivian removed the last piece of clothing, her panties, and became totally naked, Eino's cock instantly sprung upward fully erect. Vivian giggled and said, "I see you're happy to see me."

Despite by now having seen Vivian naked as much as realistically possible, still Eino was mesmerized by her female beauty. Everything about her physical appearance was appealing to him. Her tall stature of 185 cm was very appealing to him. Her facial features had a striking appearance that suggested she was a woman of substance. Vivian was the mistress of her make-up, and unerringly applied it to maximum benefit in making herself appealing. Even those who would not consider her beautiful, still would concede she was lovely enough, nowhere close to being considered plain looking. Eino got the impression that the reason Vivian had a dour opinion of her own pulchritude was possibly the effect of all the bullying she endured while in high school and college. Even in her mature life with her reputation as a promiscuous slut fairly well established, it tended to deprive her of receiving any compliments regarding her beauty.